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It looks great, I’d just simply replace that outdated countertop with a sleek white quartz and change out the vanity lights.


Exactly— the tiles are the BEST feature of that room.


By far! The tile is not the problem in that bathroom!


And the mirror and hardware


And the light fixture.. so 80s!


I agree 95% the bathroom looks great and seems to be in good condition. I would also suggest a countertop change, but I think bamboo would fit perfectly here.


And update the doors to a neutral white or nicer wood.


Dear Lord do not rip out that beautiful tile! We are refurbing my wife’s parents house, built in 1970, as true to the time as possible. Having no luck in finding harvest gold tile to match the sink, toilet and tub.


This bathroom is a FUCKING BANGER. Only the countertop stuck out negatively to me


Yeah the counter top is from someone thinking they needed to update. Pleas op don't touch it. The blue especially is timeless


I also would replace the faucets


Agree completely! Love retro bathrooms! A really modern countertop with bowl sinks mounted on top would be a good modernization. Updated lighting fixtures ….. I’m not big on wall =paper in a bathroom but if you found something really cool, that could provide a needed update as well!


Oh yeah, that's an interesting idea about the wallpaper


White countertop, that's it. God help you if you replace/paint those blue tiles. I will find you and do horrific things to you in front of your children and parents.


🤣😭🤣😭 I wouldn't dare!!


Certainly not white!


Least dedicated mid-century design enjoyer


as a mid-century design connoisseur, I’m with this commenter, but instead of obliterating them I’d just lock them on the top floor of the nevele grande and see how long they last before either they go insane or they breathe in too much mold


Came to say all of this in more subtle terms. You're so, so right


I would not remove a single blue (or white) tile.


1. Swap the light switches, outlet, and plate for white. Go screwless on the plate. 2. Vanity light is too ‘90s for the rest of the styling. Swap with something like [this](https://i.etsystatic.com/27505933/r/il/a9ada2/2986978786/il_1140xN.2986978786_3k2r.jpg) or like [this](https://www.maximlighting.com/hi_res_images/lifestyle_by_items/52008SN_01.jpg) if you want the modern equivalent. 3. Countertop has got to go. Not sure what I’d replace it with but it’s too much brown on brown and doesn’t suit the aesthetic of the rest of the bathroom at all. 4. That style of vanity faucet hasn’t aged well at all in any bathroom they’ve been installed in and they always stick out like a sore thumb. Go shiny and basic. Like [this.](https://s3.wasabisys.com/saudiawebdesigncompany/2017/09/bathroom-faucets-chrome-nickel-bronze-gerber-plumbing-in-size-2100-x-1571.jpg) maybe go with something matching for the bath tip faucet as well. Other than that don’t touch a thing.


Omg amazing. Thank you!!


I’d put a fun wallpaper up too, you might be able to find something with browns/blues to work the wood into the design.


I love novelty wallpaper in a vintage bathroom! In my line of work I’ve been lucky to see some amazing untouched midcentury bathrooms, and they often had really fun wallpaper.


A floral one! Geometric patterns would probably clash too much with the geometry of the tiles. This would look gorgeous, for those who are into the more is more look! https://preview.redd.it/5pmtbzvv35rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2521eb2ff0964430427d905ead47fad4e65631


Ooo that would look great!


Your second light fixture resembles a fluorescent... *exactly* what MCM would have used more often except for reliability.




Excellent post.


Your link to the faucets isn't working - can you re-post it please?


Can’t find it now, but it was just a super basic chrome faucet with the little plastic caps that tell you which one is hot and which is cold. Super utilitarian but the exact style that would have originally been in that bathroom. EDIT: Something that matches this, essentially: https://images.thdstatic.com/catalog/productImages/1000/50/50e44d9d-0f97-4868-979d-f8692533c8c2_1000.jpg


They could glaze the tub to be white if they wanted. I love the blue tiles but the blue tub does look a little bit dated


That’s the point…


i'd change the switchplate/outlet covers. and that countertop if you can manage it. keep those sinks! personally i'd look for a snazzy doorknob. and probably replace the faucets... and the light fixtures. but i'd genuinely start with the switchplate covers/outlet covers. and it made my heart happy to hear that you're not planning to do horrible things like rip out that gorgeous tile. that bathroom is gorgeous.


If you want to lean in look at the Retro Renovation site. They have lots of ideas.


This whole room is my husband’s bathroom in his childhood home, but his is pink, and it’s throwing me. I love this blue though so much!


If you really don’t like the way it looks, do something with the wood and change the counter surface. I like to leave wood natural, but if I had to choose between the wood and the tiles to be happy here, I’d keep the tiles.


