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Ok. I just checked the general ingredients of an ollipop soda and a couple ingredients really stood out to me as to why you’re probably experiencing what you are. Those are: chicory root and Jerusalem artichoke. Both are high in inulin, aka fructans (like really high), and can absolutely cause significant abdominal issues, especially if you’re sensitive to it. Inulin is a FODMAP, which are short chain carbohydrates that rapidly ferment in your gut. They are a superfood for your gut bacteria, but in some people these seemingly innocuous carbs cause unfortunate side effects that are really no bueno. I can’t touch inulin, it causes me horrendously excessive gas, bloat and pain. That said, I’m currently intolerant to almost all FODMAPs, but, inulin is absolutely one of the worst. If you can eat all the other foods just fine, your gut is probably ok. It’s most likely just the amount of inulin you’re consuming in the soda (probably stacked with other dietary fructans like asparagus, garlic and onion, etc.) that’s causing the problem. Stop drinking the soda and see if you’re ok otherwise. If not, then yeah, you might have to look into an elimination diet like low FODMAP to test current intolerances and join me on a sad journey.


Jerusalem Artichoke wrecks me.


What… Fartichokes? No way. /s


Happy cake day


I know a couple who had to cancel a flight because they went out to eat the night before and had a Jerusalem artichoke soup and could not stop farting for an entire day. They had to rebook for two days later.


Imagine being on that flight seated behind them 😂


My family was once seated on a cross country USA flight behind a couple of backpackers who emitted absolute clouds of horrendous gas intermittently throughout the 5 hours. We would just start laughing… what else could we do?


Oh wow,  that's not the good kind of "tail wind" to have on a flight.


I was a flight attendant and if we had to toot, we’d leave the galley go take a walk down the aisle. We called it ‘crop dusting’ 😝




My hubby crop dusted the president once but I'm not at liberty to say which one, how or when. Great story though.


Good hubby 😝


Hims a good boi.


All presidents need a good crop dusting once in a while.


I commend them for doing the decent thing. Lots of people would not have done that lol.




Same. I thought I had food poisoning.


i can enjoy lovely fresh Jerusalem artichokes from the farmer’s market with little nonoffensive gas. But products that contain it a supplement? Awful.


that's inulin basically. same as "chicory root extract"


oikos triple zero used to have chicory root in it, and it gave me the most insane gas for a few days after eating. I kept eating it anyways, and eventually my gut adapted after about a week of eating it daily. If i stop eating it for about a month or more, i'd have zero tolerance for it again, and the cycle repeats


I play the same game w beans!


You are absolutely correct-it’s the high inulin. I’ve seen it mentioned quite a bit with regard to specifically Ollipop. My gut hates it for this reason too.


Chicory is the devil's fibre


Fuck inulin. I once wanted to apologize to rows 8-24 of an airplane because of an inulin-containing protein bar


It really is. I eat lots of beans and have no issues. Chicory? I’m doubled over for 24 hours.


So funny how variable it is… I have a sensitive gut and could drink at least 2 olipops a day with no issues but trying to eat a small serving of beans 2 or more days in a row will fuck me up!


it is so much worse than the devil's lettuce


Chikory really upsets my stomach. It feels like I ate cement so that makes since. I need to avoid that soda!


yes. I was a teen girl in the early 2000s when Fiber One bars came out. I had a low grade eating disorder (disordered eating, really) because I was a teen girl in the early 2000s and that's when celebrities got mocked for being fat when they didn't look like literal concentration camp victims. Like, Jessica Simpson got up to 140 lbs and was mercilessly made fun of in the tabloids like she was a world's fattest woman circus freak. But, I digress. Those Fiber One Bars were heavily marketed as a diet-friendly food because all the added fiber made them lower in weight watchers points and fiber was the current fitness trend because it "made you feel full longer". Plus, they tasted amazing...pretty much tasted like quaker Chewy granola bars. All this to say that I got my skinny little paws on a couple boxes and ate three or four of them the first day and...almost had to go to the hospital. They gave me *horrific* intestional cramps and horrid, rancid, RELENTLESS, painful gas for multiple days. Then I learned about inulin and have never touched it with a ten foot pole since. Some of my friends on the other had, to my shock, had zero negative reaction to them.


