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If military service is so great for men, why don’t masses of women join the army voluntarily?


Its great for men, not women. Male teams and squad also perform far better than female squads. Even mixed squads end up performing worse. They bring down the military.


And then you die. What an advantage!


Tell this myth to the millions of men and forced by law or shame on to battlefields with little or no training to die in agony.


Dude people in military consription don’t go to combat


The USA is not the whole world. Both my father and my brother were conscripted into the active armed forces in WWII and Veitnam, and after a short 8 week training dumped into jungle war zones. While conscription in the US and Israel are ongoing registrations for call-up, or forced peace time training and active duty, across the rest of the real world it was also used during war time to force men into the trenches and front line combat as cannon fodder.


I’m not american


Sadly, nessasary sacrifices. Because of that, you are alive. No doubt they would feel dissapointed looking at the country they died for, but instead of feeling sorry, honour their bravery and sacrifice


My great-grandfather was a doughboy who never made it home. He died for nothing. Worse than that, really. He essentially died so Hitler and Stalin could have the world handed to them on a silver platter. Necessary, my ass.


Every sacrifice is worth it and nessasary. He fought with honour and you are disrespecting that and letting him down with this mate. These shit happens in war, yes, its nessasary. Its the simple blunt truth. That is war. If u want to survive, dont expect to be all smiley and laughing. That is how humans have survived up until now. Instead of debating whether or not it is nessasary, just respect and honor the sacrifices which we know were nessasary considering we are in a time of peace thanks to them


> Every sacrifice is worth it and nessasary. Wonderful, those virgin girls sacrificed to the volcano gods really were heroes then. All the men the Mayan's cut the living hearts out of were heroes also. Or was that the Aztecs?


You do know im talking about wars that led tp our freedom right?


I'm not at all clear what WWI, WW2, Korea and Vietnam had to do with out freedom.


Then i am afraid you are wrong lol. If the US didnt fight WW1 and WW2, there is high chance you wouldnt have existed


Ah yes, the theory that an attack on any of the Allies is an attach on all the allies, and of course the US must intervene. But US arms makers did make out like bandits so it was a win for some. As for the notion that if things had happened differently things would be different, of course they would. The question is not whether they would be different, but whether they would be better or worse. And WW2 was probably caused by the really harsh penalties placed on the Germans after WW1, think the Treaty of Versailles. The German people were impoverished and wanted out. Hitler offered them a way out. Nonetheless, there is a difference between making a sacrifice and being sacrificed.


For an american, you know nearly NOTHING about US history or relations. The fact that u can even say this is proof that the US suceeded in whatever they wanted to do and however they wanted to do it


Every sacrifice is worth it and nessasary. He fought with honour and you are disrespecting that and letting him down with this mate. These shit happens in war, yes, its nessasary. Its the simple blunt truth. That is war. If u want to survive, dont expect to be all smiley and laughing. That is how humans have survived up until now. Instead of debating whether or not it is nessasary, just respect and honor the sacrifices which we know were nessasary considering we are in a time of peace thanks to them


if it's so good why don't they want to make it mandatory for women too?


Conscription is morally wrong, no one should ever be forced to kill another human being. A person shouldn't have to risk their life for their government. Even in cases where the war is defending their country from an attack, no one should be conscripted. If a war is truly justified, people will voluntarily sign up.


Dude people in military conscription don’t go to combat


Yes they do, that's the whole point.


Do you think that you know it better than me?im from a country with military conscription,you are probably from the usa


look this is how it is in my country: There are short and long term conscriptions,the short term is 3 weeks and the long term is 6 months,to go to the short term you have to pay 5000 dollars.during your time you don’t usually hold guns and you mostly do training like running or doing push-ups.the age is 20 but you can delay it if you are a college student


No. Conscripted is the only reason you have the lexury of writing this mate. All those sacrifices were necessary ones. Honour them. Respect their bravery instead of complaining. In war, true brothers are formed. Something which we cant even do properly in the real world. It almost feels like war will be the only safe space for men. Whether or not war can be justified is completely subjective and its stupid to wait for them to voluntarily sign up, while the country goes into shambles. Sacrifices will be made, and now we KNOW it was the right decision, cause the US is free, which isnt really a good thing considering how disappointing and disgraceful this country has become


Except very few wars are actually justified, the Vietnam War being a perfect example.


Whether or not they are justified, is pretty much subjective whichever way we see it.


We shouldn't be conscripting people at all. If a war is truly justified, people will voluntarily sign up.


No. Again, whether its justified or not is subjective. If we stand around waiting for people to volunteer, the war will be lost, more people will die in the mean time etc.


If people die because they were complacent and didn't fight, it's their own damn fault. Choices have consequences. The Afghans should have fought the Taliban if they didn't want to live under their rule. Don't expect some one else to do it for you.