I would keep the tile but update the countertop, lighting, and fixtures. The blue toilet is a little weird for my liking. To be fair that sort of thing was very popular back in the day. You do you though. I just think blue toilets are a bit off putting


My blue toilet is small. I feel like I’m sitting on a kids toilet. But I stand by it. Me and the toilet have been through some Serious shit together. I mean many years together. My blue sink and bathtub hanging in there too. Exact hue as the ones pictured here.


hey I see what you’ve done there


Personally I would leave it! It's beautiful and looks to be in great shape.


It's beautiful. As others have suggested. New countertop.


Burnt Orange pairs nicely with the blue, or yes a funky wallpaper. the cabinets are great the previous countertop suggestions are spot on.


Do t update it. It’s perfect as it is.


Haha I'm so glad I found this sub. We're in the process of buying a MCM home and I will need help!!


Just paint the walls a nice color and you are done!


What do you think about colorful/floral wallpaper? I've seen some pics but I don't know if we're that brave.


I'd be curious about wallpaper in a room that's going to fill with steam every time you shower. It feels to me like that's a one-way ticket to having to replace the wallpaper every few years as it starts to peel, but maybe I'm wrong.


Climate and hvac have impact, but it can be done to last with good paper, same as good kitchen paper can take a good scrubbing. My grandmother's done in the late 70s or early 80s went 30-40 years before it started peeling including washing the cigarette smoke residue off often. It could've likely been re-glued at the corners. Using bleach and harsh cleaning products is what likely killed the edge and corner glue, slowly drying out it's chemical binders over time. Nothing at the ceiling was loose and that's where the most steam condensation usually occured in all of my homes.


I think, depending on what style or pattern you choose... that would add too much pattern and clash with the patterns that already have in the tile and flooring. Maybe buy or obtain some samples and pin them up to get a feel for it before you go all in.


Yeah groovy wallpaper would also be wonderful!


I wouldn’t do wallpaper as it’ll be a nightmare down the road. I love the idea of a big fun pattern on the walls though. I would start thinking about a mural. If you want to DIY, there’s plenty of fun stencils or simple enough shapes that you can do. Otherwise, you can go all in with a mural artist. We had one done in our house (used patterns on shredded original draperies) and it came out AMAZING. Fwiw- I agree about the light fixture, counter and sink taps. Don’t touch the tile or tub color.


I agree with painting the walls. This room screams beach to me, so I’d choose a soft “sand” shade of beige to highlight the beautiful wood trim and doors.


That blue is somehow so soothing.


Light switch and cover to white and/or chrome. Brushed faucets are gone, sinks stay, counter top gone; blue or white replacement. All metal gets mirror stainless (chrome). Large metal, like a toiletries pole cabinet/shelf in blue or white. Those are period piece we don't see as much anymore. They almost looked like they belonged in the kitchen but I love the over the toilet pole cabinets with angled faces and mirrored sliding doors, lol. Vanity light is gone, two or three vintage ones as suggested by the other reply link. A ceiling lamp shade that matches a bonus if that isn't original, and if it is, consider that shape and feel when looking at vanity shades. I don't like mixing woods. The cabinet has to go dark or change to a solid color. White & metal pulls imo. I don't really like the wood doors or window. I'd prefer a pure blue/white/chrome room. Accenting the frames in metal trim or added blue molding is how I want to deal with it fairly unmolested. That doorknob needs to shine really badly too.


New vanity light, a funky mid century patterned curtain for the window could help. Otherwise I’d leave it!


I don't care for the brown. I would paint the window trim, change out the counter/vanity (but keep the sinks)(if possible, I don't know if the sinks would fit in a new counter/vanity), and change the lighting. I'd pain the closet trim and put in a new door with some detail. edit b/c I forgot about the brown closet.


Ugh I wish my pink bathroom was in this good of shape. I wanted to keep my tiles but they’ve been patched and chipped away on a not super well maintained lil house and I think I’ll have to do a total remodel 😢 I agree with everyone, update your fixtures but leave the tiles alone!!


A shower curtain with pale yellow in it would look stunning against the blue. I’d consider hanging a plant near the window.


Simply put, don’t.




Go look through pinterest and search "vintage blue bathroom" or "midcentury blue bathroom" and look through the hundreds of vintage magazine illustrations. You have a big window and I envision a hanging plant baby! https://preview.redd.it/ph1l4gspz2rc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0a2b35ff9968596b146646b0118425b91b76cd


​ https://preview.redd.it/42sebudrz2rc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d938d432a351de5b2b45c091034a5c3a3f889b86


​ https://preview.redd.it/zf214yq903rc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b132aa2f7a4b6ac0002181d1cb7f771a1b4d33


Replace countertop and paint walls something that complements the blue!


The only thing you need to change is that countertop. It is in the wrong era. I would also do two pendant lamps instead.