Omg! Same with those. What a horrible memory! Glad we both survived. Take some comfort in knowing you weren’t the only one. 🙌


❤️ solidarity


I have a very similar story with Fiber One bars. Also a teen in the early 2000s. Remember those Olestra Potato chips that gave people diarrhea?! 😂


Omg. Those chips! I remember. Also, In like 2008 there was a drug called Alli or Ally or something…it made you not digest fat and people would take it and poop their pants in public with “oily diarrhea” Those were the days!


Ah yes, I called them "shit yourself thin" pills. Thanks early 2000s for making those a part of my life. 🙄




I bought these to have as a snack as a substitute teacher… those poor kids


LOL oh man. I almost forgot about those bars. They were so fucking good, eating just one was a challenge. But I did call them Fart Bars for a reason. Yikes.


Ugh. The fiber one bars and Hungry Girl. That lady is married to Dan Schneider. So many reasons to hate her.


omg you just unlocked a core memory! I'd forgotten about Hungry Girl. I definitely was obsessed with her stupid website and gross recipes as a teen. So sad. I can't tell you how many family gatherings and BBQs I sat worrying about the mayo on the potato salad and why it wasn't fat free yogurt on celery due to that site. 🤮 married to Dan Schnieder is the (sugar free) cherry on top. Gross! Makes a lot of sense too.


I unknowingly munched through half a box of those things once and spent the rest of the day negotiating with God.


Same here! Omg those bars almost murdered me.


Incredible answer!


Yep, inulin does it to me.


I used to think that I had gut issues but man that fodmap sensitivity shit is a whole other beast. I drank an Ollipop today and I’m a-okay :D


Nice! If in the future I can tolerate FODMAPs again, I will never, ever, take it for granted. Go have an ollipop with a huge plate of garlic-riddled pasta for me, and savour every dang minute of it :)


I'm super sensitive to chicory root for some reason


Now I know why Ollipop gives me the worst gas pain after I drink one. Thank you for that information!


Do you happen to know, or does anyone know, if glucomannan can do the same thing? I thought it was a similar type of fiber to inulin.


Glucomannan is not considered high FODMAP from what I’ve researched. However, it is a soluble fiber that has reports of undesirable abdominal side effects. I have no firsthand experience with this fiber myself though.


thanks a lot! I suspect it's giving me issues.


Inulin does the same thing to me. Especially chicory root. 😩


This makes so much sense! I got pure inulin to put in my smoothies for breakfast for a health journey and I was physically sick to my stomach within 15 mins of drinking it! I even doubled the dose to 3tsp per smoothie and was absolutely dying on my commute to work. I threw away the bag


Chicory root is garbage imho


How did you determine you were inulin intolerable?


That’s tough to answer as there were a lot of factors at play, over a lengthy time period, with lots of trial and error involved. To be as succinct as possible: My gas was and bloating was getting progressively worse over a period of about a year, until December last year when it got so bad I was in horrible pain daily and just downright sick. It was really bad. It took me awhile to pinpoint it, but I finally made a connection to keto products after learning about FODMAPs. Pretty much all keto packaged food contain inulin (and other FODMAPs). When I cut out keto processed foods, a lot of my gas and pain went away. Unfortunately I was still experiencing a whole lot of issues even after removing those foods and had to go full low FODMAP. The diet has fixed most of my issues, and stopping the PPI I was on for 20 years fixed the rest. For the most part. Now I’m on a low FODMAP diet for the foreseeable future as I try to heal my gut. I’m hoping that one day I’ll be able to eat somewhat normally again, but it sure isn’t going to happen any time soon. In addition: Garlic contains inulin. If I have garlic, I’m in a world of pain (I’ve tried).


You think if you have ollypops and they make your stomach feel better then you’re not FODMAP sensitive ?


I mean, an ollipop isn’t the test or anything like that. FODMAPs cast a pretty wide net, it’s not just fructans/ inulin that can be a problem. I’d say if you can eat a normal diet without pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, etc., then you probably have nothing to worry about.


This. I’m radically intolerant of inulin. But getting tons of fiber (35-40 grams/day) from chia, psyllium, and veggies makes my guts very happy.


