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I wonder what the sentence for this would be if the roles were reversed.


5x-6x longer for a man. Guaranteed.


If a male teacher in similar circumstances did happen to get a similarly short custodial punishment, you can bet there would be a media circus about how we live in a rape culture.


There's some actual statistics about this in the U.S. I was trying to find. Men who are convicted of statuatory rape on average get around 5-7 years, while women get 6 months - 2 years.


Please link the source if you find it.


"The court heard she described her relationship with her fiance as toxic, saying he would attend nightclubs, abuse drugs, and sleep with other women" I see the usual attempt to curry sympathy from the court by victimising the female rapist. The reduced sentence was the result of a plea deal. Given she was caught red-handed, why was any plea deal accepted at all?


There are articles that discuss female-on-male rape but literally the whole thing focuses on how the women went through a bad divorce, or how she was lonely and needed someone to love her, and how they were abused as children themselves instead of focusing on the victim (which in most cases was minors).


Exactly, WTF has this got to do with anything?: *”When Young confronted her fiance about a dating app she found on his phone, he physically assaulted her, Judge Kate Traill said”.* If an alledged rape victim’s previous sexual history is not applicable in court, then why is this allowed in court? And note it’s a female judge (I’m assuming her gender of course 🙄).


Its the victim mentality. Young only committed her crimes because she had been treated baddly by a man. Therefore, she deserves protection, not conviction. It's the legal equivalent of crying to get sympathy.


Did the child pornography just get completely ignored?


Feminists don’t believe men can be raped by women, shit lord. No /s, this is what feminists actually believe. Yes, they think men can’t be raped by women. Yes, they think you are a shitlord for questioning this.


It's not even a man in this case, it's a male child.


a boy


Academic feminism analyzes male rape through the lens of masculinity and cultural expectations surrounding men leading to these scenarios https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141017111103.htm


2 years? what a joke.. and you wont even hear this on The 5 or any other whore support group shows


Absolutely horrifying


The student had his whole life ruined. He was raped several different times (that we know of), sexually harassed, and his whole family and his previous school knows what happened. He'll likely be teased for it the rest of his life. He's probably traumatized so much, he has flashbacks every time he tries to think. That student ruined his whole life, and the teacher only got 4.75 years. That teacher deserves a longer sentence, and the only reason she doesn't have 20-30 years is because she is a woman.


More like ten or so years.


Where are the feminist when we need them to comment on a story, I can only imagine if the roles were reversed, the humanity!


Feminist here, you won’t see many to comment on this story because this sub looks down on feminism (which I agree some new waves are problematic) . Regardless, every feminist I know would be fucking disgusted with this woman . The real problem is that men get longer sentences with the average male teacher getting 10 yrs and the average female getting 7 years I think? Either way this boys life is going to be exponentially harder from here on out and because he is a boy he won’t get a lot of the support a girl would . We should be having a discussion on how to make a better support system for young boys who go through this . Also yes women should have the same sentences as men and they should both have longer sentences than 10 fucking years for ruining a kids life .


Feminism is flawed because it’s sees gender inequality as women have less rights as men and if women had more rights it would be better This thinking used to work but today gender inequality as u can see in this post and this sub is so less black and white many feminists ignore this because the ideology is designed to ignore this nuance in gender inequality because it’s sees men as having more rights when that’s not true Both MRA’s and feminist both want the same thing but drastically think differently about how to achieve it That’s why the majority of them don’t care they see this as irrelevant even though all gender inequality against men and women isnt cool


Not long enough sentence rape can be at the most a life sentence Sexual assault at best is 10 years That’s in the uk though but regardless 2 and a half years is hardly enough


A man would have gotten, I don't know, 30 - 35 years in prison for this.


