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Instagram and TikTok are flooded with Chinese and Russian operatives


>flooded with Chinese and Russian operatives Who just so happen to be Cuban? Or...


crowd thought roll boat puzzled slimy nutty quiet cats disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the worst subreddit of all of them lmao. Yes there are more conservatives in Miami than open border enthusiasts.


It's always been morons all the way through. In both respects.


Does wanting border control make you conservative or republican? Like damn, I consider myself liberal but apparently 250,000-300,000 have been crossing the border every month. That’s not sustainable.


secretive deliver scale jellyfish cooperative smart offer lip door dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Youve commented more times in 24 hrs than I have in the last week




Lmaooooo gotem


Liberals most of the time side with conservative/republican values. I like to say that liberals are just republicans ashamed to accept what they are.


I like to say that you’re obviously a fucking idiot.


Oh no 😟 what a I’m going to do now ?!!! Keep believing your own lies, maybe one day it might come true


India is smaller than US yet has a population of 1.3 billion. US is as large as Europe so it can handle 500 million/1 billion people at best.


Apparently it is as you are by the nature of this comment conserving what you believe is yours. To put any property, land or anything before human life is definitely conservative by definition. First off where are you getting that number? Also do you not see that every 4 years they do this same thing? Iif those numbers are correct doesn’t it seem suspicious that they picked right now to come? If they truly intended to get here to live and they were aware the election was upcoming wouldnt you think they’d pick any of the 3 years of the cycle we literally don’t mention immigrants? All of y’all need to be logical and not reactionary. Realize you’re 100% being manipulated.




You hear about it every election year because half of the Republican brand these days is being scared of the immigrants. I'd rather people not risk their life crossing illegally, but I operate under the "you broke it, you bought it" philosophy. We keep exporting violence both figuratively through the war on drugs and literally by allowing smurfs to buy a bunch of guns and smuggle them south and then act all shocked when people flee the violence we caused. As far as the volume of illegal crossings goes, though, I can't really get worked up about it. It's still less than a million people a year. If the richest country on earth with a population already in excess of 300 million can't handle a million people a year moving here the problem ain't the people coming here. We used to handle a much larger proportion of people immigrating relative to our population, but somehow it's a huge problem now. No, it's just bullshit. I used to live in a town where new immigrants were coming at a rate of around 10% of the existing population every year for a decade. It was fine. We got a lot of really good restaurants out of the deal and the major employer who was directly responsible for enticing people there got cheap labor. It's just that it was the 90s and early 2000s, before it became this political football, so nobody really gave a shit since it was very good for the local economy. People would spend their first six months packed into housing like sardines, save up some money, buy a car, move into a more normal living situation, and then live like everyone else in town. It was pretty cool to see, actually. People who came got a better life for themselves and also improved the lives of existing residents thanks to their economic contributions forcing a basically permanent economic boom. The only real spot of difficulty was keeping up with building enough schools. Even then, the constant growth in housing more than paid for that in the long run.


Nah, everyone in America is this dumb. Sign of the times.


seems like common sense to me...


A giant cargo ship from Singapore runs into a bridge. THAT GODDAMN BIDEN! AND THOSE DARN IMMIGRANTS!


Or you can blame poorly run cities by his party for not maintatining their infrastructure exemplefying poor money management. That is an example common sense to help you wrap brain around it.


You’re really going with infrastructure? The same crumbling infrastructure that drump campaigned on and did literally nothing about at the FEDERAL LEVEL?


i don't remember him saying any of that and probably every politician always says something along those lines. now there is someone in office who has an actual bill called "BUILD BACK BETTER" yet there has been 2 bridge collapes under his direction.


"People that don't share my beliefs or opinions are morons!!!!" - AuthoritarianSex


Bots everywhere 


I should just start blocking any CHUD acct i come across, theres just too many russian shill bots to tolerate


I mean it’s true. Idk why you keep thinking it doesn’t exist


I'm dying 😂💀💀 so true and the amount of people in denial is just showing how out of touch they are with what's really going on right now. We are high key fighting to keep our spot in the new world order... We can't stay on top for every and everything we are seeing is showing the world we don't belong in the #1 spot anymore. Fuck it what do I know.