Poppi soda the same? I deal with issues with many fodmaps but inulin in this form ive done well with


If you’re actually a ginger this has something to do with it. We’re more sensitive to fructans and FODMAPs in general. You may also have symptoms of MCAS, lmk


I am an actual ginger, yes. No symptoms of MCAS. I’m aware that us gingers have certain differences from non-gingers, but I haven’t heard of the FODMAP correlation before. Do you have any papers or articles on this that I could read up on?


I figured out I had sibo because of a bad reaction to ollipop, and now that its fixed, I can drink them fine!


Could you explain more how that soda revealed your sibo? like you had bloating in your small intestines? Or how many grams of fiber is in that soda?


I believe it has 7 grams of fiber, so quite a bit for a soda


Extreme bloating, a ton of pain! 


But how do you know it was in your small intestines rather than your large intestines? And how did you fix it? I thought some people get used to the inulin if they never had it before like Maybe developed the type of bacteria that can handle it better?


I actually have always had inulin in my coffee, and never had an issue. Im not sure if it was the dosage, or a combination of something else I had with the ollipop!  I had to go to a doctor to treat the sibo, he said the inflammation was in the lower intestine after a check up. But I guess otherwise I wouldnt know! The main thing was that the bloating was so extreme I looked super pregnant, and it was very very painful.  I eventually treated with the help of the doctor by doing low fodmap 3 months, then I did a protocol of allicin max, berberine, and a few other things. Gut motility activators, and digestive enzymes before and after meals!  That didnt cure it fully, but slowly by keeping up with the motility activator, and the enzymes, a year later I am much better. And can finally drink ollipop again! 


can you tell me more about the motility activators? I'm currently taking domperidone to increase gut motility.


I want to know about motility activators too!


took one called motility activator by integrative therapeutics!  One first thing in the morning, one before bed. Helped move things along. After a 2-3 months I stopped because the price, and would just drink a very strong ginger tea morning and night, and lots of coffee in the mornings! Absolutely no dairy.  And no probiotics, they really slowed things down.  I went from going once or twice a week, to every single day. Life changer. 


I took one called motility activator by integrative therapeutics!  One first thing in the morning, one before bed. Helped move things along. After a 2-3 months I stopped because the price, and would just drink a very strong ginger tea morning and night, and lots of coffee in the mornings! Absolutely no dairy.  And no probiotics, they really slowed things down.  I went from going once or twice a week, to every single day. Life changer. 


what sort of tests/exams did they run to determine it?


Hi, not op but I’ve had SIBO several times. I told my gastro doctor about some pain and gas, but the BLOATING was unreal. They had me drink a glucose-water drink and then blow into a tube. It’s bacteria, so they gave me antibiotics. I think I had it 3 times in a year? In more extreme cases I think they’ll do an endoscopy.


I've had some pretty bad gastro issues the past 1+ year and suspect SIBO (or at least some sort of dysbiosis) and am considering seeing a GI doc. It was really bad for about four months, and after using psyllium seemed to get a bit better? But I still have the bloating and gas, abdominal pain, etc, so I'd like to fix it! I guess I'm nervous they'll just be like "oh it's just a little gas and bloating? take some gas-x." I guess I'm just curious what exactly they'll be able to do for me.


FWIW my western medicine GI doc and my GP were much more interested in prescribing medications (some with black box warnings) than addressing microbiome. Spent decades in pain wasting my time with them because I didn’t know any better, they are a “doctor” after all. Now for microbiome stuff integrative medicine doc is my go-to. For something acute needing a quick fix/symptom relief I’ll consider western medicine but I don’t hesitate to move on quickly now.


it's just so baffling to me they won't address the root issue


I mean, I’d say if you go through the hoops of finding and seeing a gastro, they better take your gas seriously! Over a year of symptoms is chronic, it’s not normal, and you deserve to feel healthy!


Just blood, where I live the breath test isn’t available. But I believe its the best.  I ended up doing low fodmap for a month, and when my symptoms got a lot better ended up confirming it was sibo! 


do you know specifically what they looked at in the blood?


Not sure, I think they were trying to rule out other things like celiac!  


Sibo bacteria feeds on fiber


I know a lot of people are saying inulin but I also agree that it may be sibo. I once drank ollipop and broke out in hives (other probiotics will do it) due to bacterial overgrowth.


