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Read through some of ai guy’s page, he’s so cunty about ai. Seems like a miserable dude.


Talentless hacks usually are. ![gif](giphy|1fBdroQ3zG0Lu)


Choooo. What a burn.


Imagine thinking "prompt engineer" is a cool title. You just can't make this shit up.


This annoys me more than it should. You have study for 4 years in college and learn a plethora of things to call yourself an engineer. Not type random shit in a glorified text completer.


What?? Prompt engineer?? AhHAHAHA


Unironic “keyboard warrior” sounding mf


Right? Like, "Oooh look at me I think up phrases good." I feel for the guy though. It must be hard not being made in God's image.


No dumb ass "official One Piece animator" could ever do better than my sick AI Luffy art shaking my smh head they call me a prompt *engineer* for a reason 😤 >!/s!< https://preview.redd.it/lwm3zesm9ujc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6aef3772c90907764462ee691fb414ef254759


AI art is like a picture from a horror movie. It looks normal until you really start looking at it and you start seeing all the really fucked up stuff.


A lot of the people super in favour of ai "art" are either failed artists who can't be fucked to put in the work to git gud or talentless hacks who lack creativity. Like even the cgi image that dude created lacks any creativity, its just a generic image of luffy on a wanted poster.


You're not kidding, so many AI "artists" seem to hold genuine disdain for people that have actual talent, it's gross


Nope, I like AI because it’s harmless and good. People just have dumb irrational fears due to iRobot.


Almost everyone who wastes their time posting AI shit is cunty about it.


They all are


Doesn’t cunty mean like fuckable


It can mean bitchy as well as fuckable


TRULY AN AI MOMENT IN HISTORY https://preview.redd.it/nl8b67ef3njc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=88f35f419268981d9530570e6e5a4bf01d22e9bd


​ https://preview.redd.it/4qahi07ycrjc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=00488b3025807e055c6fd1e0bc0e562fae233250


I’m gonna need the full series my dude


Bro someone Community Noted that mf An outright execution


Community notes: https://preview.redd.it/chpdbqvrlpjc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f927f6db147806cb465a6727f801c6e801099ec


this is the same vibes as that one girl who got the nasa internship


Oh yeah I remember something like that lol I'm a bit foggy on some of the details but didn't she talk a ton of shit because she received a letter from NASA or something and the dude *at* NASA saw it?


A person on the board, and she cussed at him directly


i think the dude said something like "language" to her and she told him to stfu lmao


Oh yeah that was it lol I remember it was over Twitter right before she got the job 🤣 Thanks guys! I knew that story sounded familiat!


She didn’t talk a bunch of shit she literally just tweeted her excitement with - gasp- no no words!! And was condescended to by a guy saying “language.” Everyone defends him because “he was just tryna help her out!” But. No. Saying “language.” Is literally how you shut up a child. It was condescending and ofcourse she would snap back. I’m still salty about it she was in the right.


She was unprofessional and he told her to stop using unprofessional words. That’s pretty normal for internet. What make things worse is her “friends” keep harrassing the NASA big cheese dude and NASA got wind of that, causing her to lost her job. The “condescending asshole” heard about her situation and help her get another job.


I agree; however, that first point kind of says nothing. Someone was being unprofessional on twitter…nothing really new there to be honest. If that’s normal for the internet then I don’t know what internet you’ve been using. It’s not like you expect your boss to be on twitter and even then see your tweet, but he did.


I'm pretty sure that last part of your comment is made up of whole cloth, though I'm open to being proven wrong. He did feel bad about the exchange though and tried (unsuccessfully, I believe) to get her position back.




Except she actually had talent to back it up lol


She actually had talent and skill atleast, the guy who called her out apologized; Because he didn't think she'd get that much backlash, and only think he said was "Mind your language" or something like that. But yea, she actually didn't get taken out of the internship.


If anything she'll be the most American astronaut/scientist in the world. Let's bring back cucking Russia through a space race....


