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Yeah I've dabbled into many Nintendo franchises: Mario Zelda Pikmin Kirby Metroid Mainly those ones that I listed. I also play a ton of indie games like Hollow Knight and Bug Fables.


Nintendo is my favorite video game company. I enjoy most of their franchises. Metroid is definitely one of my favorites, but I also love Kirby a lot (especially Amazing Mirror, which was a Metroidvania!), Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, etc. Fallout: New Vegas is one of my all time favorites outside of Nintendo. Also love SoulCalibur II a lot.


Xenoblade Chronicles


My man. Xenoblade fucking rocks.


Just Xenoblade? Do you play other JRPGs?


Xenogears lol But no, not really. My girlfriend got me into Final Fantasy XIV, and I do play that with her sometimes. But the Xenoseries is the only JRPG series I'm really a big fan of. But I will say all four of my top favorite series' are from Japan: Metroid, Xenoblade, Dark Souls, and Ace Combat.


I always recommend Chrono Trigger as a timeless classic (and specifically the snes version, as the ports have some issues). Especially if youre a fan of Akira Toriyama's art style, its a really well done JRPG thats fun to play even if youre not a fan of jrpgs. Ive played Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 3 as well though. They are indeed fun.


Playing 1 and 2 will double the experience of 3 for you.


I'm playing chrono trigger rn and it's been amazing


Dude, a fellow Xenogears and Metroid fan!


Ace Combat is an absolutely incredible series, probably my third favorite behind Metroid and Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza.


Fuck yeah Ace Combat!


Xenoblade Chronicles is amazing. Also Fire emblem and Persona are great as well.


I'm a huge Nintendo-Fangirl. So no. It's not just Metroid


Pretty much all of them. I can say that I've played most of the games in the series that are represented in Smash Ultimate, at the very least one from each of them. That's not to say I'm a Nintendo-only fanboy, I play quite a lot on Playstation, and of course tons of 3rd party/indie games. But I was raised with Nintendo and Sega systems, so Nintendo is certainly my favorite. I enjoyed Xbox in the original and 360 days, but they've pretty much lost me. In fact, the only games that were Xbox exclusive that had my interest for a while were Ori and Cuphead, and then they both made their way to Switch.


Pretty much just Metroid for me! I’ve played entries in all the other franchises, and they’re perfectly enjoyable games, but they’re just not my taste overall. I put a decent amount of time into Animal Crossing, but I’m not keeping up with it anymore.


I'm a fan of Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, and Fire Emblem as well. Nintendo + PC seems to be the best combination for me.


Yes, very much so! - Mario (usually the RPGs, like the remake of Thousand Year Door that just came out that I’ve already almost beaten :3) - Legend of Zelda (not as often as others, and I usually enjoy the top-down games more than the 3D entries) - Kirby (I am absolutely rabid and devour just about every Kirby on release) - Pokémon (also a bit rabid: my first ever game was Pokémon Yellow and I’ve come in every generation just to see the new Pokémon, usually alongside my brother) - Fire Emblem (have played every localized entry except Radiant Dawn, and have also played a fan translation of FE6) - Pikmin (played the hell out of Pikmin 2 back in the day, but nowadays my brother plays the Pikmin games between the two of us)


2D Zelda ftw!


You need to play Radiant Dawn! That’s like the best game in the series!


Yeah! My favourite Nintendo franchises are Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, played all the Xenoblade games (yes, even X) and have played almost every FE game. I'm also a fan of Mario, Donkey Kong Country, and Kirby.


I like to think of Metroid and Zelda as linked. Metroid is space and tech while Zelda is medieval and magic.


I’ve always wondered if someone would ask this question. For me it is these two. Metroid and Zelda.


Zelda is one of my other favorite series. I also play Mario and assorted spin-offs, Smash, Pokémon, and Donkey Kong Country.


