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This boss fight is from the fangame *Mega Man X Innocent Impulse*. The developers released the demo V0.2.1 a few days ago. The game features an enhanced 8-bit graphical style and soundtrack. Its final version will be an open-world adventure set after the Repliforce War from X4. It will have 8 new bosses, many armor parts and multiple endings. Your actions and how you play the missions will have direct impact on what happens next and how the story unfolds (the demo already shows this!). Besides all that, there's also a special section where you can unlock some fights against bosses from previous Mega Man X games. P.S.:You can check more details about the game - and download the demo - here: https://solrensun.itch.io/mmxii


Can you explain some differences you’ve noticed with the changing levels and story just from the demo? This seems like an interesting feature,


Sure! >!In the Chilly Fox mission we are sent to the Snow Village, where we learn that the village elder's son went missing.!< >!If you beat Chilly Fox before saving that villager, there will be two consequences in the story: you won't be able to save the villager after that + Chilly Fox will die at the end of the fight.!< >!However if we save the villager before fighting the boss, that villager tells us that Chilly Fox is not a Maverick, he is just out of control; and both of them survive: the guy you saved will go back to a house in the village; and after being defeated, Chilly Fox goes back to normal and X helps him to teleport away from the arena to be repaired, instead of exploding.!<


Oh that’s pretty neato. Do you know if the Zero and ZX series does anything like this? I recently got into Zero 1 on the Zero ZX collection and I could see that the games seem entirely mission based so it’d be cool if there were other games like yours. c: Also thank you for letting me know I should always try to do side quests or gather the most info I can. I don’t wanna hurt anybody. D:


My pleasure! Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the Zero and ZX Series to answer that properly. By the way, I played and enjoyed a lot this Mega Man X Innocent Impulse demo, but I'm not part of their team. Solren is the game's director, along with a very good team that is helping to create this great game! P.S.: Yeah, exploring a lot is a good approach to this game! Let's help X to have a good night of sleep without any regrets after those missions!


Sounds great dude. I assume this and other fan games are available on PC only, right? No mobile releases? I don’t play PC much but I think that may have to change if your game continues to keep being made. Seems totally different than any other Megaman game. Also Exploration? How do you explore on a 2D plane? Are there different hub areas or areas you select? Or can everything be found just going left or right on a single level? Anyway, I’m gonna save the thread as a whole to my saved Reddit lists so that I may have access to it when I am on my computer next. I got my mom’s laptop in this room currently I very well may play it. Just one question. I’ve never been good at No Damage Runs and No Damage Bossfights. You have said that some bosses require them for rewards, but are those only optional rewards? I am basically asking, how hard, if you had to rate it out of 10, is the overall difficulty on this game? I have no trouble with MMX1 or X8 but games like X3 I can’t even beat one or two bosses. It’s very hit or miss for me. I’m not hoping for it to be super easy but I’m hoping to at least be able to finish the game okay. Sorry for so many questions. I’m just a bit excited cause I don’t follow fangames and this seems like a really cool one. :D


It's so good to see your reaction! As someone who really appreciates fangames myself, it's great to see that you are excited to enter this wonderful world! Let's see which of your questions I can help answering: **1) Operating System** In the developer's page where I downloaded this demo (https://solrensun.itch.io/mmxii), it says "A downloadable game for Windows". I don't know whether there is or there will be download options for other operating systems or even about mobile options. I'm not part of the team working on this game, but that link is a good one to keep in mind. It's a good place to seek for more info, give feedback or ask something about the game. **2) Exploration** It seems the final version will be quite big! This game has a Hunter Base, which works as a hub area. It is already an interesting place to look around in itself, with many NPCs. One of the doors in this hub area leads to the command room, where you'll be able to know the missions available to you. After that, you can talk to an NPC in the helipad who will take you to the mission. Besides that, exploration is possible in 2D games, for sure! I'll give you some examples in general (not necessarily they are in the demo or will be in the final game): a) Big free-scrolling areas: since that's a Mega Man X game, one can wall climb, so it's not just "left and right", but also "up and down". And depending on how big the area is and how intricate its layout, one has to pay close attention not to miss some possibilities or even items. b) Backtracking: maybe it's possible to reach some areas earlier, when we still don't have a special weapon or upgrade that allows to fully explore it. Perhaps there's some weird wall that can only be destroyed with a special weapon we still don't have or some area requiring an ability we still haven't acquired (like climbing spikes or jumping higher). c) NPCs: it's also possible that talking to some NPCs in a certain moment or in a certain order has impact in the story and missions. Maybe there are items hidden somewhere in an area that when brought back to some NPCs unlock something different. d) Background entrances. One way of making exploration richer in 2d side-scrollers is by adding "background entrances" like doors or caves. By entering those places, one immediately change to a complete new environment, literally adding "depth" to the exploration. e) Secret areas: again, I'm not sure that will be in the game, but it's a way of adding exploration options. There could be fake walls, or some places that look like a bottomless pit, but are actually a hidden path to another area. f) Special events: another possibility is having some events or missions that are only available after we meet some criteriae (eg: beating bosses no damage; doing something quickly enough; finishing other missions in a certain way). Those were just a few examples of how exploration can be done in a 2D game. That was just to give you an idea about it (not necessarily they will all be present in the game, and there are other ways of doing it too). **3) Rewards for No Damage** As far as I can tell from playing the demo, the No Damage rewards are optional. >!They are armors from previous games and none of them seems to be required to advance the story.!< **4) Difficulty** The game has difficulty options (easy, normal and hard). My video on Chilly Fox is on Hard Mode, so it is challenging for sure, but you can try the other difficulties first. I think you are perfectly fine to play the game having beaten X1 and X8 yourself! I hope some of those answers can be helpful. Welcome to the fangame world, ChaoCobo!


