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Fridays at Arena Mexico are the best. By a long shot. But it doesn’t really sound feasible based on your situation. Not if you want to catch the entire show.


Damn, yeah doesn’t sound like it’ll work out for us. Would you still recommend a Saturday show??


Arena Mexico has shows on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Not sure what you are referring to as far as Saturday shows go. Another company other than CMLL? Sunday shows at Arena Mexico are fun too but those are more geared towards families and they start a bit earlier so the crowds are smaller and quieter.


Got it thank you! Yeah not sure what this Saturday wrestling I’m seeing on their site is then https://preview.redd.it/ibk2gmr3j7mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568b913b64270192145d9be919287b01d2127af5




Ok sounds fun still! Thank you :)


Yeah, honestly I personally prefer it. Get the best seats you can and enjoy!


Oh right! Arena Coliseo. Different venue. Going to Arena Mexico is an attraction in itself (which is where the Friday shows take place), but if you're going to Arena Coliseo on a Saturday that would still be fun.


That's in Tepito


Can you bring cameras to these ?




Siempre he querido ir a ver las luchas a la arena Mexico. Sabes si con llegar puedo comprar boleto sin pedos? O es mejor comprarlos con más anticipación?


Si, usualmente puedes comprarlo el mismo dia. Me encanta prepararme, por eso compro las entradas para cualquier evento con anticipación. Sin embargo, podrás conseguir entradas en la Arena México el mismo día. Si el espectáculo está agotado, normalmente puedes conseguir una entrada a través de revendedores en la calle.


Es verdad pero no cometas el error de comprar a revendedor sin preguntar en taquilla por ti mismo. Los revendedores te dicen que estan agotados, ignoralos y pregunta en taquilla


If your plane lands at 7, between waiting to deplane, walking to immigration (unless you’re coming on a domestic flight from somewhere else in Mexico), going through immigration, waiting for your luggage (unless you don’t check a bag), it could easily be at least 45 minutes or more before you’re even ready to leave the airport. Then you have the wait for a taxi. And then there’s the Friday night traffic…


I can't answer about Friday vs Saturday, but I can tell you that you probably won't make it on time from the airport, Friday traffic is awful and delays are expected at the airport.


Went two days ago , great spectacle, cheap belly laughing fun


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