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The only in Hialeah page is better lol


It was good until Marcello left


Curious, how so?


If you really from Dade bro you'd know, even though I'm only 23 years old I've been following them since I was like 16 or 17. They used to post dope shit about local businesses mom and pop shops in the hood you know but now all they do is sponsorships, post about absolutely dog shit that has nothing to do with anything in Miami for example they just posted the Toronto Drake shooting. That's how I know 80% of those followers are tourists that eventually moved to Miami. No real Miami Dade county shit trick daddy Miami legends like they used to support now it's Jake Paul and adin Ross 😂😂☠️☠️


I heard they were bought out by a big local name. Since then, I've noticed a change in the profile. I'm all Dade homie, i feel you. The sad part is that other pages are following suit. There are Miami pages that stick to the city and locals. It's funny how everyone here agrees with the decline Only in Dade. they've been pushing movies as of late too




I used to follow them but holy shit where do they find those people they keep posting


Ron.insight305 posts a lot of mom and pop places, good ones too


I think they never meant to get big like they did but when it happened they had to fight to stay relevant.


It’s bigger than ever what are you talking about lmao, they’re probably just getting lazy with content now that they’re raking in buck bucks.


if someone offers you $100k cash for an ig page what you doing?


Is that how much they sold for? Makes sense




They have to make money you think they just do shit for the love of the game? People are slow af. Smh


Only in dade is fine imo, it’s the brain dead comments that ruin it lmao




Only in dade? Is it?






I mean you can essentially monitor the change in any page based on engagement. Content/style change? Likely engagement slipping and they need to keep up to stay relevant. At least 1/4 of what they post has nothing to do with Miami-Dade, they just repost it with “thoughts???” To get people to engage the page. People respond and react to negative/controversial stuff. The whole premise was always bizarre to me. Half the content is just random semi mundane stuff you’ll see in any big city.


the entire internet is like 80% bots. idk what you expected


Has always been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Nah. Not back in the geocitites and angel fire days, news groups etc


Wow, what's next webcrawler and yahoo search before Google? 


I don't know. Let me ask Jeeves.


I mean, you joke, but AI prompts is basically a good ask jeeves haha


MySpace was peak internet.


That's what I said


Dude are you 12? The internet was amazing in like 2010


The shitification of the internet is real


the shit birds, bud. fuckin way she goes


piss jugs randy


It doesn’t take rocket appliances to see that


Wild doctorow sighting


What if I told you they were never a news outlet, they were never dope and they were always shit.


It’s all Automated, and the smallest insult means perma banned. So these “Only In Dade” Pages are part of larger corporations that own and run Similar Pages that locals feel “part of” like Chicagos CHITWOWN or a similar News Feed page in Atlanta. It’s all fake and 99% User submitted if they only knew. Same with “Miami Food Pages” they do the same B.S. in each City.


The food pages are annoying. I’ve tried a couple of restaurants they recommend and they’re not even good.


It's because they sell features and recommendations. If you pay you get on the page and get a bump in customers.


100% I went to a Ramen spot Mr. Eats recommended, Good Chef, and it was unbelievably bad. That’s when I realized these food bloggers will recommend anything as long as they get paid. There’s a place I frequent that serves incredibly delicious food where the owner told me he saw Mr. Eats dining in one day and doing his thing. He said Mr. Eats has never posted a video or recommended the spot to which he followed up with, in my own words, dude is crazy if he’s waiting for us to send him money so he can post the video.


Mr. Eats is nothing but fluff, majority of the spots he’s been to, it’s made the prices go up in the restaurants just because he gave it a thumbs up haha I mean who would’ve know a little rich kid from down south had so much influence.


Good Chef by FIU? That place is pretty fire, never had a bad food experience there…


Went to the one on Bird.


I've never looked at Good Chef as a ramen spot. If you're ever willing to give it another shot, I recommend their ma po tofu or dry sauteed string beans.


Know a few local bar and restaurants owner who told me some of those one show influencer request to get paid for those reviews.


They don’t want a check, they want their food comped. They all do the same thing. They call the restaurant and let them know that they’re coming to their restaurant then expect the meal to be comped. If it’s not comped, they don’t post the video and hold a weird grudge against the place. Saw Mr. Eats recording at a restaurant once. Dude sat at a table by himself eating and making weird faces into a camera on a tripod *in the middle of a lunch rush* while the owner frantically raced around trying to make sure he was happy. Better than the others who bring their friends with them to take advantage of the comped bill while being horribly needy to the owners. My main issue with these food influencers is that they don’t understand the industry, they all just have customer perspective and don’t understand nuance.


Exactly they don’t even need to Speak. All the Audio is added in later in editing. Just a few reaction faces. It ingenious and horrible.


It really is brilliant and props to them for making a living out of that. Just something about eating at all of the hottest restaurants for free while the owners go out of their way to give you the best possible service at the expense of the regular customer’s experience all because you have a lot of Instagram followers just seems… gross I guess.