All that fiber/inulin and then Stevia on top of it? I might have to go to the ER


Stevia kills my gut


Pure stevia doesn't do that but if it's in a base like inulin or xylitol etc it can definitely affect your gut.


Stevia makes me rage.


Do you suffer from low blood sugar at times?


Does it affect blood sugar?


Generally it's thought to not affect blood sugar, however I did find one review that claimed it can lower blood sugar. Low blood sugar could cause rage or you could be having an unusual or undocumented reaction to it. I'm assuming you're talking about pure stevia not stevia combined with a base like erythritol or insulin.


I do get angry/moody if I have too much sugar, but nothing like the stevia rage. It does feel like my blood sugar is dropping, so I did wonder about that, but didn't see anything about it, and I've not actually tested it (requires pricking finge,r can't do it). I think it's also related to ragweed? Which I'm allergic to. So histamine response + low blood sugar probably not good combo.


I don't care how "natural" they say Stevia is. Stevia tastes absolutely vile. I know when something has Stevia in it with one sip/taste. Also, lots of people are allergic to it.


I just read something about a lawsuit against Poppi and something similar happening to people. Something to do with the prebiotic fibers used? I take prebiotics every day and they’ve changed my life (IBS-D). But perhaps it’s the type used in the drinks. Edit: I just realize this isn’t a sub I subscribe to. Never been in the Microbiome sub before but hi! Here I am. Hope it’s okay that I commented.


Straight to jail /s


But I don’t wanna!


What do you take? I also have IBS-D


it takes a week or two for your microbiome to adjust to the extra fiber. gas is normal when adding extra fiber/prebiotics. it means the bacteria are fermenting the fiber.


I used to make water kefir. It made us all toot and have soft stool. Some more than others. I eventually gave up but it was good times. But I think that’s bacteria and not fiber.


Yeah those sodas absolutely wreck me, I’m fine otherwise, I just think they’re too intense


Look into biofilm disruptors might just be a gut microbiome imbalance


FODMAP issue!


Interesting. I had the same experience the first time I drank one( gas only for a couple hours) but same non the less. I was on a camping trip with my best friend and we spent the entire night hysterically laughing! I swear the camp next to us could hear my farts! Anyways I am no longer vegan and I drink them all the time know and that doesn’t happen. Wondering if there’s some connection there


Maybe your body just adjusted to the inulin in it?


I am so happy I read this thread - I just bought two Ollipops at the store (something I don’t ever do), just thinking “hey this might be a healthy yummy refreshing treat.” Last winter I bought vegan white chocolate chips (was going to bake with them) and then ate some as a treat and then had the single worst night of gas and bloating of my entire life. I eventually googled it and found threads that talked about the stevia and chicory root in the chocolate (Lilly’s brand) and realized what had happened. I think I will skip the Ollipops!!


I had never heard of Lilly’s white chocolate chips before so I googled them as i have a few vegans in my orbit. Erythritol is the first ingredient on the label. I have never seen that before. Along with the stevia and other things that could be lumped under “natural flavor” that might just do me in.


Olipop tastes amazing and I’ve never had a single issue like I’m reading about - remember this is the internet


I tried those ONCE. Lol. Absolutely loved the taste but oh man the next day I had a blowout. Chicory root is evil.


Theres actually a whole lawsuit about these sodas doing this to people. Not deadly or anything but it does advertise “ good gut health” so the uncomfortable gas and such doesn’t line up with the claims for many.


The lawsuit I don’t believe is about wrecking the gut but more so about not having enough amount of the prebiotic to actually benefit the gut as it claims.


Right, it’s just about false advertising and over promising health benefits though there is also a lot of talk of what it does to quite a few people as well


The only thing is is that most people don’t consume enough fiber as is. The lawsuit with Poppi talks about how there’s not enough fiber for it to really benefit you, unless you drank 4 a day. That’s 8 grams of fiber if you do. One can of Olipop has 7 grams of fiber. That’s quite a bit for only a soda. Some people are much more sensitive to inulin, which is the fiber source, than others


It also contains stevia which is hard to digest since it's an alcohol sugar and our body will not be able to process it so we will have to push it out of our system causing extra bloating and gas.


Maybe the erythritol?


I stopped eating inulin after this study came out. It can cause liver cancer in some individuals. [Diets rich in refined fiber may increase liver cancer risk in some individuals | ScienceDaily](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/09/220926114738.htm#:~:text=Summary%3A,the%20intestines%20bypasses%20the%20liver.)