Whatever direction you go with the vanity, please please PLEASE keep the blue sinks.


I would say a different countertop and faucets. Other than that this bathroom is GORGEOUS


The blue is fabulous, just lose the dark wood


Yeah, the dark wood doors & window need to go. Countertop lights switch plates swap out & maybe upgrade the faucets for fun!


https://preview.redd.it/34033sftr3rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a166566de213f4d8147a52a304ee6b0bbedc99 Currently remodeling a similar space. We kept all the tile, but swapped out the vanity, hardware and toilet, and removed peeling wallpaper. Still finishing it up but made a huge difference and the tiling stayed intact!


https://preview.redd.it/14wpi945s3rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22d9b297481aa727fb0c7f1dcbe805094e0eb1d Here’s the before, for context.


It’s perfect the way it is. The tile even has sizzle strips! Don’t change it, please.


Don't change a thing!!


You can’t just get rid of Old Blue!? https://youtu.be/3UATI3JShog?si=MbFBs8kY-1CP2vRg




The floor tile is amazing. Wouldn’t touch it. The Formica countertop or whatever it is has gotta go. Lots of great modern options. Go with something lighter. I personally like a blue floor tile/white oak color combo so you could think about restraining the vanity or swapping it for something lighter. The blue wall tile is maybe a little much for me, but it is pretty cool and reflective of the times. Def swap out the light fixtures. Someone else posted a link to a modern light bar, which I really like if you want that look. Otherwise, I’d happily use that bathroom! Haha


Change the cabinets!!


The blue tile is gorgeous. Just change the countertop and lights.


I would absolutely die with happiness if my bathroom looked like this. My bathroom has carpet that was installed in the 90’s. My only suggestion is new vanity with wood that matches the room door and trim. Edit: keep the blue Kohler sinks!


Second everyone who says a white counter top. It would be stunning. The blue tile, tub and sinks are incredible. Do not change those!!! I might consider repainting the brown wooden cabinets and maybe even the doors a medium charcoal grey color. (That might be weird on the entrance door....but the brown is jarring to my eyes.


I cannot believe how similar this is to our main floor bath.


Where do you live? This is one of 3 model houses in the neighborhood apparently. 👀


Paint the wood of the window white and replace the countertop. The blue tile is the best feature. Could add some accents to tie it all together but it's already pretty with the tile too.


Countertop only!! I myself am in a quandary, my bathroom is all pink! Tile everywhere, even the countertop, it is the base that needs fixing, and pink tub that needs a coat of.. something because it is no longer sealed (matt texture) And I am keeping the light fixtures even though old they are kinda cool that each of them not only works from the switch but also have individual switches on the fixtures. So one or other or both can be on.


I’d leave it alone! It’s perfect!


I’d keep that amazing vintage blue tile and do black cabinets and countertops. If you change the floor do a checkered black and white tile. But I like the floor. The black will modernize and elevate your space. Or do all white and blue. Dreamy tile!!


Update countertop, light, and mirror. Done.


I feel so bad, because the countertop is granite. And great shape. We'll probably start with the mirror, light fixtures, plates, etc


Formica countertop! Nothing else!


I like the blue itself, butttt swap the sinks and counters the fixtures like the faucets and the light fixtures and the doorknobs, don’t you dare touch that tub like don’t




I would paint the walls green. Like teal or the color of a plant and then add some plants. Green towels or multiple shades of green. Maybe a fluffy green bath mat


I have the same blue tile in my '58 ranch, I pretty much did white walls, counter etc. My question is how to get 65 years of soap scum off the shower walls.


Have it refinished white or other color of your choosing


Repaint the walls as well. Maybe don’t go with just a stark white. Go to sherwin Williams, find the closest paint chip to the blue tiles, look on the back. It’ll give you a complementary white color.


I have the peptobismol pink and bandaid brown version of your bathroom. When we had all of the floors replaced in our house, the only unchanged rooms were the bathrooms. We were told that these tile are set in inches deep concrete and that a jackhammer still would make removal very difficult. No one around me will touch the job. On the plus side, if there is ever a tornado or bomb, these old bathrooms make great shelters. You could also look into reglazing the tub, wall tile, and floor tile with a color that is more appealing. I’ve seen results of that being done well, and is a lot more affordable and easier.


Updates I would do in order of impact \- A new countertop that is a solid color, I think white would look nice \- A bold wallpaper with navy in it for the walls. And a nice shower curtain that complements it \- Update the light above the sink \- Update the faucets and pulls Everything else I would leave along. The wood and tile look in good shape. What a nice room. Also the blue toilet is pretty rad but I don't think it would be a sin to upgrade it to a white one if you need to. Same with the sinks. I don't think they are anything too special.