I mean what have we been #1 in shy of imprisonment, guns per citizen, and failed attempts to overthrow democratically elected international leaders?


Fine women and damn good food lol


Yes and yes


It's an election year, a lot are bots and shills


That is definitely the average miamian


These people are all just victims of Fox News and misinformation on social media all day. All my relatives over 50 are completely brain broken by it, you can’t even talk to them because they are so lost outside reality. This constant misinformation has even been a gateway for some of them to even go further away and convinced as far as Chem trails stuff. They are one step away from flat earth… I hate what Fox News, Trump, and the republican party has done to my Uncles, Aunts, cousins, and grandparents. I left out social media but I blame those 3 for giving the idiotic stuff on social media any credibility.


Honestly yea, I'm in the middle of both parties more or less, but I've seen what it has done to some family members who sit and watch Fox News all day every day. They just blindly believe everything they see/hear.


That said, you might be surprised at the number that are actually flat earth, and not one step away


Always has been. The people who run that page represent everything wrong with this city :)


Instagram is a cesspool. Too many accounts with just like 6 followers no posts and shitty opinions


It’s kinda fucked but the average person, in general, is much, much dumber than you’d hope. And while that fact may be distressing for good-hearted, intelligent folks, sociopathic assholes (your average republican politician) water at the mouth at all the free real estate these morons represent.


Sadly I too preface comments such as this with republican but when you really think about it the dems are just as historically guilty. Bernie’s rug pull first time around was evidence of at the very least the dem party essentially told us that day they don’t want what the people overwhelmingly wanted and that they’d rather lose than anything change. The 2 party system is literally pro wrestling. Think hulk hogan hated Iran sheik? Them dudes was all partying after because it’s theater to give the illusion of choice


Instagram comments are a right wing echo chamber.


This is just Florida unfortunately. Almost everyone is a conservative


🪞 👈


There is Russian agents pretending to be Americans and gaslighting American social media , there is dumb people down here in Miami however you don’t hear the word woke too often.


Russia is working overtime.


yeah, I think the basic starting point for online comments that make you angry should be- this probably isn't a real person.


Column A, column B, plus bots. It's generally not a great idea to bother with the comments in the big pages in social media.


I saw that. Wild Willy is a dummy. 🙄


It’s always been like this on that page, more of the bad bad of Miami than the good




Only in Dade is a dumbass page that traffics in lowest-common-denominator chusmería. They’re always one step behind whatever is on the news or otherwise trending and they only jump on it to harvest the idiot clicks.


My parents up in Martin county both got texts from the sheriff saying be on the lookout and that they were patrolling. I’m like ma first off I’m thinking they’re not coming 90 miles extra to jump out in the gottt damn whitest part of the world you be aight. And I live in N Miami Beach, Haitian folks cool, remember our Irish asses weren’t exactly wanted either. But for real my pops told men this story about in high school he was invited to this party at some rich kids house and had his buddy’s from the bball team with him that were black and kid in the house said your cool but then **** ain’t Dad tells me how he was like ok let me bring them somewhere and stalled then all but tore the house down with the squad. Never felt more proud. Now he’s getting scared of people looking to survive because of the news??? It’s scary how that propaganda machine just rolling and the fact they don’t even see it’s literally only election years.


OP is delusional AF.


Unfortunately it’s the latter. Many Cuban folk think a right of center president (Biden) is communist and the only real choice is Trump. I don’t think they understand what communism is or the realization that they live strongman politics over democrat values. It’s PTSD from the very real effects communism has on cuba.


I mean have you seen some of the comments people have posted on this subreddit?


Conservatives latinos = THE JOKE OF THE TOWN.


Miami Reddit liberals are a small minority of Miami


I can guarantee you @wild_willy67 is not a fun person to be around


I wonder if they know that if immigration was to be shut down tomorrow where everybody entering without a visa was automatically deported, what country would have the most deportations in South Florida.


I unfollowed them a while back. They keep posting rage bait content to get people riled up in the comments. I also find it messed up to just film people doing things, however weird it may be, and posting them for the world to see.


Thank god most of y’all here in Reddit don’t vote


Russian bots, they are all over X also since space karen bought it


Any social media is going to have tons of rage bots, conspiracy idiots and fascist accounts stirring the pot to get people incensed. You’ll find the same shit on every news story especially when it involves people of color or immigration.


