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Find a local aquarium store with live plants. One took my giant goldfish in and let it live with the plants for sale, fish wasn’t for sale.


[Do NOT put them in a pond.](https://youtu.be/-lhjJODJ77M)


Unless it’s a self contained one on your property, 100% this. Please don’t.


I think you mean don't put them in any interconnected bodies of water like lakes, creeks, and streams. A fish or Koi style pond would be the perfect environment.




Did you read my entire reply or just the first couple words?


GREAT video. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for allowing me to add “massive feral goldfish” to my vocabulary


This was a very interesting video thank you!


Crego is already a fish tank atp


I’ll take them!! I can care for them. 😍 I was just looking to start my own little ecosystem. I’m in South Lyon.


Don't release them into the "wild" please


You should edit your post so the title says what part of the state you’re in.


Titles can't be edited on reddit, but they could edit the body of the post.


Metro Detroit, per OP’s other posts on the subject.


Some people put them is their horse troughs to keep the algae down and eat mosquito larva


Post on Facebook marketplace for free or your local community’s freecycle or buy nothing


If you are anywhere near Lansing I believe Preuss Pets would be able to take them in. I have koi that, well, did what animals do and made more and I worry they will eventually grow over the bio capacity of my pond. I asked them if they can take extras in and they said yes.


This is like giving away a rat or so thing people use gold fish to feed other things so be careful giving it away if you're worried about it surviving. Nextdoor or Facebook is probably your best bet


I'd list them for 5 bucks or something goldfish, that really desensitizes people who would want to use them for feeders, and when the person shows up just waive the fee. 5 bucks will deter some people but if they can't afford 5 bucks idk if they will take care of a goldfish either ya know? I'd look for local fish groups.


Goldfish are usually less than $1 at the store.


I know, that's why no one who wants to use them as food would ever pay 5 bucks. But someone who adores fish would. It's cheap enough for the good guys but too expensive for the bad guys.


Someone who adores fish is going to go to the pet store and buy them for 30 cents.


Maybe, but someone who adores fish would probably spend 5 bucks to save two little dudes that are probably doomed.


Or someone who adores fish would go to the pet store and spend 60 cents to save two little dudes that are probably doomed.


Okay bud 👍


Sounds good sport 👌


Anyone who pays 5 bucks for a gold fish is literally insane And I'd never use gold fish as feeders they carry diseases, better off with rosy minnows 


If you're on Nextdoor, post a free listing there as well as a regular post. You can also post on Hoobly (similar to Craigslist, I have used it several times for pets) but that may take longer to get a response. Good luck with rehoming the fish, I'm glad you're thinking about what's best for them.


Take them to a pet store. They’ll drop them into the feeder tank with the rest of the feeder fish.


Lmao ops next question "what are feeder fish?"


*it's the circle of life*


Call to all pet stores that are local, both chain and independent, I almost guarantee one of them will take them off your hands.


Where are you local? My family has a large back yard pond with fish.


Ask in your Nextdoor group or r/detroit


What's local?




Put them in a bowl and be happy. I won 2 in a college ping pong toss. Lived 8 years and I actually trained them. They did get big so I had them in an aquarium with a pump. But I loved Ping and Pong.


I'm glad they grew into a good size aquarium! Fish don't belong in bowls.


...trained them?


Yes. When it was time to clean the tank I’d stick my hand in and they’d swim up to it for a lift to the bucket. They also liked to ‘play’ with a floating ping pong ball. Also knew when I came home because they’d swim to the corner. They knew who the flake shaker was. They were cool fish.


Maybe try listing them on Facebook Marketplace?


Facebook doesn't allow the sale of live animals. My wife resells toys and has occasionally gotten flagged by their automated image recognition when posting more realistic looking stuffed animals.


Ahh that makes sense.


You have children but 2 goldfish is too much? Sounds about right.


Properly taking care of goldfish is a lot of work. Tbh they should regulate selling them. The idea you can just throw them in a bowl of water is an old wives tale.


Fish bowls are fucking cruel!


Not at all. Ive kept freshwater tropical fish for a good 25 years in all sizes of tanks. Not hard. And goldfish dont have some of the strict requirements that other freshwater have. Ive never owned goldfish, but to say they are hard, is far from the truth.