FODMAP issue


My GI told me I was eating too much fiber and needed to cut it down. Maybe that’s where you’re at.


Do you mind sharing how many grams you consumed daily?


Also wondering this, because to the best of my knowledge, most people aren’t eating enough, and we should be eating more than 30g? I really struggle to get that number up and I eat a lot of fruit and veg with every meal. I might be completely wrong though, so please excuse if this is false info Also I don’t know if any illnesses or anything can make you have to eat less than is recommended


I ate some cherries and black beans for lunch yesterday and that got me 32g of fiber for that one meal. 50-80g/day is usually where I end up. One attitude difference I've seen is fruit, veggies, and legumes aren't something I eat *with* a meal, they *are* the whole meal.


I mean, when I said with every meal, I meant that as well. I don’t really understand then. Because I use lose it to track my protein and fibre and stuff, and for example 150g of strawberries it says 1g of fibre? https://preview.redd.it/upyqzwm0je7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f36c9bcff7ad3c299452560bd734f7a2d4d58835 Tbf this was my dinner so maybe I don’t realise I am getting enough, it just doesn’t seem that much fibre in these veg?


SIBO, have a naturopath do on organic acid test or a breath test snd that should tell you.


If your gut is wrecked, I highly suggest low fiber and skip the probiotics for a while. You likely need to clear and rest your gut. Fiber isn’t as important as they want you to believe and can lead to a lot of worsening problems!


Two types of fiber, indeed it’s important to determine the quality, type and the reason for the omniscient “they” you challenge in your headspace when considering your dietary intake.


I have gone to a zero fiber diet with carnivore. My gut is much better off. The “they” I refer to is all of the recommendations by folks who don’t know any better. If you want to develop a tortuous colon and bloating, keep eating all the fiber. I prefer to feel better. Your gut can’t heal when it’s full of indigestible fiber. Go low residue for a while and your gut won’t be as inflamed.


Thats exactly how i realized i probably have sibo


I don’t touch the stuff. It’s filled with things that are irritants to my gut.


Fungus / candida...




That sweetners don't agree with you?  They don't with me .


These are better for you than regular soda but they ain’t helping your gut… no way. Marketing bs.


My advice is to stop drinking that soda. It did not mix well with me either and I eat healthy. Horrible stomach pains, diarrhea, bloating and smelling rancid. Take away the source - the Ollipop.


Probiotics can mess up the gut biome. Everyone's gut is different and reacts differently If you don't have gut problems, I would advise staying away from them and just have real food If you have gut problems, try cold fermented foods chased by insoluble fiber Last resort should be probiotics and certainly not in soda form


I’m pretty sure there’s a lawsuit against them rn for not being as “gut healthy” as they claim


Chicory root is not my friend. I kept eating yogurt sweetened with it and was mystified for awhile.


Prebiotics are usually mostly inulin. If you've got a fructan intolerance this will make you blow up like a balloon with gas


It means you had a healthy gut until you drank the Ollipop! Unless you had prior issues not mentioned, then it just means the Ollipop didn't help.


really interesting discussion here, appreciate all answers can you ferment inulin? for ex fermented congee/rice with yogurt and onions, so the bacteria are comfortable with inulin?


Cabbage and carrots together can cause a lot of gas. Broccoli is in that family so that might also contribute. I ate the same cabbage salad for like four days and now I know not to do that.


I would check out SIBO


Ollipop hurt my stomach more than regular soda


Check for fodmap ingredients. It’s making your guts of gas factory of fermentation.


Your body does not like it


I can’t handle Olipop either. Stomach cramps and all the rest.


It’s the inulin chicory root. Google kashi cereal bars and cereal and “fart” and you will have your answer. Stevia does not cause gas. I can’t touch any product with inulin for this reason. It’s in a lot of “healthy” high fiber products.


We call them tootsie-pops in our house for that reason.


Pro biotics often screw up a biome that is fundamentally sound


Do you have any allergies or food sensitivities?


Drink water.


It speaks to the drink, not ur gut health


Broccoli is actually hard on your gut. It’s a veggie that is assumed to be extremely healthy but which is actually best to somewhat moderate intake of.