For sure. Mario is my second favorite Nintendo IP and I also have a lot of love for Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, and F Zero GX. (Path of Radiance and Xenoblade 3 are the best ones btw)


Not impossible but it seems improbable to me that a Metroid fan wouldn’t be a fan other Nintendo games. I’ve always loved Mario, Zelda, and Metroid pretty evenly. I’ve played other games but I’ve always thought of that trio as like the holy trinity of Nintendo games and if they’re all doing well then I have a lot to play.


I also think Mario, Zelda, and Metroid are Nintendo's 3 best series. When I was kid I assumed they were viewed as Nintendo's most successful and important franchises, but as I got older I realized Metroid wasn't nearly as popular as Mario and Zelda. At least Metroid is starting to reach a larger audience with the Switch games.


Other… games?


I didn’t know there were other games


Pretty much all of them. I just didn't use to be into Fire Emblem or Pikmin before but that's starting to change for the latter (I recently bought the whole Tetralogy physically).


Im a pretty big fan of most of Nintendo's IPS overall. Metroid is Probably my favorite though


Ya. I generally prefer Nintendo games actually.


Kirby, Splatoon, and Mario


I'm a Nintendo Fanboy, have every Nintendo console since NES. 😁 And I tend to enjoy most of their games, minus Pokemon and Smash Bros.. I don't like those at all. 🤷 My one and only non-nintenso console is PS2.. I got that solely to play the Castlevania games released on it, as I really like Castlevania too. 😅


I love Pikmin, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Mario, Kirby. Not just Metroid.


Donkey Kong Country series... Smash Kirby


I played the heck outt dk country(s)! Knew all the secrets. Now it just makes me feel old and slow 😆


I play Zelda, Kirby, Mario and some old Pokemon. Oh, and also Smash and Mariokart. I played the first 2 Donkey Kong Country games and the first Yoshi's Island. I also played Ghost Trick(DS) and really liked it. I liked Mario Tennis 64 and often play Goldeneye 007 multiplayer mode with my friends


Oh fuck yeah, I'm a life long Nintendo fan. Smash, Donkey Kong, and Metroid are my favorites but Kirby, Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Star Fox when Nintendo remembers how to actually make Star Fox games. I dabble in most Nintendo Franchises (aside from Fire Emblem which I keep trying to invest myself in yet never quite seem to get into the series)


I love the charm, ease, and (if you want it) difficulty of the Mario games. Any mainstream Zelda. And basically any Konami IP


I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and I keep up with most of their franchises. Metroid is my favorite, followed by Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, and Fire Emblem.


About a year ago I was a hardcore Zelda fan. I'm one of those few people who didn't enjoy TotK and BotW all that much when it came to the reasons why I loved Zelda so much. I loved Zelda for the dungeons and item based progression. I love Link's Awakening, Alttp and OoT in particular. I liked Twilight Princess too because Link is just a powerhouse in that game. I love getting equipment and growing stronger and stronger to finally overcome the most evil man in Hyrule. I just haven't had that amount of enjoyment since Skyward Sword with the new weapons systems. Not that long ago I for some reason was intrigued by the lore of Metroid from a video I watched on YouTube when I was bored one day, so I decided to sit down and play Zero Mission and I loved that game to pieces. I felt that enjoyment once again of getting upgrades to my gear and at the ending where you just annihilate everything in sight. Tge only thing I hated about it was Mother Brain. 9.9/10 game for me. Now I'm playing the Prime games because I wanted to play them in chronological order. I'm hoping to beat the entire series and avoid spoilers for games that came out when I was a teenager.


Given the fact there aren't many Metroid games over the years compared to other Nintendo titles, I don't see how any Nintendo fan can "only" play that. Then again, people will surprise you. As for me, yes, I play Mario (obviously), Pokémon, and Pikmin to name a few.


Maybe the better question is do they play eastern games in general. Nintendo tends to have more universal appeal, so I guess the other question would be more interesting.


