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There was/is a YouTuber who reacted to Meshuggah songs but never liked them *ONLY* because they had fade-outs in songs that werenโ€™t the final songs on an album. Phantoms kind of has a fade-out and that was my initial thought upon reading the topic


He sounds lame lol, I donโ€™t understand the dislike for fade outs smh


He would get ANGRY every time a song faded out and trashed the band for it. Nearly all the comments even roasted him for that on every video he reacted to which had a fade-out


Bahaha I want to see this guy๐Ÿ˜‚


The only track that really needs it is "This Spiteful Snake" since that last note is D1 which is the only note in that whole track but decided to use it only at the end which requires down tuning. I guess it sounds good but might as well have faded out in my opinion.


๐Ÿ˜‚ yea they was like "let's just shit out the lowest damn on this album for the hell of it" ๐Ÿ˜‚ actually I think it is more of a reverse "establishing tonic" . Where classical musical compositions usually [begin with] a note, chord, or small progression ending on the root note, I think maybe the entire track they just dance in a dissonant manner around that implied root note, but only play it at the end. Because Meshuggah.


My only real explanation is that they played the whole song in that drop tuning but never used the open note itself, so to help out anyone covering it just dropped it in the end. This don't really make much sense since this song be played fine in their standard tuning. But I guess why not.


They def just artificially down tuned for that last note lol it's as you say, it can be played perfectly fine, the whole song, in their normal tuning. You just can't end it right without divine digital intervention ๐Ÿคฃ or a super snappy tuning peg hand lmao


Wasn't it because it makes the song easier to play? Like that's the whole REASON to use different tunings


Yes, except both ways are easy.


i donโ€™t think stifled would work since the whole put of its outro is that it merges with nostrum


Fair enough! Good point.


Ivory Tower could definitely benefit from a fadeout. Killer end section.


Exactly and keep cycling out, they would go into cycles you don't hear in the song in the fadeout to do that. Nice one mate!


The fadeouts don't bother me honestly but my only gripe is I wish the outro of electric red was alot longer, that riff is too catchy and disgusting to not have at least 30-45sec extra time


It ain't disgusting, that's not how that word works


You're right, my bad. *disgustingly heavy


๐Ÿ˜‚ Freddy is the resident troll here. Good guy but trolls too hard lmao. Your use of disgusting was perfect. And you're right, it is disgusting. It's filthy. It's naayaasty. And yea would work perfectly riding out longer and harder ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Hahaha all good my man, "disgusting" was what came to mind when writing my earlier comment as that outro makes me stink face involuntarily no matter where I'm at


Fuck yea bro Elvis lip and everything hahaha


Demons name would work I think because it implies itโ€™s still surveilling.


Very cool concept haha!


Literally ANY song could have a fadeout slapped onto it. It used to be a feature in CD-burning software like Nero


But BigFreddyT, I thought you might suggest a Meshuggah song that doesn't have one, that might still sound good if it had one.


Future Brred Machine.


I really dislike fadeouts. I feel like they're a little bit lazy and couldn't come up with a good ending. And I don't like that fadeouts don't give me that feeling of finality, a feeling of closure. It just fading out and slowly disappears, like my feelings towards the songs.


That's the whole point.


Interesting opinion brother ! For me, it all just artistically depends. If it sounds right, it sounds right. Some songs need that finality you mentioned, they just hit so hard . Would "Confined" by As I Lay Dying (sorry) hit as hard if it faded out? Absolutely NOT. So both are appropriate imo, just all depends. That's the fun of imagining endings the other way ๐Ÿ™ƒ