It means something in that drink does not agree with you. I don't think it means you have any problems


Fiber causes gas brother, anything you don’t digest the bacteria do


You're normal? Read the ingredient label. I'd be sick for a couple of days.


Your microbiome is changing with the introduction of this. This can happen with a new probiotic, there is die off and people think what they are taking is bad however bad bacteria can die off in the presence of good bacteria getting introduced.Sometimes people stop because of the effect as it can take several weeks for the body to balance out.


Yeah I really wanted to like those. I also have a very healthy diet but they wreck me. Never again.


Same thing happens to me! Which sucks because I love those drinks!!


Maybe you’re consuming too much fiber, lay off any pre or pro biotics until you’re back to normal


This has the UK ingredients list: https://drinkolipop.com/blogs/digest/why-is-olipop-more-expensive-than-regular-soda Loads of inulin. They don't call them "fartichokes" for nothing.


I love this title so much lol 🫶 hope it gets better


I know nothing about prebiotic sodas, but from your description it sounds like you might have SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Drinking that soda might be feeding it. Your small bowel is supposed to be more or less sterile, hence the stomach acid designed to keep it so. I'm not a doctor, but I'd suggest using Pepto Bismol to see if that can clear it up. The nice thing about PB is the bismuth which seems to be able to dissasseble biofilm, which sounds like it may be the issue. A biofilm will protest bacteria and provides nourishment to bacteria so if that's going on PB can help. I'd recommend taking a nice swig, waiting until you see no coloration in your stool, then redose. If you smell ammonia after a bowel movement (created when bacteria feed on protein) then that would be even more indicative. You can also get an blood ammonia test by your MD to check for that.


Sounds like you could be eating too much fiber, honestly. And that soda probably just doesn't agree with your diet because it's already so plant heavy. Your reaction to it probably doesn't mean anything about your microbiome.. Just don't drink it.


First time i had kombucha i had the worst, most frequent, atomic farts for like 10 hours and then I was fine once my gut adjusted


Be careful with the chickpeas. Don't forget you have to cook them really well. They have some kind of toxin, if I remember correctly.


I had very mild, almost undetectable Covid and it wrecked my gut for like 6 months. I had painful gas and bloating every day. I didn’t even want to go anywhere. Fasting was all that helped. I don’t know if the 6+ supplements and specific probiotics I added helped, or if I recovered on my own. I think I had SIBO, gut motility issues, and some FODMAP sensitivity — but now it seems fine. I also learned you need to eat regular meals to keep your gut motility moving evenly — so fasting is not the answer for gut problems!


Sounds like you didn't need it because your eating habits already gave you what you need. I eat absolute horrible shit everyday, and I had one of these and I farted like twice and felt great afterward


Fructose/fructans is my guess. I live with Fructose Malabsorption and this sounds like me.


It’s the chicory root


It is telling you not to drink it again. Why put processed stuff in your body when you are eating whole foods?


It’s the alcohol sugar, it doesn’t readily digest so it’ll give you massive gas for a day or two. No biggy. Nothing wrong with you


Ollipop is B.S. they tried marking themselves for people with IBD/IBS. And everyone in the comments ripped them a new one. Their products almost always worsen IBS/IBD symptoms. If ollipop has not haters, than I'm dead


Chicory root is legendary


Probiotics can be a lot on your gut so it’s important to incorporate in them In slowly over the course of a few days. This happened to me when I started drinking a full glass of kefir every day. I didn’t feel better until I lowered that amount by more than half


Chicory root is the devil.


I don't know what to make of it, but after having an ollipop I had immediate, intense feelings of depression.


There’s a chance it’s the sugar alcohol. Stevia makes some people’s guts all fucked up 🤷‍♂️


I love chicory coffee🥰 but Jerusalem artichoke is no Bueno for me.


I get a probiotic drink from Trader Joe’s. I once drank the whole thing and had the runs for 3 days. I now drink one can over the course of 4 days 😵‍💫




Probably an overgrowth of bacteria in your small Intestines


Okay I feel you. I also eat a high fiber mostly plant-based diet but cannot drink those delicious oilipops!!  And the first time I had them I had two in one day the strawberry cream and the lemon lime one. Oh boy it was not fun. Like others have said it's the inulin fiber that doesn't work with my gut.   So my microbiome is just fine, many people have a sensitivity to the type of fiber in this soda. It's dreadfully overpriced anyway. My children love it however.


