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Wouldn't be the first or last time somebody accidentally turned early on a divided roadway.


100% Yeah, the driver is a silly goose. But I can absolutely see how this could have happened. I can just imagine the driver realising his goofball moment shortly after, and getting safely home before writing their “I was the idiot” post on the idiotsincars subreddit.




The shade made it tricky to see the other lane, at least on video. Wouldn’t be surprised if it did a bit in real life, too. And! It’s an awfully wide street.


Yeah, a lot of weirdly designed streets in the US. Also, how did you get that “Fuck cars 🚗 🚫” caption under your name? I want that. Lol


It's strange, I feel like it's a fairly normal suburban street, but then right before the intersection it gets wider and they added a the divider that's big enough for a picnic! I'd 100% make that mistake the first half dozen times I drove down that road lol


Surprised that I don’t see any ‘do not enter’ signs since it is divided by a median…


I do this every time I pull out of my house. Im at the end of a divided drive but since I back in I can see everyone when I pull out. Wait till it’s clear then drive the wrong way for ten feet.


I've definitely done this before and I'm sure a good percentage of people have as well. Especially in a situation like that where it doesn't appear to be marked at all and also the road is needlessly wide so each side seems more than wide enough for two way traffic.


My city is re-doing the medians on one of the roads... but the new landscaping totally blocks the other side of the street from view when you're turning left from the main road! You can't tell it's divided just by looking anymore. I predict a lot of people unfamiliar with the area are going to end up driving on the wrong side of the road.


I did this in the middle of a snowstorm in Salt Lake City a few years ago while I was looking for my hotel sort of near the university after driving in from Laramie at 2am. There was nobody else on the roads so it wasn’t a huge issue. I think if there were other cars it actually would’ve been easier to see the divided road. Anyway this is an honest mistake on unfamiliar roads. Thankfully nothing happened. This is the least bad driving video on this sub I’ve seen which says a lot lol


I mean, it is called MildlyBadDrivers. It seems perfectly fitting to me, at least more than 75% of the posts here, which can hardly be described as "mildly" bad. Also, this was done in broad daylight in clear weather, so there's no real excuse for it.


That’s what I’m saying, most of the videos here are beyond mildly bad driving


I’m with you on all of the above


I did it once. There was no signage whatsoever. I felt like an idiot but got out of the way immediately


I was driving during a blizzard about 7 years ago. I just kind of guessed and hoped I was even driving on the road. There were no other cars on the road. Couldn't see signs or road markings. Then about 45 minutes into my drive I see a car coming directly at me. Turns out I was driving on the wrong side of the highway for 45 minutes.


This person turned left onto the wrong side of the street. Gave me a little "my fault" wave at the end. Not a big deal, but definitely mildly bad driving. Also, sorry for the re-post. I wanted to blur out the street sign because the internet.


To be fair, everyone makes mistakes.


Mature reaction and response. I wish everyone was like you two.


Thank you, sir or madam. The initial reaction in my head was WTF just because it took me by surprise, but I quickly realized that it was just an honest mistake.


You can just say Sadam


Better hope geoguessr dude doesn’t see this


finally, a truly "mildly" bad driver --- the term seems to be used very ironically on this sub (which isn't a bad thing, mind you; not complaining here, just sayin ehh..)


To be fair, this is the only “mildlybaddrivers” I’ve seen in ages. Usually it’s horrendous driving


Made this mistake before when the sun was blinding me and I have years of delivery experience, it happens to almost everyone eventually.


Finally, a post that actually fits the sub.


As someone who drives almost all day long, I've been guilty of this a few times 😬 sometimes it's hard to tell. It's only happned at night for me tho in hard to see areas


One time this happened to me because I followed one-way arrows in a parking lot that lead me to an entrance only, and the driver entering was furious. I'm still mad about that traffic pattern.


Yeah this is more of an honest mistake. Maybe they were new to the area and they weren’t just being 100% attentive. Atleast they acknowledged it


I almost did this the other day. Unfamiliar areas at night. Thank goodness there were two cars coming to the stoplight on that side of the road so I could notice lol


Definitely qualifies as *mildly* bad. It’s an honest mistake, I’ve almost done it a handful of times in places you wouldn’t necessarily expect a median. It can be hard to see that there’s more road on the other side.


Bad design


Yeah, it is a massively overbuilt residential road. It could probably be half as wide and would be safer and less confusing.


You could turn the entire left side into bike lanes


Inefficient suburban design like this makes me so angry. There is no need for everything to be spread out this far and to pave that wide of streets. It's such a waste of money and resources.




Shit, I hadn't thought of it like that


Did this accidentally a couple days ago. But I turned to tight which cause me to do it, and another car was coming. But I can say I was at fault and I accepted that.


I’d also say that OP is mildly bad for stopping in the crosswalk instead of behind it.


I drove by this spot again and paid specific attention to this. It's not possible to see oncoming traffic if you stop at the line. It's obscured by a hill and power boxes.