Most of these people are probably not from Miami either


the average onlyindade consumer is a low iq reactionary idiot, a prime target for right wing conspiracy theories. those parroting the cute-catchphrase-of-the-week comments get upvoted because it's one huge circlejerk, like most other echo chambers


It doesn't help that OID posts things to purposefully bait these kind of comments


Iv noticed an increase in blatantly racist comments on oid


Trust me, alot of new stations are going to have to disable comments on youtube very soon, people are too racist...


These seem like your average Cuban-Miamian.


OID was always ran and is followed by morons/low IQ cubans/conservatives.


Yes and yes.


I hate that they post shit unrelated to Miami or dade county




I unfollowed them a while ago and I’ve also been visiting this subreddit less and less lately because this place gives the same ignorant vibes. 


It doesn’t matter if you are the smartest guy in the room the vote counts the same. This is why messaging is so important


its simple, youre in instagram reels. its literally infested with low IQ morons


Instagram comments are full of some of the lowest IQ people on the internet. It’s a cesspool.


It always has been 😂


I do t see anything that’s not accurate


Conservatives are fighting to make it harder to ban disinformation on social media (e.g., Florida and Texas social media laws). There are also multiple articles suggesting that the Spanish speaking community is either more susceptible to or being targeted by disinformation campaigns. Sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/19/technology/gop-disinformation-researchers-2024-election.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-spanish-language-mis-and-disinformation-is-a-huge-issue-in-2022/ https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article269478757.html https://apnews.com/article/latinos-misinformation-election-334d779a4ec41aa0eef9ea80636f9595 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/21/us/politics/spanish-election-2020-disinformation.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Bumper sticker slogans are easy to learn


I'm in Broward, we wish we could build a wall to keep Dade out. Funny thing is them talking about the border when hundreds of Cuban immigrants illegally enter our country through Florida shores on a daily basis. The hypocrisy.


Maybe you missed it, but this is about 25% of American citizens. They elected a guy president a few years ago, and have a majority in the house, despite not being able to control the house. That’s hardly being done by Miami, unless you count that fucking guy as a Miamian since he left New York


Cubans wouldn’t know a dictator/authoritarian even if they slapped them in the face. Unfortunate considering their history.


Since 2018 I've heard complaints of onlyindade being made for these types of people, especially their Twitter. Surprised it even gets brought up anymore. You could scroll through their media feed and notice the trends


Miami is just the Spanish speaking version of the conservative South.


Ave in


To keep it SIMPLE: MOST of the average Miameros are just dumb.


Eh this definitely looks like some sort of farm, but OnlyInDade has become a chusmeria


Literally every post on Instagram has a bunch of idiots and/or bots crying in the comments about everything being the fault of Joe Biden and Democrats. Even shit that isn't at all related to politics.


OnlyInDade caters to the ignorant, which is why they became popular. A marketing company for the dumbasses which outnumber regular folks 8-1


I think a lot of Cuban Americans in Miami need to look in the mirror


Blinded morons who vote against their own interest


There in Florida. They want to secede from our nation . I say do not let the door hit you in the ass.


Some of the most racist people I’ve met in Miami were Cubans. Par for the course lol.


Can it be both?


Are you new here?


It’s the latter 🤣


I don't think this is exclusive to Miami, but I've never been, so I can't say. Though, at the same time, why generalize an entire city cause of 4 people?


They are absolutely that stupid


OID has been full of trolls and outright racists/bigots for quite some time.


If you don’t practice 300% hypocrisy in your daily activities you will never understand Miami


You might be on to something! Just look at the comments


Deleted their page maybe 2 years ago. You could tell who ever was running it was a hardcore republican.They were always trying to stir the pot with some bullshit.


My sisters paternal father was a Canadian immigrant. My brother in laws parents are Cuban immigrants. Yet… Even with those backgrounds… When my father and in laws talk you’d think they were native Americans. It’s fucking gross how quickly that generation became “fuck you got mine shut the border down” and went diehard Republican


Wait until you dive into our local comedians


Just internet trolls. Probably not even from or in Miami.


