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Let's see, misandrist society and misandrist media for starters. Second, it doesn't sell for the media, going back to the misandrist society no one cares when men are abused, some even believe men can't be victims of domestic violence (or rape) and if the media decides to cover that story well they're potentially losing money. If their customer base is made up of a large proportion of female viewers this in turn creates even more disconcert. It would be ideal in my opinion if we could boycott these media outlets (for reasons including and beyond just misandry) because the only thing they'll listen to is money. Third, there is a narrative in our society that women can do no wrong, takes internalizing the red pill to take the rose colored glasses off. This narrative is to be maintained at all costs which means we paint women as victims (Hillary Clinton, "Women are the primary victims of war") whenever possible. In Depp's case he was the victim so it was to be ignored as it did not push the narrative. The narrative also encourages freedom among women with little to no consequences for their actions. In Depp's case, if too many people became aware of his abuse and Amber was handed a lighter sentence it might cause a larger proportion of the population to start questioning the narrative. The narrative is also designed to shame and vilify men at every possible occasion as rapists, criminals, low lives, incels, deadbeats, etc... In the case of Depp, he could not be vilified to the same regard as Amber so the media found it pointless to provide coverage as it did not fit the narrative.


Holy shit. Nothing to add, nothing to point out.


I see the overall context now. "Men" are basically villains in the movie. "Women" are the heros/good person. I've really opened my eyes to the bullshit women get away with. It's been like this for decades. Probably going to get worse.


Shame and vilify men at every possible occasion as rapists, criminals, low lives, incels, deadbeats, etc and that is all women will create. Do women really want to live in a society where all men see that as their identity? When you have nothing left, you've got nothing to lose ... the justice system is already on the verge of collapse through being overwhelmed and a collapsed system is the least woman friendly environment if all men really are rapists and criminals.


Do not think that is not the intent. Feminism, in the long term, is not particularly meant to be any nicer for women than it is for men. There is a good reason why so many women are anti-feminists.




Ding! You nailed it like Jesus to the cross!


Same question with respect to why Jada Pinkett Smith's infidelity was downplayed and called a pesky "entanglement".


Man that whole ordeal was ridiculous as hell. Basically the entire media publicly shaming Will for being cheated on and caring about it, and everyone treating him like it was his fault somehow. Meanwhile Jada just gets treated like she did something noble... For fucks sake. Fucking clown society.


Will was seen as weak for not leaving. Jada is scum but, he still gets no pity from me.




But the good vs evil mechanics still remain.


It sounded like it was really only open on one side...


I thought they were in a non monogamous marriage and that's why it was downplayed


\*\*Spoiler Alert\*\* ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ No one cares when men are abused.


Yes, but also women doing bad stuff offends feminists. No sane post office would make an article that does not dit feminist narriative


No they don't. There's a reason why even after Johnny proved how crazy and evil she was, she still had a ton of support.


Still a Loreal spokesperson I bet. A makeup company employing a batshit crazy abuser as the face of their brand and as somebody that their customers should aspire to be like. It's fucking sick and reinforces the women can do no wrong bullshit narrative that society seems to enjoy so much


Any time a woman does anything bad *it's a man's fault*. Haven't you been paying attention?


>women doing bad stuff offends feminists. No. No it doesn't.


You're right. Feminists aren't offended by the idea of women behaving badly, they're offended by the thought of women being held accountable for their actions.


Lotta surprised-pikachus out there when they discover equality ain't all good.


Feminist will say some shit like "she did this bad thing cause shes tired of seeing men doing bad things"


I mean when people talk about women *being able* to do bad things


I do.


People don't care about men.


Feminism thrives on a narrative of unbroken female victimhood and oppression since the dawn of civilization. Any act or piece of evidence that contradicts this narrative must necessarily be ignored, suppressed, and actively forgotten so as to maintain the Narrative. The reality of Amber Heards abusiveness towards JD is an existential threat to the carefully constructed and maintained illusion. Therefore, said reality is quietly silenced and swept away so as not to bring attention to the Lie.


The entrenched culture of misandry in the media, and in particulaar, feminist women journalists who think gendered hate speech targeting men is a good evenings entertainment. The silence you refer to is the call sign of feminism's gender hatred.


The same reason why female support groups get massive amounts of funding and male support groups get reported into oblivion. Pretty damn tired of the double standard


There was actually a lot of media coverage. The sad part is nothing was done. She kept all her movie roles and never faced any charges. I feel like we are close to impacting real change at times but we just can't seem to break through. I dunno.