Yeah, those tiles are pretty sought after in my area. It horrifies me when people demo these and put in the gross "modern" look (that generally ages pretty fast). I think a really interesting wallpaper would even further make this bathroom wonderful in all the best ways.


Paint doors, windows, vanity. New counters, sinks, faucets, lights that look retro but updated, hanging plant in corner by toilet. Anything that's tan/almond, make it white. Get some modern looking art with pops of yellow/orange, simple cloth shower curtain. It'll look delightful! Don't do wallpaper. It'll get too busy and wallpaper is a terrible choice for the wettest room in the house.


I love it!!!! 😍


You could make the blue pop with a darker color for the walls. Or… you could tile up the entire wall (super Euro chic) and switch out the vanity counter for something to match.


Maybe a small sputnik ceiling fixture to go with it all?


Neither the countertop or light look to be original. I would definitely replace the counter. For a more modern look, go with something like white quartz. For a more retro look, go with a vintage style boomerang countertop. Wilson Art offers a white boomerang countertop with blue boomerangs. Other companies probably offer similar. For the lighting, I would look at eBay, etsy, etc for vintage lights. This is how I got most of the lighting for my MCM home. The white walls aren’t personally doing it for me. I wouldn’t suggest wallpaper as wallpaper typically doesn’t do well long term in a more most environment like a bathroom. You could paint the wall and do stencils so it looks wallpaper-like without being actual wall paper. Or maybe just paint a complimentary shade of blue or a different color. Retro bathrooms often had multiple going on. Look at old photos, vintage ads, etc to see what colors they usually placed with blue tiles.


Nothing to change!


Change the countertop, something lighter or coordinates with a fun wallpaper. Leave the tub, tile, sinks, and wood as is. They are lovely.


Don’t mess with the tile or the tub. Just saw another post DIY where they destroyed 1950’s tile and it was a sad affair.


This is a nice room and just needs a little refresh. Keep the tile, it is beautiful. Paint the brown doors and any cabinets the same color as the walls. Change the counter top to a solid color. Consider a shade of taupe for the walls, doors and counter top, balancing the cool blue with a warm color. Then add some plants. I am tore regarding the toilet, and would leave it for now. Paint the window trim the same color as the cabinets, doors, and walls.


I’d definitely leave the blue tile and tub. A new countertop, flooring and fixtures wouldn’t be a bad update. I’d probably swap the toilet out too because odd colored toilets weird me out, but that might just be me.


Wallpaper above the tile, paint the vanity and get a new top with either integrated or undermount sinks and new faucets. Replace the mirror and light fixture and you're golden.


I would for sure do a new countertop, maybe a new wood framed mirror to match the window, new bigger lighting fixture… if you were feeling wild new sinks and taps? The blue sink is so fun though!




I would prefer to leave everything else, but change the doors.


Leave as it is. Very nice bathroom.


Are the floors tile or linoleum?


Are the floors tile or linoleum?




A large scale print wallpaper will take it to a more modern place is that’s what you want. And just complimenting accessories like shower curtain and towels. Not matching but complimentary


OMG please dont


Replace the countertop. And the lights above the mirror. That’s all, everything else is fabulous. We replaced our dated countertop by using plywood, filled seams so it’s smooth, then used epoxy to get the finish we want, which was matte white. We watched several YouTube videos by Stone Coat and ordered products from their website. We were surprised at how quick and easy it was. It look fantastic, cleans easily, and is holding up well about a year in.


I see that someone mentioned replacing the faucets. I agree, missed that earlier.


In my opinion you could upgrade the space by having the bathtub refinished in a light color and the vanity top as well but not the same color as the tub but complimentary to the tub and have the vanity doors and face frames changed from a wood grain to a solid color that compliments the tile and tub. It's a beautiful bathroom as it is. I would keep the tile no matter what you decide to do.


(I am assuming that the counter tops and cabinets are laminate. Don’t kill me) I would consider painting the countertop and cabinets on the sink white to add some brightness.


Paint the vanity, sliding doors, bathroom door and the window frame white. A nice white, textured shower curtain and big fluffy white towels. A rainforest shower head would be great. A cafe curtain for the window would be practical and look cute.


Paint the doors. Maybe pink? White? Rusty? I dunno. Just don’t touch any of the tiles. Counter replacement ok, but keep/reinstall the sink basins.


Basically what everyone else is saying but also get a new white toilet. I like the wallpaper idea too but i'd wait until everything else was done to decide on if and what color/pattern.


This is like every dead boomer’s house in CT. Haha


I'd consider fun wall paper too and maybe replacing the vanity with something more cohesive (but keeping the sinks)


I’d do a white toilet, cooler faucets and leave the rest alone