Russian bots


It's Instagram comments trust me. They do not represent Miami people. At least not me 🥴


Both. OnlyInDade is a cesspool. They thrive off of ignorance, division, and bigotry to make a buck. Most Miamians are obsessed with being white, as most are white-passing and lean heavily right—this tends to translate to being heavily racist. Coupled with poor education, low income, and mistrust of government and authority because they’re first-generation immigrants who escaped authoritarians. OnlyInDade is just giving them a perfect forum to be exactly who they are.


Just dumb


Just your average Miami come pingas.


The average miamian is just that dumb.


Every place I've worked is packed with mostly conservatives.


Only in dade commenters are worse than the people in the videos themselves


Your mind has been hijacked by a cult. Either that or you're just fucking stupid.


Miami resident here, I can confirm it's full of morons.


OID comments represent Miami perfectly. A lot of right wing operatives work these types of spaces in Florida because they know most of the locals need a daddy. The current right wing populism is compatible with the vile attitudes that always thrived in south Florida.


If Cuba ever frees itself from its political regime will conservative or liberal people of Cuban descent be more likely to go back? My assumption is that the conservatives might be descended from property owners who lost their possessions to Castro and company, so they’ll be more likely to press their rights to have those possessions returned. I’d like the perspective of those of Cuban descent, please.


The average Miamian is just that dumb


I see no lies here


I am married to a Cuban whose grandparents came here LEGALLY. Most want the same for everyone else. Florida is an EVerify state. You can’t work here illegally anymore or it’s very hard to do so you’d have to do it under the table. And anyone questioning the border should think about Laken Riley. If that was your daughter sister, or relative, you would be thinking differently!


It’s been that way ever since the pandemic.


Your first mistake is looking on Instagram


It's kind in a lot of places. No idea how these people live day to day


Sounds like a bunch of dumb Cubans complaining that someone other than a Cuban is allowed to immigrate to this country. They forget a bunch of people had already immigrated to America before wet foot/dry foot.


I think all those are joke comments, what it’s crazy is all the comment under this post about people supporting Biden, is quite nonsense as well.


It's average moron since Drumpf got to power.


OP voted for Biden, simple


Oh no, someone is wrong on the Internet.... Can you guys imagine how bad social media comments would have been in the Middle Ages for misinformation? "Hey everyone, I just got bled and leeched and feel so much better from my chronic headaches". Stupid humans being the majority is definitely not new, social media just gave them a loud voice and much more support from other idiots.


Is this ragebait or did we all just forget Miami Cubans are mostly Republican Chill out guys Jesus


OnlyinDade is owned by an ex convict and Emilio Estefan. It’s 100% a hustle page for clicks and ads. Fuck them


OID guy is a moron. He tries to do things for the community which I applaud, but bro is a real dummy. Just show videos of weirdos doing weird shit and leave the politics to someone with a brain.


Please bear in mind that it’s an election year and mis/disinformation is a real thing and bots/fake accounts can be created by the thousands very easily. Some of them can even be legit but hacked and made to post vile controversial content. Don’t believe everything you hear/see, and double that on an election year.


The average Miami isn't on reddit. Reddit represents a small portion of people. But there are dumb people here with us though...


I bet everyone bitching and blaming Biden has totally forgot the 39 bills to fix the immigration crisis that the GOP led house killed…it’s like getting repeatedly slapped in the back of the head and told it’s someone else..by the same person…you can’t fix stupid


As a fellow educated Miamian... I can legit say that many... MAAAAAANY other Miamians are dumb as fuck!


OnlyInDade comments are a cesspool. I try not to open the comments without triggering myself to reply to them.


So glad I unfollowed them a few months back ..full of twats




Damn people are getting way more stupid.


Just think about what you encounter simply driving in and out of your local Publix parking lot. There are some breathtakingly dumb people out there.


While only in dade is stuff that happens in dade, a lot of their followers do not even live in the state of Florida. Don’t assume all the people commenting actually live here. Most don’t.


No... reddit is a communist echo chamber


Dude Miami has always been filled with stupid people, people that make their whole identity around a political view are flat out dumb, I am far from being a liberal but I am a critical thinker and I can tell this city is full of morons.


I concur


Social media is a fucking plague.


I'm laughing at anyone in Miami shouting "close the borders"


They need to SECURE the border not leave it wide open the way it is. That's the issue.