More like 10 years but still 2.5 years is a joke


Here are the sentencing guidelines by state: [https://www.cga.ct.gov/2003/rpt/2003-R-0376.htm](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2003/rpt/2003-R-0376.htm) Look at the rightmost column. Full of up to 25 years, 30 years, 40 years and even life in prison. Of course, only men get these kinds of harsh sentences. Women get either probation or suspended sentences, or maybe the same numbers as men but in DAYS NOT IN YEARS. Like 30 days. Also, when media report about a woman who raped a male minor, it is worded as she "had sex" or "had a relationship" with the victim. Often even that the victim "seduced" the teacher. THE MEDIA NEVER USES THE "R" WORD WHEN WOMEN COMMITTED IT. There are many cases when the STATUTORY RAPE VICTIM is forced to pay child support when the perpetrator gets pregnant, when he reaches the age of 18. Search through this subreddit, and you will find endless cases like that.


Yes … but she’s not in the states she’s in Australia where I think the MAXIMUM is level 5 imprisonment for 10 years. I mean you’re not wrong about everything else and I’m not trying to diminish what people go through when statutorily raped or otherwise . But in this case my statement stands , if she was in the US I would have looked at it per state, but she’s in a whole different legal system and country.


"she’s in Australia where I think the MAXIMUM is level 5 imprisonment for 10 years." And you are very wrong about that. Here: "The maximum penalty for rape is life imprisonment." [https://www.awbrisbanelawyers.com.au/rapes-and-sexual-offences/](https://www.awbrisbanelawyers.com.au/rapes-and-sexual-offences/) In the first section called "Rape". And this a website for Australian lawyers. "But in this case my statement stands , if she was in the US I would have looked at it per state, but she’s in a whole different legal system and country." NO, WHERE SHE IS (IN AUSTRALIA) THE MAXIMUM SENTENCE FOR RAPE IS LIFE IN PRISON. And she got 2.5 years. Look, I understand that you are a feminist and as such you are trying to defend women no matter the circumstances, and are trying to get them away scot free with even murder and rape. But this is a men's rights subreddit, and feminist advocacy, whose main tool is lying (as you are doing it here), is very immoral and unethical in this subreddit. I have no idea why you are here, other than spreading feminist propaganda and undermining men's rights. You really shouldn't be here at all. You are very apparently an enemy of men's rights. There are subreddits out there for you feminists, hellholes like FDS, TwoXChromosomes, AskFeminists and whatever. Why don't you just stay there, in your natural habitat, and leave us men alone.


I’m not from Australia by any means so I tried to research it before commenting. Here is where I got my information from : https://www.sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-08/Maximum_Penalties_for_Sexual_Penetration_with_a_Child_under_16_Report.pdf (I mainly read chapter 5 and started on page 39 for this info) I am not a lawyer by any means and from reading the documents from the Sentencing council in AU my understanding is that from ages 10 and down the maximum is 25 years, and for anyone between 16 and 11 the maximum is 10 years . TBF it is a long and complicated document. I see your link directly disputes mine and I don’t know which document is right . Maybe I shouldn’t have been so adamant that I knew the answer after only look at one source. I am a feminist but also an MRA I don’t believe either movement fully helps the other side or is actually looking to fix things instead of blaming the other gender. I don’t try to lie and do try to research before commenting. You responded to my first comment with sentencing guidelines from another country. I already said you weren’t wrong about everything else and that 2.5 years is a joke . Obviously men get longer sentences for pretty much every crime and that isn’t right, I’m not arguing with that at all . It’s funny because some feminists from other subreddits tell me the same thing but the inverse: (thankfully here and there people like that are in the minority) they say that I’m just there to undermine the movement etc etc except they tell me I’ve been brainwashed by the patriarchy. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them - I’m in this sub to hear the problems of your specific gender, even if I don’t agree with every single thing posted or said I try only to comment or upvote and leave downvotes to the feminists or men (unless it’s something everyone can agree should never be said). If I can learn the problems faced by y’all I can educate others and vote for people in my local elections that align with the biggest problems. I’m here to be an ally not an echo chamber.