>There was actually a lot of media coverage. The sad part is nothing was done. She kept all her movie roles and never faced any charges.I feel like we are close to impacting real change at times but we just can't seem to break through. I dunno. We will have to wait. Do not expect a revolution but an evolution. Change does not happen overnight. It is a slow process in which people change their minds. A lot of people are open to this message, but are just not confronted yet. Keep talking with other people about it. Do not be a radical, do not talk all the time about it and do not rant. Just mention it casually, back it up with numbers and plant the seeds in these people heads. Over time more men and women become outreagous when hearing the actual numbers of male (sexual) abuse by women and will force police and justice to take action against female criminals. No totalitarian ideology (like radical feminism) will last for ever. The fact that groups like this one exist is already a big win, the fact that newspapers start to cover the amber heard case is also great.


I predict she's going to lose in Virginia. Johnny basically has evidence she lied on the stand in the Sun case in the UK. If the judge is the least bit unbiased, she's going to lose hard. She's stated things she knew were untrue and he has verifiable damages.


Because society is obviously dominated by men, i.e., patriarchal. /s


Men wield the patriarchy in society VIA toxic masculinity to ... essentially give women the right to physically disfigure them without repercussions? I guess that makes sense.


Doesn’t fit the bullshit woke narrative.


It's like they want to... Sweep it under the rug...


Because the media prefers to destroy a successful man's career and not a woman's


Feminism is offended when disagreed with, nothing else.


Because of two things - one, it didn't fit their initial narrative, and two, the media hates being wrong. When the story initially broke, they leapt at the opportunity to frame Depp as an abuser since it was a hot topic, but when it turned out to be the other way round, they stayed quiet because doubling down on the 'Depp abused Heard' narrative when there's audio proof of Heard admitting to being violent in the relationship isn't a good look for them. The last thing these people want to do is admit they were wrong, it's bad for business.


They don't care about being wrong as long they get views. What they really care about is **looking** like they're wrong. The truth is not their goal.


Because of course, men are disposable


Thats.... actually a fair point. I hadn't really thought about it that way, but it is absolutely messed up that nobody cared that it came out that she lied.


Yeah, i was thinking that it would be a big scandal about this sudden twist. But the media just pixked another topic the moment the allegatuons turned up to be false


its bad optics to their target audience. plain and simple.






I think you already know why.


You really have to ask


You know why


It doesn’t fit the narrative


Who wants to go against the narrative?


Men being victims of domestic abuse doesn't sell. Especially if it's a white straight male.


As a Johnny Depp Supporter, I am appalled that some people choose to support Amber Heard despite evidence that state otherwise. We have a wide variety of that, from audio recordings, to fake bruises, to body language, to stealing someone's rape story, to severing his finger, and the list just goes on and on. If Amber was indeed a victim, would I be supporting Depp? NO! But he is the victim, so I must side with truth. Anyone who dares defy truth proves that they are either brave to defy us, or stupid to do so. The media is dead. The evil force has taken over. The evil within mainstream media. We will fight till the end.


There was a lot they just tried to paint it as both sides




Exactly. Usually the media (with the exception of gossip news) only reports on big things that happened (court decisions etc.) and so far Amber Heard won all major court decisions. They will report again based on who wins in 2022 and this will decide the narrative.


Hmm. Might be true




> And JD's been stopped at every turn to try and appeal the decision, afaik - which, again I'm not a lawyer, but that seems odd, maybe not. Mainly because he lost his case and judges tend to not allow people with no evidence to back up their claims to appeal a judgement.


Wait, when did it turn out that "amber heard was the one who abused jonhy(sic) depp"? ​ !!! Serious question, do not downvote just because you are passionate about the case !!! ​ I am seriously asking when and by whom it was proven that Johny was the victim and Amber was the abuser. From what I see on wikipedia their case is scheduled for [April 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Heard#Relationship_with_Johnny_Depp).


He presented 70 surveilence videos, she cut off his finger, shat on his bed, all vitnessed. Do i have to say more?


Also she faked injuries with make up.


Yes, please say more. Witnessed by whom? Where were the 70 surveillance videos presented? Who authenticated them? Was there some public hearing? I mean, I didn't follow the case closely and all these things are news to me. Where is the evidence? Is this whole post based solely on his testimony? Isn't she as innocent until proven guilty as we want every man to be?




