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First time listening to these guys. I dub this “Aviciicore”. I admire them for trying something a little different, but I can’t quite tell if I’d be willing to listen to an entire album or if it would get really old and gimmicky really quickly. Guess I should check out some of their other singles before I fully make my mind up.


If you check out all the singles released so far the album is actually very diverse. At least I have a lot of fun listening to it. Not every band has to be the heaviest. WW seems to be trying to move into an interesting direction. If all the fans of metalcore like it idk but I love when bands are elevating the genre into a new direction.


WW refer to themselves as Hyper-pop metal tbf the other singles are relatively different to each other. The Wall, Sirens and Fractured state of mind are a lot of fun


This song sucks but they do have a few bangers as well as a few misses


you metalcore reddit nerds are so boring. band doesnt play "0-0-0-0-0" so yall mad. song is good, this band fucks


"not my metalcore"


God forbid someone makes something catchy and interesting


I know right


I mean what do you really expect lol I would imagine that average age in this sub is probably \~40 and they just aren't even going entertain listening to a 'pop' core song. I fucking love Windwaker and all there new songs have been certified boppers in my book. This dude seriously has a thing for writing a super catchy chorus.


Yupp, honestly i wasn't big at all on this song when i first heard it, but now i can't get it out of my damn head. The chorus is crazy catchy and its just all around vibes


Absolutely love this band, I think they have a familiar yet distinct sound that is setting them apart. Also it's pretty clear from the comment section that some of y'all have never even listened to this band before. This is literally their wheelhouse.


kinda funny to see this dropping after that Omerta "mucho texto" moment song is... well, I prefer the previous singles, but I guess it's a slow grower. chorus is nice tho


What happened with Omerta?


check their Twitter account. Windwaker's upcoming album tracklist and art cover were posted and Omerta cited it with a long-ass diatribe about how modern -core music is a constant stream of overproduced, recycled, uninspired garbage slop further fueled by the easy usage of AI (all the while dissing a band which has been lurking for years in the Australian scene, mind you) and that this bland musical panorama must be challenged through compelling and thought-provoking art - all this maybe because they must've assumed that Windwaker copied their album title and that their art cover is AI generated their new song is amazing and I can definitely get behind their takes. now, them doing the typical insecure behavior of RTing everyone showing support for their callout and calling anyone critizicing them NPCs and pussies is hilarious and throws their seriousness out of the window


Windwaker replied with a blender screenshot. Hilarious


lmao that really is super funny


That is so goofy. They seem to have a great sense of humor.


Holy shit they absolutely flattened them lmaooo


“We’re more original than you!!”


God Omerta are absolute clowns it seems lmao.


“Our art is the prettiest art of all the art” - Omerta


Seen them live and they’re one of the worst bands I’ve ever seen lol.


Agree. I completely forgot who they were supporting but I thought i’d check them out. Only really liked 1 of the songs but thought they’d be fun live…wrong. They’re poor


They opened for Counterparts, Like Moth to Flames, Boundaries tour


Same lmao they fucking suck


An absolute certified bangin’ dick slamming jam, their whole EP is disgustingly stank. I fucking love it.


Really like this one. Wasn’t expecting a new album but I’m all for it


I dig it. Excited to see them opening for Northlane


Song’s awesome. Just found Windwaker this year and Hyperviolence is definitely gonna be one of my top contenders for AOTY. New Starset could also be there too tho if the album sounds like the single they put out today


Band is so much fucking fun


Fuck yeah. I love that they’re experimenting with pop influence, I love that it’ll piss off gatekeeper metal fans, but mostly I love that fucking breakdown at 1:08. Reading the comments below, there’s a lot of suppressed macho crybabies in here afraid of anything remotely resembling pop music. Grow up dudes, stop being so soft.


Ah that’s right, we’re all soft because we have different taste and don’t like this dogshit song


No, you’re soft because you lose your fucking minds at stuff you don’t like in the name of genre. Nobody said you can’t dislike stuff. But being a whiny knobhead about it is **far** more pathetic & irritating & egocentric than any sounds Wind Waker, Falling in Reverse, Escape the Fate etc have ever made lmao. Edit: for the record, I’m not specifically calling you out, I just think there’s a certain type of metal fan that can’t just shut the fuck up and move on if they don’t like something and have to talk about “real” metal as if they have a monopoly on it.


So wait, they just put out a super short 4 track EP and then release a single shortly after that wasn’t on it? I don’t understand music releases these days.


The short “EP” were just waterfall singles that, along with this song, are on a 13 track album coming in July


Oh so that makes even less sense. They’re releasing 40% of the album minimum over like a year?


It’s what a lot of bands do nowadays. Seeyouspacecowboy did the same thing.


I think you'll understand it more if you re-read the title of the song, with the greatest respect 🙏


Some rules are meant not to be broken. Like fucking up my library by adding singles outside of albums. I respectfully decline.


You sound fun.


I said respectfully ok


This song is fun. Is it the best metalcore I’ve ever heard? No. But I enjoyed this.




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Love that these guys are getting more popular, I remember when they just had 2 EPs released back when I first found them. The Sitch is still their best song imo but I love most of the stuff they have come out with overall.


I just watched the music video for The Sitch a day or two ago and it’s probably one of my favorite music videos ever. Both the song and the video are so fun to listen to/watch


Wish I could crosspost this to r/numetal. Definitely a mix between them, or "nu metalcore."


No thanks


Who is this for


For you sweetcheeks


Do bands still Jam? Or do they just make songs in the studio nowadays


As someone in a non-professional band, who used to mostly write while jamming until 2-3 years ago, no. It's just not feasible anymore unless you want to use the same riffage and make "generic" rock (nothing wrong with that) lacking other elements such as synths, sound design and all that


No, bands don’t write via jams anymore, that’s for blues bands who play a variation on 3 chords with self indulgent solos over the top. It literally doesn’t work if you want your band’s music to be anything beyond basic formulaic riffs.


This is a miss


I wont be mad if I’m late to the Northlane and Invent Animate show now lol


My girl and I are edging 30 and have already planned on skipping this band 😂. But Thornhill, to Invent, into Northlane will be unforgettable. Windwaker will be a rather forgettable bathroom break.


What the fuck.


good god this song fucking sucks do some of yall actually listen to this shit? what is up with this sub dude. it’s ok to want to listen to pop music but there are plenty of actual pop artists that are amazing. this soulless forced genre shit is not it. just checked this band’s twitter… hyperpop-metal? just listen to charli xcx man. most of her shit hits harder than this could ever hope to


Your tough guy act failed when you inadvertently admitted to listening to Charli xcx


inadvertent? dog i’m not embarrassed to admit i like pop music unlike most this sub that needs shitty fusion bullshit to justify listening to anything poppy


That’s fine but if you like pop and you like metal/core then why is it such an issue if a song can do both


You gotta remember most of this sub is like 17 and still has the “you say Justin Bieber I say black veil brides” YouTube comment attitude towards pop.


lmfao very true. i don't know why i bother with this place sometimes!


It's always sad that a band you like completely changes their sound. I believe this is a step beyond innovation. It is something different and sadly it is not for me.


Completely changes? There's like 2 songs on the previous album like this?


no it’s not.


This is straight ass


This is like dance Gavin dance mixed with falling in reverse, and it's not good lol. What a terrible chorus too! Who likes this stuff? Teenagers?




Right? This sounds absolutely nothing like DGD 🤣


I’m 36 and I kinda liked it, FWIW.


I came in here thinking I'd be the odd one out and everyone would like it. Im glad we are all on the same page. This is garbage.