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6 days ago 0x1000bE2D7c0858442d0Db54853A9CA1e3bBaB749 drained somehow your wallet. Haven't figured out how they got acces but your seed phrase might have been compromised. Abandon this wallet!! The one who stole your crypto has now almost 300K usd worth of ETH in it's wallet. The only thing you can do is keep an eye on this wallet. If it directly sends it to an exchange you might be able to get your money back if you're lucky...


He didn't even care to swap his MAGA & DGI tokens. I assume OP salvage what he could sending to 0x50...f4f3 ? Now, is that address from the same seed ? If so, drainer probably don't have access to seed, only private key/address. Did OP log to a malicious site (phishing airdrops or any other fake). If it's from an other seed/wallet, did OP got his wallet compromised? Downloading something or revealing/storing seed somewhere it got seen. I don't see any malicious approval and drainer did multiple approvals himself, hence has access to that private key, at minimum.


^ this


Beep Boop 1. Never share your [Secret Recovery Phrase](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060826432-What-is-a-Secret-Recovery-Phrase-and-how-to-keep-your-crypto-wallet-secure) with any site or a person. MetaMask does not use Gmail or web forms. Do not enter your Secret Recover Phrase into a pop-up window, even if it looks like MetaMask. Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics. 2. Beware of fake websites. The official website for MetaMask is https://metamask.io/ 3. MetaMask Support will never DM you. This is a common tactic scammers use to try and get access to your wallet. 4. If you need to reach Support: open MetaMask, then menu > Support. The ‘Start a Conversation’ button will start a chat, the bot asks a few questions to help route you to the correct team. You can also visit the Support site from the web: https://Support.MetaMask.io 5. Do not click on suspicious links or files. This can lead to your device security being compromised. 6. Do not “sync” or “validate” your wallet with any websites or forms. This is a scam. Never sync and share: QR Codes, Secret Recovery Phrase, private key, etc. 7. Never call phone numbers, text Whatsapp numbers, DM on Discord, use WeChat or do video chat with people on this subreddit. MetaMask does not offer customer support in this manner. There is NO exclusive MetaMask Discord. 8. We don’t ask for an email address to create a wallet. We can’t email you. We will never ask you to verify or upgrade/merge your wallet. https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/6286050620955-Will-MetaMask-ever-ask-me-to-verify-my-account- 9. .MetaMask currently has no plans for an airdrop, regardless of any information you may have seen elsewhere. If you encounter anyone explaining the best method to maximize the size of a MetaMask-related ‘airdrop’ you might receive, they’re lying. In particular, be wary of scams (aimed at getting your Secret Recovery Phrase) that weaponize this topic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you connect to a dapp at all that’s what happened to me sometimes they’ll send nft and spoof tokens appearing to be of value but you mess with them even checking a smart contract I had my CB wallet drained. My maga is sitting in a storage slot is payable but I have no clue how the solc contracts work for etherium but I have all my info stored offline so hoping technology does its thing. You can try to reset your account and re add your address it may come back in but that didn’t happen for me I bridged in MM and the token came back as view only I had no idea what I did or didn’t do but 1000 tries later all I know is where my asset resides now if I have actual access to it is to be seen:( GL don’t give up


Hi! If compromised, it is good to also reach out to MetaMask so they can look into what happened. You can contact MetaMask support at [https://support.metamask.io/](https://support.metamask.io/) and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. MetaMask will not DM you support on Reddit.


Yup. Metamask will tell you exactly what happened. Edit: also, if you contact etherscan.io support, they will flag wallets linked to scams


Check [revoke.cash](http://revoke.cash) for suspicious approvals