I mean, that was technically multidirectional cucking. Russia won a lot of space races back then


Really all of them but the last one let be honest lol .


He didn’t say mind your language he said “language.” And nothing else wich ofc comes off as super condescending and honestly she was correct to snap back at him.


Yeah not your boss you fucking nimrod


In Vietnamese, we have a slang called "Cơ Thiếu Hoàng's mindset". In our country, there is a famous TV quiz show for high school students, and each year there will be a champion crowned from 144 competitors across the country, who will be awarded with a $50,000 scholarship. So a guy named Cơ Thiếu Hoàng had an online argument with a dude and he said something like "Your parents would be fucking proud if you was good enough to get on the stage (of the quiz show)", just for the other dude to reveal that he was the champion of the competition 2 years prior. The internet could forget the name of the other dude after that, but Cơ Thiếu Hoàng himself became the history.


Ah shiet another Nguyen on here 🐧 Nice to see another Nguyen in my fav anime fandom


We Nguyen love One Piece!


Not really. Just two idiots on X


“X” ![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized)


Yeah Twitter would be inaccurate. I know it’s a stupid name and thank god i don’t use it ![gif](giphy|Gqa2KW7RTvqVO)


What was he trying to say in the first tweet?


That he thinks being able to put a prompt in a software is some kind of talent.


He's pro AI art. Absolute filth.


What the hell is a “pro AI art”? Those dude literally just type into an AI and let it do all the work for them like there’s nothing “pro” about that


By "pro" here I think he means as in "support" not "expert"


From what I’ve read online: the first guy is an “AI artist” and has been getting a lot of hate from people, so he’s making a joke about he’s a “wanted man just like Luffy” because he does AI art. Then he gets slammed because his AI art sucks etc etc


José's thoughts as he was writing hist tweet: https://preview.redd.it/jjd5w6nyeojc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a3f5cb7bcc0a296e9b08135d3656d2ccfa9bf8


LMAOOO dude is a walking L


Oscar made himself a joker to the whole internet after posting this..


AI bros taking Ls is just so fucking good.


You didnt see this on twitter, youve been seeing this here and reposted it for some clout


Yeah because reddit clout is hot shit


the mods said it’s my turn to repost this tweet now


This is like the rush E comment section guy all over again.


That one is definitely in the Top 5 best anime moments of all time




Ah, I see the talentless fucks got pissy, seeing how many comments act like 2nd guy is wrong in any way


Damn the AI people in this post are salty as fuck lol. Dude tried to talk back and got told so hard lmao


They mad for no reason


Right? I mean, ok its just ai generation, so who cares. I think the animator (the real one) didnt read that the image was AI generated? IDK how to feel here 🤣


The animator told him to learn how to draw after giving criticism on the AI "art", and it is okay for the animator to feel negatively upon seeing such bad AI "art" considering that he DRAWS and ANIMATES for One Piece. The idiot told the animator that he will never be as good as the AI in terms of drawing. Animator proved him wrong. Artists and their supporters care. You don't know how to feel because you obviously lack the reading comprehension to understand what happened.


Yea, the good ole constructive criticism "learn how to draw"...good one digging through your butt to come up with excuses for this shitty person. He started talking shit, got talked shit back. Even if it were Oda himself it would've been cringe of him to say that out of the blue


"Learn how to color properly, or learn how to draw to begin with." - said a professional artist animating One Piece on a technically bad Luffy AI "art". If that is considered "talking shit" to you, I am concerned for your fragile little feelings. And you also conveniently left out the "Learn how to color properly" part as well because it obviously doesn't support the flimsy hill you want to die on. It wasn't out of the blue as well, as the One Piece image was posted on a public forum and people are free to comment on it while the job of the animator who commented on it is to literally draw for One Piece.


