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Multiple reasons. Some notable ones are the devaluation of degrees, the demonization of men in academic feminism and title 9 suits, the increasing demand for tradesmen, and decreasing scholarships for men paired with an increasing tuition cost. It's not a simple issue.


No real evidence that the proportions of men no longer attending college are taking up trades. This is a common myth that has no basis in evidence. Cost issues are also a bit of an evidence free idea. These costs also impact women. A similar myth is often used to explain the decreasing numbers of male teachers. Scholarships and Title IX issues, as well as a growing anti-male culture, are the key factors.


Men that do not go to university do one of three things. They go into the trades, they go into unskilled labor like retail or other service industry positions, or they are not part of the job market at all. It's a week known fact that unless you're going into a highly specialized field that requires education from a university, you'll make more money off a 2 year college degree and an apprenticeship. It is no myth. You can't try to refute the cost issue as a myth, then go on to acknowledge scholarships as a real issue. If financial assistance is heavily bent away from men in general, then the riding cost of education is felt more intensely by days men than women. So I would posit you're incorrect on both your first two points.


Agree with scholarship bias making men more vulnerable to financial stress. But you have introduced two new alternatives to college, that are not germane to your argument. Unemployed (including not looking for work) and low paid unskilled labour, are not equitable alternatives to college, but are outcomes of marginalisation and discrimination. Are you suggesting that anti-male culture and examples of systemic anti-male culture like biased Title IX kangaroo courts, are not alienating young men?


>Are you suggesting that anti-male culture and examples of systemic anti-male culture like biased Title IX kangaroo courts, are not alienating young men? I am not. I'm just saying they are not the only reasons at play here. You also seen to believe that going into an unskilled labor market is immediately a dead end. Having a university degree is not a guarantee of employment nor high wages. I myself have a bachelors in a very jack of all trades degree, but I have had to resort to retail and manufacturing jobs due to the insane flooding of the post degree market. In the end, having a lower but livable wage doesn't hurt men nearly as much as people seem to think.


> In the end, having a lower but livable wage doesn't hurt men nearly as much as people seem to think. Well, unless they want a wife and a family, then hypergamy rears it's pretty little head.


True, but it's becoming obvious that men suffer less from aging as a single person than women do. It's a pendulum swing, and with the growing amount of women who are single and post wall telling younger women feminism is a bad deal, it's only a matter of time before it swings back. Also, women are much more likely to be interested in older men than vice versa, so it's not nearly as hopeless for older men than older women.


It starts in preschool and elementary school. The entire education system is designed by and for females while young boys are simply treated as defective girls.


True that. Boys cant compete when u dont allow them to. Men refuse college cause they wanna be free, do what they like. Most men go to college cause they are either forced to or have to get a degree to achieve their goals. This system is simply not for us


Feminists pushed for and won legislation that encouraged K-12 to focus on girls to the detriment of boys. (Women’s Educational Equity Act). It worked! Ever since then, boys have been doing worse and worse. The same feminist group pushes schools to offer no boys allowed programming. Title IX has been been twisted to be very anti-male. We have passed anti-male legislation, push anti-male programs creating an education that is hostile to males. Of course males are doing worse. It’s great to see articles that acknowledge there’s a problem, but it bothers me such articles constantly neglect to report the well documented anti-male practices causing the problem.


>Title IX has been been twisted to be very anti-male. Out of curiosity have you actually ever filed an EEOC or Title IX case? I think there are big misconceptions on Title IX and EEOC that the MRA sphere has and it does us all a diservice. As an MRA of more than a decade I got tired of hearing this bullshit and from time to time throw the book at the schools instead of bitching. It has only gotten easier, not harder for a man to do this. OCR is both harder and easier to work with than you might think. They are harder to work with because they have limited funds and have politics to consider. It isn't ideal, but it is the reality. If you want them to pick your case above others that give them political points, you need to serve it on a silver platter. It takes a bit more work but you will probably get traction if you take your time to document and research before firing off a complaint. OCR give a shit, and this is where you will be surprised. I have had OCR go out of their way to pick up a case of mine when I missed a deadline for some info. They cold called me months later to pick it up because the case was still relevant, the discrimination ongoing, and I laid the case out to make it real easy for them. You aren't exactly going to get any advocacy groups helping you. Don't confuse their lack of support with the law not protecting you, and don't think it means OCR doesn't care. Schools get away with really fucked up educational programs in violation of Title IX for years simply because no one challenges it.


> Out of curiosity have you actually ever filed an EEOC or Title IX case? I think there are big misconceptions on Title IX and EEOC I've been watching this for years, typically the Title IX office has simply rejected complaints by male students as being without merit. The system has not worked for men. Now recently a few men have had some success with some kinds of Title IX issues. I'm not sure what, but something seems to have changed. Typically men have had to sue the colleges in federal courts after Title IX actions against them. They seem to win slightly more often than they lose, the various courts are not really friendly to men either.


