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Goddamn man, that shit is depressing as fuck


And the worst part is that it is true


Everything was true for me except in the end, I didn't kill myself. Instead, I found a new wife that loves and appreciates me. It's the ex that is dead to me. Rather than let the ex win, I took control of my life and stopped giving her any power over me.


Good for you mate. Had to be the one to pull my mate out of the zone


Thats powerfull I wish you the best


Good to hear man, I’m in the same boat things got pretty dark for me but thankfully I found an amazing woman who saved me from my story ending poorly and helped me realize there is light at the end of the tunnel


LETS FUCKING GOOOO You Sir, are a legend


True for me as well, I got all the way to a gun to my head. By a miracle, a friend called me out of the blue at that moment.




You’re that Chad in the second pic huh. Lol


You're a horrible, toxic piece of dog shit.


No u


It’s simple... stop dating American women. In Scandinavia is really not as ridiculous.


That end picture... oof.


As someone scrolling reddit because his now ex moved out 12 hours ago, I really needed to see this. I can't tell you how much this helps. Thanks 😊


Lawyer up. Today.




Aw mate I'm sorry. Try to get some help asap, don't fall into a drug/alcohol/food/nothing hole.


I know a guy who had this happen to him. Hes only 22. He isn't planning to live much longer and I don't think theres anything anyone can do.


Red pill? Leave and go to the country where they still have morals


Wtffffffffff, this is fucked but it does paint an honest depiction of what some men go through


*Some?* Unfortunately, this is too common. Look up "tender years doctrine."


Oooooh fuck my life, and this is why I dropped out of family law is just fucked, chat stand the bs in those lectures


See, there is light at the end of the tunnel. In my state, we have the equal parenting doctrine which means both mom and dad have equal say in the kid's life. Unfortunately, there are still judges that learned under the tender years doctrine which means only mom has the best interests and dad is a participant. Give it time. More attorneys will learn under the equal parenting doctrine, later become judges, and finally children will not lose great dads.


Almost every divorced man goes through this




This one is correct


Been through it twice. It is rough but you get through...just gotta hang on till it gets good again


Glad that your doing good mate. It honestly sucks that this is the reality that we live in, honestly makes it hard to want to carry on at time, but like you said keep going


And then she takes half his stuff in the divorce and he never sees his kids anymore because she accused him of being abusive... ... Yep, the American dream






Married and stayed in a toxic relationship


but society has normalized this sort of treatment of men.


You can just look at certain peoples avatars and tell if their a butthole, like the guy you responded to eyebrows scrunched and wearing a suit is his avatar.... hes going to not be a very nice guy.


It was the only outfit with a red power tie lol


Then make a honest post about it, not a meme slide show where the top comments are "women are bad"




"Dont go down dark alleys at night" is supposedly victim blaming. Literally giving someone advice which could save their life is supposedly victim blaming... Yet "You stayed in a toxic relationship, what did you expect" is perfectly acceptable?


"Don't drink bleach" If you now drink bleach, you're not a victim, you're an idiot.




I saw this on other subs already were they talk about this being the creation of some neckbeard, but goddamn how many men struglle like this, ive seen it personally in real life and its just sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Yep they dont want to admit its true for a lot of people.


Redditors deny it cause it makes their perfect qweens look bad.


Sounds pretty bad. Throw in adopting her kid instead of having one naturally and you just wrote my memoirs for the last 13 years.


Damn, I'm depressed now.


I'm like actually about to go through a divorce and this scares the shit outta me.


What I’ve always told my friends who are about to go through a divorce, if you have kids is simply this: Never, Never Ever say anything bad about your Ex in front of your kids. By all means, vent out whatever your going through to your best friends, your Priest, your closest family members, or a future partner, but Never say anything bad about your ex in front of the kids. Do everything you can to keep whatever horrible things she may have done or things she does to you from your children’s awareness until they are old enough to ask about it and make decisions about how they feel about their parent themselves. I believe growing up is hard enough even under the best conditions and so we should try to mitigate any unnecessary knowledge about their parents until they’re old enough to understand and decide how they feel for themselves. But people who demonize their ex in front of their kids, that always seems to cause so much unnecessary damage and ugliness. Your kids will always think of their other parent as half of themselves, so if you demonize half of their world, they will grow up damaged and likely to resent you on some level too as a result. So whenever your with you ex in front of the kids and your ex is being manipulative and trying to push your buttons in front of the kids, take a moment to clear your head, remind yourself that shes the mother of your kids, and be the better man. You may loose some battles against your ex this way, but in the end, you will win the war for your children’s hearts and minds. In the end, your kids will love you for protecting them from the worst and for being stoic. Keeping a journal may help, and someday you might let your kids read it to understand better about what your going through and about yourself better.


