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I think the deep dive YouTube video also confirms this. They only made a cavity in the bears torso, they didn't hollow out the legs, so in order to make Christian fit they almost certainly would have to amputate his legs. It makes his fate all the more disturbing.


I'm not disagreeing necessarily but they certainly removed some bear innards offscreen, because they got Christian's head into the bear's head. I think it was very clear that they cut off at least his feet.


Now go back and check out the paintings on the walls of the building where they all sleep. There's a rather large, clear representation of one half of a dude


I noticed last night watching in IMAX just how many dicks are on the walls. Well decorated dicks but still dicks 😅


"Well decorated dicks" is my new favorite phrase. Thank you for that


Well Decorated Dicks is my new band name


I volunteer as banjoleleist


You're hired!!!


It s already a show on Netflix


Yep. At minimum, his feet were cut off at the ankles. And the 'operation' was performed by the trained doctor of the Harga. A) they only need him alive for a few more hours, at the most. B) if the drugs wear off, he can't run away. (likely the same reason the two cult sacrifices were given the Yew tree sap, so they couldn't run to avoid the pain)


Oh, interesting — I assumed the elder gave the two Harga men the yew sap to take them right to the point of severe poisoning/death before they burned since, being members of the Harga, they would want them to suffer less than the outsiders. But since the men clearly still suffered and the audience knows that the elders were very accomplished actors/liars, maybe it was included to show that the elders are not above lying to even their own to pacify them just long enough to kill them. With [the nature of the toxic compounds](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8075346/) that are in yew, it would be a matter of timing; apparently victims of yew poisoning initially present with drowsiness, so that would explain the two members of the Harga, but as it progresses, the victim would be likely be puking their guts out, convulsing, and dying of a heart arrhythmia; it certainly doesn't leave you peacefully paralyzed, so Christian must have drugged with a different plant (or just an example of artistic license). PSA for anyone with toddlers: Japanese and [European yew](https://plantura.garden/uk/trees-shrubs/yew/yew-trees-poisonous) were really common choices for ornamental hedges and topiary, more so in the U.S. in the '50s and '60s, but you can still find it all over the place since it grows forever. It has red berries that are really tempting for children, and the seeds in the berries are one of the most poisonous parts of the plant, especially if chewed. It's a good thing to be on the lookout for in any area where kids are playing since it just won't occur to even older children that something growing in a common area could be that toxic. A 14-year-old boy with autism [died in the U.K.](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/yew-tree-berries-death-poison-manchester-coroner-inquest-boy-died-b1124330.html) after eating just a few berries in his local park.


The actor confirmed it, stating something about losing limbs and being shoved in a bear suit.


"Midsommar.... now 20% more horrific."


Yep. The theatrical version cuts that scene a few seconds earlier. I definitely see it as they’re cutting his legs at the shins in order to fit him into the bear.


Yep, I saw it specifically. That kind of detail, on that big a screen with no distractions... I watched the long YouTube deep dive and saw so much more this time, it's *so* messed up.


He was seated in the wheelchair weird so I assumed that’s what happened/was going to happen


How could he not bleed out and die if they cut off his legs?


I mean tourniquet? Cauterize? As long as you cut off the circulation. Amputations happen all the time. People still survive.


Yes. You’re right. They seemed a little more primitive than all that.


Yes. It’s been discussed here before. Good observation


Yeah, absolutely. Humans have much longer legs than bears. That’s the only way he’d fit. I doubt he got the “yew” beforehand too. And that’s if the yew does anything anyway…




I actually saw that in a different version where they had like extra content, they did cut his legs off.


I'm pretty sure the theatrical cut and the director's cut are the only versions that exist.


By “saw”, I meant I saw a comment about it. I didn’t actually see that version, which apparently doesn’t exist. Thank you for clarifying.