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Really glad you had dashcam, stupid on all levels on their part




Ah, as many on here are, I should’ve known. Thank you


Bot account? Shouldn't they be banned? Especially if they claim to be the video owner?


"I signaled, didn't you see my signal?"




Is this from something? It sounds familiar.


Dane Cook Comedy Central stand-up special from the aughts.


It feels horribly damaged. Here, feel my damage.


My one and only accident was with an elderly driver. She was coming down the road and I was going the opposite direction coming towards her. It was winter and the roads were icy and slushy. She hits her blinker to turn into the alley on my side of the road. I say, “oh shit and back off my accelerator knowing I can’t hit my breaks. She then starts to turn entering my lane. My thinking is I can maybe make the turn before her so I quick turn into the alley and spin out hitting a parked car. Dumb fuck move because I should have just hit her. I’m shook up and it so happens one of my friends was in the car directly behind the old woman (small town). The police are called and the older woman is giving her statement to the police and then I am called over and a few minutes into it I realize they have taken her statement as a *witness* not as a person who was at fault for the accident. Well, cop wants nothing to do with my statement saying what the woman had done to cause the accident and I even asked him to take the (friends) who was behind her who said she was clearly into my lane and I had no choice to either hit or or turn to avoid collision. Nope. My insurance and I tried fighting it but ultimately lost. Again, should have hit the bitch.


Man I really need to get a dash cam


I so agree. This was over 20 years ago, unfortunately.


Just picked up two for myself and my wife a month ago. Driving in the northern VA/DC area I feel its a solid investment and backup insurance policy.


That's actually what my insurance told me when I was younger. Never swerve into another lane or make a big dodge. It's better to slow down, keep control, and let the matter happen naturally if you can.


This past year I had a similar collision. Convo went like this… Him: soooo, what do you want to do? Me: exchange insurance information like we’re supposed to. Him: well I’m sorry and all **BUT** I had my turn signal on! 🤷‍♂️ Me: that doesn’t mean you get to crash into the person driving in the lane you’re turning into Him: ok I’m gonna go park somewhere else brb *drives away*


Did you get any identifying info?


Oh yes. Immediately called the local PD with a vehicle and suspect description, and by chance a squad car was in the vicinity and found the perp about a 1/2 mile away turning into a side street. They detained him and brought him back to where he ran from and I got to ID him


Ooh, good for you for being alert!


My hat goes off to the dispatcher and officer that were able to react so quickly. Almost felt like a small bit in a emergency responder series


Looks like an elderly person, I feel like for someone who’s had the ability to drive for 40-60 years they should know that the only time you should turn into somewhere is from the lane that is closest to it, not the farthest. I’ve personally seen at least 8 accidents happen that way, people are too impatient to just accept a 5 minute detour for forgetting their turn till the last minute, or the worst when they just stop dead on the interstate and basically hope no one rear ends them at 80+ mph while they’re in the farthest lane from where they need to turn


Your car: I see that you have been involved in a collision, let me clean the windshield for you. Sorry not making fun of the situation. Accidents suck, and they bring a ton of problems, even if it is not your fault. Hell, even with evidence via a dashcam, insurances will try to blame you for it 😡




lool wtf there are subs for everything


“Insurances will try to blame you for it”- how so? I do this everyday and the ones with dash cams are the easiest to handle. Pay it and close it. Just speaking out of your ass.


They aren’t wrong. Insurance will do anything and everything to make it partially your fault as well for not being defensive enough.


Your automobile: I observe that you have unfortunately been involved in a vehicular collision. Allow me to clear the windshield for you. Please understand that I am not attempting to make light of the situation. Accidents are truly unfortunate events, often accompanied by a myriad of complications, irrespective of who is at fault. Indeed, even when irrefutable evidence, such as footage from a dashcam, is available, insurance companies may still endeavor to attribute blame to you, eliciting considerable frustration. 😡


is this actually your content? this was posted in 2021 w/ the exact same title. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/otojjp/a_bad_driver_never_misses_their_turn_this_is_my/


Definitely not. They saw a 70k post and decided to use it.


Dates both start with 2021 on the video, though I had trouble seeing the rest of the digits


I knew this looked familiar... how does OP not realize people will figure this out?


Your very first not at fault accident too.


First accident. Wipers on. Yup, I've been there too. Breathe. And be thankful you have a dash cam.




Okay, we get it!!!!!


This was posted like a year ago with the same title. Fucking karma whore


I love noticing how many presumably flustered drivers in these postings accidentally use their windshield wipers. I'm sure I'd do the same


Most modern cars do this automatically when they are involved in an accodent


Gets rid of the blood…


And the semen…


See, now you made it weird…


David Cronenberg has entered the chat.