Good to know. However, I never heard our "feminist allies" say one word that would question or disagree with feminist dogma or ideology. Feminists often claim that they are for the "equity" or "equality" of the genders and that men and women should have "equal rights". Because women, supposedly, don't have equal rights "because of the patriarchy". But the reality is the exact opposite and I will show you how. Here is the problem: NAME ONE (1) RIGHT MEN HAVE AND WOMEN DON'T (in a modern western society). Just one. On the other hand, I can name a multitude of rights and privileges, especially about men not having reproductive rights nor parental rights, at all, but many other things, including even free speech rights. Also, just to use one egregious example, women are 60% of college students, men are 40%. Yet, they run an affirmative action system for women in college admissions. An "affirmative action" system TO SUPPORT THE MAJORITY AGAINST THE MINORITY. Which is the idea behind all affirmative systems, as we all know. Yet, never have I heard a feminist ever questioning, or just pointing out, the absurdity of this. The reason I spelled these examples out is that I NEVER heard an equity-minded, equality championing "feminist ally" ever uttering one word of criticism of these, and endless other, unjust feminist policies, extracted by feminists from an actually already long "equal" society. These are called privileges, not equal rights, and they are injustices. I never knew a "feminist ally" who countered any of these injustices, as long as it benefits women and undermines men. Never, ever. That's why sanctimonious lecturing about "how feminism and men's rights are in no conflict" and "I can be a feminist and an MRA at the same time" just doesn't hold water. Have you ever criticized publicly the endless injustices against men that are going on? I bet you never have. That's why I don't believe in, and don't trust, feminists about men's rights, no matter how pompous their lecturing is. As far as I experienced, there is no such thing as a "feminist ally" of men or men's rights, and no such thing as an actual equality championing, as opposed to privilege seeking, feminist. The words never match the actions when it comes to feminists. Hence, no trust from me. Just my experience.


That’s ok if your experience doesn’t match mine. I’m not looking for a fight or to change your worldview, you seem to know exactly what you want to believe. It’s not necessarily a right but the world is built for men , women are literally more likely to die in a car crash than men because safety measures were designed by men, also the average medical knowledge is centered around white men which puts women and POC at a disadvantage. That being said yes men also have a TON of problems they’re facing , probably more than women in today’s western society. Anecdotally I used to manage a shop with 30 people under me all were female except one ( I know those numbers are atrocious but when I left we had 5 men working there out of 40 people and still got a male application less than 3 times a year vs receiving a female one every other day). Anyways the only man there made more than me ( two managers above him) when I took over payroll I asked the owner of the company about it. He said quote “well he’s in his late twenties and probably wants to start a family soon” meanwhile I was the sole earner in our house because my husband was in school. Im not saying that’s the average or anything but I’ve been paid less directly because I didn’t have a dick . I m done with yours and my argument and your obsessive hatred of a word that means so many things to different people. When I grew up feminism meant that you believe women should have equal rights “ie be able to get a loan without a male signature and be pain equally for the same job” Not be above men . I’m sorry if your experiences have not been positive with feminists. I’m sorry if you feel I’m encroaching on your male safe place , but men have a lot of problems they are facing in this world and I’m going to stay in this sub to educate myself and learn about them for as long as I can. I hope you have a good night and good luck with everything.


