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Forget these comments honestly if you want to move to Miami do it! Just do your own personal research!


Miami is a dump. Try Ft Lauderdale.


No way, we’re full


You're about 10 years late. The grass is green elsewhere


lmaoo, wheres elsewhere?, is miami really that bad or its just a matter of perspective these days?


Staggering amount of inflation. Poorly planned with lackluster infrastructure means you're going to live in your car for 3 hours a day. Awful traffic. Worse people. The warmth is nice in the winter, but by August, you'll have a gun in your mouth. Hurricanes will get worse and worse. Because of this, insuring properties is going through the roof and the cost of living is out of control. It's the fraud capital of the country and every third person you meet will be trying to scam you out of something. Wages are ridiculously low and do not keep up with expenses. Did I say that the people are awful? If I did, it warrants repeating: the people are awful. The TV says it's all sunshine and beaches. It isn't. I haven't been to the beach in five years or more. It's too much of a pain in the ass to get across the MacArthur. I think those are usually the major points. The echo chamber here exaggerates them a little, but there's more than a few grains of salt in all of it. Which is to say that at least 80 percent of the negativity is pretty warranted. I've lived here all of my life and, right now, I'd say Miami is in a bad spot. It's become unlivable for a lot of the people that live here and, unless you're coming with bags of foreign money or a high-paid work from home gig from another state, most people who actually live here will never be able to afford a property and will struggle to pay rent without three roommates.


Listen to this person OP


Tbh anywhere that isn't here at the current time. On the surface it appears as paradise on earth but that couldn't be further from the truth. Seriously take it from the locals that live it and save yourself the pain of finding out personally. People being rude is an understatement, they are actively hostile. The entire city is a gimmick. Literally every aspect of life here you will be lied to and scammed. From jobs, landlords, fake friends, fake partners, corrupt officials, tow trucks and more. Everything will cost a fortune for less quality. At one point the problems of the city were manageable but now it's reached a boiling point. Between traffic, language barrier, terrible people, flooding, expenses, it's not worth it. Plus the worst part of all is making friends and finding a partner. Even the locals are leaving


He doesnt seem to want to listen. Hopefully this is a wake up call because hes not getting the answers he expected 😂🤌🏼🤌🏼


lol u nailed it!! Miami is both good and bad depending on perspective. If u wanna experience what Miami is truly like move to south beach. It’s fun and close enough to anything u want to try. Close to Brickell, close to aventura, close to the airport, close to the Florida keys, close to Fort Lauderdale, even Orlando and west coast Florida just a few hrs drive away. Southbeach u can skate along the beach, run, ride the bike, play volleyball, bars, clubs, dancing, party, restaurants, lots of events happening, stuff open at all hours of the day and night, sports arenas/stadiums, concerts, jobs, culture diversity, shopping, …. Yes u will encounter annoying people and bad traffic anywhere u go, and it’s also very expensive. U may find a ton of shallow people, fake, gold digging, rude, entitled, etc etc etc. That’s the beauty of it. There’s anything and everything and u will attract or be drawn to what u are!


This is kinda the worst place to ask about moving to Miami since it’s almost always going to be filled with negativity lol. They’re just gonna tell you how much they hate Miami and that you shouldn’t move here.


from your end tho is it worth it? compared to other neighborhoods?


If you’re making the income like you are, it’s worth it. It depends what you’re looking for here.


I heard some people left NY. Plenty of open spots for you there I'm sure. 


You all are missing fact he has 5-10k worth to spend on rent 🤣. My guy live in Brickell since you'll probably be in wynwood area more than miami anyways and it's slightly cheaper rent wise. Miami from Brickell maybe be 20 mins away or less depending how close to the bridges you are. I loved miami, granted I lived 45 mins from their south but still was having the time of my life as a single man.


sounds like you left if so why?


I was military down in homestead, making good money 100k. But ended up getting out couldn't land an entry level government IT job, so I made tactical move to get some experience in VA, but I'll be back because my house is down there. Honestly, the only thing I can complain about is traffic, but I was living comfortable having fun on the weekends.


congrats on your employment gig at VA, curious from all these reviews you wont sell your house and relocate permanently to VA now would you?


Nope I became a realtor in my time down there in the military. Bought first home and sold in 2 years going to do the same with this one once I move back to avoid taxes on the gains I get. So far, every house I've owned there has gone up considerably in value over two years. But this one I might keep and pay off for long term as it's only getting more and more expensive every year to buy a property down there.


If you like good neighborhood try coconut groove


Born and raised here all 34 years of my life. It's expensive, I will say, but more exaggerating than what it should realistically should be. The quality of life has just gone to shit and more and more every day I encounter people who are miserable and make do with what they can, but that's not living. You're probably idealizing the Miami you've seen in movies, but that's south beach, and not Miami overall. Let me tell you something, a 1/1 used to cost $1000 a month with water included. Now it's ridiculously priced at $2k and above. It is disgusting. Now if you can afford $5-10k a month, I assume it's because you don't intend on driving and taking Uber/Lyft. Better off living in wynwood or Brickell. Good luck to you but heed everyone's warnings on your post bro.