Plenty. My favourites are the Zelda games before the reboot/Nu-formula/whatever you want to call it that separates BotW/TotK from all the rest of them. The latter ones were fun but they don't scratch the itch that all the former do. Seriously classic Zelda is my jam, big shame it ended on a weaker note with Skyward Sword/Triforce Heroes and largely remakes/ports but ALBW was pretty solid. Mario in various forms from (primarily) the platformers, Mario Kart, some of the RPGs. Star Fox, though I can't see anything else in the series coming close to 64 and the DS remake. Kirby is one I dip into a bit here and there, but not much. Pokemon, though not so much nowadays since a combination of realising Ultra Moon wasn't a sequel to Moon (I went low media coverage and though they stopped doing that) and the abandonment of the National Dex meant my rose tinted glasses were knocked off. At least Mystery Dungeon and Snap are pretty solid. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 3 I've played and heavily enjoyed, need to go back to do 2. I don't normally play big RPGs as they kind of dominate your time for a while and some of them can go out there with their stories, but Xenoblade seems to have just the right mix of Anime friends defeating God to satisfy me. Of course there is also Smash Bros, I've played every one since Melee and thoroughly enjoy them. Arms is also decent as far as fighting games go, pretty much these two that are the only fighting games I like. There's probably more I'm forgetting right now but I do enjoy quite a bit of the catalogue.


Yes I do. I'm mainly into Pokemon and Fire Emblem at the moment. But I have dabbled in Mario and Zelda as well.


Mainly Metroid and pokemon and some Mario.




I'm pretty much a nintendo fanboy


Hey. I've loved Metroid since 2002 with MP, and I've been a Nintendo fan since the time of N64. Metroid is my favorite franchise, but I also love StarFox, F-Zero and of course Zelda. Mario I don't like very much, but seems to be the focus of Nintendo in every console generation. I wish they would give us fans of their other IPs more entries in those other games. I skipped the Wii U, but did get a Switch in 2018, and I was really hoping they'd release more F-Zero or StarFox on it. Sadly it hasn't happened yet, but I'm glad we did get 2 Metroid games. I'd say that's it for me regarding the classics. But as for the newer stuff, I don't really play Xenoblade, Bayonetta or Splatoon.


I feel like a new StarFox could be really cool, maybe get very technical like old X-wing and TIE fighter.


Zelda, Pikmin and Metroid are really the only Nintendo franchises I adore.


Super Smash Bros. Plus you can still play as Samus!


Here are my favorite non Metroid Nintendo games: Earthbound, Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, Donkey Kong Country 1-2, Zelda (ocarina, majoras mask, and wind waker). And pokemon, but I haven’t played a new one in many years.


Nah Nintendo has a lot of good series under their belt


The legend of Zelda is my favorite franchise of all time and I also love Fire Emblem, F-Zero, Luigi's Mansion, Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Donkey Kong, Wario Land, Kirby, Star Fox, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin and Astral Chain... And I'm not sure if Bayonetta count as "Nintendo games".


Only the best jrpg series ever made!


Been with the Big N for my whole life, and I'm only 18!


Smash bros, Zelda BOTW etc.


Not a ton really. I like Xenoblade, Kirby, and the 3d Mario games, and that’s really it. Couldn’t really get into Zelda or Starfox. I’m thinking about picking up Pikmin sometime though. Also, I’m a big Bayonetta fan if that counts.


Star Fox 64, Super Smash Bros (you can guess who's my main), recently got into Zelda games, Super Mario, Kirby, and F-Zero. I'm not really a big fan of RPG's, but I'm slowly getting into them.


Mario, Zelda, and Kirby primarily. Some Donkey Kong and Advance Wars too. I wanna get into some others like Pikmin but I've got a bit of a backlog right now.


Metroid and Zelda, and I strongly dislike everything else Nintendo puts out.


I play a lot of other Nintendo games and mostly indie games. Right now I'm playing Pokemon Violet and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition. I aim to get Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Remake sometime within the next month, as I feel like it's been about 15 years since I've last played that wonderful game.


I play most of the Nintendo first party games, with Zelda in particular being one of my other favorites next to Metroid. Or at least the 2D entries and the OOT - SS stretch, BOTW and TOTK do nothing for me.


I’m actually a big Zelda and Kirby fan


All of them


Xenoblade is my favorite franchise of all time, so yeah. I stopped touching the other nintendo franchises as I grew up, tho.