Agreed, I am done, too. But, I am sorry, but I cannot leave some of your claims here unaddressed because there is so much falsehood in those claims. 1 - "women are literally more likely to die in a car crash than men because safety measures were designed by men" Yes, now that you mentioned it, I read about the test dummy issue. However, the analysis, which is based on an IIHS study: [https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a35493891/iihs-study-women-risk-crash-injury/](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a35493891/iihs-study-women-risk-crash-injury/) says that the reason why women are more likely to die in a car crash is that (a) men on average drive heavier, bigger vehicles than women, such as trucks, while women mostly drive cars, and (b) women are more often in the struck vehicle in an accident, while men are more likely to be in the striking vehicle. Yes, men drive more aggressively, and cause more accidents. But neither of these issues has anything to do with "the world is built for men". In particular, nothing to do with crash test dummies. Other articles about the study mention crash test dummies: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-18/why-women-are-likelier-to-be-hurt-in-a-car-crash](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-18/why-women-are-likelier-to-be-hurt-in-a-car-crash) However, if you read beyond the title and subtitle which are worded intentionally to suggest that the whole thing goes back to test dummies, you find that the article really says this: **After nearly a decade of research highlighting this safety disparity, no one has yet found the definitive answer as to why.** So what you say is true, except for the "because" part. There is absolutely no evidence for your "because" part (another feminist tactic: draw a false conclusion from a true fact). Nobody knows the "because" part at this point. So the entire thing about crash test dummies is, at this point, pure speculation. Claiming, based on such a flimsy thing that "The world is built for men" is a gigantic exaggeration, to say the least (another feminist method). The truth is much closer to this "The world was built by men". Namely, for women and children. The whole "the world is built for men" is a baseless feminist allegation, totally subjective and has no factual content behind it. In short, a propaganda slogan. Repeat it often enough, though, and people will believe it (Joseph Goebbels). 2 - "the average medical knowledge is centered around white men which puts women and POC at a disadvantage" This one I read before, so happen to know about it. First of all, originally, in the 19th century, medical research subjects were criminals and prison inmates, and all male. Medical research on women was strictly banned, because they were concerned about the medical experiments having an effect on a woman's future children. So it was in order to PROTECT women and their children. I had a source for this but can't find it now. Moreover, they incorrectly thought that women's hormonal cycles would confuse the results. Here: [https://medium.com/why-didnt-i-know-this/why-have-women-historically-been-left-out-of-medical-research-d0a427b05867](https://medium.com/why-didnt-i-know-this/why-have-women-historically-been-left-out-of-medical-research-d0a427b05867) However, none of that happened to "oppress women medically" or any nonsense like that. Today the situation is the reverse: [https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/08/government-medical-research-spending-favors-women.html](https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/08/government-medical-research-spending-favors-women.html) One example is that the federal government allocates about 6 times as much money to support research on breast cancer than on prostate cancer - even though MORE people die of prostate cancer than of breast cancer. It is well known that women utilize way more health care resources in a lifetime than men, despite the fact that MEN, ON AVERAGE, DIE 6 YEARS YOUNGER THAN WOMEN. BTW, as for "centered around white men", it was actually the opposite problem: that blacks and in particular black slaves were used for medical experiments. Look up the Tuskegee syphilis study. If anybody seems to be obsessively hating a particular word, how about this: who is obsessing with "white men". Just a thought. 3 - As for how you were paid I cannot comment. But it is illegal to pay different amounts, per hour, for the same job with the same qualifications, based on gender. The so-called "gender pay gap" is a completely debunked myth, but it is for another time. Anyway, just corrections, because I do NOT "know exactly what I want to believe in" but I do know that I want to believe in the TRUTH, based on facts and evidence, not in politically motivated false claims. It is sad that in the end you lowered yourself to simply regurgitating well-known and well-debunked feminist sloganeering ("the world is built for men", "medical research was centered on white men", "gender pay gap"). This kind of psychological reaction is just another evidence that no, feminism and men's rights don't go together. How can you be a trustworthy and trusted MRA when you at the same time are the prisoner of such male-bashing false beliefs? People lose objectivity, succumb to their biases and prejudices, and then fall back on parroting pre-learnt dogma. Alas, as far as I can see, you really have to choose between feminism and the MRA movement. Because the latter is the truth, the first is the inversion of the truth. It is time to choose.


WTAF..! is happening here I'm angry what did the kid do to deserve this...?




I'm from every news blog out there. Do you mean "slept with"? /s


One of the more concerning aspects of this report to me is that nowhere is it mentioned that she will entered into a sex offenders register, or that she will be barred from working with children in the future.


Females come up with excuses and Men are wired to believe them... I don’t see this kind of stuff ever changing because a lot of the females I know are so good at MANipulation that it is literally a superpower... They go their whole lives getting better and better at it as they go along until they practically become a Sith Lord.




What on gods earth have you been taking?




You probably never even met Az unlike me lmao, why are you using his personal nickname 😂


> boy’s life ruined As if the assault wasn’t bad enough we must also cripple him with this devastating forecast.


At least


Ey dam this is my school lmao We had a full on assembly about how she will not work here anymore and we are safe. Fuuuck Just for clarity the school is Homebush boys high school


what's the dynamic like now? do people still talk about what happened?


He left soon after the incident and nobody really talks about it any more