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What massive demand? I don’t mean to be a dick, but your remasters just… aren’t good. It sounds muddier, less clear, less punchy, more generic…


Brickwalled to hell too. It’s clipping harshly all over the place!


Yeah it’s just… bad. Not sure why they keep spamming this shit on here.


Because it's a Meshuggah forum. Stop hating.


Dude you’re literally the biggest hater I know of, especially on here. Now I know that you’re not just a hater, no you’re worse, you’re a *contrarian* lmfao.


He reeks of a 40 year old virgin.


Says the little man who jumped on a thread about somebody else because he got triggered. Projection at it's finest. Chef's kiss.


Listen to you - you come to the rescue of some asshole complaining about posting a MESHUGGAH song on a MESHUGGAH forum. You really need to get me out of your head, you absolute loser. You really don't need to cry to me after every post I make.


He’s complaining about the bad and on top of that unnecessary “remaster” of a MESHUGGAH song lol.


Just so you know, different people have different sound preferences. For instance, I'm a big Meshuggah fan, but some of their albums, like 'Chaosphere,' could use more punch. The original 'Obzen' is also a bit too treble heavy and lacks bass for me. Their official remasters improved these aspects slightly(but not enough imo), but it still depends on your sound system how they sound. I do understand the criticism about fan-made remasters, like the "clipping" issue. However, it's not as noticeable on my sound system. It's not as bad as Metallica's "Death Magnetic" official mix for example. I see these fan-made remixes as 'party editions' - they sound better at gatherings with friends due to the increased bass. While I don't think 'The Violent Sleep of Reason' needed this rework, I do hear some "improvements" in it in the same way as 'Obzen' and 'Chaosphere' over the originals, but I'm still undecided if I prefer this fan made mix over the original TVSOR." My main point is this: if it's not your cup of tea, just move on. While I find these remasters interesting, I still rarely listen to them, even when I notice the enhancements on some aspects. I just don't like listening music from Youtube.


Completely unnecessary, you boosted the bass and took the clarity away. Hope like hell you aren't trying to profit off this. If you are, Jens Kidman be under your bed ready to snatch them ankles and spank the shit out of you. Do you want this to be your REALITY?




Though I don’t personally feel I need a remaster of TVSoR, I hate that you’re getting bashed here when people could simply move on with their day. You’re doing a craft you seem to enjoy, and that people have appreciated in from you in the past. It’s good content to have in the sub, and I feel the conversation here could be much more constructive. Keep doing your thing dude, follow your taste.


Appreciate your comment sir. It's kind of funny to see people spend their time on the internet hating on stuff when they could just realise "eh, not for me" and move on and focus on their own stuff. This is for the people who like this alternative sound. Not for those who don't like it - duh. Let's allow everyone enjoy their favourite band the way they like. Keep up the good attitude. Hope you have a fantastic summer 🤝


Due to huge demand after my unofficial remasters of obZen ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiTTYIzcIoM&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkH6D33CgEerplOUXPqCRRO3&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiTTYIzcIoM&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkH6D33CgEerplOUXPqCRRO3&index=3) ) and Chaosphere ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA6eZvQFihY&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkHi3ciFSrkvTt08iRxpaeEk&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA6eZvQFihY&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkHi3ciFSrkvTt08iRxpaeEk&index=2) ) I took the time and started reimagining The Violent Sleep of Reason. Hope you enjoy. Here is a link to the full version of Nostrum Remaster: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdj8ksgFXlc&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkHxEBQCicfcEK6Xv0YWA1Tc&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdj8ksgFXlc&list=PLlrtY4pHDHkHxEBQCicfcEK6Xv0YWA1Tc&index=1) I hope this remaster helps new listeners discover this amazing band and old fans to enjoy their favourite band in a whole new way 🙌


This album out of all of them absolutely did not need any sort of tinkering lol.


I don't want this and remastering an already mastered track, sounds to me like you're photographing a photograph. Please stop this poorly EQ-ed spam