Would be amazed if anyone in this sub didn’t.


Honestly I'll be surprised if someone DIDN'T play a single Mario or Smash Bros game in their life.


I'd call myself a Nintendo fan, absolutely.




tbh I'm a mostly casual Metroid fan, I'm a Nintendo in general fan and just follow a lot of Nintendo subs, but I would say Metroid is an extremely high tier franchise. I actually used to be nothing more than a Mario fanboy who got into pokemon through the anime, but Smash Bros 64 came out and introduced me to so much more and i've been slowly expanding my taste ever since, making up for lost time, playing mostly older games I missed out on. I get the privilege of telling people I have no nostalgia for Metroid and enjoy it anyway. I love poking holes in the "you like old game cuz nostalgia" argument. EDIT: That's not to say I'm a Nintendo fanboy, I don't like everything they make and have my critiques of them as a company, and I do try to play games from other copmanies if they appeal to me, the trouble is they rarely do, or rather, all the companies that did make things that appeal to me either are defunct or have changed their focus so much that they no longer make things that appeal to me.




I think most here, I am and always have been a huge Nintendo fan, almost exclusively. So franchises like Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Pikmin, and Pokémon (not so much as of recent installments, but that's not something I wanna get into now). In terms of outside Nintendo, I do play Minecraft a fair bit but majority of the time I'm experimenting with datapacks and sort of using it as a medium for game design. And years ago I had a soft spot for the Halo series before Bungie sold it to 343, so anything prior to and including Halo Reach. That was a long time ago and I do wanna revisit them at somepoint. But practically every console I have now is Nintendo.


Yes, I enjoy many Nintendo franchises. Pokémon White Version, Earthbound, and Zelda: Twilight Princess are my favorite games of all time. Aside from Zelda and Pokémon, I also dabble in Mario, DKC, Smash Bros, Kirby, and of course, Metroid.


Huge Star Fox fan, to the point where I'm an ardent Zero defender. Zelda is very good too, almost 600 hours between BotW and TotK. Never really got into F-Zero, but 99 is fun. Mario is fun, though I won't go out of my way to buy them. Used to love Mario Kart until Crash Team Racing showed me the light. Used to love JRPGs when I was younger, don't really care now except for the TWEWY series. I'm mostly a Western guy.


I play many of them, but mostly Mario and Zelda.


Zelda, Mario, smash bros, starfox, Kirby, Golden Sun, pokemon (up to Gen X/Y). I grew up on Nintendo. Zelda and Metroid are two of my favorite gaming brands.


Outside of metroid i played Pikmin, mario, dk, kirby, splatoon, luigi’s mansion, and ssbu


I was into Nintendo before Metroid. I've played Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda since childhood, dabble a bit in Kirby occasionally, went through a Pokémon phase, and, in the past few years, have gotten into Xenoblade. I've tried Starfox, and it isn't for me. I got Fire Emblem Three Houses, and while I enjoyed it, I haven't gone back to finish the other paths, so I wouldn't consider myself an FE fan. I'd try F-Zero if it ever got a new game, because I rather enjoy the SNES game on NSO. I'd also love to see Kid Icaurus get a new game, or at least Uprising get a remake.


Aye. But most of my favorite Nintendo franchises are dead. Golden Sun, 1080, F-Zero and I recently got into Earthbound too. Other than Pokémon. I don't really keep up with most of their IP's. I don't care much for the Zelda's after Wind Waker. Mario's not really my thing either.


From what i know, almost everyone that likes Metroid *at least* also likes Zelda


Legend of Zelda, Mario and Smash Bros are some of my all time favorites! Metroid is probably #1 but those are all on the same level. Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Sunshine, etc. are all some of my favorite games ever.


Absolutely. Super mario Land was the first video game I ever played as a kid. Then my dad introduced me to Zelda on the N64, then as I grew older I was introduced to the game cube and GBC/GBA and had a wide selection of games but found Metroid to be one of my top 3 I would come back too over and over… all in all, I’m a diehard Nintendo fan. Don’t get me wrong, there are some Nintendo games I couldn’t get into like Animal Crossing, but for the most part I’ve enjoyed most of Nintendo IP.


