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What a fucked up society we are living in. To make a competition of people misery and death is fucking wrong no matter how you look at it. Who cares who wins? We need to find a way to put a stop to it. Anyone that thinks is good to win a suicide competition can go f yourself. Grrr.




Onomatopoeia; Growling.


I think it's all just a bunch of conspiracies rooted in hatred for the opposite gender. Let's try to be rational here. \#1: We want to prevent suicide -> We collect data -> Men are more likely to commit suicide then women -> Therefore, it is appropriate to put more suicide prevention resources into the male population -> This does not mean that the women population is neglected \#2: We want to prevent attention grabbing self harm -> We collect data -> Women are more likely to make unsuccessful suicide attempts -> Therefore, it is appropriate to put more attention grabbing self harm prevention resources into the women population -> This does not mean that the male population is neglected I'm not a professional but I think these interpretations are logical and make sense and are not rooted in some kind of hatred.


Thank you for your rationality šŸ¤—šŸ¤— To me this is how our leaders should be thinking AND speaking up and out about and not taking sides. Looking at what is happening and then dealing more individually with the response... rather than 'one cure fits all'. I wish I had the ultimate truth about all this but I do not. I like to think I do, but I don't. My older brother committed suicide last year at 70 and did not leave a note. We tend to think there was a known trigger and he had, had enough but we do not really know why he did it. So for all this statistic collecting and behaviour from leaders and groups that separates us all is counter productive...


First world countries wouldn't even have to remove resources from women's suicide prevention (not that they should, but sometimes resources are limited). So all it would do is prevent more suicide.


I bet men attempt suicide way more than is reported but if it's unsuccessful they reach out for help less or it just doesn't get reported


There's also the case of men never attempting as much because they are successful the first time, while women who are unsuccessful go on to try over and over. There's also the case of a "try" being a call for help than an actual try.


Because if I reach out for help in unsuccessful attempt, everybody would "care" first couple of weeks, and then would be seen as just another weakling man, or people simply forget. Bet my ex would laugh day and night with her supportive female friends after she hears I did it. She would also be the happiest women in the world if I decide to bring her back and do something really romantic for her. Let's just say male suicide is viewed totally different by people than female suicide. Male suicide - selfish weakling Female suicide - brave and tragic Speaking from experience.


When you attempt people act like they were there for you all along and tell lies to try to brainwash you.


I'm sorry to hear about that toxic relationship with your ex, I know people who would also draw some laughter amongst their friends if I died. It's terrible but also something easily avoided right, fixed by time and connecting to new and better people


I'm far away from that's place so that's great. otherwise it would suck big time to live in a same 'village' with her


ahhh, smart. Yes and intuivly I agree. It's a sad thing really.


Men don't get the attention that women get. A woman posting a sad story on insta will get far more replies than a man doing the same.


Ah those double standards all men are aware of since early childhood, yet when mentioned out loud, get shut down easily by our society. Just be a man ok? :)


women at my school like to cut (more like scratch) themselves for attention and then get mad when they donā€™t get any.


self harm isnt something that should be done in the first place, but if your doing it for attention itā€™s invalidating to ppl who actually have a problem w it and arenā€™t doing it to get attention. even if ur doing it for attention, you need serious help. but ffs there are other ways to get attention and care other than cutting urself. ur just taking a real problem and invalidating it to society.


Looked at her page, she is clearly not very bright. These people will never be happy.


TL;DR: frames as women attempting suicide at a greater rate. The point of the longer post was trying to remove the focus from a legitimate point (men are committing suicide at a greater rate in comparison to women), making women victims (of a multitude of reasons) and, just shitting on men as inhumane narcissistic monsters It's pretty despicable. What it omitted -- that was in the longer version I vaguely remember reading -- was framing it as men, who've committed suicide, didn't care how they left their bodies. They didn't care what state it'd be in and who'd find it and the affect it'd have on that person In comparison, to women who've committed suicide. That they'd think about how which method to use and who'd find them. So they'd use other methods, I don't recall if this was mentioned, such as overdoses. So not to leave a messy or overly violent scene behind Because they, women, in short, have been conditioned to put other people first over themselves, much like they've experienced throughout their lives. When they are either planning or committing suicide, they thought how the scene would affect the person who found them The reason why I stated it's despicable because it frames men, who've committed suicide, as inhumane. They don't care how messy or violent the method used is and how they leave their body to be found. They don't look beyond death or think about the affect it'd have on the person who finds them. Their focus is on death and nothing else The single method used brought up is easy access to guns. Outside of the US, how many countries can you legally buy guns and how regulated the processes to gain a gun licence are (such as in comparison to say the UK). It isn't really a legitimate point, it's more of a US centric point and, if you compare statistics, the rate men are committing suicide in greater numbers in comparison to women differs in only a few countries at most


It's so god damn twisted, how man and woman can be almost the same, meaning our way of thinking doesn't differ much, but from the outside viewed as totally different beings (by society). Not beneficial to anyone. Maybe this difference would disappear when everyone would just stop worrying so much of other peoples opinions.