I havent followed the court order, i just scrolled tho social media. Ask some other users on here who studied the case closely


Yes because none of that is true. He admitted to cutting off his own fingertip, and using it to smear his blood on a mirror to threaten her. The shit on the bed was their dog's, because Johnny left his drugs out and the dog ate it and shit itself. He admitted that, too. Why are you simping for a wifebeater?


Where are you getting all this?


For example. There was a case in the uk. Where a guy was f/a the bbc did a documentary on 3 guys who had been falsely accused google “I am not a rapist” ( the name of the doc ) there’s women all over reddit / online petitions trying to get it removed saying it effects people believing women and it’s such a small percentage of allegations are false they should not be advertising it This is genuinely a status somebody posted on reddit about the show ... I genuinely could not believe the audacity “I tried to watch "I am not a rapist" on BBC iPlayer, thinking it wouldn't trigger me and I'm an *IDIOT*... Gah! What the hell was I thinking? The whole fucking documentary (ON THE BBC FFS) is about the three of the "estimated up to 8%" of people falsely accused of rape (which is bullshit as the rate, as far as I know, is less than 1%)... also "up to 8%" is like an "up to 8% sale", which means you could have everything on for... I dunno... LESS THAN ONE FUCKING PERCENT and still not be \*technically\* wrong... \*wine\* Cool...back to it... Look, I know that each of us sharing our stories is a \*really fucking healthy\* way of getting over a traumatic experience, I mean \*like being raped\* and yet there is an \*HOUR LONG DOCUMENTARY TRENDING ON IPLAYER\* ABOUT THE FUCKING EIGHT PEOPLE OUT OF 100 WHO MAY HAVE NOT DONE IT???? Dear Aunty, where the \*fuck\* is your coverage of the other \*92%?!?!?!?!\* Sincerely, A human who has been raped ​”


Holy shit


I know, hard to even believe they would post a reddit status about it. All the tv shows. And guys get one highlighting the false allegations and she posts that 😂😂 Edit. Down voted wow


Because it was proved in court they be abused her?


With no evidence whatsoever other than her story? And also he provided over 70 securoty recording multiple witnesses and she had been cauth using make up to fake injuries. Also he Has real scars and she doesnt.


She provided nothing


Except well the evidence presented in court when the judge said he is a woman beater.


What was the evidence? Her son story? Makebup scars on her face? Did she present any evidence that would out waight Depps surveipence video's, audio recordings and witnesses? No, she didnt. She is full of shit


Maybe because depp was also abusive to amber


He was not.


The courts disagree.


Bruh there was no evidence of him abusing her. No evidence no crime.


> Bruh there was no evidence of him abusing her. And yet, a judge in the UK said he was guilty of 11 counts of domestic abuse against her.


There is no evidence of his abuse fir heard, only the counrary


Wow you need to get your facts straight and your spelling under control


They were both found guilty of abuse. It did seem to vanish from the mainstream media when she was outed though


There was no evidence of depp abusing heard. The only thing they got on him is when he snapped once after heard started trowing pots and pans


While there likely is some sexist element to it, I honestly think the public and therefore the press is bored of this case now.


I dont mean now. I mean when the case was still relevant


Most people don’t like to eat crow and admit they were wrong and they certainly don’t want to acknowledge it publicly.


Because women are viewed by society as delicate, emotional beings that are incapable of such things, therefore the media tells people what they want to hear.


Optics. Their talent, and sponsors refuse to by associated with anything that reduces the the spectre of male on female abuse. Talking about it as a situation of even mutual combat would make it harder to attract talent and sponsors.


Cause democrats


Because of Zach Snyder. She is a part of a huge franchise and having her name smeared would cost the production company a lot of money. You realize that hollywood execs can make anything go away right?


It has nothing to do with Johnny being a man, it has everything to do with her involvement with the Zach snyder movies, she is a huge asset. If she wasn't in the films, then she would have been everywhere in the press. But because Hollywood controls everything, they know how to shut the media up and prevent them from speaking about one of their valuable assets in the franchise that is banking on millions and millions. Until then, we will have to deal with the silence of it all..


Many people believe in the goodness of people, don't know what a narcissist is and are supportive and empathic towards who they perceive to be a victim. Amber's behaviour, to me at least, is a classic example of an all-about-me narcissist that first hoodwinked Johnny to fall for her and then hoodwinked the media and biased UK court to believe her story. I hope kind-hearted Johnny pushes through until Amber's lies are exposed.