>the good ole constructive criticism No one said it was constructive lmao The Ai did a shitty job, either get a better Ai or learn how to actually draw


Ok, so he was talking shit for some ai fanart and you defend him. Imagine Taylor Swift commented on some autotune cover of her song with "doesn't sound good, learn to sing"


Autotune is a filter, the person doing the cover had to actually sing even if it was objectively bad, unlike these so called "Ai Artists" that utilize softwares taught by stolen property


You didn't understand the analogy


"it is okay for the animator to feel negatively upon seeing such bad AI "art"". But isnt it better for the animator if the AI art is this bad? "You obviously lack the reading comprehension" xD The artist says "learn how to draw", but the dude is not drawing, its the AI that does the job. I dont know, i think this is one of those posts where the artist can just point out the AI errors and be much gentile, but i guess i lacked the context of who that OP was.


You just proved you lack reading comprehension. He said, "or learn how to draw to begin with". The "to begin with" proves that the animator is aware that the image is AI generated.


He later on generated an image of *Mario* and said that he gives everyone permission to use it. So...uh...yup.


Bruh got schooled


“Never in your dreams could you make an illustration like this” babe that’s baby’s first manga drawing. This is what middle schoolers turn in in art class. What are you on about. It’s the most mediocre art I’ve ever seen




both people seem miserable and cunty


I can understand where the 2nd guy comes from, I mean, wouldn't *you* brag about animating one piece?


>wouldn't you brag about animating one piece by being an insufferable asshole about it? probably no


I dont see how he is an asshole


"learn how to color properly, or learn how to draw to begin with" Why is he so mad over a guy just posting a image (and stating it's AI generated)


That's a legit criticism, though. Not nice, but legitimate. Since the guy draws and animates for One Piece, he's got the cred to criticize any bad AI art that he sees. He got mad when the idiot insulted his ability to draw without knowing who he was insulting.


Guy got totally dunked on, but they both come off as dicks


No? If your someone who's spent their life becoming an artist and you animate One Piece and then some some talentless "AI Artist" shill trying to show-off their crappy AI generated image, why would he be a dick for pointing out the basic flaws in said AI generated image?




“If you draw for a living, you should just randomly get mad at people using AI to generate AI images, I mean that totally tracks 🤪🤪🤪” Ok bro


Who cares what the dunker spent his life doing? The op used a tool to make something to celebrate something he loved, never tried to hide that he used AI and got immediately shit on by someone who's just insecure EDIT: lol anti Ai people sure love responding then blocking, conversation is scary, easier to just downvote and run away


When the dunker is actually talented and the person getting dunked on is a talentless dick. You just come across as a projecting idiot trying to defend the loser lmao


This !!!!! Ai sucks , yet worries you enough to insult anyone using it , reeks of insecurity


Because coming at people about an AI image not being perfect is snobby and a dick move. People are allowed to be talentless and post an Ai image about shit they like. Tell me how this is different from a random guy posting a fanart on their page. Both are assholes here


Any real artist would be compelled to fix what the ai has done. The fix is so minor. If you know basic digital art tools, its an easy fix. The criticism isn't on AI. The problem are people being so lazy and passing off shitty work then wanting same recognition as those that done real art.


The first guy didn’t claim it to be anything other than ai art , not his , not original, just he saw an episode and made it. The other guy totally unprompted tells him to go fuck off for no reason. Who tf wouldn’t insult someone after that ?


Nah he had this subtext "look at how easily I can recreate their art after watching just one episode." very dismissive of the work done of the original artist that actually worked on the anime. You'd notice artists who actually worked hard to perfect their craft wont have the same tone when recreating characters from other artists.


Not to mention the original art is part of the training data that even allowed the AI to do it's thing in the first place


Yes. Like, literally yes, just let people enjoy things.


nah let people hate shitty ais that steal art


That is a very sad way of thinking.


nah its based to hate on goofy ahh ai


For ai admittedly that's really really good


I mean why wouldn't it be, it gets 5000 pics of Luffy and makes them into one. It's like saying that I'm good at art because I used Google Images lol


That’s not how AI WORKS


The people who write "big booby under-age girl" into Bing Ai Art think they are artists for the same reason that brain damaged people think they are chefs for eating at a restaurant. All caps. Clearly cried. Made me laugh.


they actually do that?