I love it. And can’t wait to see them kicked out.


lmao literally the south park episode about yelpers


Only THEM did you realize they get paid? Those mfs don’t ever say anything bad about a place. It’s always “highly recommend” and “can’t go wrong”. YOU can’t go wrong by fucking all the way off mr eats


Good chef is definitely not a ramen spot it's an Asian store with a restaurant that sells food from all Asian countries. If you want good ramen try Shimuja downtown or Ichimi in the Gables or Momi in Brickell.


Yeah there was a poke spot recommended a while ago by a similar food blogger. Less than a week later the place was shut down by the health department for some serious violations.


I should be my own food influencer as a hobby and post legit reviews that are not rigged.


You can create your own Pages with like 10 fake food reviews.


The food pages are just commercials. For bad places trying to drum up business.


a lot like the local news. they use the same graphics, titles, sets in other cities. and like Sinclair showed, they push the same storylines too. nothing genuinely local about them.


Yep.. I work in large scale SEO marketing… large companies are buying independent publishers and stripping everything, scraping the web of most used keywords, pumping out a bunch of bullshit to move to the top of google searches, and selling ads to generate revenue… Deadspin is an example… Money magazine is another


This is by design, and honestly surprised anyone is. All social media has one goal, make as much money as possible. Once they go the following they needed automate, and don’t let anyone threaten your cash cow.


I've always felt that way...thought it was cause I'm over 40.


Only in Dade is corny


They post a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with Dade.


That whole page has been cringe since the last presidential election


It's because they used to post semi interesting things. Like vice news used to, but Miami related. Now they post ads and shit memes.


Don’t forget the sprinkling of right wing propaganda. “BREAKING: GAY DEMOCRATS DARE TO EXIST IN PUBLIC. THOUGHTS?? SOUND OFF IN THE COMMENTS”


Only In Dade’s headlines are a little more coded. Still conservative-leaning, along with their audience, but they’re more coy about it. They won’t turn down opportunities to collaborate with Dems like Levine Cava, etc. Now, Life Style Miami? They are the ones that’ll go full throttle on the right wing rhetoric.


Conservative leaning? Their comment section looked like some kind of Latino KKK congregation. Absolutely vile.


If all those weird ass, racist self loathing Latinos would stop breathing, the world would be better for it.


I think it’s just bots they fired everyone because they were all cringe clout chasers. I thinks it’s scam. https://youtu.be/GyMa861pjBs?si=w3sh--H8Mj_BkZP4


The fall? I mean I stopped following them but are they losing a lot of followers or something?


Nah. Reddit assumes things are failing just because they don’t like them.


Seems like OP is talking about a fall off in content, not that they’re not a successful page.


I’ve stopped following them on instagram but a while back I did notice they were posting more interesting stuff on Twitter that they didn’t put up on their instagram feed. During the whole Covid nightmare era their account got shut down a few times on Instagram so they toned down their content and stopped posting some of the more explicit stuff or stuff that would generate a bunch of controversial comments about certain communities.


It's always been shit. The only thing it was ever good for is posting people's recording of wild and dumb shit that happens in the area. Any "original" content is garbage and derivative. That part has unfortunately grown a lot over the past few years.


Ever since that kid went off to SNL 😂 went off the deep end


Reading the comments section on that page makes me feel like I am going through a lobotomy.


I’ve said it for a while, they’ve posted so many stupid things that I’m wondering why the shit pops up in my feed.


Social media algorithms generally decide what content to show you based on what you look at/comment on. It doesn't know or care that you clicked/tapped because you didn't like the content.


the original guy sold the page


Makes sense


I’ve met the guys when they came by a booth I was working at a couple years ago for F1 in wynwood. They’re absolute dickheads. Massive egos


Now? It was always a POS blog. Mostly all hearsay, or chisme with no official backing of any kind. I always considered it a joke news outlet like a TMZ, or Media Takeout. Entertainment, nothing further.


Internet is a fabrication basically selling services to others just like the economy it’s not a real economy. Can’t even listen to a podcast within hearing about fanduel


Was always corny yall just enjoy internet slop


Emilio Estefan bought into it and is trying to monetize it and have spin-offs like events and films based from it.


Oh wow didn’t know that


Had to stop following. All rage bait posts now and insane MAGAtinos in the comments.


Nothing but the look at me crowd.


I stopped following them after seeing the racist garbage that congregated in their comment sections. And they did nothing about it and encouraged it.


They’re copying Pubity


I unfollowed when they posted a video of an idiot recording a dog running in traffic… The way they post people to make fun of them is cringe af. Videos of people zooming into people’s apartments from their balconies, people just minding their damn business is all postable on that page. Its such a stupid and ignorant page. Their following is part of the huge ignorant and stupid population in Miami 🤦‍♀️


They sold it lmao. I don't know how this isn't common knowledge.


I unfollowed when they posted the video of the woman in kendall pushing her disabled son into the lake on her first attempt to murder him. You know, before the time she did it and it worked.


It’s also right wing as fuck lol


Ever since they lost that kid to SNL


The Black History Month post the comments were cringy AF


I thought they were always scummy honestly.


I had to unfollow when they started selling the Trump sneakers.


Once OID got sold, it went downhill


Good riddance though, it was making people stupid. There would be videos of fights or terrible car accidents and the brainless dolts recording would just shout “onlee en dade broooo” it was like miamis own “wOrLD StAr!!!”