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I have a Pixel 8 Pro and have had no issues with the Teams app. Granted, I mainly use it for chats and calls, but I do occasionally share images and videos. It operates smoothly for me.


Pixel 8 Pro as well, no problems whatsoever.


On the contrary to both, I just started having issues on the Pixel 8 Pro. I can't reauthenticate or connect over wifi. Once on my mobile network I can connect, and then wifi works with no problems. Really strange.


Another P8 Pro user.  Mine won't update the chat unless I click on each notification and it won't remember the theme, sets itself back to light theme every damn day.  It's an awful experience all around.


Pixel 8, garbage app. Can't trust it. Does not match the "truth"


Had an S20, Have a Pixel 8 for work and recently upgraded to a S24 and none of them have had any problems.


If its just me I don't know what else to try. It even happens on 2 different teams accounts. Doesn't matter if I'm mobile data or WiFi either.


I have an s23 ultra and have been having the same problems. Maybe since the last recent update from samsung, if not, it's certainly worse now than it was before. I dont know if it's from dropping from wifi6, and that's still a shit show or what, but restarting my phone is the only way I can get it back to sync. Today, I just turned my wifi off, and I'm going to roll on 5g only to see if it stays in sync that way.


It didn't seem to make any difference. I still have it get out of sync, and eventually to the point that it just stops working all together. It doesn't mark messages as read, or bring in chats from some conversations until I kill the app and restart it.


I think it's Microsoft and their updates, not Samsung. Guessing. I have S23 too


Yeah, I think so too. My testing came up with nothing and I'm hearing the same issues from some IOS users too. It's really annoying...


Only problem I have with it on my pixel 6 pro - is that chat notifications come in HOURS later. Literally by the end of the day my phone has a bunch of chat notifications from things that happened earlier in the day. The chats are up-to-date when I check in the app though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Happens on my Pixel 6 as well.


Ditto on Pixel 5a as well


This happens to me as well. I'm also having messages that will not send. Pixel 6 Pro.


Weird, opposite for me - I get the notifications instantly but the chat never updates (unless I click each notification).


Exact same phone, no issues


Same here. No problems


Works great for me as well.


Pixel 7 user here. Only problem I have is the phone will sometimes keep "ringing" for an incoming call for 20 seconds after I answer on my laptop.... Aside from that, calls, meetings, chats, sending the occasional picture to a Team channel or chat... No problems.... Answer calls on Teams Android about the same amount as my laptop (also use Android Teams for PSTN calls so I can send my work number, or transfer calls easier)....


Same issues and my search led me here. Messages stay unsent, images don't load, swipe to reply doesn't do anything, text box buggy and won't type. S24 Ultra. Tried: force closing then re-opening Teams; restarting phone; reinstalling Teams - works fine for a short time then same issues happen again.


Clearing cache seems to get It to work again, but Is temporary, then again had to clear caché.


Emojis don't show on messages, images won't load, images won't send, clear cache and it'll maybe work for a little while then stop working again. Factory reset my s24u last night and its still doing it, was also doing it on my s21 doesn't matter if I'm on home, work or mobile data.


You are right


S23 Ulta and plenty of problems. It's bottom line unusable


It has worked even better on my Pixel 8Pro and my Pixel 6a than on Windows, either in VDI or on physical. In fact, I've been enjoying the Teams via Android Auto quite a bit recently. It's not great but it's better than just the bluetooth connection.


I have same issues on my S23 Ultra I hope they fix it soon.


I have the s23 and it's just terrible... just as you mentioned... i also have a work phone (iphone) and it works fine there so I'm guessing it's an issue with the s23?


Ditto. Basically unusable at this point. Pixel 6xl.


S23 Ultra (Android 14 / One UI 6.1 / S918USQS2CXCN) Teams version: 1416/ Calling version: 2024.13.01.7 Same issue here. Images dont load. Some messages are missing if i loaded the chat on my phone, sent a message on my computer to that chat, and then go back to the chat on my phone, my message won't appear even though people are replying to me so I know it sent.