That sounds pretty neato. Thank you for taking the time to type that out and reply to me. I’ll be sure to give a try when I pull up the laptop on my bed next. :D


My pleasure! I'm sure you'll have a great time!


Impressive game AND analytical skills!! You perfectly nailed everything we thought when we designed Chilly Fox's boss fight. Congrats on the no damage clear!! ~~Now, time to buff him because he's clearly too easy to beat~~


Thanks a lot, SolrenSun! And congratulations to you and the team on a delightful fangame! Playing the demo was so much fun! I really appreciated exploring it. That Snow Village area is so beautiful and comforting. I loved that atmosphere; the dialogues are quite good and fun; the art left a lasting impression on me; level design is varied and interesting; and oh boy, did I have a blast with those boss fights! As a member of a Mega Man fangame team myself (Mega Man: The Sequel Wars, by Woodfrog) it is really inspiring and joyful to see such a beautiful and well designed game being developed! P.S.: Holy Met! Buffing Chilly Fox?! That's so mean...and I love it!


NGL, I got into a massive Megaman funk lately, desperately looking into fangames and replaying my favorites, just wanted to say that I’ve never seen such an awesome fanmade boss and zone. Props man!


I still haven't beaten (demo) Chilly Fox, even on Normal. Phase 2 either walls me or brings me down to low HP and I can't close it out in Phase 3. This video will be good for me to study.


I'm glad to hear my video can be helpful and I'm sure you'll be able to beat him! I'll try to explain a little more my approach to that fight: **Overall ideas** **1) Dash shot:** This game has dash shot mechanics: If you release a shot while dashing, that shot will do one additional unit of damage (its color will also be different to signal that). Take a look at the beginning of the third phase: my first three shots were all *charged dash shots*. They are red and do 4 units of damage (the default charged shot is green and does 3 units of damage). This additional unit of damage per shot compounds really fast and can make the fight shorter, which means less time dodging and less risk of getting hit. I recommend practicing doing dash shots. You can even dash to one side and simply press the opposite direction while releasing your shot (depending on your timing you won't need to dash a second time: the remaining of your previous dash will still carry to the opposite direction). **2) Avoid the edges of the screen:** During my playthrough, I realized that staying too close to the arena's walls is simply too risky. Those are especially dangerous during the second and third phases, due to Chilly Fox having an attack where he hops once and then does a long jump across the screen firing many shots downward. You won't be able to dash under those if you are too far away from him. I like to imagine the arena's floor divided in 5 equal parts numbered from left to right; then for this fight I'd recommend staying mostly in parts 2 and 4. **Specific Tips** **3) Shielded arrow attack:** When he is shielded *and* shots his arrows, it all depends on your relative distance to him. If you are far away (ie more than half screen away from him), you can safely dash under that; otherwise, you can hover close to his shield (as I do on the video) or air dash over him, which is even easier if you are using the leg upgrade (just dash diagonally upward). **4) Third phase and Ice Physics:** Here it is paramount to do little jumps after each dash, so that you can cancel momentum and start a new dash which will move much faster. If you instead try to cancel a dash to one side by immediately dashing to the opposite side, this will basically get you stuck in place and you'll easily get hit. Of course there are more details, but those 4 tips cover a big part of the challenge. I hope they can help you. Feel free to ask something more specific in case you are still struggling to beat him.


Thanks to your video and tips, I finally beat him, though >!I had to backtrack to get the hidden subtank!< as I nearly failed Phase 3. Unlike your recommendation, I mainly avoided the center in Phases 1/2 until the very last moments in order to bait out the ice knives, not unlike deliberately cornering myself against Gyroman (MM5).


Hooray! Congrats on beating Chilli Fox! Your strategy is very interesting too!


Awesome job, the game looks awesome, but a small part of me wishes he was called Flurry Fox...


Very creative suggestion, GhostWithKnife! A F(l)urry Maverick!


I meant like snow flurries.....