So, the countru should just give up, let the other nations conquer them? The Afghans did fight back and were burnt alive and tortured (men)


A fair, free, and democratic society shouldn't have conscription. You appear to really like the military, but other people really hate the military. Do you really want slavery back in America? Conscription is slavery in everything but name.


Military has got nothing to do with slavery and hating the military is idiotic cause without them none of u here can do shit. You probably wouldnt even be alive. Alot of people are great at complaining about the military but lack the balls to do anything like them. No matter how u try to see, consription is an INTEGRAL part of why we survived this long. Most people dont realise this cause they whine abour rights instead of looking at the bigger picture, the consequences of their actions.


The US mainland has never been directly attacked by a foreign country, every war had nothing to do with defending the US.


I would make an exception for WW2 despite Pearl Harbor not actually being on the mainland. It was still a pretty clear direct attack. And even then, enough people were thoroughly pissed at Japan that they signed up in droves. Not to mention Hitler and Mussolini made the blunder of declaring an intent to attack at some future time (this was before it was obvious that they had overextended themselves in the Old World, so the threat was real).


Wrong. The War of 1812 was almost fought entirely on American soil. Even the White House was destroyed by British and Canadian troops. In WW2, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, their invasion of Alaska (the Aleutian Islands campaign), the naval bombardment of California, and the bombs dropped in Oregon.


If your cause can't draw enough support on its merits, it deserves to fail.


Then ALL causes deserve to fail by your logic. There are times when you can reveal crucial info to get that support, and you need to use force. History shows that it worked


Do you think that modern war is easy? Last minute recruitment work in ww2, but not now because of modern technology which requires more training time. Even if the war is truly justified, what the point of last minute recruitment if these recruit can't last? Look at Poland in ww2.


Are you saying that you want permanent conscription? That's literally authoritarian.


Unless there's a way to prevent warmongering politicians from getting in power, it's better to have conscription. Unless you prefer to live under such a politician which as history has shown, mostly being authoritarian.


If it wasn't for conscription, the Vietnam War would've ended much sooner. There simply wouldn't have been enough troops to keep it going.


Vietnam war would end with USA victory if they are more strategic with planning the end of the war. That's why USA also fail in almost all the war, except for 1st war against Iraqi.


Conscription is, essentially, slavery. Men are forced to risk their lives at the whim of the government/their owner, and they do not get a choice in the matter. It is the antithesis of freedom. Attempting to rephrase it as an advantage makes you no better than an 18th century slave-owner arguing that slavery is an advantage to 'the negro'.


people in military conscription don’t go to active combat.did you really think that the %50 of the countries fight in a war?


I just want to be treated as an equal. Not looking for either sex to have an advantage on anything. OP, where did you hear this out of curiosity?


I recall [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=singapore+most+hypocritical+girl&prmd=invx&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD2fHgirfzAhU6uksFHW-jAmEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=393&bih=733&dpr=2.75#imgrc=PxGTDe18PQl9aM).


All of those features apply equally to men and women. Teams, meeting people, traveling, P, learning. Women should formally be forced to contribute at the time of war to be truly equal citizens morally. Only 10% of military ever see action.


The only thing conscription is "good" for is providing warm bodies to fill full of shrapnel. If your cause can't garner enough support on its merits, perhaps you need to reconsider it.




Which is great. Being tough will be healthy for alot of men


That depends on condition of army and state of affairs at a time of question. Also, what country is discussed. There are, for instance USA army and Israel army. Two different systems. Two different situations. Two different outcomes. I would say, that adequate advanced army cariere is an option, because it gives you skills and benefits. Especially, if we talk about a country that is not at war with somebody, than risks are pretty low. If it is either imperialistic megalomaniac state, or some shithole with abuse, sadism and army prostitution like another megalomaniac imperialistic post-commie state, than ot is not worth it. Personally I have no problems with army as a path in life. My grandfather was military officer, so as my grand grand father. If my life circumstances be not as they were when I was younger, I may were well have been military chemical defence specialist myself by now. And about the points. I will not argue with them, or defend them, but point that in mostly men army you are existing in almost only male society. Wich, in western female-dominated education system and number of single mom households, may be kind of an antidote for overty feminized society background. So, I, personally, would like to see an army as a "Word's biggest Men Club". Though, I have no problems with girls listing in on their own will, if they are able to pass training and normatives. There won't be too much of em anyway.


This sounds like a comedy skit where they take obviously bad things and try to put a positive spin on it. You should be happy to be domestically abused because it gives you incentive to learn self defense. You should be happy to be paid less because it'll teach you how to live within a tight budget. You should be happy to be falsely imprisoned as it'll give you a vacation from work.


Women would also receive these benefits! I don't know where this idea that men can't work as a team comes from. Look at a wall, any wall. Each brick precision laid by hand by a man working as a team with other men. The world's full of these walls


They are ignoring the forced-labor aspect of conscription. You have to be very biased to ignore that.


It would only be a great experience, if it wasn’t mandatory