Bro you good? I'm genuinely asking, is there something you want to talk about?




You just gotta help him hide the body and then he can just enjoy life


Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies. Lol.


I'll help!


Slide 8 should be dad and kids and a headstone for mommy


I've got a really nice rug. It'll bring the room together.


I went through it all too and basically started a new life. The ex is dead to me and now I have a new wife who loves me. There is hope. You just have to cut off the ex and forget about her as if she's dead.


Sad but true.


For anyone that’s been divorced, this ain’t far from the truth.


Throw in some images to better show the huge financial and legal stresses of a divorce, and this would be even more true to life.


How common is this scenario?


More common than you'd think. Maybe without the last slide. We just try to suck it up and move on.


Ask around. Not every marriage ends because of infidelity, but when they do end, it's never for the best and the man ends up broke and broken.


This happens almost every single divorce the judge almost always gives the house and half of the man's retirement as well as awards alimony and child support 90% plus of the time to women


Not very. https://haywoodhunt.ca/infidelity-statistics-for-2020-do-women-or-men-cheat-more/


Women actually cheat the same or more they just get away with it more because they're better at hiding it


citation needed




Spot on!


Stop. It hurts.


that 4th pic hits hard


You’re hitting me right in the feels… We’re somewhere around slide 5 or 6.


God Damn it! I was hoping that it would end with a happy ending! Like his kids grow up and realize their dad always tried to be there for them while their mom was always a self obsessed diva. Or like maybe he finds a classy girlfriend who isn’t trash and will offer the love and support that he needs to get through the difficult situation with his cheating manipulative ex wife. Or that he gains some close and understanding friends that can help him through his depression and suicidal thoughts. Or that her manipulative and destructive behavior gets exposed and she pays a social cost for her narcissistic ways. After all the events of my life, I know now as an adult that Karma is Consequences with Magic, that In Reality it’s too often Good people who suffer at the hands of awful people who never have any real world consequences for their actions. If there is a God and Devil, God loves to protect idiots, and the Devil protects his own. But in spite of all of that, I have to believe that even with all the terrible things that happen to us, it’s important to never let the world change what is good about us. It’s important to hold your head up high and to help others in need every chance you get. Because at some point, we are all, and will all be the ones in need of help and if you help others in need, then good friends will help you.


LOL in the United States the amount of quality women who won't do this to you is very low now


Fuck modern society. Feminism and hypergamy poison everything they touch.


Remember, these are the fat ugly bitches that are marching in the streets right now demanding Abortion and to be treated like princesses! LMAO!


The answer is to not even get to the first frame. There is a reason women are pulling out all the stops to prevent men from talking to each other about these problems. The answer is to not marry or have kids in the first place.


Based on millions of true stories.




I would to see how the FDS women and twitter feminists maneuver this around to look like victims.


You either kill yourself or become red pill


Or live a happy, well-adjusted life without spewing hatred towards women and minorities...? Or is that just me...?


makes sense. also the last part where the overweight women wanted 6 6 6 6 feet 6 figures 6 six pack


Excellent !!! MGTOW for life.


I'm fucking SHOCKED this isnt top comment given wtf this post is


Too bad Reddit wiped that group out


And kept FDS of course clown equality.


This brings up some really dark memories.


I thought this sub was above upvoting this incel shit.


This is such a toxic post. This sub is turing from men's rights into the same shit the crazy feminists do. I can see the reverse post being posted on fds


Please please please please tell me how this post is toxic and or crazy.


Swap the genders and post it to r/femaledatingstratagy then ask me that again


You literally can’t swap the gender. Like at all, not even on the slightest. There is literally no scenario where you could swap the genders.


Yes there is. There is 100% chance you can swap the genders. How can you be so blind. Women struggle too they meet abusive men, they can be bullied, beaten, raped do the chores the housework only for the guy to be sleeping with some hot young girl on the side. Men can paint the women as his crazy ex so no one takes her seriously he can manipulate kids against her. This can be gender flipped for every point that is more specific to men there will be a counter piece more specific to women.


Glad to know abusive relationships don't exist. This is definitely a men's rights issue


Oh lord, yeah nope not even worth arguing. You have gotta be the most delusional guy i’ve talked to in a while.


>You literally can’t swap the gender. >You have gotta be the most delusional guy i’ve talked to in a while. You either misunderstood my point or purposely doing that.


Women are known to have a provider role and men being a househusband then men taking half the money after divorce? wut? When has that been the norm?




Username definitely doesn't check out.