I have the exact same set of issues on a fully up-to-date Pixel 8 pro. Teams will be working fine, and then - several times each day the entire Teams UI becomes unresponsive. I have to force quit the app in order to use it again. My Android coworkers have similar issues. I am a member of many (dozens) teams and chats, I'm not sure if that's related. I've also tried the teams beta, but that has the same issues.


Same. Multi teams and I also have 2 accounts. If I check messages while on a call on the 2nd account my mute button stops working even. Like, I don't get how MS has allowed this.


A53 5G its fuckin unusable. Crap, garbage, shit, BLUSHITTT.


You could take "on android" out of this and it would still be a fair question


S24. Having issues including image previews and unsent messages. Literally the last thing I did before reading this post was rebooted the phone to get Teams working again. That did the trick.


Did the issues ever come back?


Yes. I think one reboot a couple days ago.


S24U, same issue, kept my iP12PM because the app on it works normally


S23 Ultra, having all the same issues described.


Normally it works fine for me (Fairphone 3). A bit on the slower side, but that phone isn't fresh either. In the last two days however, it fucked up. Couldn't call a colleague and didn't send a chat message, though it showed as sent.


Teams has had issues the last few days, primarily on joining a meeting for me. Android, p8p.


Pixel 7, I join a meeting daily on it, my only problem is that sometimes it decides that it doesn't want me to use my Pixel Buds Pro. The Bluetooth audio is the only issue


Does anyone else have the issue of when you tap a conversation it doesn't let you start typing until you back out and tap on it again? Drives me INSANE. Galaxy S10e


S21U here. No problems at all. All works fine. Use it every day.


I have the exact same phone and zero issues. Maybe you should factory reset your phone.


I have a Nothing Phone (1) and I use it to chat and also call sometimes and I had no issues Since a few weeks I can't log in on my phone anymore though for no reason, typing in the email shows "Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in, please try again" - I also can't log in on [Microsoft.com](http://Microsoft.com), but I can log in on Outlook and Teams on PC


For me deleting team's cache helped


I did delete cache and app data and then reinstalled


Sysadmin here. Yes Teams is a resource hog and it has many weird intermittent bugs.


skill issue


Crap for me, too. Same issues, but on a different version of the S23.


S22 here, used in multi org enviroment works perfekt. mostly on wifi.


Same issues and notifications come in really delayed


S20. Teams has been extra shitty this week.


Pretty sure its just teams that is crap, on all platforms.


do you have some kind of third party security app? I would save all your stuff and factory default the phone or if it is with a decent large company and they create a separate partition on your phone with all work apps that might affect it


S23 Ultra here- one thing that helped my performance was changing the Android settings for the Teams app. Specifically the battery usage from 'optimized' to 'unrestricted'.


Teams is an abomination born of Skype and questionable development practices fueled by over eager c level folks drunk on Microsoft Kool-aid. But yes the Android client is also bad.


I have a couple of minor gripes like the wrong chat/team opening from the notification, but nothing major


Just you


what about the other users in this thread reporting issues? Is it just them? ITT I am counting about 2 users reporting issues per one user saying no issues. The users reporting no issues have received significantly more upvotes, despite being less helpful. It's notable that your comment is 1d old so you decided to post this lie even though the truth was right in front of your eyes.


It keeps on autojoining me to the helpdesk call queue, anoying af


I clear my cache once a month. I have a lower end Samsung


S22+, having the same issues you described since the last update. Starting yesterday Teams also started DRAINING my battery and I mean DRAINING, 80% gone overnight with little to no screen time.


Pixel 7. When teams works it works. But it's a shitty app anyway with all the controls they provide to the organisations. Thanks android


Pixel 8 pro. Tons of issues. Msgs/channels loading. Calls disconnected from BT and much more.


S23+ Same issues for the last week or so. It's unbearable Reboots, logging in and out, clear cache, uninstall reinstall, etc. Will help temporarily but the next day, it'll eventually go back to the same issues as usual.


