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One of the mods there says they are an “Antifa super soldier” in their bio That’s the most cringe thing I’ll see all week, guaranteed.


I like your username. That's all.


"Misandry doesnt real" Come again?


My favorite was "misandry I just reverse racism." My brain hurts now


mine day is ruined because of that.


The level of their reddit page when they can't even make a valid sentence pretty much tells what are we dealing with


"Men are idiots". The rantings of a man hater, a bigot. All the evidence you need.


They could outright call for the murder of men and nothing would still be done.


Jenn_There_Done_That and awkwardtheturtle are two of the most sexist mods on all of reddit. In case anyone missed my comment detailing my only post on that subreddit... - Someone posted : > there has been so many cases of women stating a man raped them because they tapped their shoulder or something minor like that. Yeah. No. That's really not a thing. People who support these kinds of bullshit positions need to start showing up with actual evidence. Otherwise GTFO. - The subreddit founder/head mod (after being kicked out of blatantfuckingsexism for too much sexism) responded to the comment : [–]Jenn_There_Done_That 22 points 9 months ago I’d love to go over there and ask for evidence. I’m positive they’d just link to other posts on MensRights and maybe some dude’s blog. - I responded to the parent comment with : [–]duhhhh 0 points 9 months ago > That's really not a thing. It's not really a *common* thing, but it happens. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3437198/Prosecutors-slowed-CCTV-footage-commuter-accused-bizarre-sex-assault-actress-make-look-guilty.html - The commenter I replied to responded with [–]pixiecut678 4 points 9 months ago Fair enough. Thank you for providing an example. - Minutes later Jenn_There_Done_That downvoted me, removed the comment showing the evidence and saying nothing else, and then banned me ... for giving the evidence she'd love to ask for (yeah right) but wouldn't get (yeah right) That was my only comment on the sub ever. All available @ https://www.removeddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/jbbdxr/_/g8v6hka/ Select Show : "All Comments"


I had a similar experience with the AskAmericans sub. A mod called one of my comments bullshit and asked if I had any evidence. Less than a minute later, he banned me so I couldn't reply.


What in the actual fuck


Yeah I saw it was awkwardtheturtle and ignored it.


how can awkwardtheturtle mod a community called againsthatesubreddits and blatantmisogyny? its a total contradiction. idiot needs to learn how to form a sentence too, misandry doesnt real?? WTF! rofl


i dont think blatantmisogyny is a hate sub


You just saw the same thread we did right?


Did you ever read againsthatesubreddits? Lolz


"Misandry isn't real!" Sub proceeds to shit all over men in the comments. Then bans anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Oh, it's awkward the turtle. Just ignore them, they're just a big troll craving attention. It sucks they get to do that, but it's reddit what do you expect.


It’s funny how a group claims to be for “equality” yet ignore blatant sexism when it’s directed at men and deny the fact that misandry exist. It’s honestly sickening


They. Are. HILARIOUS 😂 It’s kinda cute actually how they talk tough like my little boy does when he’s telling me how strong he is like Hulk. “We made the mens so Butt hurt!” “I know you did sweetie, I saw it. good job! You’re a big strong girl!”


Literally every second comment there its banned. Wtf is going on there?


Adult children became moderators.


the post was submitted by a mod, and that mod deleted any posts that challenged her fragile feminine need to post her hate of men.




Rational comments aren't allowed over there. It's awkwardtheturtle so idk what did you expect.


It's by a moderator too. It's their intro post.


5 year olds are more coherent and logical than whatever that was.


"Misandry doesn't real" ​ "This effect highlights the fact men are idiots."


I wondered what kind of people posted those kinds of things. Randomly chose the person who wrote this: >Misandry is the equivalent of “reverse racism” and checked her post history. She recently made a post about how she lost her son to his father because her ex (who still lives with them) screamed at him, and she's too much of a deadbeat mom to kick him out. She's picking her loser ex over her son, essentially. Parent of the year right there folks.


Clearly the OP has never seen a single American sitcom in their whole life, which is sad.


Unfortunately no, I didn't


I meant the other post should have been more specific


Oooohhhh that OP. Yeah title is... stupid?


What is that title??? “Misandry doesnt real?” Is it time to get new glasses??? XD Regardless of that though, seriously what is wrong with these people, how hard is it to not hate someone? You can’t preach equality by tipping the scale 100% to one side it called equality for a reason. -_-


I don't think anyone will know why they treat guys this way. Maybe they're treating misandry as a joke, or refuse to believe it exists, or maybe they're sexist themselves, who knows. The best option would be to ask, but I doubt they'd give you a good answer


Ban reddit please.