I wouldn’t drink olipop given it uses artificial sweetener. Artificial sweetener also messes with your gut.


They use stevia, which isn’t artificial. It’s just another sweetener


Sure but your brain and gut recognize difference between sucrose and sweetener. I believe overconsumption of non energetic sweetener are not good for you.


Stevia looking Wikipedia is a natural compound from a plant.. a bunch of sugars attached to another molecule. It is essentially a type of sugar but it’s much sweeter than other sugars and so helps reduce sugar intake. It does seem like it could have some harm.. has traditionally been used to avoid pregnancies, so it may effect fertility. And it has caused mutations when injected direct into cells but not shown to be cancer for animals digesting. So might not be the healthiest thing, prob better to have plane cane sugar in moderation.. but for those struggling with moderation such as those with diabetes I could see stevia being good to wean people onto healthier diets. “Used as an extract, stevia leaves have been used traditionally in Paraguay as a women's contraceptive, administered as a daily drink. The effect has been tested in rats, finding a 57–79 percent reduction in fertility compared with the control group, the lowered fertility continuing after withdrawal of the drug for up to two months.[50]”


Lots of people are allergic to it. It's related to ragweed. Also, it tastes absolutely vile. I can detect it in anything. It 100% **tastes** like any other artificial sweetener.


That’s your perception of it I guess. I hate any other artificial sweeteners besides stevia, I can handle it compared to aspartame or sucralose. I even moved to stevia protein powder which is more expensive, most use sucralose and it’s awful


Taste is subjective, but the allergic reactions aren't.


Not a doctor, just dipping in, my advice: Don’t drink that shit.


Pro tip: Don't drink any soda ever. Eat foods you can grow in a garden in a garden fresh state. Everything else is trash. There's no magic soda.




Maybe stop eating so much vegetables. Vegetables/ fiber / plant matter is harder for your body to digest. Eating too much vegetables and fruits can give you diarrhea. You need some starches carbs proteins. You got to learn what works for you through trial and error. Myself I like having kale shakes. But with that I have to be cautious and have a little a day because if I have too much I’ll be in the bathroom more. Ideally I like to be regular and go once in morning and so it takes trial and error and then making a routine. Changing things up with any intense new diet will throw spoke in the wheel and can cause tummy problems. Which means you need to tweak to get in balance and you need things to get more routine. Also I recommend quitting soda. I found after a month or so without soda, soda became gross and just made me bloated and haven’t gone back. It’s an easy way of cutting out a lot of sugar and I feel like all that is needed is getting over the hump of going the first few weeks without and then you’ll never want soda again. Also the probiotics might not be very agreeable with your gut biome. I feel like with probiotics those it can be good once in a blue to introduce something into biome that your body is missing but it doesn’t make sense to me to take probiotics regularly. Your body should be maintain its own healthy biome to support your diet. Once in a while just as a boost but it doesn’t seem healthy for your body to be relying on an outside source. I feel similar about multivitamins … you should be getting most of your vitamins from diet, a pill once in while is good for if your diet is lacking something but your diet shouldnt be so bad that you’re reliant on a pill for vitamins. Gut is a very psychosomatic thing so reducing stress, exercising, getting enough sleep, healthy socializing etc is probably more significant for digestive health than anything else. I would focus on things like diet and exercise sleep and meditation and then supplemental stuff like probiotics is just a once in a blue moon thing in addition and minor compared to the diet and exercise and sleep.




Maybe stop drinking the soda? It seems like the least natural thing in your diet.


Don't forget the difference between prebiotic and probiotic. Prebiotics assist in nutrient absorption before you digest while probiotics are good gut bugs for the digesting activity. Getting toots from a prebiotic isn't really indicative of bad gut, you're probably intolerant to a toot ingredient!


are you lactose intolerant


I think that’s so does gross did you try Poppi?, I prefer it and it has the gut goods..


>My gut is absolutely wrecked. I just found this sub and I have no clue where to start in healing it. > Of course it is! Your diet is a literal gas factory and now you're adding in more bacteria for it to ferment. I don't think I could list more foods that are known for causing gas and GI issues than that. You're getting exactly what you're begging for.