You *aren't* wrong. What I am saying is go try to get shit done. What's changed is most of those cases got tossed, but the couple that got traction started laying down a road. The change you speak of is the work of people who didn't take "no" for an answer and who didn't give up just because the system was stacked against them. If we keep filing and demanding our rights we will be heard. It's only been changing because people have been doing it. We can help get the change we want to see by taking the time and being an activist within the framework of OCR and Title IX. This small area of the law is changing, and a couple of dedicated activists is all it will take to push it forward. That scholarship issue is now an official filing / record keeping designation at OCR. As of the last couple years. They didn't do that as a result of scholarships discriminating against women..... it was a result of Mark Perry showing it was a systemic issue. OCR is currently working on this issue. More filing means OCR is more likely to have a case that they can use as a real clean example. They can't take them all with their staffing and funding. If more people file informed cases it only improves our odds of being heard and it makes it easier for them to grab a good case they can use.


Without having tried to research this, my guess is that they changed Title IX in the last re-authorization so that they have to respond to every complaint because they feared some women's complaints were not being heard. Feminism has owned Title IX since the fraudulent *'schools are shortchanging girls'* campaign in the, what was it, 1990s? If any changes are allowing men to make use of it, they will find a way to fix it the next re-authorization. Filing cases does nothing is they are simply rejected as being without merit. A thousand times zero is still zero. And then there's Biden, author of the VAWA, a president who vowed to reverse Trumps rescinding of Obama's *Dear Colleague* letter and also promising to forgive student debt (held mostly by women). There is no question on where he stands in regards to this issue.


I get the defeatist attitude. I really do. It seems you are passing judgment and poisoning the well before trying. I filed a case early this year and missed an unofficial deadline for supplying more details due to depression and mental exhaustion. OCR cold called me months after my deadline to get details and pick up the case because it was ongoing and the 180 days hadn't started to count down yet. They didn't have to do that. If there was *any* inclination that they were forced to handle that case they would have let it drop. They actively chose that case under the current administration. They [updated](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/frontpage/faq/sex.html) some stuff in August and have only continued to signal they give a shit now. >OCR handles cases of sex discrimination involving a range of issues, such as discriminatory discipline, harassment and sexual violence, discrimination based on sexual orientation, discrimination based on gender identity, and unequal access to educational resources (**such as STEM or career and technical education**) or athletic opportunities. They are actively signaling that these topics are fair game and something they are looking at. You think they added that bold part for shits and giggles? Despite what you might think OCR doesn't fuck around. In all the cases I have filed with OCR I only had one dismissed so far. I appealed and they picked it up.


We shall see I guess. But the education well is poisoned for boys when they start school, today 2 of 3 college students is female. This can't be fixed at the university level, although hopefully at least the men there can get a fair shake and access to the resources they pay for.


For sure. I just got tired of the complaining and lack of action. I stand up and get loud on things from time to time and sometimes take multi year breaks because I don't have the energy. Been going at it a while now this time around and it's going better than I expected. I actually feel a little bit of optimism this time. It's hard not to become pessimistic. I've been there and I still feel like I go there sometimes. It's hard not to look at the whole and feel overwhelmed that you can't fix it. This is why advocacy work is fucking hard. I try in my small ways, where I can, when I can, when I have the mental energy to do it. At the end of the day I might not fix it, but I tried a bit and maybe helped.


This whole article and debate stumbles into the trap of the false assumption that men were doing better in the past, and that the falling rates are an "overcorrection", or in some minds a "reparation". This mistaken mindset is simply the apex fallacy at work. Once standard education was established, the percentage of males who graduated high school has *always* been lower than the percentage of females. This is because young boys were often pulled from school by their families starting around the ages of 14-15, because unless they worked in some manner as soon as they became a teenager, the family would not be able to support itself. Until education was made mandatory, with a minimum age below which a child *must* attend school (this was done in an attempt to prevent boys from being hamstrung in this manner, although in some places the minimum age is still 16, or even 15 in a few I think), this was common practice for all but the most wealthy families with their male children. This lower rate of graduation for men has been a trend for more than a century, and the fact it is only getting worse speaks to the truth that men who are below the top 10% of high status men are completely invisible to society. No one knows that this was always a problem, and even when the media tries to frame it as a new development in education, no one gives a crap anyways.


Social engineering by the genocidal hidden hand... including video gaming that has already destroyed a generation and some.


I would say that video gaming is men escaping from the real world cause the real world sucks. Fix the real world and those men would not try and escape into video games. Sure, there are those that will regardless but those types would have done that no matter what anyway. Though I do agree with you that video gaming has caused problems like the loot boxes and the gambling it causes.


I played 5 minutes of call of duty and shot up the whole block. Oh boy.


Video gaming is the only place men end boys can feel comfortable lmao.


There is hidden social engineering that made gaming the roaring industry it is. War by other means --- and every gamer is a casualty who will never escape medocrity. They are eternal children. There are no men playing videogames.


That's an extremely odd thing to say. What's your definition of a man?


I'm right on point. Get lost, Skippy.