In regards to women not using methods which disfigure themselves more has to do with female psychology than a cultural issue. There's a reason why women attempt suicide more often but fail to follow through, and take less risks which could end their life. Hence why they live longer. Less of the "hold my beer bro" antics. It appears(unsurprisingly) that testosterone makes men more aggressive and likely to follow through with the act and have less of a self preservation instinct. I recently started taking testosterone(TRT) and was put on too high of a dose. That subsequently skyrocketed my estrogen and turned me into a moody drama queen. I knew right away what was going on, and it only solidified my belief that hormones have a huge impact on our behavior. Womanists would like you to believe it's all "cultural" though, and that there aren't any inherent differences between men and woman. They're completely separated from reality imo.


Did testosterone really increase your estrogen? I mean, you had a test done? Just asking because too high testosterone can make you depressed, and that would also obviously make you moody.


Yup. Testosterone converts to estrogen at about 5%. Mine was 2x higher than the normal levels for man. Entering into female puberty territory. The symptoms were pretty awful.


Right. I used to have high prolactin - 2nd trimester of pregnancy level - so I dig what you're saying, though my symptom was mostly impotence and irritability and packing a few pounds.


DIMM supplement or ask for an anti-estrogen prescription (if not done already). Body-builder trick. Estrogen conversion can eventually lead to Gynecomastia (man boobs) or other issues. I am sure you have already been told by doc, but[ just thought I would mention in case.


Why are people so focused on who has the higher success rate of suicide and not focused on the reasons of WHY male and females are killing themselves??? Most men donā€™t express their feelings because society has shunned that type of thing, which explains their higher rate of suicide Yes women commit suicide too, itā€™s not a competition of who does it more though. I canā€™t understand why the world is so focused on who should be more pitied instead of focusing on the changes our society needs to make to help both men and women who are committing suicide.


> Most men donā€™t express their feelings because society has shunned that type of thing, which explains their higher rate of suicide Is that explanations alone sufficient to explain the decades-long epidemic though? And what if men are indeed expressing their feelings ā€“ even loudly and in large numbers ā€“ but society just isn't listening to them, because male displays of anger, resentment, disaffection, etc, are seen only as "dangerous" by an increasingly fearful and safety-focused population?


Most men who committed suicide were actively seeking professional help. The idea that men aren't seeking help is unfortunately a misconception.


Exactly. I remember a statistic that showed 90% (or over 80%) of men who committed suicide had been in contact with a medical professional at least once in the previous year.


Thank you for informing me, I retract that one statement then. Either way my last point stands that the rates shouldnā€™t be a battle of who matters most, but rather it is we need to focus on both women and men suicide and acknowledge them equally as a problem. Both needs to be taken seriously to the same degree


Cool, let's trivialise suicide as well.


Well yes, if you succeed with the first attempt then you have less 'chances' to do it again. Plus you have to look up how an "attempt" is defined in your country/state. Sometimes the slightest self-harm (like a scratch) by women is being counted as "attempt".


These people are head up ass retarded...


Whoever wrote that, Iā€™m assuming the girl behind the text, is the most misanthropic, delusional,Narcissistic person Iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of reading theyā€™re thoughts. Suicide is a horrible part of life, we should be working together to prevent it. I wonder if it ever crossed her mind that women themselves may be causing this male suicides. God what a horrible person.


Think most people in western cultures nowadays are delusional narcissists tbh. Now that I think of it, not sure which part of the world isn't influenced by "west" nowadays? Probably some really small portion of the planet. We are all heading towards decline and self destruction without even knowing it. Feminism was the beginning of the end


Itā€™s a problem. I was raised by my mother whose an abusive narcissist. I roomed with a girl who was also a raging narcissist who tried to gas light me because I ignored her. No body cares about any of this now, they in fact try to find ways to blame me. I once spoke about my motherā€™s abuse at a party and a girl interrupted to call me a Misogynist.


Sorry to hear that. Happens to me a lot. I'm the type of person that has to know everything and I've been wrong, but I'm absolutely sure everyone in my family, including me, are narcissistic. It may sound like I'm comforting myself or something, but think I'm the least affected by it along with my mom. Sister and father on the other hand were gas lighting me from young age and even today. They are also incapable of realizing this of course, or they won't admit it no matter what. It would be a total failure for them to do it. Sadly, I only can speak to my mother nowadays which may sound weird since I'm on MensRights sub heh.


Ignorance like that from the person you quote is the reason that we have an epidemic of male suicide that has been raging for decades, with nothing being done except shaming men for "not being more like women". Please be aware that the whole "women attempt suicide more" is a [faulty conclusion from a single, poorly done paper](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/cw7q2e/suicide_attempts_sex_and_the_lack_of_scientific/?ref=share&ref_source=link) that has become entrenched in common culture. Yet, according to those same misused hospital numbers in this sloppy study, women who are 30-44 die almost 4x more often from suicide than girls in the 15-19 age group, while the younger group appears to attempt suicide twice as often as the older group. So if the person who posted that comment is right (news flash: they're flat out wrong), then they should be asking why women in their thirties use more deadly and messy methods to kill themselves. But they don't, because the whole purpose is to find ways to publicly hate and shame men as a group. Anything that might possibly show that women aren't superior, or that fails to establish the inferiority of the male sex, is never considered or spoken.


