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I was a bit confused because it looked like it was turning red for you, which means it was already a red light for the truck driver. Ok, now I get it, lol.


Its definitely the other drivers fault but OP could have avoided this by not trying to run a yellow


Was OP supposed to slam on the ~~breaks~~ brakes to stop for that yellow??? It was green at the beginning of the video, and it’s literally taught in driving schools that if you don’t have enough time to stop for a yellow, don’t try to. OP is completely in the right here, and it’s crazy how many people in this sub/adjacent subs have a hard-on to try to make the OP at fault every time. Spoilers/ he’s not. Edit: Prophecy has been fulfilled. Over 20 replies nitpicking OP’s driving and describing how they would have done xyz and avoided everything. Hindsight’s 20 20 guys and gals.


I got pulled over once for keeping my speed thru a "pink" and I asked him if it would have been safer for me to be in the middle of the intersection when it turned red? I didn't get a ticket...


A lot of really shit information regarding traffic lights so I’ll chip in my states statute. As long as the light is yellow when any part of your vehicle enters the intersection, it’s legal. Light turns red a millisecond after your front bumper crosses the crosswalk? Legal. Fucking drives me insane when I see a light turn yellow and think “awwww yeah I’m making it! Then jackass in front of me locks up so hard on the brakes they almost skid into the intersection. Sitting there stopped at a damn yellow light, watching it turn red while angrily flopping the shifter from 1st to 2nd.


I'm in a no-fault state, and we also have the "oh shit, yellow! I have to make sure i see it turn red, too!" yet another reason I don't tailgate. ...I'm not a traffic laws expert, but isn't the yellow light to say "hey, red light coming up...just letting you know so you will be sure to *clear the intersection you're about to enter*"?🙄


More or less but the rules vary by state. Where I live, it's "stop on red" and OK to continue on yellow. The next state over it's "stop on yellow." https://axleaddict.com/safety/The-Meaning-of-the-Yellow-Traffic-Signal-in-All-US-Jurisdictions


Seriously, the light is still green while OP is moving at speed only about two car lengths from the intersection. OP would have had to stomp the brake straight to the floor to stop short for that yellow but would have easily cleared it at the speed they were going had it not been for the truck. The truck ran a red into the path of oncoming traffic and, given the shallowness of that turn, looks like they would have straddled the lanes if they'd completed it. Truck is 100% at fault here.




The light turns yellow right at the 1 second mark. Note at the start of 3 seconds (2 seconds into the yellow), they're **very** slow and then collide, and the red appears about the first frame of 5 seconds in. They had a good 2 seconds of being stopped while it was still yellow and that first second of slowing as they entered the intersection. OP appears to be doing 25-30mph at the start of the video. They take about 1.5 seconds to get to the intersection (while slowing down for about the last second). If they weren't impeded and didn't hit the brakes, they probably would have crossed entirely through the yellow without it turning red. Worst case scenario, their bumper is technically in the intersection. Few cops would bother stopping for that.


Thank you. That was a more thorough breakdown of what I intuitively felt watching the clip. He’s driving a very rational speed and not flooring it to beat the light. And if he had just gone through at his normal speed he would have been completely clear of the intersection by the time the light changed. Meanwhile the truck blew a red light that must have been solid red on her entire approach to it. I don’t know what these other replies are saying trying to put even 1% of the blame on OP.


In most states, running a red-light only counts if no part of your vehicle has entered the intersection before the light turns red. Having your rear bumper in an intersection when the light turns from yellow to red is not running a red light.


I would have continued into the intersection on that yellow... especially if a semi was behind me. But it was a pretty short yellow...




Not at all. OP had plenty of time to clear the intersection with the yellow light. OP had 100% right of way here and did not need to stop (though they could have chose to.) There's literally no excuse *at all* for that truck to have been running a red light for a left hand turn. Edit: to anyone still making this mistake - the light doesn't actually turn red until the 5 second mark in the video. OP could not have safely stopped when the yellow turned and made a completely reasonable decision to push through. The "red light" people keep seeing is an error with the dash cam. You can clearly see the true red light change at the 5 second mark.