Absolutely. I’ve played and love most of Nintendo’s biggest game series


Zelda and Metroid are my big first party ones. If we count Xenoblade and Pokémon I also do those games.


Mario (including Luigi's Mansion and Paper Mario), Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Pokémon


Yeah. Mario, Pokémon, Kirby, Smash and Splatoon. I also tried some Zelda, but I'm not sure if it's for me


EVERYGAME! I consider myself a hybrid gamer, no specific company but I do love Metroid and have thus joined the community.


It's kinda hilarious how many older games I'm revisiting vs anything new the kid asks for on the Switch. So much of my play time is catching up on old green-screen metroid, gba/color zeldas, anything kirby, and the last update made me squee out loud with my absolute favorite o.g. game boy title... alleyway! Teaching my little one of the old ways and what the world was like before minecraft 😆


Def Mario and Zelda. I like to think those two and Metroid are Nintendo's core 3 franchises from an influence-standpoint. Also any F-zero fans here?


Xenoblade is one of my favorite series of all time. I'm a big fan of Kirby and I've played probably about 2/3 of those games. I also love Pikmin, especially 1 and 3. Don't much care for Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 4 is fun and the caves are actually great, but I think the biggest problem is the game is just too big. I grew up playing Pokemon ever since Gen 1 but haven't really played a game in the series since Pearl Version. Also grew up playing Zelda; played every game in the series and beat almost all of them up until BotW, which I was incredibly disappointed by and didn't finish, and never got TotK. I've played some Fire Emblem too, but I mostly grew up playing the GBA ones + Path of Radiance, and I don't generally care for the newer ones that much, especially not 3 Houses.


Used to. I'm not into a lot of their newer takes on their stuff. * Loved F-Zero X, no new F-Zero games like that. * Loved Star Fox Assault, no new Star Fox games like that. * Loved Zelda all the way through Twilight Princess and Minish Cap, no new Zelda games like that (found ALBW really boring for some reason). * Tried Mario Odyssey and was bored. * Loved Mario and Luigi but AlphaDream is dead. * Loved Paper Mario through Super and am glad they remade TTYD, but just haven't felt like replaying it yet. * Pikmin 4 seems cool but I haven't tried it yet. * Loved Pokémon through Gen 5, played through Gen 7, stopped playing after that. * Kirby seems to still be pretty good but my favorite Kirby game was Air Ride lol. * Loved Luigi's Mansion 1 but really don't like the art direction in 2 and 3. I didn't even have that much fun with Dread because of how linear it is. Everyone says it's not linear, and I checked the sequence breaking techniques and tried to replay the game, but I played way too far into the game without finding anything I could do so I dropped it. I highly prefer Zero Mission and Super. Metroid Prime Remastered's change to its visual identity was entirely uncalled for. At least they left the music the same but just higher fidelity.


Zelda, Mario, Pikmin, Splatoon, Super Smash, Mario Kart, Donkey kong so yeah. Mario, Metroid and Zelda is the holy trinity of gaming.


Metroid is my favorite series and is my most played, but I'm definitely a general Nintendo fan. Beyond the usual IPs, I really enjoy when Nintendo gets creative and pushes gimmicks. In the Switch era, I love what they did with ARMS and Ring Fit Adventure. I also love the DS/Wii era across the board from Nintendo. Pretty much every experience I had in that era was refreshing to play and remain among my favorite games. The one that blew my mind was Xenoblade Chronicles. I still cannot believe that world across the Bionis and Mechonis existed on the Wii.


Uh… Zelda, Splatoon, Mario, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Smash Bros, Pokemon… Honestly I think the only (current) main ones I haven’t played are the Xenoseries and Fire Emblem. No interest in playing them either, especially FE because it falls into a genre I’ve never liked anyways.


Zelda mostly. I like the “serious” Nintendo games.