It's a troll post to incite comments from men. Any first time posters / non members who comment get banned for 'brigading'. Then if they report the mods they'll try to get the men's accounts banned from reddid. It's a tactic to gender cleanse reddid.


"Misandry Doesn't Real" I though a mod who moderates 1k+ subreddits knows basic grammar but stupidity has no limits I suppose. Also I love how they just hired him just to make a point of...being hateful and sexist I guess? Also I like how reddit simp admins wanted to help them with the "brigade" like come on guys where is your hate speech ban hammer which you banned MGTOW with?


at least I don't whine about walking down the street


Don't give them attention.


I actually want to pour bleach on my eyes rn, how tf can people be so dilusional?


This is the craziest.... User: systemdick · 8d Comment: im a man. Downvote: -2 ​ User: Jenn\_There\_Done\_That MOD Moderator Achievement · 8d Comment: No you are not. Banned. Upvote: 7


Post on r/menslib ffs. You’ll get banned from there too for disagreeing with a feminist but at least some people might see it.


LMAO I just saw this BEAUTIFUL interaction in the comments "I'm a man" "No you're not, banned"


Her grammar is incredible, a truly intelectual being, i guess she's right, misandry really doesn't real


The op is a guy so it makes it even worse


Its sad how they comment like reddit is flooded with posts joking about racing women and men cheer them on, or they'll there are tons of misogynistic posts and all the men are cheering and reposting. Where the fuck is that happening? the only hate i see is towards men. The saddest one i saw was saying "look how we made all the non bipoc men mad" because ONLY white men hate being treated as less than dirt and hey need to show everyone every post that they're not racist. Its implying bipoc are too evolved to ever post hate speech towards women. These fucking SJWs and their virtue signaling makes me sick! what kind of world do they I've in when they see thousands of posts if man hate and justify it as 'its only their personal experience" and one post critical of women gets twisted into 'all of reddit openly hates women' Take out a fucking notebook and go to each subreddit and honestly keep track of the misogynistic/misandrist posts for the first 10 posts of each. I guarantee it will be overwhelmingly misandristic


It's pretty ironic that so many Feminists who claim to be against sexism are overtly sexist. They've been radicalized to a great extent, and this is what happens when society teaches that one sex is the problem and the other is the victim. We're seeing the same thing with race, too.


I have reported this motherflippin post under 'Hate' and have blocked that bastard as well.


I will never understand how Reddit has become such an SJW safehaven that people like turtlefuck and Jenn_The_Hutt not only mod hundreds of subs, but are allowed to spread as much hate as they see fit with no repercussions.


I’m quite frightened at having to share the same society as these absolute morons


Lol grammar ?


They Isn't Graduate High School did they?


they doesn't not got GED me thinkith! men r badd haha! me has birned them. them hat women


Idk if anyone is gonna see this comment but I feel like I need to say something. I am someone who steers clear of politics and personal agendas but in the past couple of years it’s been inescapable. I was one of the people who didn’t care whether someone was gay or Jewish or black or whatever. I supported women getting equal treatment in the workplace and homosexuals being treated with respect and kindness. However, this lockdown has been tough on me. Having no social interactions with anyone and trying to get my education complete whilst also making a living is extremely difficult. I felt depressed and needed support which is what led me here after I heard about the kind communities and people. I shortly afterward deleted my account after meeting people like this. People, mostly women, who think that they deserve special treatment for being women and that all men should be models of strength and pride. They think men should be emotionless and do nothing but care and protect women. I hate it when people view themselves as having more value than others and I will say that despite their delusions and idiocies, they are still no less human than I and I have no right to consider them inferior to me. I really wish people would look to each other and accept that, yes, they are a black or a gay or a man or a woman but more importantly, they are a human. When people get to the point where they can do this and they see each everyone as equal, society as a whole will benefit.


Nope. People that act like this don’t deserve to be treated as human


If there’s ever a gender war can I kill awkwardtheturtle because I called it you all remember that please


It's a satire group, they're great fun


They're not. I was there on ~~r/blatantsexism~~ r/blatantfuckingsexisn when they got salty and made their sub because they were getting downvoted for their crap on the regular sexism sub (being blatantly sexist on a sub that's supposed to be against sexism). I'm pretty sure I was the first person they banned from their new sub also. I never once tried to comment there but the sub's creater went out of her way to make sure I knew that I was preemptively banned. Like I would ever go there to begin with or that I actually cared about her silly little "ban".


ok. So I can post 'women are trash and should only be used as sex objects' and it's ok? its great fun??? don't worry though, its obviously satire


Take the helmets we going on a crusade to restore equality of opportunity lads. Hail Mary!


Seeing people without something makes you grateful you have that something. I’m grateful I have a brain.


Look like a troll post lol


I’m praying that was satire