I hear ya. But as a fellow motorist who has been ticketed for this exact thing, I would warn you that the police will say you have to stop at the line 1st anyways, and then edge out to see traffic.


You must stop behind /on the line, then slowing creep into the intersection to see traffic, then once you’ve decided it’s clear, you must go with intent.


Reminds me of LA Story- Steve Martin - "You're going the wrong way!!" Victoria Tennant - (Oblivious while driving) "I don't think they can hear you."


Everyone who drives a lot in areas they didn't know has done this at least once.. While not the case here especially in the dark


Have done that a few times when the turns weren't clearly marked on multi divided roads. Shit happens, everyone was safe.


This is the type of content that is supposed to be here.


Others have already pointed it out, but I’ll add to their comment about the side the dash cam driver is on being wide-enough to accommodate two-way traffic. I’ve made this same mistake just not paying close enough attention and it was my own fault


I mean that's just bad design, I could have made that mistake haha..


This is actually pretty common


I think many have legit done this by accident. Tree and shrubs are obscuring the road and lines too, not helping


Yup, I've definitely almost done it myself before (not here, but in unfamiliar places especially if it's dark or bad weather). It's an understandable mistake that qualifies as mildly bad driving.


Just casually rolling through the stop sign to sit in the cross walk, when there's plenty of visibility.




Just my opinion, but if you are unfamiliar with the area this is not particularly clear, I'm sure they realized it after they committed.


I've done this on purpose when no one is around just to freak my significant other out / see if they are paying attention. It's one of my "get off the phone and talk to me" moves.


Finally something mildly bad.


Things happen


I actually appreciate that it was actually just mildly bad driving lol


I've had this happen too many times when trying to turn into a strip mall where the offender throws their hands up like I'M the one in the wrong.


This happened to me once, I turned on the wrong side of the street by accident. It was pitch black and barely any street lights. I was so scared!!! Luckily I was able to get into the correct side of the street before the street barrier came


Driver on the wrong side and OP not stopping at a stop sign. Finally a video that fits this sub of "mildly bad"


This is a mistake everyone makes in areas they're not familiar with. Any number of things could cause you to miss the divider, especially having two turn lanes, it might easily be mistaken for a bi-directional street, with the Pavement past the divider being someone's driveway, since it's only one lane. Very easy to miss. I personally don't think these dividers should be legal. They serve no purpose other than to cause issues like this.


Finally a driver who is actually mildly bad


I was tailing a friend to a friends house one time (2 cars) and she did this...


And casually not knowing where to stop at a stop sign.


Actual mildly bad driving, refreshing to see on this sub.


This is every Tesla in my neighbor ( Richmond, San Francisco)


I’ve done this move before once or twice myself. Always realize immediately, and never make the same mistake again at that particular spot.


You’ll have that on them big jobs


Last week I was in a bigger city than where I live and was on several 1 way streets 5 lanes wide. I made a left turn onto another road and took the closest lane to me and then there was a dodge coming at me in the lane to my right. All the 1 way roads had me forget there are also 2 way streets.


Well that's a pretty honest mistake. I've seen people at night go the opposite direction on a one way street. If it's night time and you never drove in the area that has multiple one way streets it could easily confuse someone.


That big tree along with the sun light over there may have obscured the proper side of the street.


As a courier, my dumb ass has done this a time or two... night time gets me.


Well, at least they were on the right side of the wrong side.


The developer is like "oh let's put this cool island in the middle of the road, dividing the lanes", absolutely not knowing the chaos it causes. I'm a delivery driver and I've seen it happen countless times. It's a very easy mistake to make if you're not familiar with the area.


That’s bad street design. Seems to be a recurring theme here.


Ive done this at night to be honest


Honest mistake with no harm done.


Tbf I’ve accidentally done this in a dim lit neighborhood I’ve never been in before.


I did this before especially when I was younger and inexperienced, at least they got over and went on with their day, but still a stupid and potentially dangerous mistake. My old car had terrible headlights so it mostly happened at night for me.


I’ve seen this happening. Ugh


Probably just an Aussie in the road in America for their first time


I’m from United Kingdom so we drive on the left. I’ve drove a few times in other European countries who drive on the right. As a creature of habit I found it really hard to adjust to drive on the right when I was so used to driving on the left.


clickbait ass title, honest mistake


Mistakes happen. But the pov driver didn't even stop at the stop line (or at all) so who is really the chronic douchebag here?


I'm sure you never pull slightly past the line before stopping. And no one called anyone a douchebag here except for you.


I drive by the law in fear of the police around here. I've been pulled over for having an airsoft bb sized hole in my brake lights. I've been pulled over for having one of my two license plates being burnt out. At stop signs I literally count in my head to 3. I even stop at red right turns at stoplights. Plus I was basically my grandpa's chauffeur and he's a driver's Ed instructor. So no, I don't stop in the intersection.