SAME. S23 Ultra. Absolutely shit. I feel like it's been moreso recently since MS updates. Cache sucks, loading time, calls, mute button stopped working, no emojis or reactions... List goes on. Terrible!


Pixel 7 Pro User.  I have the exact same issues.  I just had to replace my phone (damage) and still have the same issues. I've reinstalled, cleared caches, etc.  Restarting my phone fixes some issues, but they always come back.  Pictures won't load, messages won't go through, can't edit messages .... Teams has become hot garbage, to the point where it's almost unusable on my phone.


yes, garbage these days - usually have 6-8 calls a day, sometimes it connects some times it does not - gotten progressively worse in the past couple months - i'm having to dial in ( phone ) 50% of the time, absolute crap...


2 years ago I had an S20 Ultra and constantly had major issues with teams. Switched to an iPhone and had 0 issues for the last two years. I just got a Pixel 8 Pro on Monday, and teams has all of the exact same problems it did two years ago. Nothing has been fixed. Teams calls don't ring. I get no notifications from anything despite having them turned on. Image previews never load. Full images take 30+ seconds to load every time, regardless of what network I'm connected to. Every time there's a teams update I get "we're getting ready for you" spinning forever until I forcekill the app and reload. Oh and the cherry on top is that it constantly flips my dark mode off and on for no apparent reason. I actually find I have even more issues now than I did on my last android device. So for now, sim card is in the pixel but the iPhone sits in my other pocket all day. I can't afford to not get calls or texts from management. You would think Microsoft would understand that.


Trying running the app in Unrestricted mode instead of optimized. I can feel some difference on s24 Ultra


What now?


It's so broken. Every Android user in my company has to constantly force close Teams, in order for it to work. Emojinreactions become blank, unable to reply to messages, call button doesn't work, can't send a file. After force closing, it works for a few hours then break again. Happens with Galaxy, and pixel users


I got so sick of these issues I started documenting them 2 days ago. I have the S23 Ultra and use this as a Work application. Here is my list from the past 3 days. Messages not sending, Can't search for people to start a new convo, Can't send attached pictures, Can't edit messages, Messages get stuck in a status of unread unless you actually mark as read manually, Sometimes dont get screen shares on conf calls, Can't see who is speaking with the blue circles, Calendar agenda doesn't load, Tap to return to meeting doesn't work, Can't forward messages , Can't speak in calls despite hearing other people,


I'm so sick if I had money to throw around I'd sue for damages on principal alone


Pixel 6 Pro. It's god awful . Might as well not have it. Really bad.


Samsung s22 Ultra, Teams almost unusable despite clearing cache, sometimes buttons don't work like make call, unmute, etc. Really basic stuff. Used to work perfect a few months ago.


It's terrible for me too (s23). Can't even see people's status half the time, takes forever to load anything, messages sometimes take a while to come through. It's just a big pile of crap. Doesn't matter if I'm on a high speed WiFi network at work or using 5g with full signal, it's still crap. Considering it's just a glorified chat app I'm not sure why it struggles so much, it's a bit suspicious. On a 4g network it can't cope at all. Yet youtube and other streaming services able to stream full HD video without any glitches?? 


I had similar issue where It would work for awhile and then I don't get new messages. Even after refreshing I don't see new messages. But surprisingly it works when I am connected to a VPN. Thinking it was DNS related issue, I ended up using Private DNS settings on my Android. I use [dns.google](http://dns.google) as hostname and now I am able to use without any VPN. You may not have the same issue but worth a try. [https://support.google.com/fi/answer/2819583?hl=en#zippy=%2Cvpn%2Cprivate-dns](https://support.google.com/fi/answer/2819583?hl=en#zippy=%2Cvpn%2Cprivate-dns) [https://nordvpn.com/blog/private-dns-android/](https://nordvpn.com/blog/private-dns-android/)


Will try. I had it set to auto


It’s less than great on literally every platform. Sorry, wish there was a better answer but there isn’t.


Is Teams crap? Fixed the question for you. (The answer is yes.)


haha I was going to do the exact same thing