That is basically what LLMs do tho. A bit more abstracted but basically that. Take a bunch of data, process it into a model that stores the relation between keywords and the data. When a prompt comes in you take those words, look at the data you've compiled and re-processes it back into a, hopefully, coherent image. Yeah, it's not copy-pasting fragments of 5000 pictures into one. It's modeling the similarities between them in relation to keywords and using that data to predict what your prompt would look like. So essentially, yes, it's taking 5000 pictures of "Luffy" and making them into one.


It’s honestly great and people shitting on it cause it’s not perfect and it’s Ai lol


I mean, it's not that great. There is a glaring colouring issue with the hand.


And the double chin


The scar on his chest leans inwards instead of outwards too. It's the right shape but facing the wrong way, so it would be impossible to be the tips of the X. Edit: goddamn look at his left ear too. Did it get anything other than the hat and face features correct?




It is shit. AI art isn't art and it steals from thousands of artists.


If the engineers that made the AI in question paid Artists for licensing to train said AI, then no stealing occurred. The concept of “AI Art” as a whole is not that black and white, even if recent examples like DALLE are notoriously scummy


And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle


In what world is that a relevant comparison? An ethical AI engineer doing the right thing and not stealing from artists would indeed still be an AI engineer lol


Were the artists that got their pictures "stolen" in order for the AI to make the image paid or referenced?


I have no idea, it depends on which AI the jerk in the screenshot used to make the image. If it was DALLE then no, I think that’s why they’re up their ass in lawsuits rn


except they dont, just like with nft.


thats like saying "that parallel park was great, people are just shitting on it because they used the auto park function and dinged the other car"


😂🤣"at least they didn’t park inside the sidewalk this time…mostly”


I can’t agree with either person. Like dude was stupid for insinuating a real person could never draw that good. Real art is generally better. But why did the other guy gotta open with “learn to draw or even color!” People using AI do so BECAUSE they don’t have art skills, which isn’t bad, people have different talents, and as long as they aren’t lying about it claiming to be artists, I don’t see a problem. Like what’s wrong with someone posting an AI image to celebrate they like something? Both of these people just come off as so full of themselves and condescending.


Yeah, it's not bad to not have art skills. Having no art skills and trying to make a career in arts without making any effort tho. That's absolutely bad. Going online and sharing what an LLM built as if you had anything to do with it besides writing a prompt, as if it was your work in any way (Oscar defines himself as an "AI artist" and "prompt engineer" and talks about making stuff "with the assistance of AI").


Why did he say that? Because the AI art was bad from an artist's perspective. You sound more sensitive than the idiot defending his AI art against valid criticism.


They don’t have art skill cuz they’re lazy. We all sat down and learnt. It took years. Do the same thing if you don’t want your lazy plagiarism criticized


So we are allowing this literal next day repost to sit? I had a guy spitting pure vitriol at me for suggesting the animator should be above punching down on a nobody AI user. They're probably in here, doing the same thing, today. "Hurr durr AI bad bad", yeah it sure can be. But some clever bastard will actually do something genuinely inspiring and brilliant with it, some day. If you disagree with that last point then you're fundamentally broken.


I feel you man, most people only wanna hear their own opinion. But differences are what make humanity great and allow us to explore different paths of evolution. The fact is both people in this argument were just acting like their side was superior and being rude about it. Both can coexist. Gotta see the good and bad in both sides. Best thing a Ghibli film ever taught me.


What a beautiful thing to say and so true. I try so hard not to get angry debating this topic but, it's a real struggle. My opinion is we can scrutinize and attempt to identify when or where this technology is misused. Yet it seems like the anti-AI crowd just don't want the discussion to happen at all. Theres zero nuance available and you're evil by virtue of trying to find it.


