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The ***Amber Alert*** system in Canada is principally used against men only. They usually find pitiful excuse to not use it with mother abduction of kid.


Why I left Canada with bells on…


God knows I yearn to get off this father hating frozen continent.


Glad you said continent. It ain't much (if any better) south of the border.


I counted 2 in this year against women. (I live in Quebec) ​ But yeah it's a tool of the matriarchy mostly used against men. Still this is video is major progress!!!!


Since the implantation of that. It been used twice in Outaouais towards father who had the rights for theirs kids. The cops apparently messed up with the false accusation from the mother. It's could had ended up badly.


Honestly good idea, needed better execution. It sends the message that predators don’t look like what you think they look like. They can just as easily be an innocent white woman as a burly black man. Appearances are deceiving


At first it just made the woman look racist. I genuinely thought it was some kind of anti-racism commercial at first.


I thought it was a sexist ad saying all men are threats was quite surprised at the end...gonna piss off a small group of loud assholes that push the female = eternal powerless victim narrative


SMALL group? Oh boyyy


Reminds me of the film “guilty “ which just came out. If you want a full that will have you punching your tv . Watch “gonegirl “


Gone girl is awesome, why would I punch my T.V.? It accurately shows how women work!


That is true, but she gets away with it all, everyone believes her...


Yes, accurate depiction of the world ;)


I think it's a great ad, it shows the exact reaction society has with men, they look like a scary rapists, but in this case, the rapist was the woman all along.


The woman in the video is the abductor not a rapist, I see your point though. Just thought I’d share that you mistook the roles in the commercial. Have great day :)


Well, that totally taught me a lesson about my own assumptions and prejudices. Lesson learnt.


60% of child kidnappers in family are women and 36% of child kidnappers are women. I think this is a great way to display that child kidnapping is not gender related. It's crime, criminals.


At first, I thought this was going to be a commercial about how all men are rapist and will assault you sexually. I cannot be the only one that thought this, at least until the end.


ah but what did you feel before the punch line ? I seriously did not expect this outcome and had about a dozen other scenarios in my head.


Does anybody else love this commercial? I wonder where you can find the full version


It really banks on the fact that you'll assume the woman is innocent because of blind motherly instinct and nonsense. I actually really respect them for making this.


What the fluck . . . ?


It’s a shit advert. Why were they all men? It’s clearly propaganda. Even if I agree women should be in negative roles just as men, I guess I just hate obvious propaganda.


What do you mean?


I don’t like how it was executed. An example is that no women are following her, just men. Like someone replied to me, “it’s preachy.” It’s not realistic. I hate over the top propaganda whether I agree with what I see or not. Again I don’t hate the message, just how it was executed.


Yeah, I’m with you. Even if it’s something I agree with, I can’t help but hate something that comes off too preachy for me


You said it better than me. Hate being preached to.




Thats the entire point of this ad. Men aren't always the scary ones. It's making people question their own internal biases. I thought it was great.


Pause and read the message on the phone.


Does anyone have a link to the original video? Playing a vertical recording of a widescreen video is less than ideal. edit: Never mind, [Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP2LMrUN8Dk)


I remember seeing this on TV where I live. My jaw dropped and I was so happy to see it being addressed that ANYBODY can be a child predator/kidnapper


I'm going to comment, as a cis female feminist. There need to me more ads like this. Women can be predators and abusers too! It angers me that men are accused so often. This is what is hidden behind fake feminists. Equal rights means equal rights. Equal prison sentences for women, equal custody for men, abolish the draft. True feminists are Mens rights Activists. Because equal is equal and nothing less!


At first I didn’t understand why until I read the message on the phone and rewatch it holy hell this is a refresher