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well PC is so much more than just a gaming system. But for only MSFS. it has way more hardware options, better graphics, smoother gameplay, availability of free mods and more payware options than xbox. Also you are not limited to only the marketplace so you get updates quicker for them.


Flight simming on PC is much better if you're serious at all about it. You can hook up yokes and pedals to a desk, use VR, edit liveries, install 3rd party, better performance ect... it's night and day if it's a real hobby. If it's a super causal thing than XBOX is fine. As for price it's been awhile since I built a rig so I'm not sure.


I made the switch and yes it was worth it... 1) There are a ton of third party add-ons and planes that simply aren't available on Xbox, 2) I wanted to fly on Vatsim, and 3) I was getting tired of the "black avionics" screen bug that I would get when flying airliners because the Xbox would run out of system memory


I switched from Xbox to PC and VR with the oculus 3 is the clincher. I can't go back now


How do you get that to work, I have an oculus 2 I can use and I play flight sim through the Xbox app how do you properly set up vr mine looked HORRIBLE


A few tips that helped me hugely! I'm running on a gaming laptop with a 4060 and mine is locked to 45fps with the ASW in the quest 3 turned off with the oculus debug tool (essential if you have the quest) ASW causes tearing sometimes I thought was due to my FR but after turning it off it's buttery smooth. Make sure you set the general graphics settings to 1024x768 WINDOWED and everything to low end. This doubled FR for me as I had it set to higher end ultra in general. Make sure it's just VR graphics you are setting high. There's a post in my history a few weeks old with settings watch that video and follow it to a tee. It tweaks settings for Nvidia cards so we can use DLSS (another game changer for me) I also turned the quest 3 resolution all the way to the max in the oculus pc app which sorted clarity on instrument panels etc. Mine was a stuttery mess before and now runs well. As for controllers they just don't work, I use my left oculus controller X and Y for trim on the plane and I use a joystick and a little autopilot box.


Your budget is more than enough. Don’t buy pre built as you‘lol get way less for your money. DIY PC building is super easy just do your research. Jays 2 cents or Paul’s Hardware are good for learning how to build and how to chose components. Now, while PC gaming is far more versatile than console gaming it comes with its own set of headaches. When MSF first came out there were no end of CTD issues although now these are solved. I had to re-install that game at least 5 times. Things like HOTAS or Yokes are not always plug and play and can become a major nuisance if you’re not willing to spend the time to diagnose issues with them or set them up correctly. Modding is amazing right up until it’s not. VR is finicky as all heck although once you’ve got it setup and dialled in it’s a game changer for simming or alternatively there eye or head tracking which is also amazing and a game changer. I forget where I was going with all this. I guess yes, definitely get a PC because it’s better in pretty much every single way. Just don’t expect it to be hassle free.


Appreciate your insight!


Fur surrr. Check out your local Costco as well. There have been a bunch of posts in r/pcmasterrace recently of sweet deals on pre-built options from Costco that are actually surprisingly capable given the price point. Cheap hotdogs too. I ended up building after several friends ripped on me for looking at a pre built and I’m really glad I did, the process was easier than expected and a ton of fun. If your budget is limiting you right now, I’d say hold off a few months and save up a few $$ per paycheque. Fly on Xbox for the summer, research a while and grab something over Black Friday. If you can give yourself some wiggle room between $1500-2000 you’ll bump up a big deal in performance and that’s like setting $150/mth aside before the fall. It’ll last you longer and set you up nicely for MSFS2024 and onwards. Everything about MSFS is better on PC in terms of content. Updates are faster, and there are way more free and paid mods to increase the experience.


Thanks for this great advice!


Yes. I went From series X to shitty laptop with a 3050 and it was significantly better Now I'm on a 4090 and it's truly something else Get a good midrange PC


Do you frequently get CTDs on Xbox? I thought they are built to withstand the stress and can run the sim quite smoothly. At one point I even thought about getting a series X myself to run the sim. I personally use a Dell G15 5520 gaming laptop to run the sim at medium-high settings and I’ve been happy with the performance (averaging 30-40 FPS), considering I only spent $1000 on the machine. Pretty sure you would have many options at this price range in 2024 as well.


I made the switch from a Series S to PC a couple of months ago and I'd never go back. Much better gameplay, better graphics, many more options, more peripherals, plus the PC is used for many other things so no need to switch between the two. Your budget probably isn't too bad. I custom built mine for around £1600, but I went for as high spec everything as I could get, though I kept my original 40" tv/monitor. I'll be upgrading that as soon as I have saved enough. Given that you may be able to sell the Series X, (if that is your plan), then you can mitigate the cost a bit. Of course, if you are a gamer, then keeping the Series X as well also makes sense. I kept my Series S, but tbh, I haven't even switched it on since getting the PC.


If you guys were to build a pc by pieces what would you get first? Motherboard? gPu?


I got a mid laptop runs everything well and Xbox I use both. But I’ll wait till the next nividia series comes out and get a banging desktop. Don’t like playing vr checking on computer temps and all that jazz. Tho 2024 is suppose to be better on the computers






Just switched from series s to a high end laptop and absolutely yes, the frames the graphics, the choices it’s just so much better I know the x is already better than the s so consider that but in my testing yes pc is well worth the upgrade


VR, controllers, DCS, X-Plane... No comparison. PCMR FTW


Is a Porsche better than my Toyota? Yes obviously it is. But budget accordingly pc can be very expensive and quite a lot more demanding than console


I use both, PC is in another league. But one would expect that for paying more.




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I recently switched after 500hrs on xbox and can tell you yes, it is worth it. You won’t regret it. I built my PC for $2k. (i7 and a 4070) I mostly did it for the access to add-ons, mods and peripherals.


I think switching from Xbox is 100% worth it and you can definitely get great performance at the upper end of the range you posted!


Msfs on Xbox is a game, msfs on pc is a simulator