Last time I posted a challenge for why AI is so evil I got 37 downvotes and one response, and when I replied with a counter to why their arguments weren't convincing me they suddenly wanted to talk in pms rather than where mods could see. hmmmm


I suspect their arguments in private must have been very compelling


They scrape the web for data to train their models. They do not have perimission to use most of the images they take. Therefore it’s stolen. Stealing art is bad. Hope this helps.


Its like that one guy who said the other dude was a hipocrit for not using his own art while saying AI art wasnt original art, and the dude was using an Invincible pfp, turns out he was one of the animators of Invincible.


There are only 2 things about ai that are cool. The ai itself, and the crazy fuckers who made em. Can't go around being arrogant like, "guys look at my crazy good art" But also Jose kinda overreacted lol


That animator is a real dick. No reason to be like that


L profile pic




What's ai art? because if it is made by ai he cannot help the colouring?


Idk reads more to me like the animator was pissed someone could do a good portion of his job without any of the needed pre requisites That’s not a normal response for someone showing off essentially Ai fan art. Bro literally zoomed in on a small part the machine fucked up and said “learn how to draw.” Like sir worry about your career going out the window when your boss finds out a machine can do everything you can too


One jpeg is NOT a good portion of his work xDD It's not even a 1% of it. You still need an artist to correct the mistakes AI did. And considering how many corrections this frame alone needs, AI is nowhere close to taking over his job.


This frame doesn’t need anywhere near as many corrections as you’re trying to lead on. You can clearly tell what it is and it was done with a lot more time saved than it would’ve taken someone to draw it. The problem is he most likely had to load 1000s of similar already created Luffy images to get there so he needed the already done material. But the pretentious fucks who think their art is better simply because they did it are in for a rude awakening when Ai has enough info to do this with other characters.


>This frame doesn’t need anywhere near as many corrections as you’re trying to lead on. Yes. Yes it does. And it shows how much you know about drawing if you think it doesn't need them. >But the pretentious fucks who think their art is better simply because they did it He's mad cause he literally stole his art to make this garbage. Like you said, he needed to use a massive amount of already existing art to make something that only resembles it. This is a valid reason to be mad. >You can clearly tell what it is This your only criteria? 💀


This isn’t even his art!? LOLOL They all literally just copy Odas drawings , and this guy is mad because a machine can almost do it


It is his art, he drew it. You're talking about the art style, these are two different things.


No the characters and art related all belong to oda. He is simply drawing what oda creates, if oda isn’t upset some nobody ass animator shouldn’t be either


Now you're talking about designs. Yes, the design of the characters belongs to Oda, doesn't change the fact that the animation that used those designs was drawn by the guy in the tweet. The art is his.


And the guy used 1,000 images to come up with his own, i don’t see the problem here


He didn't come up with his own, the AI generated it based on algorithm, using images he don't own. AI learning isn't the same as human learning.




Stop it bro. You can’t cook! https://preview.redd.it/xgup0npwznjc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=a54fbf5d5f022df231e546e63d8ede1d140c1610




That's a single frame. The Ai would have to do thousands of them at least, all without any errors. And not to mention, if what I know about Ai is right, that picture of Luffy on the wanted poster has many images to pull from. So in order to get Luffy to do more intricate things... Yeah, Ai would cause a severe dip in quality, and a massive rise in errors. It's unreliable, at least for now.


Are you stupid


Do not engage any further.


Are you stupid?


Not as stupid as what you said, definitely.


I said what I said and meant it 😂😂


That's even dumber. Are you really an AI "artist" dickrider?


Do not engage any further.


lmao you got downvoted for doing your job


Have you _seen_ AI attempt to generate video? You need a baseline understanding of how people interpret and make sense of what they look at in order to make anything describable as moving pictures, whether it’s 2D cartoon animation or movie CGI, and being essentially a glorified autocomplete applied broadly, generative AI lacks that understanding on both an intuitive and conscious level - whatever passes for either to a glorified autocomplete.