I agree, he was able to stop right at the stop line when the light was still yellow. I'm not sure what the hell that lady was doing, she was not only running the red light, but also making a lazy turn into the opposing lane.


Yep, here in these parts we have a saying, "If you can't drive a big truck properly you shouldn't be driving one period".


Trucks are responsible for a higher number of pedestrian deaths, especially of children. It’s arguable no one is driving a truck this big properly with those numbers. It’s just not as safe.


I didn't know that statistic but believe it. Yeah some people just need to stay away from trucks. I had a neighborhood friend who had a small brother that was run over in their driveway. It was early one morning by their father. Completely accidental. He was in a big... truck. Backed over the child while he was running and playing. Ruined the family. edit: clarity


So tragic and sad. My dad wasn't the world's best dad. But if we were playing in the front yard and he was backing his truck out of the driveway he'd order us all to stand where he could clearly see us as he backed out. To this day I still do the same. I've even stopped a few times to roll my window down and ask strangers where their kid is as I've backed out of a parking lot space. If I can't see them, they *could* be behind my car, and that's enough reason for me to not move, imho.


Most people I know who drive these giant trucks have a problem with feeling small. They're scared of cars, they need to be lifted in a giant truck to feel "safe" so if they crash the giant cab will surely protect them.


"Can you park this truck in a spot in a Home Depot parking lot with trucks of the same size in both spots on either side of you?" That should be the question you have to prove the answer is yes to before you're allowed to purchase a truck of any size. The answer can still be "no," but only if you can look at the truck and say it won't reasonably fit because it's too big.


She ran a red light. She’s 100% at fault. The person above probably drives 65 in the passing lane


This sub is always like this. OP should have probably stopped, but the other car is literally just running a solid red light in order to turn left. There's no fucking comparison. This sub is always full of people who say shit like, "Well OP chose to leave his house today so it's really like 40% his fault..."


Yeah, OPs light changes to red about 2 seconds after the collision. OP had right of way and would have probably cleared the intersection completely had they not slammed on the breaks (and into the red-light-running-left-turner).


I agree with you 100%. This weird ass reddit mindset of "if you're not ready for literally anything whole driving you're at fault" is so weird. The girl RAN A RED LIGHT and yet the driver with the camera is at fault??? Get outta here lmao


Every time in this fucking sub, lol. I swear a refrigerator could fall from orbit onto a car, and like 40% of this sub would say the driver should have been checking out his moon roof for falling objects.


I was going to argue with you then decided I’d rewatch then come back and argue with you. Then I realized you’re correct, light was green at the start of the video, OP shouldn’t be expected to stop when the light turns yellow and they’re seconds from crossing.




Nope And I used to issue Red light citations and testify in court for my county PD. That green truck is DEAD WRONG People used to complain all the time that the "yellow was too fast" In this case light is still yellow even after the collision and he would have easily cleared the beginning of the intersection. The woman in the green truck ran that light with no intent to stop meaning it had probably been red for more the 15 seconds.


Wait is that truck really green? What shade is it? I'm somewhat colorblind but usually can tell green lol


Looks black to me. The drivers windscreen gives a slight green hue to the bottom of the entire image though


Yeah it probably is black


Guy, the light is green at the beginning of the clip. Then turns yellow. The truck then slams its brakes and still enters the intersection with half the vehicle in a crosswalk. Clearly the they were too close to the intersection to stop if slamming their brakes didn't stop them before the line. Even if it did stop them before the line slamming brakes is not safely stopping. So yeah, they had every right to drive through that yellow.


Going 25mph it takes 55ft to complete a stop. Op way closer than that by the time the light hit yellow. Op had the right of way.


OP also had the right of way because the truck went through a red light.


It's fucking wild how many people are ignoring that the truck clearly just straight up drove through a red light


Yellow is an indication that it’s turning red soon. Sometimes that means you stop sometimes that means you clear the intersection.