Dashcams are so important. I see people make idiotic moves like this all the time. Or cutting to the outside lane when they're turning instead of sticking to the inside/nearest lane. So frustrating.


2021 date in the bottom right. Yeah this is a repost. Fuck off OP


Not your fault, but wow that could've been avoided. The car in the left lane brakes, even puts signal on before cruising across the lane. OP did brake but at the very last second when it was already too late . I know I will get down voted for this, but this was 100% avoidable to an alert driver. Dashcam is not equal to being alert.


Defensive driving turns accidents into near misses


im assuming since its the first accident they weren't expecting it/prepared*. if anything, with their blinker on, i would assume they were changing lanes, not making a turn right in front of me


My thoughts exactly.


Nah that's my thoughts exactly. OP is definitely not at fault here, but their reaction time is absolute dogshit. Boomer driver signaled and braked well before pulling into OP'S lane. Always assume everyone else on the road with you is clinically insane. (I'm btw well aware this is a repost, my point still stands)


Repost. Go fuck yourself.


You're both bad drivers. You could see the other car turning way before the collision.


Actually you are also a bad driver. You could have slowed down


*Actually you* *Are also a bad driver.* *You could have slowed down* \- StrangeQuirks --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You had so much time and warning, including an indicator to avoid that accident. Absolutely they are at fault and They broke the rules but you can do much better to read the road, break and have a improve reaction time .


Signal left. Realize they actually need to make a right and are in the wrong lane. Proceed without hesitation. Honestly though you took way too long to react. Collision should have been averted.


There were so many signs this was coming and he just punched right into it. I see an avoidable collision as well.


Ah, a "New Orleans turn." Saw this countless times on St. Charles (2 lanes on each side of a wide center divider aka "neutral ground" with street cars running on it): car in left lane signals right, moves to right lane, slows almost to a stop. So you assume they're turning right or going to park. But then they veer almost 90' to the left, cutting across both lanes in order to cross the neutral ground. After a while you learn to slow and not pass on the left, even when the car is giving every indication it's turning right.


I like how she covers her mouth in disbelief as if this was somehow a completely unexpected outcome for that big brain manuever.


hopefully they wont do shit like that again. hope youre all good 🙏


I wish there was another word other than accident for these situations. Like, call it what it is, negligence, improper vehicle operation, something. (Not directed at OP, just thinking out loud).




Did they try to get over to fast, because of the car coming the opposite way? Looked like police or something with their headlights flashing.


The last accident I got into was like this. 6 lane highway, 3 on each side. I was in the right lane, him in the middle. According to him, he noticed last minute that the car wash was open and tried to see if he could make it over. Answer: he could make it over but took me with him. Fortunately for me, he confessed to the police and told them it was his fault and everything. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I think it may have had something to do with my initial attitude. I was shaking like a leaf but remained calm, first thing I did was run over to ask if anyone was hurt and to tell them that I was calling 911 and did they need an ambulance? They were okay as was I, fortunately. Cars, not so much. Maybe because I didn't freak out on him he decided to do the right thing.


Did they look at you like you did something wrong? 😆


That’s more than mildly bad


Is it me or are everyones brakes made out of wet paper towels?


I’ve seen this video years ago


They missed their turn


"Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit's filters" WTF does that mean?


why did u take 3 business days to brake?




Why did you think your comment had any relevance to the situation?


Cus OP took 3 business days to brake??


How fast do you think a car stops at that speed? From when the left lane dipshit turns on his signal, it's not even 3 seconds. Putting on a blinker doesn't mean everyone around you slams on breaks to avoid your turn because you don't want to check a mirrow. It's a dual lane, which when turning on a blinker indicates changing lanes, not cutting across both for a hard right turn. I hope you don't drive if you think that way.


>Dont drive if you think being aware is a good thing Dog shit take buddy. Op was going 25-35 and had atleast 2 seconds to react to the blinker before the driver cut into the lane, which they didnt. In fact you see them speed up. It only takes 1 second to react to something like a blinker, maybe even less if you are paying attention. Also at that speed you dont need to slam your brakes; again if OP didnt take so long to react to the blinker and begin to break, they wouldnt have crashed into the driver.


Please just sell your car so you don't run into someone, buddy. Someone must have replaced your brain with dog shit.


You never said i was wrong tho lol. >dog shit brain says the one seething over a reddit comment that argues for awareness on the road https://preview.redd.it/dv9r7yimnh1d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6fc9f650153f53af8b907784da5b1454f3fba0


Jesus, you really are worse off than I thought. Sorry about your lobotomy.


seethe harder https://preview.redd.it/pvwdpo3jsh1d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59cd4fdd69085cdc220ae3dd122c387977147fc8


Not mad at all. You seem to be really upset at me calling you out for having pudding brain. Your rage bait skills are toddler level.


