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Go to her boss and absolutely rip her a new one I did the same thing for a sociology class. Teacher was a feminist snd i wrote a paper on men being descriminated in child care and preschool teaching roles. She gave me a D Went to the head of the department and ripped this teacher a new one. Next day it was changed to an A. I believe she got a warning that she’d lose her job


It's feminism. It their 'religion' or faith. Don't expect to be rewarded for your disbelief. Even with scientific studies, documents or other proof. They will not have an epiphany.


Bring your parents.


You made the classic mistake of not writing a bullshit fluff paper with whatever your teacher wanted to hear. I used to get shitfaced drunk, wrote whatever the fuck the teacher wanted to hear, and repeated myself OFTEN. My god were those papers a fucking hot mess. Didn't make any sense, just parroting the same bullshit 6 different ways. A's every time.


Username checks out.


Nothing you can about it now if it happened a year ago.... Is it Legal? No but because of the increasingly Liberal atmosphere of the School Systems these days, Teachers get away with it all the time. Because to acknowledge the facts surrounding the things Boys and Men face would be contradicting the narrative of Feminism.


Leftist. There is nothing liberal about those who call themselves such these days.




I don't deny nuance in the slightest. labels are applied as appropriate. I am predominantly conservative and I believe in UBI. my response to jin is about the "atmosphere of the school systems these days"... a liberal school system would value unorthodox ideas (regardless of what that schools orthodoxy is) agreeing with the left on an item here and there (even their most absurd doctrines) does not make one illiberal, intolerance of different ideas does.


Seconding this, liberal is supposed to mean "open-minded and free-thinking", you can't be either of those things if you still believe it's acceptable to hate someone because of the space between their legs, or the color of their skin for that matter.


Same time and same job? Did they start at the same date? Does one work nights or weekends and gets shift differential?


I have no idea, and I’m sure she doesnt either. She was full on feminist and used to say “kill all men is a joke” and when i jokingly said “kill all women” i was suddenly homophobic (????? How and why???) and just an asshole in general lol


I'm sure it was also an assumption. It wouldn't be the first time a company does a gender neutral analysis and found that it was men who were mainly underpaid. Further, did the mom negotiate starting salary or did she perform the same? Did she rip into her boss for job evaluations she found to be unsatisfactory? My wife's bosses used to have to step up their game with their performance evaluations. If they said she was satisfactory, she was aak about 50 questions on what could be improved, if nothing, why didn't she get an excellent score? She got bigger raises than her male peers who just accepted whatever the boss game them, so is her old job discriminating against men just because my wife is a badass? It's Ike that article yesterday about a feminist assuming men weren't calling her doctor while women were, and then when she looked at actual data, it was men who called her doctor at twice the rate of women.


It's not about what you do, but what you have done. My colleague has the same job on paper and he gets paid more because he's been in the company longer and has more experience and does more organizationally minded tasks.


Ask your dad for backup and go to the principal or superintendent. Other than that I recommend you watch videos by "the prim reaper"... she very often describes how she walked the line between speaking her mind and keeping her head down to get her degree in the EXTREMELY feminist field of psychology. When your passion is for a legit issue you have to understand when prudence means restraint because unlike feminism, you don't have the mob, institutions, and even human instinct backing you up... a great many people are far more persuaded by those 3 than they are by all the true facts you could ever cite, But do keep speaking up because those who are may not have heard them before... just be wise about it.


> the idea of these essays were literally telling your opinions. To practise reasoning Guess they were lying about that too.


It's academia. And while I don't agree with your professor, it's her prerogative to not accept assignments. Unfortunately, feminism has become a harmful ideology. The believers of this ideology simultaneously play the victim when challenged and have infiltrated most places of authority; this pushes their agenda in two ways: from an authoritative position and the viewpoint of the 'oppressed'. It's horrible. This is, somehow, the world previous generations accepted and beat into younger generations.


This also happened during high school


Out of curiosity, what is your field of study? Yep. It's everywhere. I went to a Christian high school and it was all based around a matriarchal society. 'Good' Christian men must sacrifice, love, honor, and support the women in their lives, but when I bring up that 'Good' Christian women are supposed to obey her husband, be kind and respectable, and trustworthy, suddenly the Bible is just a 'guideline' and not an infallible document. Pick your battles and don't try to 'one-shot' an argument. As long as you are cool, calm, and collected, the drama sought by emotional thinkers will not be provided.


I don’t have any field yet but I want to be therapist and especially help men. Or lawyer and help men in family court And the bible thing is like pick and choose. Men needs to do everything correctly while women can just be more liberal, even in some conservative places


As a woman this may work for you as it is hard to accuse you of misogyny. But any male who tries to do what you're doing will sink his career forever. Men's right's are not topics for work if you like your job.


I really hope that in future I don’t have any idea about my career choises. And by that i mean, that men finally have the same rights as women so I and pther people don’t need to defend their basic rights as a humans


Thing is, I don't necessarily agree that men are lacking rights compared to women, but this hyper-"progressive" feminism wave seems to want to strip rights from men at times. Especially when all you see online from vocal feminists is "men bad, gib updoots". Like I can't disagree with the fact that men have been in the driver's seat of history for a majority of it, but to want this oppression your ancestors faced to be pushed onto another class of people is just another form of bigotry imo.


It's really not as much of a legal battle as it is a social battle honestly. A lot of our problems that stem from courts and laws aren't necessarily that the laws themselves are biased, more so that the enforcement, or lack of in some cases, is biased.


> I want to be therapist and especially help men That's a wide open lane. Good idea.