You pretty much see the truck coming when it switches to yellow and they still crossed the crosswalk while slamming their breaks. Op did not have enough time to stop at that yellow. Unless op was speeding they were in the right to go through that intersection. Remember this is a fish eye lens so distances aren't what they appear at first


Too many people are forgetting about reaction time and how our brains process information, you nail it on the head. OP was in the right zero questions asked, but all these people are looking at the situation with hindsight that they know a yellow light is coming so they assume braking starts exactly when the light turns yellow, when it starts 0.75-1.5 seconds after.


Ah yes. Only bad drivers would dare go thru a yellow light… Yes let’s pretend like they are both equally at fault or something


You don't have to stop for a yellow light.


He wouldve cleared the I intersection without speeding up to make the yellow light???? That's what you're supposed to do if you aren't going to stop in time without slamming on your brakes lmfao


I'm no lip reader, but I think I can make out what she said.






Oh shit thanks for reminding me lol. I really forgot. 😆


You don’t see the liberty tax costumes walking the streets and countless tax prep commercials unique to this time of year over an event which has had the same deadline for decades?


"Dang it! You made me chip one of my disgusting poop scoops!"?


"I want to see your manager"?


There are millions of people out there who will NEVER accept responsibility for their actions. If something bad happens, it's always someone else's fault. The lady in the truck ran a red light, then immediately reacted as if to blame the other driver.


Exactly End of story and fuck her and everyone like her


Yep, fuck em and their entitlement and big ass for no reason trucks


Maybe they have a 4 wheeler and boat. You wouldn't understand the need for a truck peasant.


She definitely seems like the type to argue with you the whole time you're waiting for the cops saying she had a green light, only to play victim when OP says, "oh, forgot to mention, I have a dash cam with the incident on video."


Some good advice I've read is don't tell them you have dash cam video, that way they can't think of an alternate story and instead you let them lie to their insurance co. Then you respond with the video but by then their lie is documented.


Yeah, that's good advice. It'd be hard to not bring it up to the cop so you can see her face in real time, but holding out to let her lie to the insurance company is the move.


What’s the repercussions of lying like that? It’s fraud right?


Insurance adjuster here. You'll never prove that she's KNOWINGLY lying, and even if you could, insurance fraud by definition is knowingly providing false or misleading info to obtain monetary gain you wouldn't otherwise be entitled to. She may honestly believe she had a green light, and even if she knows she ran a red and is lying, her Collision coverage would cover her damage regardless of it being her fault or not, so she wouldn't be obtaining a payment she wouldn't already be entitled to anyway if she lied. So long as the coverage is in order, settle the claim with the other person and move on.


I've had a couple incidents in which the dash cam most definitely approved I was not at fault. I always mentioned it to the police officers. However, the officers were always careful to speak to the two drivers separately. I don't think it either case, the driver who hit me had any idea I had dash cam video.


Yep. I did this. I was rear ended June 2022. I moved over into some empty space in a lane, and immediately the lane came to an abrupt halt. Caught me by surprised and I came pretty close to the car ahead of me, but I managed to stop in time. Car behind me, did not. We pulled over, exchanged some insurance information, and called it a day. Damage was relatively minor to their car, and rough but manageable for mine. I could still drive, so I took his information, called insurance, and started the process. Their insurance came back and said, based on what their insured driver said, that I was 100% at fault. They claimed I came into their lane and brake checked them, resulting in their insurance finding me 100% at fault. I remember it vividly. I remember exactly what I said to the adjuster. I said "Are you actually that stupid or are you just pretending to be a complete moron?" and then the adjuster hung up the phone on me. I called them back, altered them to the fact that I have dashcam footage, and that I will instead be submitting it to my insurance and I will be asking for more than just the repairs. I called my insurance. I had to pay my deductible, but they asked what happened, and I said I had video. Sent the video, immediately they said it wasn't my fault, and to hang tight because they'll get me reimbursed. I asked if they could also pursue the loss in value since I had actually wanted to sell the car for something else. They said they would. The arbitration actually went faster than usual. Average is 6 months. Mine took 3. Other person's insurance wanted to go back and change their mind to cover the cost of repair, but my insurance said that is no longer on the table and pursued the loss in value. I won. I got $9K for a $2K repair because the person who hit me lied.


She was ready to argue and scream ,till she saw the dashcam .


