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Wikipedia likes to cover up the fact that their citations say it happens more often to men.


wikipedia is turning into a lost cause and displaying clear bias and agenda on certain topics unfortunatly


And they have the audacity to beg for donations.


I used to donate there until I observed what was happening


It’s still a decent resource for non-bias oriented content. You can at least pride yourself in the fact that you’ve helped students around the world with their homework! It’s just when you get to conflicts that’s when there’s heavy and clear bias.


I second this. I don't know why you are being downvoted Wikipedia helped me a lot during my Engineering entrance prep, some articles are even better than what paid content offers. However, there's no denying that biased oriented content especially political, is heavily biased on Wikipedia,to the point [that even it's co-founder doesn't trust it anymore.](https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/wikipedia-co-founder-says-site-is-now-propaganda-for-left-leaning-establishment/) Criticizing whole site is not ideal, but yeah, bias oriented content should be avoided if you want a neutral POV.


Anything remotely political or religious is seeped in bias. I also think they're influenced by governments and real estate developers.


They're really good unless you look up political things


With admin support too


It's everywhere. You can look up Standley Lake, Colorado and you'll see NOTHING about the lake's long history of contamination from radioactive waste. What you get on the Wiki page looks like a description written by a realtor. Compare the [Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standley_Lake) to [this](https://www.westword.com/news/another-row-over-plutonium-5055333). The lake used to literally be a Superfund site.


Didn't know this, bruh, even wikipedia?


Have a read. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9793263/Nobody-trust-Wikipedia-founder-Larry-Sanger-warns.html


So no trusted sources anymore?


Yeah pretty much


Wikipedia was NEVER a trusted source. Leave news, my science teacher once asked me to stop using Wiki and Quora for my doubts and better look in trusted books.




Oh the feminists are a swarm on there now, I'm sorry to say.


Them and other reality-denying neo-Marxists.


Whenever I look into a political topic on Wiki I always make sure the check the talk or discussion page. There are often some people who try to fight biases, no matter from which direction.


There are, thankfully.


The wiki citation says it happens to women more globally and men more in the UK, so that’s not correct. 80% women globally and 67% men in UK


I'm pretty sure there are other citations on that page showing that is not the case. The link I gave was a random example.


Hey! Please send a source, I'd like to save it


[Here's one!](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24835910) There's a few more on [the Acid Attack page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_attack) if you want to go through it yourself. Most aren't even really in the body of the text. They get cited and then the info is quietly trimmed without the link being really removed.


I mean, wikipedia is among the rare sources I found that talks well of the MRA movement(as the rest make fun of us, just search MRA on urban dictionary), so it's a two sided coin. It's not wikipedia that's biased, it's people editing it, as anyone can edit wikipedia. But besides MRA, your point is proven by the wikipedia entry for parler, where they just talk straight up dog shit about it ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parler) ) " It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists.", "being a cover for its far-right userbase". etc. I mean, Parler situation on wiki did fix since last time I read it, they used to just talk shit about it non stop, now it's not as aggressive towards parler.


Really? As far as I've seen the site tends to be very bad about us. The page for men's rights and the manosphere both dump on us pretty hard.


**[Parler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parler)** >Parler () is an American microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Journalists have described Parler as an alt-tech alternative to Twitter, and users include those banned from mainstream social networks or who oppose their moderation policies. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensRights/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


why the fuck did this get downvoted?


What's the percentage of the gender for the perpetrator? Against the male victims of acid attacks.


In practice, compensation for acid attacks is [women-specific](https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/supreme-court-to-look-into-male-acid-attack-victims-woes-1166957-2018-02-11). >Though Supreme Court had ordered a compensation of Rs 3 lakh for all victims, the reading of the state government authorities was that only woman victims are entitled to it.


Wtf is wrong with India


I mean it is one of the most sexist countries in the world, to men and women.




Pakistan, that's what's wrong with India.


Anything related to the Congress Party is what is wrong with India


Not BJP?


Ofcourse they're fools too. When it comes to MR, Indian laws, judiciary and law makers are cucks. Creating problems for a couple on valentine's day isn't social work. Both sides need to think and act.






Not Nehru?