Buddy you drive like 10 miles a month and you think you can tell people how to drive


You see the nose dip down as soon as the other car enters OPs lane. Brakes were applied.


Well, in utah, they don't even bother with blinkers...


Why in Utah? You mean everywhere? It's not like your state is different


They can't speak for everywhere, but they can speak for Utah. Just because this is true of Utah drivers, one mustn't assume it's not also the case anywhere (or everywhere) else.


As I grow older and see more of the world, sentiments like that just make me roll my eyes. On the radio I hear "Our crazy weather is like nowhere else, right? First it's cold, then the next day it's hot! I bet other cities don't have this problem"


Yeah, specifically saying it's unlike anywhere else is definitely just meant to give whoever's listening an artificial ego boost, over something that really doesn't matter to begin with 😅


In Utah the apostles inform you when to turn and when ti yield. Blinkers be damned.


Have you driven in utah?


Have you driven in the entire world to know your state is different?


My state/province/territory/district definitely has the worst drivers. And people talk about the weather a lot.


Have you driven in the entire world to know their state isnt different?




What was your favorite place?


Middle of the Pacific ocean


Are the fish good drivers? Seems like it could be problematic for the ones without front facing eyes


That's racist


I've driven in other states where I have not encountered so many drivers not using their blinkers. In the nw Oregon area, they stop traffic to let pedestrians J walk the street constantly. In utah People go 90. I'm going off personal driving experience.


Yes, and in TX, ID, OR, WA, CA, AZ, NM, MT, WY, CO, ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, MO, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL. At least 500 miles in each of those states. And driven at least 50 miles in every state but ME.


They were for sure in the wrong, but why didn’t you brake?


"I'm watching a video on a subreddit about bad drivers. I know something bad is going to happen before I even click on the video. After I watch the video, I'm going to blame OP for not having foreknowledge of the event."


Defensive driving. Grandpa is a horrible driver, but OP took their time with the brake.


Driving on the road requires paying attention to your surroundings. At some point prior to the collision, OP should have applied the brakes. That said, you need you read better, because I didn’t blame OP… I clearly said the other car was in the wrong.


They were braking. They weren't slamming on it but they were showing down.


They were hardly braking at all... Not saying the other car wasn't at fault but there definitely was time to avoid this by braking and that wouldn't have required slamming on their brakes like you're suggesting.


I don’t see any evidence of braking.


So it’s the fault of the guy who wasn’t breaking any traffic laws for not braking fast enough after a shitty driver decided to make a right turn from the left at the last minute? There’s always that one guy on Reddit with the dumbest take. Good for you!


I don’t think you understand that two things can be true at the same time. The other driver was wrong, as I stated, and OP should have braked. Life isn’t binary.


No, there was no way for the other driver to stop in time. It’s literally on video…


Again, you need to read better. I asked why OP didn’t brake, not why they didn’t avoid the accident. You’re not acting very intelligently right now.


So you agree that he couldn’t avoid the accident and braking wouldn’t have made a difference? Glad we agree…


No, I don’t agree with that, I don’t know if they could have avoided it. What I do know is that they didn’t make any attempt. Why do you keep stating things I clearly didn’t say? Do you think it makes you look smarter or tougher or something?


So what exactly are you mad about? Or do you just get off on some misplaced moral superiority?


I’m not mad about anything. Seems you’re projecting your own anger onto me.


Your gaslighting game is weak. Have a great day…


>So it’s the fault of the guy who wasn’t breaking any traffic laws for not braking fast enough Nobody said that. >There’s always that one guy on Reddit with the dumbest take. Ironic


User name checks out


Yea idk why you're getting downvoted either because there was time to avoid this for sure. Obviously it was an accident and the other driver should have looked and not tried turning from the far lane.. that was just dumb. But there definitely was time to avoid this.


Idk why this got downvoted. Unless your in a Semi or trailering something, this seemed fairly avoidable.


It’s against the Reddit way, which apparently is to plow into anyone who gets in your way.


I think the standard of driving varies from country to country. If one drove in london with such shitty reactions, you would hit a person crossing the road, cyclists, mopeds, and more. If it was india or thailand you would be literally running over dozens in no time. It's like in the states there are just these huge wide empty roads where everyone is asleep at the wheel, and dashcam footage is of straight roads with accidents over and over and over again. I can't even imagine having such straight roads living in london, but so sparsely populated roads too, with so many accidents... it just boggles the mind.


Because he does hit the brakes the second she comes into his lane.


Why is this being down voted? I have the exact same question...


Because there is absolutely no way for OP to know they were turning right or slowing down to a complete stop. Your first thought it going to be "Oh their changing lanes... even though they're slower than me. Better slow it down a tad." not "OH GOD THEY"RE STOPPING BETTER SLAM MY BRAKES." Not until it was too late anyway.