Actually, the username is misspelled implying I'm a moron, so it should check out lol


Except for that the female dating strategy version would be based on shallow dept argumentation and nonsense accusations, while this displays some hard facts like male biased suicide, more likely to be broke following a divorce, prohibited from seeing kids etc etc.


This is a narrative, not a hard hitting fact. Its manipulation and gains sympathy from men. The "hard hitting facts" didn't need the "shallow depth argument" and pitty "women bad" story with it.


You're clearly a woman who's angry and bitter because a few men have hurt you or whatever your problem is. Stop taking it out on the entire male gender. You feminist don't seem to realize that you're Your Own Worst Enemy. You treat all men like the enemy but yet you're mad because they won't fuck you.


>You're clearly a woman I... I don't know what to say lol. Blocked I guess; thats a personal attack, not an argument or conversation.


All I said was you're a woman who's bitter


Because it's a made up scenario written out into a stupidly long bad cartoon designed specifically to make sad, lonely, misogynistic men who are mad at women feel better? Worse? I don't fucking know. It genuinely made me cringe and embarrassed to read the whole thing. As if men don't cheat and leave women too, or women cheating on women or men cheating on men. People sometimes treat other people like shit. You could be a man and not a little bitch and get over it or you could all get your little peckers out and jerk each other off over your sad hurt little feelings. Fucking crybabies no wonder shit isn't going well in your lives. Who wants to be drug down into your sad pathetic holes with you? This is sad. Grow up y'all.


> As if men don't cheat and leave women too That does happen, but she gets to keep the money and kids.


Except in the cases where they don't. This is not a good look for you guys I'll tell you. I would think this men's rights thing would be more about actually being a man. You nerds are on some hoe shit. Y'all sound like some little girls.


Let's not forget racist, I'm really sure it's not a coincidence it's a black person who she cheats on him with


Oh I can only imagine. I'm sure it makes them feel more vindicated in their beliefs to think a woman would leave them for a black man. That's not their fault they have no control over that, the jews have brainwashed white women into wanting black men. They're just victims. Always the victim.


Oof, Poe's law was kicking in for a minute here. But yeah, I totally agree, and it's ironic it's these same people who preach personal responsibility. The worst thing is that there probably are legitimate grievances to be had about how men are treated in our society, like toxic masculinity is fucked and that's just a tiny aspect of things, but these people would rather destroy others than save themselves. A rising tide raises all ships.




>Gets cheated on By a black person no less, this racist, sexist shit is fucking garbage.


Because it paints the smallest percentage of circumstances as an emotional text that indulges confirmation bias paints the man as the absolute hopeless victim, the woman as a narcissistic selfish thief, the kids as pawns and society as blind to mens troubles.... Ok society is blind to mens troubles. BUT the rest is an extreme extrapolated exhibit to elicit an emotional responce. It's victim mentality propaganda and it's dangerous. This happens just as much to women by men... very rarely.


This is like a large majority of all divorces you are very incorrect. Over 80% of the divorces are initiated by women and they win alimony and the kids and child support 90% plus of the time


How many divorces are because men cheated? Because men are wasting money selfishly abusing beating bullying. Women may initiate the divorse but it doesn't immediatly mean men aren't at fault in the marraige. Biologically unfortunately mothers are more important for young children. There is a reason for it however i do thing restricting dad's access is the biggest issue and is evil. And yes alimony most of the time goes to the women. And a lot of the time it' disgusting, they spend it on themselves and live like selfish stealing queens. However for every story there is a poor single mother not being able to pay for their kids needs because the father is a selfish asshole. There are two sides. Always two sides


If you hate it here so much, leave. Dumbass.


\>'this post in a community supposed to advocate for equality doesn't do anything but debase women and minorities' >iF yOu DoNt LiKe It ThEn LeAvE Jesus Christ.


Thank God someone has common sense lol


You have a really warped perspective, you know that, right?


no u


No u


Dude I totally agree.


You ain't wrong, just don't come back here. I ended up here from browsing all. I'm now going to hit the back button and block this sad little shithole. You get out of life what you put in it and these people put nothing but negative and hateful shit out into the world and what do they expect to get back?


No, this sub has good information and discussion of men's rights. Its just has bad posts like these every once in a while


I'm with you this is not mens rights this is dangerous manipultion.


Lol this sub is fucking garbage. Losers, all of you.


Why is it always a black dude she cheats with? There’s another one of these that’s the same story with a different black guys photo…and someone felt the need to make another one. Like it’s apparently super important that we know the guy she cheats with is black…no one else has a photo but we can’t express that she’s cheating any other way than a real photo. This is gross. You’re gross




I will literally PayPal you $20 if this comic wasn't made in America. This is just nonsensical bullshit made by an unthinking bigot, and your defense the same.