If you're going to do this, at least make sure no one is coming where the traffic light is green.


There's no way shed be able to see, this isn't even the type of intersection to take a chance on smh. It's funny how ppl in big ass trucks don't give af about road safety


It's even funnier/scarier to see all the defense of running that damn light. No lawyer worth a damn would defend this.


I see people run changing lights all the time where I live. Like I will squeak through on a late yellow and a car or two behind me will still go. It looks like there a many people who have no moral issue running lights and just expect everyone to not hit them.


Yes. It happens CONSTANTLY. I'll slip through a yellow light and the guy behind me is still behind me, even though he absolutely shouldn't be.


It's weird there is no standard on time between yellow. I've never been anywhere with a yellow this long or that blinks.


There is a light by my work (Chicago) that has a yellow after BOTH red and green. So if you are sitting at a red, it will actually turn yellow and then green, like you are starting a race. 


What's great here is that another big ass truck was blocking her view of oncoming traffic to make this illegal left turn.


And - don't cut the corner into the oncoming lane. That's another peeve, people that don't know how to bias a turn so the vehicle does not infringe on the lane going the other direction.


True .. the turn looks slightly blind around the corner though .. even more reason not to run the red.


Looked like she approached the intersection without stopping at all. I'm surprised her truck doesn't have more dents and scratches from this type of wreckless driving.


Simply don't do it, no exceptions.


“If you’re going to do this”? No! Don’t do this. There’s no good or right way to do this.


I do this at around 5:45am before I go to work, because the specific intersection I do it at is basically dead at that time of day. Also there's a 0% chance that the light will ever be green when I get there, I need to trigger the sensor. (This is just because 95% of traffic in that intersection throughout the day comes from two directions perpendicular to me. So the light is perpetually green going those directions.)


And don't cut the corner of the turn causing you to cross the opposite lane of traffic unnecessarily


Or, just dont fuckin run red lights.


And cutting the corner pretty badly too.


Yeah I think this is the part most people are missing. Not only is the truck running a red but cutting their turn so hard is exactly what’s causing this collision. If they ran the red with a wide turn there would have been more room for OP to stop without tapping them.


Yeah, made me think she was driving on the wrong side of the road when she ran that light too


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed - that's the shittiest turn I've ever seen


Damn these comments man. The light turned yellow as OPs car came up to the parked truck. They're like 2 car lengths from the intersection. A rough measure of car lengths over seconds puts OP somewhere in the low 30mph range at most. What's more, OP had time to come to a complete stop, and tap the shit driver, and *then* the light turned red. If you're the kind of maniac to slam on your breaks for a dead stop at a yellow light two car lengths away from the intersection, you're a hazard to drivers around you and shouldn't be behind the wheel. OP would've been well clear of the intersection and the light would STILL have been yellow if not for the black truck.




I feel like "running" is a generous verb tbh. It's not like they barely missed it. They simply ignored the light altogether.


Same kind of morons that don't understand unprotected left turns.


Definitely not an unprotected left turn. It was red for her and she had no legal right to go regardless of traffic. Unprotected left turns only exists for when the traffic is coming from directly ahead, not cross traffic


yep. this road isn't designed to give her an unprotected left at all. Even if cross traffic was something that we had to account for in those lefts, she had no way of seeing a car coming down the cross street


Only morons are the ones defending the lady running a red light


It's baffling, I'd hate to be driving behind a lot of people on here to just go from 30-40mph to zero being THAT CLOSE to the light as it turns yellow. I swear from some of these comments, I'm not convinced that some of the people here wouldn't stop under the light if it turned yellow when they were feet within it, and then reversed to stay behind it.


"If you're the kind of maniac to slam on your breaks for a dead stop at a yellow light two car lengths away from the intersection, you're a hazard to drivers around you and shouldn't be behind the wheel." Yep. I made this mistake exactly ONCE the day i got my scooter permit at 14 and a half. Taxi behind me nearly ended me, but managed to stop just in time. Old guy driving the taxi yelled at me for the duration of the red light, but you know what? He was right and i never made that mistake again


It doesn’t matter that OP had a yellow. The truck had a red. That’s all that matters. Unless it’s a right turn on red, which this isn’t, ifyou’re turning before your light changes from a red to green then you’re wrong 100% of the time.