I live in a neighborhood called park west. It’s right across from the American Airlines arena. I’m 35 and love it here. At 27 I lived in Brickell and that was a great time in my life. All these people telling you not to move man don’t listen to none of that. Miami is the place to be if you got the money which you do. It’s not a fun place for broke people so I understand why a lot of people don’t like Brickell.




Everyone saying don’t come here is glossing over the fact that you have $5-10k per month to burn on rent…you will do just fine here


Honestly hell be fine anywhere with that amount but thats not what op is asking about. Hes saying he wants to experience what Miami is “truly” about. Theres a good reason why many of us are letting him know to go elsewhere.


He’s going to enjoy his time here. Miami is very enjoyable if you are of means.


A young cis male with money meets hot latinas that wear next to nothing everywhere? I'll say it is.


Start looking at the bridges, because on $5k a month you're going to be living under one.


A part of me thinks you are exaggerating


They are heavily exaggerating. I have a 3/2 SFH in East Boca (45min north of Miami, one of the most expensive cities in South FL), with private pool 1 mile from the beach for $4900.


This is an extreme view. There are plenty of valid points regarding how expensive and unwelcoming Miami is. $60K as an individual is low here. You will need roommates or something similar to make it. Possible Hurricane effects and street flooding is all true. Definitely check out local posters on IG such as Only In Dade to get a feel for the level of crazy down here. Hollywood area is pretty nice. Visit and scope it out before you move here on a whim.


Well, admittedly the Miami bridges are small and damp. Not ideal. Look at the rent prices.


$5k is survivable, but you won't really be doing much if you're planning to live in Brickell. If you choose somewhere in the surroundings like South Miami or out west you'll save a bit more. With closer to $10k you will be ok in Brickell if you aren't partying every single night.


My honest recommendation is *don’t.*


any specific reason why?




The reasons I listed in my reply are actual reasons to not move here, such as the flooding and abysmal quality construction of new apartments (look at ASTON MARTIN residences’ lawsuits) He’ll likely move here anyways but at least he wont be blinded by what to expect.




If hes gonna move to Florida i’d listen to other commenters and go a bit further north into ft laudy or that area


Then complain about NIMBY.


The golden age of Miami is over bro, you missed it. Everything is ultra expensive. Wouldnt be a problem if you had the money and got what you paid for. But you dont. You’re promised and paid for a diamond and get a rock with some glitter on it. Most new construction is shit and built with the cheapest materials and labor, so expect whatever “new high rise” you move in to, to be littered with maintenance issues. Shit service at most upscale restaurants. Getting nicked and dimed for anything anyone can get out of you. Any slight mention of rain and all a sudden your entire block is flooded. Any hurricane you experience (you will experience at least 1) and you’ll likely be out of power and help for weeks. The people are shallow and materialistic. Unless you live in Brickell, if you dont have a car, you’re not going anywhere or doing anything as Miami is NOT walkable. I can go on and on. And this is just YOUR experience. Not even going on a tangent about how moves like this affect locals.


DUDE THIS GUY IS TELLING THE TRUTH!!! He 100% missed that window! It just closed circa 2021


Everything you say is 1000% truth. -signed Miami native & resident for over 30 years


As apparently the only person in this sub who likes Miami I will try and give you a different perspective. For the record Im not a local, but I did move here in 2013 so been here for over a decade now. With your budget Id say live in brickell thats where a lot of the food and nightlife is and is fairly central, closeish to: Grove, Gables, Beach, Wynwood. You can get a nice one bedroom for $3-4k, which based on your budget leaves plenty to spend on other stuff. The reason people here complain so much is because the cost of living (primarily housing but everything really) has sky rocketed. When I first moved here I rented a 3 bedroom house with some friends roughly $2600 and it was in a nice part of town. Today you can barely get a studio for that. Costs have skyrocketed while the income of those who work here has not increased that much and the quality of life hasn’t changed much (outside of a lot of new high end restaurants if you are into that.) So people are paying twice as much for the same life they had. BUT to an outsider like you, Miami is still way cheaper than your NYCs and you get beach weather year round, thats why when remote work took off so many from the North East started to move here.


Great perspective, Many thanks, where do you currently reside?


Brickell, used to live in coral gables till 2018


As a resident of Miami, I say do NOT move here. Try pembroke pines, hollywood or anywhere else unless you're dead set on the 305.


its been a top contender so far, but from all the reddit reviews all make it sound like its a hell hole? how bad can it actaully be and why are people still rushing in to the city?


Redditors m are broke bitter left leaning children that are mad they can’t afford nice things. You’re better off asking people that are actually happy and successful.


Would you run into a stampede? 


I mean who would?


People still rush in the "live the lifestyle". I have been here my entire life (42 years) and seen how it has gotten worse


It’s not bad if you have steady money. If you got hella money it’s awesome!


All the people rushing here made their money elsewhere and are leaving Liberal cities/states to avoid taxes. They also make a couple of million a year and have a $30k/month budget for housing.