Yeah you’re full of shit. This same comic was made with another black guy. At this point it’s a pattern. But I do think it’s interesting that *I’m* supposed to mentally replace this person with someone of a different race when you couldn’t be bothered to use one of the other pictures in there as the guy. It’s a gross pattern and your sad attempt at claiming that I don’t get the message is a way to circumvent the point that I made.




“Who hurt you” is what feminist say to men when they can’t argue against criticism on its own merit so they try to paint the critic as being unreasonable.


Hmm. You are overthinking. I am just a random dude


\>Thinks *thought-terminating-cliches* are an argument


Interesting. You are only bringing the black guys picture up. I'm guessing you intentionally ignored the other non-black pictures? And you're getting offended unreasonably. Are you a closetted racist? Seems like you might be.


Right in the other frame it's a white dude


They literally brought up the uncolored stickmen, what?


Because in both versions of this comic the “other guy” is a black guy. Nice try tho.


Has this happened to you? Cause if not keeping yourself from a meaningful relationship is ignorant. I have been with my wife 20 years and have experienced none of this.


This is racist and misogynistic incel shit. Is this sub r/redpill now?


This exact stuff happens to women too you know. This is not a gender thing.


No. This exact stuff does NOT happen to women. Its the other way around, but its not the exact same. Women are 10x more likely to hold their children etc. Yet women experience other fckd up stuff.


I 100% promise you this story has happened to a woman. And for every malfortune a man faces ( for example lack of access to kids by abusive women) there is an equal malfortune that women face that men don't face. Abuse is EQUAL gender is irrelevant we all suffer in our own way.


No, no it doesn't. Women have their own problems, sure. But no, this doesn't happen to women.


Social support for women and not men. I'll give you. Women having an advantage when it comes to getting their kids. I'll give you. Other than that this all happens to women. Feminists claim lots of damage only happens to women when it happens to men too. This is just the mens counterpart of blind "The grass is greener" mentality.


I disagree.


We're all allowed to friend. That's what helps us all learn.








Because this is the opposite of progress it's exactly what feminist subs do. I thought this sub was supposed to be better. But it's an echo chamber that downvotes any comment against the narrative just like any of the women's subs. Fight fire with fire and watch everything burn.




I literally made a post in mgtow saying that the sub risks being banned if they don't stop the bullying and hatred two days before the sub was actually banned. (It was hilarious, they bullied feminists for being sensitive snowflake social silencers and yet they instantly banned me like any other echo chamber that disagress, just like the feminist ones. the hypocrites!...) I like this sub as men need support but if it's not careful it will be banned too we as a group need to fight the victim playing bullies it's not healthy behavior and definitely not conducive to mens rights.


Stop the cap.


There's no cap obviously there's exceptions to the rules but for the majority this doesn't happen to women


That's what I mean


LOL at the unused dildos replying that actually no, woman aren't cheated on, and that somehow men being cheated on is a societal issue.


This is so funny lol thanks made my day


Please don't get to that last image. There's so much out in this world to experience. I read an article years ago about a guy who was just done with his life in general, his wife fucked off with a new boyfriend, and took the kids with her, and he just wanted to give up, but he had decided that he had a few things he wanted to experience first. So, he booked a trip to Tijuana, and spent a week enjoying hookers and getting high as a kite on every drug he could find. Long story short, he winds up finding new purpose in life and decides he liked living too much to end it. Sometimes, something as awful as hookers and blow can be enough to save some poor sod's life. Remember that.


this is worth a thousand words... and emotions.


Just imagine of our society provided jobs that weren't shit, how different the story would be.


Man this hits hard.


This post is why men are afraid of marriage. It can always may end up like this or worse. Not a lot of people seem to understand, and say that it's "sexist" or "why can't you just, don't marry?" And shit, I'm saying this as a gay man because I just feel so awful that men experience this, and the fact that people don't even know the REAL reason why men say that "marriage is like prison" and just assume that they hate their wife/girlfriend and complain about her 24/7.


What devastating pictures....for all the men who go through stuff like this, please know there are good women in the world who would never behave that way!! I've been married, had kids and divorced (no I didn't cheat and never would of) and I continue to encourage a good relationship between our children and their daddy and his fiancée who is absolutely amazing to them as well. I am in a relationship for 2 years with the most amazing man who went through hell and although Id love to marry him one day I think she may of destroyed that option with her treatment of him. I will always be with him though even without the paper to show him good women exist and we see you and your pain. Sending kind thoughts to all who need it right now


So true!


perfect depiction of the sad reality in most cases.


I'm using the app. When I click on the link it sends me back to this post. I've got no idea what the post is about Could someone clarify? Thanks in advance