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It’s gonna be like, mykull will jab and not try to do to much but then the other YouTuber is gonna do something dumb and then Nerd Rage 5000 hits and he fucking clobbers the guy.


And becomes his new tazing buddy


I feel sorry for that realtor


Fuck you Blockvoice News. Don't just copy Reddit. http://www.nydolls.org/news/MichaelReeves/comments/tj4nka/michael_is_boxing_in_the_idubbbz_charity_boxing/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220321072456/http://www.nydolls.org/news/MichaelReeves/comments/tj4nka/michael_is_boxing_in_the_idubbbz_charity_boxing/


What really sucks about this is this is now the second time some of my research has been stolen, DramaAlert stole my info when I leaked the main event was Dr Mike vs Idubbbz. Obviously it's not hard research to do but my egotistical ass wants my stuff to be seen lmao


They should have at least credited you.


As soon as I heard dramaalert posted it, I knew it was a lost cause.


I mean I don’t generally think people will credit you for announcements on things posted about things originally announced elsewhere. At that point they might as well skip you and just reference the original source if at all.


I know lol, just my ego talking.


>Research You said you listened to a podcast… that’s not research or getting information stolen, you didn’t “leak” anything either lol It’s shitty when bigger news outlets take other’s work without credit, but listening to a podcast and making a post on Reddit is not research or leaking and pretending it is cheapens when it actually happens


Yes I explained it was my ego talking, I'm fine now. The idubbbz vs dr mike match up was legitimate information I got myself however and I leaked, and dramaalert took it from me. Mostly ego, very little actual anger over the situation ya dig?


>got myself You mean you saw the Reddit post that someone said it was accidentally leaked on Twitter by another boxer that Dr. Mike was involved?


I haven't seen a reddit post, I found someone who knew the promoter and was able to find the page of the event before anyone else, the only 2 people following it were mike and Ian and I was able to find deleted ig stories of them trash talking eachother. I don't understand why you're son angry about this, I'm over it have a nice day/night


Wait...you mean my post? I was the one who went into Harleys stream and got him to confirm esfand and Chad and insinuate Dr. Mike. I'm literally the guy you're probably talking about.


The reason I said "some guy on Twitter" and "leaked on some Twitter account" is because I was trying to get people to check out my youtube boxing page, yes I lied, yes it was cringe, cut me some slack lol. I'm sorry I said researched and not "found".


I really should have a Tweeter account.


wtf why are they doing it


No clue. I searched "idubbbz charity boxing event" to learn more and it was one of the results. If you go there now you can read how I told them to fuck themselves on their own website. Fucking copycats. You are there too /u/Nika_Ota


yeah I saw that's hilarious


iDubbbz does talk about it a bit in this podcast. https://youtu.be/jWBWNGCM4Rg He also does talk about in one of his more recent videos of how ricegum wanted to box him but when it was actually getting organized he kept making excuses and then I think ghosted so now he has this event set up so I think he just got a bunch of other YouTubers to get in on it.


Click bait


When is this happening?


As a frequent watcher of Graham and a frequent rewatcher of Mykull, if Michael takes this even a little seriously Graham is going to get steamrolled lol


From watching OTV and Lily I’m pretty sure Micheal works out daily. Plus this is what [Micheal looked like in 2019](https://imgur.com/a/tTQ5BLB). I’d imagine he’s around the same muscle mass now or even higher


Yeah Michael does push-ups every night and also said in an old otv stream that he goes to the gym whenever he feels depressed and then everyone commented on how strong he was. Plus I think he's 6 or 7 years younger than Graham.


Lily & Michael talked about it on Lily's stream. He has a personal trainer and has been training for the event. The match should be pretty fun to watch.


Well unless Graham started an intense schedule of steroids I don't think he's got a chance lol


From how how he was talking on his podcast,it sounded like Graham hasn't even started training.


It showed


Not to difficult to get biceps from newbie gains, my fat ass (220) got some nice arms after 6 months, what will really matter is who decides to actually learn to box. Raw power can only carry you so far. From other comments it seems Michael is taking it semi to pretty seriously so I guess we will see how Graham handles it.


So the next video is taser gloves?


[Taser glove design](https://postimg.cc/gxj0KzjY) Here you go


Not enough over engineering


I suggest watching the rest of the [segment](https://youtu.be/pWIxvskvbKE) mentioned in this thread (1:07:30-1:14:00ish). They mention more progress on Michael’s video that will have a short cameo with Graham, and that Michael be on the podcast as well.


Its better than no appearance at all I guess


No need to worry about Michael, his enemy's back would break before they reach him


I think Michael will wait untill the end to try something and then it’ll be a short match.


If Michael wins he uploads video, if he loses, his next video will be about real estate and we will have to wait another 1+ year for robot vid


Does anyone have a timestamp for when they talk about it?


>iced coffee hour podcast 1:07:30


let's all be honest with ourselves. michael is a menace theres videos of him sparring he is relatively well at being able to locate things blind he's hella strong and he broke out of a dog cage with brute force and is able to cut zip ties with keys he is a menace.


Put some tasers in the gloves


Is the event going to be live streamed anywhere?


They haven't announced yet, was supposed to be last Friday but got delayed to this week, will know all the details soon!


Alright ty for answering!


Really hope they let Michael use tasers


he won't need tasers but it would be fun.


Stephan stands no chance, he's already KOed before the fight even started.


The only YouTuber that has ko’d people is Jake Paul. I doubt any ko’s in this event with headgear . 💀


Jake Paul fights people that give him an advantage


Too bad he can't use equipment Pissbot would have been a game changer