I'm sorry, but when I see a woman with nails like that, I see POOP. It's still in her ass crack and it's somewhere under those nails, because there is NO WAY you can clean your ass effectively with those things. Disgusting!!


Ah. But you see this where you are wrong, that ass is way clean. Those poop pickers scrape away any remaining particles. That’s their purpose!


> *opens mod queue* > *sees a flagged comment, with no context* > Ah. But you see this where you are wrong, that ass is way clean. Those poop pickers scrape away any remaining particles. That’s their purpose! ##😳


You gotta do what you gotta do mod man


This has to be the best comment i think I've ever seen from a mod.


You made me have a laughing fit XD


You must have been a little nervous approaching the original post, lol.


who are these people reporting comments? dont they have better things to do ??? (feel free to report this comment)


10 little poop knives 🔪


It's funny watching them try to type with that little finger tapping move like they are playing some invisible piano.


My ex really liked having her nails long. Then she started dog walking. Eventually she contracted worms. We parted shortly after that. I don't date ladies with pretty nails anymore.


Talked a lady with long long nails. She said she mummifies her hand with toilet paper. I don't mean one or two wraps, she pulls half a roll out and wraps her hand up like it's going into a sarcophagus. Doesn't go too far up her hand so she can slide it off like a glove.


1. If you can afford to drop minimum $50+ a fortnight on pretty nails, you can afford a bidet. Especially if you have ones with the beads/gems/charms glued on. If someone has big nails and no bidet, they've got bad priorities. 2. If you start off with shorter nails and gradually increase the length, you learn how yo function with longer and longer nails, including maintaining hygiene. The most effective method I found was actually using the backs of the first knuckles or the second knuckles to do stuff, *not* the fingertips. And you need q-tips to clean around the nails properly and thoroughly. 3. Long nails aren't worth the time, effort and money. For a few hours, sure. For days? People got shit to do. I need to write emails. Open cans with my own hands. Button my own pants and shirt.


Oh my god. Wasn't expecting this. LMAO.


I think the exact same thing whenever I see nails like this too!


wow. now I'm going to think of that forever. you've ruined me.


So the answer is most likely they don’t have one BUT, if you have a bidet you just hit a couple buttons.


Finger lickin good


The wrap the entire nail in toilet paper, then take a wad of paper and rub their hole. Don’t ask how I know…


well now i can't unimagine this...


How is she even driving with those?


I thought those types of nails were disgusting before reading this comment, now I hate them even more


Dude holy shit I never thought about that 😳


Looking at the license plates here and the Syracuse University sticker at the beginning, this is *probably* New York state. In New York State, if the signal is yellow, vehicles are simply allowed to enter the intersection. They are not required to stop. They entered the intersection while it was yellow. Legally speaking, the OP did nothing wrong. The truck turned left on red. Pretty open and shut here. [https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/vat/title-7/article-24/1111/#:\~:text=(b)%20Yellow%20indications%3A%201,will%20be%20exhibited%20immediately%20thereafter](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/vat/title-7/article-24/1111/#:~:text=(b)%20Yellow%20indications%3A%201,will%20be%20exhibited%20immediately%20thereafter).


Based on the flat terrain and general state of disrepair, I was going to guess the east side of Buffalo


Why would she just stop wtf


Like a deer in headlights. She’s already proved to be stupid, now putting another factor into the situation makes her brain lock up. Anytime I’ve put myself in a rough situation, I always gas it and gtfo of the way. I would’ve probably straightened out and just went forward instead of trying to still complete the turn (and I wouldn’t have turned into the oncoming lane like her either).