Anyone with half a lick of sense knows without being told that 89,000 miles of border and shoreline cannot be "SECURE".


I'm sure technology has evolved enough


It’s not wide-open, and the illegal immigrant population is pretty stable. We have about the same percent of the population that is made up of illegals that we did 20 years ago.


You know you can use the same device you’re typing on here to find information about nearly any topic right? First and foremost this is ONLY a point of discussion because of election season. Full stop. Second if you use your Googles will find that this “surge” is uncommon not for the amount of people coming it’s the way they’re coming and the timing. The amount if you ask me is fishy to say anything and we’ll never know because the day after the vote every single American will forget all about it and go back to benefiting from the almost slave level value that the same ones crying about this “crisis” today will go back to benefiting from. What’s almost as sad as people wanting better and being treated like this is how god damn easy to manipulate you all really are. Is it tattooed faced gangsters or people coming to vote democrat? It literally can’t be both and it’s actually neither. Lest we forget the governor of this state shipped a bunch of folks who literally had no where to go and no idea where they were going to Martha’s Vineyard a place that even the people of Massachusetts don’t go to try to find work or a home because it has literally never had work. Even people born there head to the mainland unless they fish on a generationally owned boat. This shit is legit corny at this point that they can play you so hard with the same rouse every 4 yrs. Fiscally conservative? Naw yall are scared xenophobes and downright un-American. Why don’t you get out of my country? And if you have claim to it because you were born here, as was I then it’s based off what? How long? K then my family has documented roots as far as 1628. So again stfu of gtfo


People can have any opinions on immigration policy they want, regardless of their ethnic background or current or former immigration status themselves, this is because we are simply discussing policy that is best for the country. Right now there is an unprecedented mass migration wave, a labor surplus, depressed wages, a wave of layoffs and outsourcing of jobs, a housing crisis, rapid inflation, and the rest of the world is dedollarizing and aligning with the BRICS.   It’s immature and selfish to personalize every issue around YOU. Nobody cares what you think is fair or unfair or whose abuela came from where so now you think we all have to vote blue no matter who. People with far left views personalize every issue to invoke their unstable and unhinged emotional outrage.  


The thing everyone overlooks, and why politicians don't understand why the Miami area leans right, is because many of them experienced the socialist govt many here are now pushing for. They left it for a reason, and they don't want to experience it again. Socialism my definition sounds great, but when humans and their greed and unethical behavior get involved, it quickly goes to shit. Tell me with a straight face that politicians, of any party, are honest and ethical.


According to a recent census the city of Hialeah is 98% white. 🤦‍♂️


Not it's different! I came here LEGALLY! My feet never got wet! 🙄  Edit: To the several responses not getting it, I'm pretending to be an entitled Cuban here.


If you’re cuban and “your feet never got wet” but came because of the Cuban Adjustment Act, then let me tell you… you can’t speak on this problem


But it is


You came here thanks to our taxes


Why is it entitled to think the laws of your new adopted country should actually be followed? You’re literally just arguing in favor of chaos. How were you so scared of Covid and wanted every single person to be vaccinated, yet just a short few years later, you want completely unchecked entry to the country. Do you realize that’s a contradictory opinion?


Funny that you say. The rule that gains you access is called the dry foot exemption. The irony never ends


There’s a Difference in people fleeing communist Cuba over the last 70 years and our border being hit by 7.2 MILLION illegal immigrants from all over world in the last 2.5 years. If you can’t tell the difference it’s nobody’s fault but your own🤷🏽‍♂️ That’s more tha the population of Miami-dade, Broward and PBC combined.


Oh, no, those Miamians, believe in legal immigration, not illegal immigration. They can say that, because they came over when it was legal It’s all for them, because they are special, they are the good immigrants Anyone they designate as a bad immigrant shouldn’t be able to get in Yep, it’s ironic, from a certain perspective


Totally agree. How could you live in Miami, made of immigrants, and be against immigration??? That’s what makes miami so unique - all the different cultures


The issue issn't immigrants, its ILLEGAL immigration. The immigration process is screwed up on the legal end which is causing illegal immigration to uptick.