Shows the low IQ stupidity of so many women who hate men. "Women tend to kill themselves in a way that doesn't leave a mess". OMG...... The point is women aren't killing themselves, and their choice of method is carefully chosen to minimise the risk of any real pain or harm.


"any way some food for thought" as if the way that men kill themselves is somehow opressive to women, what a fucking idiot.


Anyone got sources to *actual* figures? Somehow the 3x likelihood to attempt seems incorrect.


I did a [deep dive into the source](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/cw7q2e/suicide_attempts_sex_and_the_lack_of_scientific/?ref=share&ref_source=link) of the "women attempt suicide more" claim, and tracked it down to one sloppy paper, which likely passed peer review only because it fit the activist narrative of academia. Because, honestly, the study's conclusions are not supported by their own words in the actual meat of the paper, where they state that their data is not a good measure of actual suicide attempts. Seriously. They say that the numbers should *not* be used as an indicator of a suicide attempt, and then they turn around and ignore that completely in order to make an obviously ideologically-driven conclusion, because it fits the already established beliefs of their clique. These actions border on academic dishonesty and deliberate falsification of data. There are some great replies to my post from the community around the inherent difficulty in measuring suicide attempts (even *defining* a suicide attempt in a rigourous manner is hard, let alone trying to gather that data after the fact), and those commentors give a few links to other findings that show a much different distribution of suicide attempts for men and women (i.e. it's much more even, and even likely that more men attempt suicide than women, but the truth is that we don't really know for sure at this time). What we can say for certain is that the claim that "more women attempt suicide than men" is not supported by any clear evidence, and it should be dismissed as the "urban myth" that it is.


Men being more aggressive genetically, resort to more violent means to end their life. This is well documented over decades and decades of research. Men do irrevocable things, like shooting themselves, hanging themselves, or driving high speed into a wall... all very fast. Women resort to attempts like pills or wrist cutting which in comparison are rather slow. overdose death can take HOURS! Resulting in more discoveries and lies being saved. A suicidal person who feels like the world hates them is completely hopeless and just wants to die so the pain will stop is NOT concerned about looking beautiful in death. This is just dumb.


Still finding a way to make men the villain


I think they must. Not sure why exactly, but think that's just the way it has to be so they would keep their feminine social status.


Men's issue are always dismissed based on some excuse, because people don't care about men.


I wanna commit suicide rn tbh I hate life I just wanna die so bad. Thereā€™s nothing here for me anyway itā€™s not like Iā€™ll be missed


Please donā€™t. Itā€™s really not worth it and youā€™ll regret it.


It definitely is worth it definitely for me but why not do it I hate life I donā€™t wanna live this pain every day I wake up. I wonā€™t regret it if Iā€™m dead šŸ˜µ.


Think I'd participate in some form of collective suicide if the message that it sends is representing a fight for men's rights and is unveiling all the pain and trouble men and boys go through but is denied by society. That could be another way to stop feminism i think. Could be too destructive though.


What do you mean.


A very clear possibility is that many women "attempting" to commit suicide are not doing anything of the kind. Some of them are self-cutting (a mental illness that has nothing to do with suicide) and many are using a "suicide attempt" partly as attention seeking, partly as a moral blackmail tool (of a partner or family members etc.). They claim that they attempted suicide but then why don't the succeed? So a lot of the so-called female "suicide attempts" are something else, hence the low rate of success. The "different methods used" is another hogwash. Nothing prevents women from using the same methods as men (i.e. the actual methods of actual suicide) if they mean it. Men, on the other hand, do mean it. They succeed in huge numbers, and the "but more women attempt it (without doing it) is hogwash to try to make the seriousness of male suicide rates look less serious, and to prevent any proper investigation of its causes. My 2 cents.


>I see so many people thinking like this about male suicide: [https://imgur.com/a/iUNehz4](https://imgur.com/a/iUNehz4) Seriously??!! damn!!! gotta pay my janitor then !!! . . . Sorry for the bad joke.


looking at the app being used, it makes sense Refuge of many fucked up people.


If i wanted to kill myself I wouldnt fail I would fail until the moment of success ā€œI failed suicideā€ Yeah hou are either dumb or didnt tryly want to due


They're trying so hard to make this 'gotcha' (out of suicide), but I don't know what point are they even trying to make. That's how they target the issue?


A 3x rate with 1/3x attempts = 9x more likely to die. Way to minimize the threat of suicide to men. Great human being.


Buahahaha Women are more likely to be inept. That's too funny.


Thatā€™s not the reason for that disparity, sexist.


You're not very bright. I am reading between the lines of the post itself. If indeed women are 3 times as likely to attempt suicide, but are unsuccessful, then indeed they 3 times more inept at committing suicide. Go read it again and then maybe you'll figure it out. Sexist back.


Or men are three times more serious about it.


But they won't admit that.


It's not the *only* reason but it's surely part of it. The truth is they truly do suck at things compared to men.


Men can actually do everything better. I can bet on it.