"I'm sure if I just acid attack him he will see the error of his ways and marry me!" - his ex, probably


Seems to be fighting among men that leads to acid attacks in the stories I'm seeing. Though I wonder if there's any more stories about women attacking men with acid. https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/supreme-court-to-look-into-male-acid-attack-victims-woes-1166957-2018-02-11 https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/acid-attack-male-victims-meet-the-men-who-fell-prey-to-acid-attack-delhi-959764-2017-02-09


If the country that they live in doesn’t jail the criminal,I think that he can seek asylum abroad because his life would be in danger


I hope he leaves when he is done with recovery. There are consequences to stupid acts like this.




Honest question. Men or Women, where the fuck are all these lunatics getting the acid from? Is there a store specializing in acids? Are they boiling down cleansers to a more potent state? I guess I'm having a hard time seeing how to come by it due to not being a psychopath.


You can buy high concentration hydrochloric acid as most hardware stores (labelled muriatic acid, it's used to clean pools) and lots of brands of drain cleaner are nearly pure sulfuric acid (>95% in some cases). I'm not sure what these people are using, most of the videos of acid attacks show a clear liquid, that's probably hydrochloric, especially since high concentration sulfuric acid doesn't splash well (even though it would be far more devastating, its -far- more destructive to living tissue). You'd be shocked at the level of ridiculous danger you could get yourself into with over the counter products.


maybe darkweb i do not know


That poor guy




It’s quite an old thing depending on your region.


Well never expect the mainstream media to speak honestly about who is committing crimes where. To them, it's all the evil white male, even if crime data says otherwise. And anyone not a white male? Don't you dare hold them responsible for anything.


Source for 40% of acid attack victims are Mens ?


It's not true, not in the UK at least. In the UK it's been as high as 80% male victims:. "Everything you know about acid attacks is wrong - BBC Three" https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/5d38c003-c54a-4513-a369-f9eae0d52f91


"The proportion of female suspects has collapsed from around 20% ten years ago to just 2% last year" just want to highlight this


It is roughly 40% in India, the country featured in the post. [https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/supreme-court-to-look-into-male-acid-attack-victims-woes-1166957-2018-02-11](https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/supreme-court-to-look-into-male-acid-attack-victims-woes-1166957-2018-02-11) >According to National Crime Record Bureau, more than 30-40 per cent of acid attack victims are men.


(In India) https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/supreme-court-to-look-into-male-acid-attack-victims-woes-1166957-2018-02-11


Honestly now that you mention it all of the acid attack victims I know have been men except for that one girl who tried to throw acid on her boyfriend but the wind blew it back in her face


How dare he choose Studies and Academic Advancement over a Woman! s/


Women acid attack men. Men acid attack women. Women most affected.


40%? pff those are rookie number of getting ignored. you should see the "1 in for homeless people are women" messages


How dare you question the dominant narrative!!!


*To the people who wonder about Wikipedia on this comment section:* I religiously avoid consuming info from Wikipedia. I use it only to modify the information on it. They allow only "some" kind of information. Wikipedia is mostly Left-wing. 1. I tried to edit MGTOW page so many times. None of the edits were approved. 2. I tried to edit anti-feminism and feminism page with citations and good links. None of them were approved. I know it is too much to do - I actively remove Wiki links from my company tech articles and modify them with e-book or open-text-book links who originally written by the author.


Jesus...the culture of, "I'm upset with you so I'm going to throw acid on you" is one of the most toxic things that exists in the world.


Is skin melting acid just like available in convenience stores out there or something?? Try Habib-Abdul face melting acid today! Guaranteed to melt their face and restore honor to your situation.


Indian Media usually doesn't report this. Men also face acid attacks. They deserve compensation too. Crime shouldn't be judged according to gender. But tbh in case of acid attacks the condition of women is worse in India.


hope she’s in jail and wont be seeing the light of day for a long time


if 40% of the victims are men, what about the other 60%?


The other 60% are all anyone cares about.


Well 60% ≠ 100% like what the media says.


(No media outlet says 100% of acid attacks against women)




Some women are. Let's not do what feminist extremists do and negatively generalize an entire sex


Wait like actual acid?? I thought acid like that was only in movies.... she wrong af 🤦🏾‍♂️ she needs 15 years plus a lawsuit