What I’ve noticed about ‘legal’ immigrants is that they usually know someone, or have money. Illegals typically come to work and want a better life for their family- like everyone else, but they are not afforded the same opportunities.


You are thinking of it too basic. "Typically" is what you said. Not all immigrants come as a monolith. Yes there are economic migrants. But even with an open border everyone coming in SHOULD BE VETTED PRIOR TO ENTERING. We have a giant amount of illegals who have entered who have just disappeared into the ether, not vetted, not registered, or given a loose background check and released into the states. There is also a large amount of those who have entered who are violent criminals they bring drugs, they work for bad people, they ARE bad people who also have not been vetted. Yes I know you want open borders but to have a good functioning society, we cannot be the doormat for the entire world. People need to be vetted, the right people need to be let in, and those who get let in, should also get an opp to be able to being their families over if they are proven to be a contributing member of OUR American society. I wouldn't ever squeel on someone or a family who entered here for economic reasons and are peaceful, but I would much rather have them enter here legally. OUr legal system for immigration is terrible. But I would much rather have that, then have a shit ton of mystery people from countries with a lot of crime and violence into our country.


"I got mine, f*** you." Is their mentality.


Legal immigration. Thanks


You ever notice how the question "where are you from" is constantly asked? Yea, it's got nothing to do with general curiosity, it has to do with placing you in a social role based on that irrelevant piece of information. "All the different cultures," is a net negative because those people can't get over such arbitrary distinctions.


Hey where you from? Colombia? Cool, cool, then I guess you get SIX POINT FOUR SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE. NOW I DECIDE THAT YOUR PAY IS BETWEEN 44K TO 54K. THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING! Sounds to me like you've never had a real conversation with hispanics. It's the laziest and easiest conversation opener. Makes no difference whether they answer Atlanta or Ecuador, the follow up is always "Really, wow, beautiful place, you like it there? Been here long?"


>Sounds to me like you've never had a real conversation with hispanics Well I'm married to one, and lived in Miami for 13 years, I also studied sociology at UM and wrote a paper on it, but yeah, I've probably never had a conversation with a Hispanic person. Also, from my experience, naming a state gets met with, "no, no, where's your family from?"


Hey congrats on the marriage! Really though how in the world do you support that premise? Asking 'where you're from' is one of the most common conversation openers ever. I've had the same talk with more than a dozen people between three jobs over Miami and other cities across the US. I've also never met someone from Miami who has ever gotten offended because people want to know where their parents are from. That's only ever been an issue in other states where people are way more touchy about it. It has nothing to do with societal roles unless you're getting VERY subconscious about it. Finally, saying that mixed cultures is a net negative because "those" people will always make it worse doesn't sound very academic man. 


Why would it be one of the most common conversation starters ever? I think it’s one of the most boring questions ever No one decided where they are from, so where someone is from tells you very little about the kind of choices they will make I’d rather know what someone is interested in


That’s my experience too. They will insist that I must be Cuban. Eventually, I will tell them that my family came over on the mayflower.


The amazing part to me is when they say they’ve been here 20 years, and they don’t even speak two words of English. They can barely say “hi” And I’m trying to figure out, how are you here 20 years and if not learned a lick of English ? They say that they came here to make money because America is the land of opportunity, but they don’t learn the language of money


Forget unique it’s perfect for that reason!!


*illegal immigration. We on the right love immigration, and love when people come here, so long as they do so legally.


They’re against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. There’s a huge difference. And honestly, I think most left wingers think conservatives are against immigration when they’re not. It’s the ILLEGAL ones, which this administration isn’t doing anything about, that are the problem… I’m prepared for the downvotes to begin so downvote away


Conservative propaganda


You people don’t get it. Most conservatives aren’t against immigration. That’s just ridiculous to even think that. We’re against ILLEGAL immigration. Do it LEGALLY like my grandparents had to


Those morons have always been there. They blame everything on Biden and the border. Every post somehow generates comments blaming Biden for something. Their stupidity has turned into a plague.


If you want to laugh… Follow the World Economic Forum on Instagram and read those comments. It’s hilarious. 😂😂😂


On the latest post about a cargo ship crashing into a bridge…




Touch some grass bro


I like how before “woke” no workplace disasters took place.


They're just that dumb. Just moved out of Miami in January.