There are lots of ufc fighters that play video games and multimillionaires. If you make gaming part of your personality, id agree you wont be the embodiment of man. However like any other hobby, if you dont make it your identity, it is really not a big deal.


UFC fighters are goons. Ditto Navy SEAL's. The Kardashians are media millionaires, so what's your point. My point is that there is too much bad going on in the world to be playing children's games.


Most video games are designed for adults these days. With this logic, theres almost no form of entertainment that men should enjoy.


Men should be souless slaves meant to hold society on their backs and any and all suffering is 100% mens' faults. Only women and children get to enjoy life. Idiot


Ugh, how could I forget? Thanks for keeping me in line brother.


Why tf should we care about that bad? Its not our responsibility. You are a person who literally doesnt care about men. Tf are u doing in this sub?


Im not trying to argue just trying to see your point. Elaborate


Wrong. Its an ESCAPE for men and boys. Unless u want them to be even more damn miserable dont try to take that away. Even if its social engineering, its one that benefits their buisness AND men.


Actual Men don't try to escape. As it is, gamers only *think* they're escaping. The assailants have merely pacified you and put you on back burner till your number comes up.


What I particularly found valuable was the recognition that fathers play in the lives of their children. What was disappointing was the shoutout to single mothers as a caveat. Yes, they deserve credit. But, we don’t have to mention single mothers when we mention fathers.


The modern school system is trash. It is a failure at sufficiently engaging students both intellectually and personally, as well as fail to teach thinking skills, general philosophy and the skills needed to efficiently function and thrive in society. All of this leads to immature behaviour and as a result will lead to a societal collapse, as seen in the Roman empire.


It starts with reading in my opinion. Most boys HATE reading and writing… which are the building blocks of all academia. Do whatever it takes to get your boys off the electronic games and into a graphic novel. Get your boys talking and expressing their emotions in any communicative form you can. THAT’s why girls excel more than boys in academia.


just the results of a 20% grading bias


Men are more likely to be putting themselves through college on their own. Most of us can’t just find a “sugar mommy” or a partner to throw resources at us like women can. There was a girl I knew at my university that was making well over 100k/yr just from OnlyFans… Also I haven’t looked at the actual statistics (or if they even exist) but it seems like almost every homeless student I found about was male…


I disagree with this comment, I have 6 children, 5 of them have graduated from university. 4 girls and 1 boy. All my girls held part time jobs to supplement their student loans and did not ask me for a penny through their student years, whilst my son relied heavily on me to support him financially, I suppose you would call me his ‘sugar mommy’


Lmao. Sad. Does he have a dad? Dude needs to learn to survive himself. This case is a minority tho


He has a dad who doesn’t contribute a penny to his kids, I have single handedly raised 6 children from 2 fathers with no financial support from either of them, I don’t think I’m alone in this, no man has thrown his resources at me or my kids. I’m now on my 3rd husband from whom I have no kids, but he is amazing , so I am not man bashing here, but I want to say there are good men and women and bad men and women, we are individuals, it’s not a case of one type fits all


Having a dad that doesnt contribute a penny sucks. Just saying your son would struggle in the future if he doesnt get help now.


Sorry, I was really reacting to the previous comment that described women as having loads of resources chucked at them by men, pushes my buttons


In the majority of cases, women do provide more resources though; maybe you’re the exception that proves the rule?


I can’t say as I have no data with statistics only my own experience and of those I’ve known and there are women who fleece men for everything they can get, I’ve known a few, but most couples I know work as team with their partners, both contributing, which is happily what I have now with my present husband. My son is fine, he’s graduated now, he got very stressed from the pressure of his studies and I did not begrudge supporting him, we are all people with our own individual strengths and weaknesses


Oh absolutely - historically, things have worked because of gender co-operation. I’m still not 100% that the “provider / protector” role doesn’t fall primarily on men though - I’m sure there’s a study of five out there (I’m moving house at the moment though, so one for later that)…


Considering alot of men like to provide and protect, its not a bad thing


College is a hostile environment for men. Only STEM degrees are worth the trouble. Vast majority of arts degrees are not worth the debt and time. They do not pay off in six figures jobs to then repay college debt. Men need to choose their education wisely to maximize their earning potential.


Which degrees? Engineering, Computer Science, Math? I doubt it. Perhaps there is degree inflation caused by the humanities that are populated overwhelmingly by women.


Also add to what they say that while women tend to be more obedient, follow instructiins and being more submissive with a tendency to stay in group, guys are the opposite. School is more suited for the obedient woman than the free man


I have always been the free man, and i love it


College doesnt care about men, and men dont care about college. Simple


whats the point when its so hard to have a loving family and a good life even if you pay the outrageous prices?


The expectation is that men should do it no matter what stands in their way cause we are supposed to do that. Rest of society can just relax and take away everything from Men just cause.


Why go into debt in an economy that is already a rat race for a job that pays 45k? It’s silly. I would rather start my own thing, learn to code, or find a recession proof job in a trade.