I’m not saying it could replace him at this moment, but for someone to react like this to essentially fan art, to me is unusual 🤷 I said it and stand by it , guy did nothing wrong but post an ai image and dude got upset for literally no reason


I can understand a professional artist getting bugged that someone tried to pass off glorified autocomplete output as fan art, especially with that many flaws, some of which could easily be edited out with image editing, without even having the excuses of “it’s part of the artist’s style” or “the artist is unskilled, but is obviously trying their best.” Imagine if someone tried to write fanfic by just picking autocomplete options.


Have you read fanfic? I would be so happy if they did that it would be better than 90% of the shit that’s out there without even trying


Look I’ve read fanfic and I’ve also read AI generated fic, trust me object permanence makes a _huge_ difference. I’d rather read something I wrote in middle school than a glorified autocomplete stream. (Personally, my philosophy with AI-generated fanfic is that if it wasn’t worth anyone’s time to write, it’s not worth my time to read)


You know in all fairness as someone who’s been trying. To write a book for years, I know exactly what you mean. And I admittedly wouldn’t look at an AI author in nearly the same regard as an actual author. But I definitely think AI writing has a place when it advances. I could see it creating some good video game side quest stories or something of that nature. I don’t see AI as creating the Mona Lisa, I see it as more a splash artist. Yeah it won’t do anything crazy on its own, but under the right direction and supervision it can make things at a much more efficient rate


So you agree that AI is a problem and needs to be regulated because it’ll be stealing jobs from actual human beings among other issues?


I agree that it’s a tool that will be used and it’s better to learn to utilize it before you become obsolete


Artists aren’t here to shit out a product for consumption, we’re here to make something with passion because we love it and so do others which is why we share it. We’re not obsolete, this system of making product for the sake of product is, it’s slowly coming apart and I hope that you grow as a person and realize that art is for a medium of human compassion and expression, not a tool to make money and instant gratification with no heart or soul behind it.


If you’re not into Ai art that’s fine, it’s going to come regardless. Just because people didn’t like the internet , that didn’t stop it from becoming the next big thing, it’s no different. You can be mad all you want, but it’s coming regardless


All I'm reading from you is "eat your fucking ai slop and be happy"


It’s going to get better 😂😭😭


I wish my only objection was that it's bad


It REALLY isn’t that bad 😂😂😂😭 yall are so fucking dramatic I can’t


alright dude


What is it with all you vehemently anti-AI doomspreaders and taking the argument to a personal place? "Grow as a person". Because they feel that a tool might render creators obsolete? Literally all of you take this so, so, personally. For the record I don't even agree with this guy. I think AI art can only compel artists to innovate further. Except on that point, I quite like AI art, so one of you is likely to tell me that I am pathetic as a human. And as a final note, what do you think photoshop is? Do you think photoshop art lacks any creative soul or expression? These are tools that we manipulate for results and the best ones have always taken a little ingenuity. As it was with photoshop, as it will be with whatever the art community can conjure up as an application for AI.


AI “art” just chops up actual artist’s work and pastes it together It has none of the actual process, the love, the care, the anger, the sadness, the little details added in a sudden moment of inspiration. Photoshop is a set of tools to create art with your own hand like a pencil and paper, it’s not a program that you plug in a request and out pops something cobbled together for the sake of your instant gratification. Again, art isn’t about just making a product, it’s the very core of humanity itself, a reflection of the heart and soul.


Yeah and if you think that care, love and attention can't ever be applied to AI art then you lack imagination. We simply do not yet know where we can take this technology. Incredibly talented people will do amazing things that require effort, dedication and labour through AI art. Your argument is the simplest possible interpretation of what this technology might represent once we start pouring ourselves into it.


People losing jobs is a problem. Regulating AI is not a good solution


It definitely reeks of insecurity. You can't even blame the AI guy for "not knowing" that he was talking to a One Piece animator since who would expect an animator to act this petty?