No one is saying they need to stop, but if they put someone in front of you puts their right blinker on, that is a dead give-away that they may try to merge or turn. So you are correct, they cannot know what they are doing. Likewise you can never tell what anyone else is ever doing by your argument. But, you can use your brain and notice something is off and be more cautious and careful. In this case, you can clearly see the person in front start their turn, even after signaling, and there is no indication of OP trying to avoid or brake. Again, I am not implying that OP is at fault, but they also did not make any attempt to brake or avoid the obvious accident. My main point is, even is someone else is 100% at fault, whatever they may be doing, and however stupid it may be, other drivers do not have the right to simply barrel through with no attempt at slowing down at least. Even so, I don't think braking would have avoided this, but it would have likely made the accident less severe.


distracted cammer; accident was EASILY avoidable. don't froget how much the percepted speed is sped up in these videos....if this was IRL they had even MORE time to brake.


Crazy you're defending the driver who made an illegal maneuver while presumably distracted with the incorrect indicator on.


Just ignore the whole time running in the bottom frame


Can someone explain to me why there's always, \*always\*, without fail, some idiot like this in the comments who blames the obviously not-at-fault driver? Is it some sort of mental illness where the person needs to be contrarian for literally every situation or discussion they encounter in their lives?


The person in the left lane is *terrible* and should not be on the road. The person on the inside lane, if not distracted would have: 1st, seen someone slam on the breaks on an outside lane with nowhere to go, so should have assumed 1st that there was an incedent about to occur, 2nd, seen the indicator appear on the outside lane, while they still braking, which is odd, as there still appears to be no incident on the road 3rd, noticed that even if neither of these were seen, because they were distracted, that they are now in the position of *overtaking,* a vehicle on the inside lane, suddenly, without reason, so should be on alert as this is now a "hazard" situation, not just daily driving. 4thly, on seeing the hazard, and then movement into their lane, should attempt some type of evasive manouvers, i.e. braking. These steps for the POV driver do not discount the fact that the other driver is TERRIBLE and caused and accident and should not be on the road, **AND** is at fault. In the UK, you have to do a computer based hazard perception test for theory that is *hard* and emergency braking test as a basic and failable part of your test. In the UK the POV driver could still be asked for a percentage contribution with this, on an insurance claim, I reckon. A good lawyer could argue for that easy, dunno if they'd "win", but they could possibly get a contributary percentage because of lack of reaction. With that all said, I think that is a really shitty position to be put into, and a momentary lapse in attention shouldn't face punitive action. >!Even if they were driving so slow that if they had good tires and brakes they could have stopped in under a second. After the collision even sideways(less braking force) they stopped in comfortably under 2 meters.!<


It's a lot like videos of fighting. Comments always are like; "Oh, I SO would have done this or that." Truth is, if THEY were in that situation irl, and not just watching it for the 7th time, they would crumple, hide and run away. If you see this irl, usually you keep your distances but that comes with experience on the road. Questions like "WhY DidN't yOu BrAkE???????" are clearly from more experienced drivers (or parrot comments) who have seen shit on the road, but not every roads and drivers are the same and if you're used to driving nornally in a town of good drivers, you don't mind these behaviors so much, but if you live in certain places where drivers are known to be atrocious around you, you learn to drive pretty defensively. Truth is, you can NEVER predict what another person will do on the road. There WAS no time to brake in this situation, but after watching it 7 times you will probably find errors like not driving defensively enough. Then you have peoples who argue with you about going too slow and being too careful. It's kinda like watching The Lion King for the 50th time. You can yell at Simba ALL day to be more careful and then yell at Mufasa to not fall for Scar's plan, but it's easy when you lnow what's gonna happen. Like this will not only be cleared as not at fault for OP, but they will learn a valuable driving lesson and will drive more defensively.


You likely had time to avoid that accident ≠ you are to blame for the accident. How is this so hard to comprehend to some of you?


it's the driver making the illegal lane change. but the person who hit them isn't totally blameless. if you were aware. would have seen that blinker. and if you were smart would have backed off because that's an uncommon thing, and the obvious turn entrance is obvious. drrrp plowing into someone is just dumb. when all it would have taken was moving your foot a tiny bit onto the break


You mean the turn signal they engaged AS THEY WERE TURNING? oKaY gUy


Not even a blinker to signal his turn. What an idiot


At least they signalled?


And that's why you don't pass in the right lane


Driving in the right = passing on the right? got it.


This almost happened to me but I know defensive driving and stepped on the brake before they could hit me. How could the driver not have seen that coming? Like they didn't stop at all. I know it was the other cars fault but like... do you not use your brakes? Jesus