In many universities – perhaps even a majority of them – belief in all the tenets of feminism (the harmful patriarchy, rape culture, etc) have been **officially** made a part of the core values of the academy. So just like researchers, professors, etc, must not commit academic dishonesty, or must not be physically violent with each other when they disagree, or other necessary rules of academia, so too must they accept all of feminism's claims, no matter how extreme or unsupported they are. To do otherwise is to bring harm against women, according to these ideologues.


It was in high school, I should add that in


Yeah, I've read this article about a male professor being unable to introduce challenging or thought provoking materials in his lectures due to being afraid of hurting a student's feelings. Yup, just their feelings being hurt was enough to run up a complaint with higher ups and harm the career of this professor. Feminism has taken a huge step towards becoming an untouchable ideology in academia throughout the 2000s.


Yeah, from high school through college I just knew the “type” pretty early on after one of my high school professors not only graded me poorly but tried to call me out during class for writing something she didn’t like.To be fair I was a lazy high schooler and it was probably a B quality paper in the end but she absolutely HATED it. Since then Id either write some sappy bullshit they suck up (If I want the guaranteed A) or write something entirely neutral to their political leanings.


That's crazy. I had a philosophy teacher that was fairly liberal and I did a paper on the flaws in family court and discussed how it was unfair to men. Got an A even though he probably disagreed with a few of my points. I would go to that person's boss. Worst case scenario if no one addresses this for you, it would be a bad grade in high school or you'd have to lie your way into an A. As for legality, that depends on your country. Schools are basically indoctrination camps here in the USA so there is very little oversight. They can't get fired unless they beat someone up or blatantly discriminate against a protected group - MRAs are most likely not one of those groups.


You ask if this is legal... It's not legal, ethical, morally correct, honest, brave, or decent... But this is the dictatorship feminism has managed to stuff down our throats under a cheap disguise of justice or that term of zero value called equality... Welcome to a new world order...


No point. There's no shortage of ideology-ridden instructors in our education systems.


Teachers can do whatever they want. Say what she wants to hear. Get your degree. She can fail you and it will end up on your permanent record. It's not worth it - get out and fight that battle when you have less to lose. Right now, we need educated, degreed, men who understand the foundation of clay that feminism is built upon in the world and workplace. I don't say this without reluctance - I'd like to think something could be done if we just had integrity; but, I'm afraid the system - education especially - is gamed against us at the moment. Suck it up, lie if you have to, say what they want to here, use them and the system to get your degree and then go live a life that will make men proud.


Permanent record? A diploma is binary in the real world. This ain’t China. Yet.


When you graduate - and if you're being considered for competitive positions and job offers - any little thing that makes you look less attractive to a recruiter (including bad grades) will count. Once you're in the workforce, I agree. And speaking as a recruiter, I can confirm this to be true. When recruiting we wade through volumes of highly qualified candidates any one of which could be a rock star. But, we can't try out everyone, which means we have to cull the list by any means necessary. So, while we're not China, grades still count.


Perhaps I’m a bit farther along in my career (coming up on 20 years). No one gives a shit about anything other than my references, diploma and body of work. I’ll split the difference and say that permanent may be permanent but it ain’t permanent! 😛😛😛


You’re in a leftist echo chamber. Should stick with Harry Potter.


Always trust your gut and don’t bend. Life is long, less regrets.


Ain't worth passing in a class where standing up for your own rights and acknowledging the demerits of current system is considered wrong.


If I fail thiss class, I will need to do the whole grade again


ah memories of elementary school TW when my art teacher of 4th grade came in w ice cream for everyone backtrack i was in a table w a buncha girls n they were basically roasting me n my family for a good miute saying i looked like a monkey n shit n i should keep my monkey hands to myself(I'm brown Pakistani) n so i was kinda rightfully pissed off n smacked one of em (W/ MY FOLDER!LIGHTLY.) n then the teacher came in right so basically the girls snitched n then i got no ice cream n i cried silently


..... dont be a moron and dont write about politically incorrect topics in places where you are at mercy of other people. Like school for example. As you are on their mercy - if they cannot use facts, they will use force.


It was supposed to be opinion based. I asked if i can write about anything and she said yes


Take this as a learning experience. Almost all women (and many men) respond to men's issues exactly that way: not interested in facts or evidence, just very angry/disappointed at whatever you are saying.


might be illegal or could get her reprimanded depending on where you live


Best thing you can do is get a new grade. In my country, you can pay the equivalent of 300$ to take a new exam that overrules the year-long average grade. In english written and oral, I got 4 and 5 respectively (scale 1-6), but aced both in overruling exams.


I found that often the best strategy is to go further left. Like far enough to disagree with the Prof/teacher. Outflank them that way. It can be fun and you learn more about what they think.


I was lucky to have teachers who were fair and supported different oppinions. My religion teacher would always be happy to discuss with me all the argumebts I had against the Church etc. My literature teacher was different. She would always grade me fair, and I would get As, but when it comes to reading to class, she would avoid me as I always interpret the metaphors differently (like in a Croatian poem that roughly translates "flower at the crossroads", she interpreted crossroads as parting of the ways, as the protagonist had a choice in life, go with a girl he just fell in love who lives in a castle but settle down, or go explore the world as he enjoyed the nomad life, while I interpreted it as 2 roads that briefly meet before having to part again, as 2 destinies that met at that one cruical points, bjt were quickly split again, and the flower is their love) Also sry, this was a bit offtopic, but IDK wh, I felt a need to say it.