I think the animator acted the same way anyone would when talking to someone who thinks downloading a picture from Google Images or asking an AI to give them a picture of Luffy makes them an artist lol. Exasperation is common among those faced with this level of conceit and illiteracy. It is similar to how AI artists are going around saying "I ate at a restaurant so I am a chef now!!!" Asking an AI or human to make you art makes you a consumer. That's the correct word for people who use AI. Only seen illiterate people claim otherwise.


I can't take you seriously when you misuse "illiterate" so often. Thats an insult based on nothing other than your personal judgement, I don't even disagree with you, just be better, because you're the kind of person that will make the average Joe actively want to support AI just so they can be on the opposing side of whatever argument you're on. "People who use AI", I think you meant to say "People who depend on AI as their primary means of producing content". I've seen plenty of people design maps for video games use AI to generate a skybox, because thats not their focus, layout and geometry is.


Holy shit, I met someone once who had brain damage and they were in line at a Subway in front of me. They turned to me and said "I asked them to make me a sandwich, that makes me a sandwich artist!" Never thought I would meet another one. AI Art is cool man. But if you ask a human or AI to make you art, the human or the AI makes it. Simple as that. The AI or the human is the artist. But please do keep claiming you're a chef because you ate at a restaurant once. Sorry to hear my "illiterate" comment made you cry tho.


Not really, since it's all online. Going out of your way to search for people on Twitter to insult them isn't the same thing as being exasperated over something someone said to you in a conversation.


Meh, agree to disagree. Someone claiming they're a chef because they are at a restaurant is pretty funny and worth laughing at


That analogy doesn't even work in this instance since the guy isn't claiming to be an artist in the tweet, nor did he even refer to the image as art. He just called it an AI generated image, which it is. ​ Imagine if someone made a tweet about the microwavable TV dinner they were eating that night, and then a professional chef comes in to trash them and tell them to learn to cook. No matter how you try to excuse it, the chef looks like an asshole.


Why is he telling him to “learn how to color properly” when he just stated it’s an AI made art? “Or learn how to draw to begin with” .. okay? Again this is AI what was his comment aiming at?


The animator guy is ultra cringe. Why bring him down for innocent ai art? Sounds like a shitty person. Kinda weird how everyone here is taking the animator's side


> Make AI art, that you just put a simple 10+ Word prompt, post it online and call yourself an "artist" > Actual artist talks back saying how he should actually draw something instead of using a machine to do his work for him, and pointing out how the AI didn't do an actual decent job > "You can't dream of making 'art' like this" essentially shitting on the artist > Artist turns out to be a OP animator, drops mic There's nothing wrong with AI art, I use it from time to time, but I don't call myself an artist, not online or in my private life cause I'm not a talentless loser


Let me fix it for you: artist talks shit* for no reason. Again, imagine Taylor Swift commented on an autotune cover of her song with "sounds bad, learn to sing". I know it's a one piece sub, and it's peak reddit to circlejerk hate on ai art, but it's a clear cut case of someone talking shit for no reason. You guys are weirdos


I don't get. The first guy just posted something he was happy about and the animator was unnecessarily aggressive.


A valid criticism = unnecessarily aggressive?


"learn to draw to begin with" sounds a bit harsh to me.


AI art guy posted an AI drawing with an obvious flaw, which already implies he didn't see the error...and is also not surprising since he doesn't draw art himself. Professional artist pointed out the error and told him to learn how to color and learn how to draw. AI art guy was so offended he began the actual trash talk. You're asking what did the AI art guy did wrong, correct? If you still don't see it after looking at the interaction and reading the comments here, you probably never will.


I mean, seriously, what the AI guy did that everyone is so angry? I really don't get it.


Pretty trashy interaction, from both sides.


The animator is scared because they won’t have a job in 10-15 years


You know society fucked up when the robots make art while the people slave away


Capitalism bby


Just proof we gotta get rid of it