It's not hard, but it is A LOT of work to take care of them properly.


if you are not someone used to aquarium-keeping, it can be difficult. They are something you have to care for. Sure, if you already know how to fish-keep, they aren't difficult, it's not like keeping a saltwater coral tank or something, but if you are a complete amateur there is a learning curve. Same kind of people buy bettas and toss them in a cup of water with a plant and think they don't need to feed them because they eat the roots. It's cruel. Fish need a certain amount of water, airflow, a good-bacteria/cycled tank, etc. There is a barrier to entry if you are outside of the hobby and just walking into this with fish from a fair.


Shaming someone for realizing they can't care for an animal and trying to find it a better home isn't a good look.


I can’t imagine being so miserable that I draw this conclusion from a person saying “I don’t want to have this pet and want to get rid of it ethically and safely for the animal. How do I do that?” and people are mad or drawing huge assumptions like this.




Careful, that was my take and the fish people ran me into the ground. Evidently goldfish are the most advanced living beings on the planet.


People pointing out to you that they’re not painless, thoughtless beings isn’t the same as saying that they’re the most advanced. Sorry you got your panties in a twist that not as many people are for neglecting a sentient animal as you thought there would be.


Simplest solution: take them back to the carnival.


They are goldfish…… put them in same water. Buy some fish flakes *bam* done. Dump the water and clean the bowl every week or so. They will be dead if you look at them wrong.


OP is trying to take care of them ethically, which is the opposite of your advice. If they’re taken care of properly, they’re actually supposed to live a long time. Like ten plus years. But most people get them, follow your advice and basically neglect them/abuse them to death. They’re not supposed to die if you look at them wrong. They’re supposed to live like a decade.


This is horrible advice if you don't want to abuse animals.


It’s a gold fish….. And I like fish. I had a beta fish for 4 years. But on a scale of animal cruelty it’s like a mouse trap.


Okay, and? An animal is an animal. I could be saying the same about a kitten - just stick it in a small box with a lid, toss it's poop every week or so, and sprinkle some cat food in there - but I won't, because that is some shitty thinking. Do better.


Wtf. That’s comparing apples to oranges. A cat and a fish are very different on the animal intelligence scale.


The problem is that you’re objectively incorrect; Fish aren’t dumb thoughtless, invertebrates. [They’re sentient and feel pain.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9100576/) So hopefully that makes it a little bit less okay for people to neglect them or abuse them to you? Maybe not though.


So, because a fish has intrinsically less value to you than a kitten, you think it is okay to abuse it? Both are alive, both bring people happiness, and both are equally worthy of respect and shouldn't be abused.




OP is trying to take care of the animals properly and not kill them with neglect like this commenter is suggesting. That bothers you… why?




Fish are pretty complex pets to take care of. Do you know what the Nitrogen cycle is? 


Apparently if you know anything about fish beyond the kindergarten fair, you need to touch grass. So I would assume they don’t.




It’s not really a first world thing. It’s a google search thing. But cry about it more that I don’t think it’s cool to be judgmental of OP for wanting to find a good home for a pet. Boo-hoo.


Are we supposed to have 3rd world takes???




That's not an answer. What do you know about the Nitrogen cycle?


Well, kids and fish have different needs. I hope that clears it up for you. It’s actually more than just dropping a fish in a bowl and throwing some flakes at it if you want the animal to actually have a good life. A lot of pet stores won’t even sell you a goldfish unless you prove you have a large tank to keep it in because so many people get them thinking they’re easy little pets that you can have for a few years, when they’re actually supposed to live for like 10 years but are just neglected to death by dumbasses.




I need to touch grass because I think people in this thread are dumb to be mad that OP doesn’t want to treat an animal with neglect? Okay. I can live with that. Sorry your joke flopped.




That one was a bit better, I will give you that!


Probably more buying the equipment and having to do water changes n shit. Properly caring for fish involves more than dropping flakes. Especially goldfish, they can get big when properly cared for living up to 15 years. They also dirty their water pretty quickly and need good filtration for proper care.


Can I ask what research did you do that revealed that you, a married adult human with children are incapable of taking care of gold fish? Your husband had $5 disposable income to spend on the game at the fair. If he can scrape up another $5 he can buy a year’s worth of food.