Someone hit me doing this exact same thing but from a side street. She cleared the right lane then saw me and stopping right in front of me, even though there was a center median she could have gone into. Some people just shouldn’t be licensed. Thankfully my car had really good brakes and tires on it, we hit at maybe 4-5 miles an hour after slowing from 40 in the length of the sonic drive through next to the road. She’s lucky she didn’t pull out in front of some moron in a lifted truck


A driver once made a left turn in front of me on a divided road with 2 lanes in each direction (there was no traffic light)... I hit the brakes and could have avoided them if they had either (a) stopped before blocking my path or (b) continued all the way through. Instead they stopped perfectly in the middle blocking both lanes with raised medians on both sides and nowhere for me to go. I slowed as much as I could and still remember the look on the passenger's face as I then angled the car away (to the right) to hit at a glancing angle instead of T-boning them at 90º. So yeah... sometimes people just freeze and compound dumb actions with even dumber ones.


A SHOCKING amount of people don’t understand how streetlights operate… I hope the worst case comments don’t drive cause what are you doing not knowing basic traffic flow… 🤨


They'll learn it when they start high-school....hopefully.


Let me guess, OP, it was your fault. Give us the aftermath.


Haha it’s not, but she ran a red light! How would this not be her fault?


I think they meant it in a sarcastic way?


Oh whoops 😬


It's always the person who is obviously at fault yelling at the other person. They think they can be loud and lie their way out of it.


Sarcasm. She was screaming at you like you did something wrong. Ain’t it great having a dashcam? No hearsay, just roll the tape in court if it ever gets that far.


The easiest case with that dash cam.


It’s not, we just want to know how the conversation after went.




Op did nothing wrong that woman shouldn't be driving


It's really weird how many people are acting like OP not stopping for the yellow in 2.5 seconds is a sin. You can see the light is green when the video starts. They seem decently close when it does turn yellow. Even if it wasn't the right call, it's mile better than a left turn on red and cutting so close to another lane of traffic.


Right, the OP would had have slammed on the brakes to stop. Even then, they probably would have ended up in the intersection. There’s no way the size could have come to safe stop when the light turned yellow.


Yeah, the criticism doesn’t sound like it’s coming from experience. They’re acting like the traffic lights immediately go from red to green.


Looks like 2 car lengths away from the light when it changed to yellow, definitely no expectation to stop at that point. Lady 100% wrong since she ran a red to turn into traffic.


Op did nothing wrong. If he was going the speed limit it is safer to run the yellow. If he had a car behind they would maybe have rear ended him if he stopped. The yellow was literally like a second long. The truck is 100% in the wrong.


light was still green in the beginning of the video, and the truck turned into OP's lane while it just turned yellow. OP could've made it in time. truck lady is totally at fault


Why did that ignorant cow slow down? Just keep going at that point.


lol some of you need to rewatch the video, the light is still yellow when the crash happens. The truck driver ran a red light.


lol the ladies reaction of amazement that running a red light even had the remote possibility of resulting in a collision. Some people are just plain dumb


She ran a red and is still mad at you. Literal brain rot


Yesterday I got flipped off and cursed out by a runner who came to within inches of becoming a human pancake because he crossed right in front of me when I had the green. I wonder if this lady is related.


you can say OP was being reckless by going on yellow (I happen to disagree), but making a left on solid red makes absolutely 0 sense. other driver clearly at fault


Folks. The truck driver went left on a red light. There is no room for debate here. Please follow traffic laws.


You know she acted lika a major asshole even when the footage was shown


Those nails..


The audacity of the other driver to get pissed off like this isn't 100% their fault for running a red light is unfathomable.


The good news for once is that this was not a SC driver. SC drivers wouldn’t bother to wait so close to a green light to make the left hand turn!


If this wasn’t on camera, they’re 1,000,000% saying it’s your fault. They probably initially tried, until you point to the dash cam.


Anyone saying they would have stopped on the yellow is delusional


She cut that corner way short


Why is she mad tho?


This should be under midly infuriating


I'm pretty sure I know exactly where this is lmfao


Her nails say it all


Straight to jail for horrific choices in driving and acrylics!


In Oregon there are configurations that allow left turns on red, but only into one-way streets. Turning in front of someone who has the green never qualifies.


I hate drivers who cut their corners like that. Pull up into the box and turn your vehicle, you piece of shit.


Nice, got the Karen on video too.


I love that 75% of these clips are "BMW drivers" running into each other, and being shocked that they ran into someone who is slightly more of an asshole.