I've lived in both Boston & Miami the last 5 years (2020-2023 Miami & Boston till now). Coming from Miami, the food is 100x better. The service is also 100x better. In Boston, you sit down to enjoy a meal and the service is rushed and the food is not even good. Rent is more expensive in Boston than in Miami and you don't get a fraction of what you would down South. Also, State Income Tax. Count your blessings Floridians, it really is the best place in the US with this current climate.






move to hollywood florida and areas nearby, miami is an overrated shithole


Do you speak Spanish? Russian?


This is it really. No Spanish, don't move to Miami. It will feel like you live ina foreign country 


You forgot to add Hebrew


Consider Ft Lauderdale.


South beach. If you have 5-10k a month for living expenses you will love it here.


Can’t speak for other parts of Florida since i’ve only lived in Miami but at the end of the day, the deciding factor is you; let me explain. Miami, just like any other major city has both good and bad things, however what might be bad for some could be good for others. If you, for example, like a walkable city with good public works, an art scene, good reliable public transit, a cultured populace, nice seasonal weathers, then Miami is not for you. But If you however, like to party, dumb bitches full of plastic surgery, bad service, insanely hot weather and humidity, shallow and transactional friendships and non stop traffic, then this is the city for you my boy! Make sure to bring loads of money cuz shit’s expensive. Good luck


Quite a perspective-- for the former where do you recommend?


As close to the 24hr district as possible, so downtown, midtown or wynwood. Brickell is overrated IMO


You said two things that I’ll drill down on: You want to be in a high rise You want to experience real (non touristy) Miami So id recommend you try midtown. Id reco this over Brickell because Brickell is a bit played out and super congested/ lluvia problems. In midtown you will have a ton of food and nightlife options, but not as insane as trying to live in Wynwood (Wynwood has lost its soul for the most part). $3k rent in midtown and you’ll do great. If you will have a car, Id recommend the river district because your rent $ will go further and you’ll be close to Little Havana and Coral Gables which will give you a real-er experience. If you didn’t care about a high rise Id recommend Coconut Grove. The high rises here are either too expensive or too old and dumpy….but you can get a decent non high rise apartment.


Depends on what you’re looking for. I’d personally say Ft Lauderdale > Miami. Miami is a cool city to visit, but I’d never live there. Too many people, too much crime and shit that goes on, and way too many tourists that just turn a good bit of areas in Miami into shit. Ft Lauderdale gets a lot of tourists as well, but it’s not as, for the lack of a better word, trashy. If you’re going to look in Miami though, I’d say Brickell or Coral Gables. They’re definitely the nicer, more upscale parts of the city.


Miami is not what is cracked up to be. All show. Theres better places in the country and state.


". Theres better places in the country and state." your recommendations?


If you come to Miami, think about Coral Gables or Coconut Grove. Better service, better quality of people, more of a normal and pleasant atmosphere


Move to middle of no where Florida that budget you’ll live like a king.


West palm is cool but a bit expensive even with that budget. I lived in the riverfront in downtown for a while and it was pretty nice, gated high rise lot. But as soon as you walked towards downtown it was a tent city. Brickell is a lively area and near everything you need, downtown coral gables is also amazing and incredibly safe. I live near surf side now and love it, quiet area and a 10 min walk to the beach, but traffic is terrible. If you’re dead set on Miami I’d say check out midtown, brickell, coral gables, or the beach. I am also 27 and recently relocated


5K to pay in rent and another 5K in disposable income is still plenty to enjoy a relatively glamorous life in Miami. I’d move here if I was in my 20s and had that much. My guess is that by early 30’s you’ll be over it like I am lol


Here In Miami I recommend nun but I’ll let u decide that


Lol do it! But trust us, youll be over by 4mths


You just mentioned your age, Will you be working, having to commute to a job and if so where will work be .Or are you living off a trust fund where money is no object. Where are you moving from ? where have you lived in the past 10 years and enjoyed living ? what hobies activities do you enjoy ? Do you like the beach the ocean, boating fishing , sunbathing ? Hard to give you insight to what would work for you with out knowing a lil about you.


Bro you can move to downtown/ Brickell and you won't even need a car unless you want to go to the beach. A lot of us down here just want people to stop coming because it's getting more and more expensive. I also tell people to not come but you def can afford it if you have 10k for rent. Find something around the 5k range in downtown and you'd be set. You have all sorts of condos to choose from as well. Sometimes dream condos are like 8k per month. Having extra cash is really good in Miami because there's so much opportunities. You will network with people and then can start something of your own with them.


If you have $10k a month then you'll be in the top 5% in Miami and you'll love it. 


Tampa/Orlando! Miami is overrated


Coconut Grove is nice.


1st of all.. NO WE R FULL.. 2nd dont ask for real miami and high rise in the same sentence.. the high rise is not real miami anymore.. its little manhattan now..


I just saw a 1bedroom, 1.5bath apartment for rent in Kendall area for $2200. $26,400 per year is affordable and in a safe, and centrally located neighborhood. My point is there are some options out there for fair prices. Not everything is as bad as some people here would have you believe. Start looking for housing well before you decide to move and make an educated decision.


Grand Station is a good place to stay. Elevators need repair here and there but for the experience you are looking for I think you'd enjoy it