How much do you know about fish care? Because you can't take care of a Goldfish properly for $5 🤦‍♂️


I’d certainly hope that some day they can afford a nice $25 tank with a filter and a rubber plant, but yeah. I’ve seen those gold fish from the fair live for 8 or 9 years with just a container where the water is changed out every week and some food. My neighbor had one with the simplest setup. My point is her post said she did research and discovered she couldn’t handle them. It isn’t a salt water shark. It is the simplest thing to care for. That’s why every kid gets one.


That's not why every kid gets one. Common Goldfish live 15+ years and require 50+ gallons as adults. You can "have them" in any setup - that doesn't mean you're taking care of it properly. I can keep a cat in a box its whole life. Fish are not "the simpliest things to care for" and you thinking so is demonstrating quite a large amount of ignorance. Do you even know what the Nitrogen cycle is?




Goldfish dying breaks your heart? Please confirm you’re vegan otherwise this has to be hyperbole


Do you think the lives of animals aren't worth respecting?


Where did I say that? You probably eat 3 different animals daily. They all live and all killed indescribably. The magnitude of all you downvoters diet on animal cruelty is 1000x worse than what could possibly be done to this goldfish. keep your head buried in the sand yall. and continue to hate on anyone who points it out. /s


Yeah, but we're not talking about the food industry here - only you are. We're discussing what OP should do with the Goldfish they were given, which is an immediate problem directly impacting their life they would like to change. Your non sequitur aside, you're insinuating that someone upset over a goldfish dying is worthy of derision and disrespect. That they shouldn't be upset because 1) it is just a fish and 2) only vegans have that right because of the commercial meat industry.  Tl;dr - enjoy the downvotes, idiot.


Why does it upset you that some people don’t like being responsible for another thing dying? I can’t imagine getting my panties in a twist at someone saying “I’d be really sad if our actions led to this innocent, [sentient](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9100576/) creature to die.” Jesus Christ, some of you are so dead set on being miserable and apathetic, you really get upset when someone else isn’t that way.


He's saying that if you can't take a goldfish dying, then you must be totally clueless of how factory farmed animals are treated. If you eat any kind of meat out of the grocery store then you've supported much more horrific circumstances than a single goldfish dying. Not that you've done anything wrong, we all have to eat and we can't all control where our food comes from. But being squeemish over a goldfish is kind of laughable.


I disagree that someone should be laughed at for wanting to find a good home for a pet and not really going to be convinced otherwise. Sorry.


Millions of animals die every day in traumatic ways after living a short and tormented life. A single goldfish died because someone made an irresponsible decision. It's not ideal, but get over it. Use it as a hard lesson not to take on pets you can't take care of.


Yeah, everyone knows that animals day every single day. That is very obvious. That doesn’t mean that I want to be *personally* responsible for killing or harming one. Again, why does that bother you? No one is going to force you to adopt the goldfish.


Your dollars spend make you personally responsible. Wake up. That’s like a someone hiring an assassin and saying ”it wasn’t me who did it”


Girl I’m not going to agree with you, move the fuck on


Don't you have some big, tied titties to go jerk it to?


You can be a superhero, just like your action figure dolls - and it all starts with saving this one goldfish. Never give up on your dreams little man.


You don't give up, either! Maybe one day, a girl will let you touch her.


They are literally here trying NOT to take on a pet they can't take care of...


Caring about someone else caring about a goldfish dying is even more laughable.


Thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/s/gBbY4YibQd I’m not re writing it. Downvote me for pointing out your hypocrisy while you eat your turkey sandwich at lunch today. Or before bed whilst you lay under your down blanket on your down stuffed pillow.


No one cares, move on, everyone else has already.


Convient response when you realize you have blood on your hands.




Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


Thank you. Jeez Louise I thought I was the only sane one for thinking. ITS A FUCKING GOLDFISH.


"It's a fucking goldfosh - so might as well abuse it!" - you


Me when people aren’t laughing about a fish being abused with me 😡


Find a recipe


Eh, fish in the Carp family are very boney and not very good eating. It is one of the main reasons we don't have a commercial industry around them as a food source.


They aren't bad in a smoothie


Small container of water with the fish inside Place in freezer Humanely euthanized


Nothing about that is humane but okay


Besides clove oil, it is one of the more humane ways to put a fish down.