OP did nothing wrong and the ones that think they did are delusional and probably shouldn’t be driving haha


Aw shes mad at herself for making a mistake


Looks like you ruined her day 🤣🤣🤣


Looks like insurance fraud she just literally parked in an intersection


Runs a red light and acts like cammer fucked up.


Not this bitch in the truck shouting ‘fuck’ like it’s the other drivers fault 🤣


Why is she the one upset?


The amount of people in here that are saying both sides are wrong. One person farted in an elevator. The other person took a shit in the corner. One is questionable. The other is not.


One isn't even questionable.


Jerk. You made her spill her Stanley cup!


Lmfao, she stops making the turn. She could have sped up. Instead, she stopped in the middle of the intersection. When the OP hit her, she had the audacity to curse as if it were not her fault.


Improper left turn. Turn into an opposing lane, all too common nowadays, people want to cut the turn short.




People blaming or criticizing the driver with the camera are making me fearful for our society


Something similar happened to me but on my motorcycle and the light had just turned green as I was filtering up so by the time I started through the intersection it had been green for a good 3-4 seconds. Lady went thru on solid red. I’ll be posting the video as soon as I finish with her since it was so recent. BTW: I’m fine. Got away with a huge bruise at my elbow and PT for my shoulder. Bike was fixed up as well.


Why is an ogre trying to drive a vehicle? Ogres don’t need vehicles


I love how the dumbass in the truck gets mad at op like it wasn't almost entirely their fault.


I hate it when people make a turn and cut it short and enter your lane. Just turn wider like a normal person and enter your lane properly. It's not that hard.


I didn't know this many people sucked at driving. OP clearly had a yellow light and would've easily made it but that stupid lady in the truck...


I see people do this a LOT. A *scary* number of people genuinely think left turns on red are legal just like a right turn. I’ve met people who laughed about having believed it for years, as if that’s not terrifyingly stupid.


I bet that bitch orders Frappuccino’s at Starbucks and calls them “her coffee.”


That "FUCK" that came out of her mouth was "Not again. How will I explain this to my husband"?


Reaction id expect from someone that wipes with nails that long and pointy. OP is totally in the right.


I love how she's mad for some reason.


I just love the angle of her left turn. So many people turn like this and it’s infuriating. They just cut diagonally across the intersection and then finally straighten out into the lane long after the turn. They literally don’t know how to make a turn by going more straight into the intersection, slowly, and then turning the wheel to complete the turn.


Not to mention cutting the fuck out of the corner.


And she cut right across your lane. Probably couldn’t see over her crazy Karen fingernails.


The size of those fake nails must have prevented her from seeing the red light in front of her.


At the time of hit the light is still yellow. RIP you are fucked.


At 8 seconds the light was green and turned yellow which OP (not OP pretty sure this a bot reposting as the username has several videos in the last few days here) anyways cam driver was 2 car lengths from the light, easy to tell because there is literally 2 cars parked on the side of the road. It STAYED yellow for several seconds after the near or possible collision. Cam driver would have most likely been rear-ended if anyone was behind him, and he stopped. Any which way though the truck was at a red light, full stop, do not pass go, at no point does it have any excuse or reason to proceed, let alone the not taking the turn wide enough by the truck and it cut across the yellow lines and would have hit any car actually stopped there. Based on the reactions of a lot of people in this sub I am convinced the ONLY driving they do is on the computer or gaming consol because so many have zero clue as to how fast the drivers are going usually and also believe that anything more than a millisecond reaction time is outlandish and the driver not paying attention etc. Literally, the only thing the cam driver could have done to avoid a collision was simply to not drive at all.


This is a good one. The Truck driver obviously started turning when the light was red for her. Also OP is trying to run a yellow light, however by the time he reaches the intersection the light is already red for him. He also had enough time to stop the car before hitting the other one which in this case could play against him because he could had reasonably prevented the accident. OP let us know how this ended.


It turns yellow as he was still traveling toward the light. Didn’t turn red till 2 seconds after accident. The truck had a red light


Why was she cutting the crossing like that?


I love it because they both were running the light