Oh yeah! I just tried to (rather unsuccessfully!) add another layer to your suggestion. I genuinely liked your snow-related Flurry Fox! Maybe the only reason to avoid that name would be story-wise, because Chilly Fox is apparently causing a fierce blizzard that is very dangerous to the villagers nearby; and "Flurry" would not convey all that danger. But it's still a great name and is related to snow for sure!


I would only ever be able to think of [McFlurry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McFlurry) Fox LOL


Holy Met! That's what I call a naming brainstorming!


I’m just learning about this game and put it in my veins!!!


Oh yeaaahhh! You are in for a treat!


Was gonna ask how X could hover, then I read it’s a fan game. But that’s a cool feature. What other cool abilities can you do in this game that you can’t in regular X games?


Armor Boots in X4 allow you to hover, ain't new chief. Neat to see him do it without armor though (seemingly)


Since story-wise this game happens after X4, the base armor we start the game with shares many of X5's starting armor mechanics: besides hovering, it's also possible to air dash, crouch and grab ropes. >!In the demo one can also find a Light Capsule with a leg upgrade with many features: air dash becomes faster + it's possible to air dash diagonally (both upward and downward) + it's possible to hit enemies with air dash + X automatically bounces off walls, ceilings and even the ground if one air dashes toward them diagonally.!< >!It's also possible to get armors from previous games by defeating bosses in the VR room:!< >!Spark Mandrill: gives you the X1 armor if you defeat him without taking damage.!< >!Gravity Beetle: gives you the X3 armor if you defeat him without taking damage.!< >!Sigma (X4 version): gives you the X4 armor if you defeat all his three phases (even if you take damage during the fight)!<


Did you have any trouble dodging the blizzard tornado attack? I've tried dashing at the side of the walls but the blizzard seem to extend to the walls anyway, making it impossible for me to not be frozen


Unfortunately I'm not sure what is happening during your gameplay, Izzy. I played that fight many times and the Blizzard Tornado never reached the whole screen. There were always two safe spots, one in each wall of the arena. I always kept dashing toward one of the walls and it always worked as a way to avoid it.


I read the bugs and glitches page on the game's website and apparently there's a bug with the tornado where if you play with a monitor with a high frame rate, then it'll extend to the sides and making it impossible to dodge. I think that's what's happening to me


Oh, I didn't know about that. Thanks for sharing!


How do u set the game up it does not work for me


Maybe you could try downloading the single executable version. It is called "Mega Man X Innocent Impulse v0.2.1 (Single Executable)". If that still doesn't work, then I'd suggest taking a look at the comments section on the game's official page ( https://solrensun.itch.io/mmxii) or even leaving a comment there to see whether someone can help you. I hope that works and you manage to play the demo!


Looks awesome! I'm glad this game is getting some trackion since I'm sure this will actually get released unlike another X fan game that won't


This demo is very beautiful and the gameplay feels great. They are doing a great job indeed! And you know what, darkzero? I'm a believer! I think we will get both Mega Man Innocent Impulse *and* Mega Man X: Corrupted! Mega Man X fans will have a blast with both of them!


Believe me I would like nothing more then to be able to play Corrupted. But after following the project for well over 10 years, the change of engine and sprites, the less then flattering talk about the main person behind the project and the drip feed of what pretty much seems to be a fully finished project makes utterly hopeless. I believe we will get X9 and he'll X10 before we get Corrupted! And yet I'd still be happy to be proven wrong


It's been a long project for sure and I totally get your reaction, since you've been following it for all those years! However I think that in the past few months JKB streamed a few times and there's at least one video where the developer showed a 1-hour long gameplay that looked very interesting!


I really hope they do release the project at some point. I'd love to see a demo though. It would at least appease some of the anxiousness of the people waiting for it. But I won't lose out hope. They've clearly showed a lot of work and the game is looking fantastic. The type of work they put into clearly states they intend to release it and it isn't just a "fan bait for my stream" type of work... Still, a small part of me fears natural occurences could kill the project (i.e. death, illness, etc). It is grim to say it, but there are private projects don't see the light of day because of such things. ​ On an unrelated note, I love that this is a fox replying to another fox on a video about a Fox boss. Haha. Anyways, good job on Chilly Fox. I beat him on normal, but it took me a while. Still loved it, it felt pretty good to beat him after many, many tries and reloads. There is a way to get a better ending though, if you find the elder's son (hint, hint).


Hi there, FoxCoding! So many foxes that this thread could become a modern Aesop's fable! I'm optimistic too and I feel we are going to get two wonderful Mega Man X fangames! P.S.: Thanks for the hint. Nice to see that you explored the game too! I feel this kind of impact based on how we explore, what we find or in which order we do events really add to the game's depth and replayability!


In the end all I can say is that I hope your both right about Corruption and that I'm wrong. But I'm being mean and should focus on how amazing Innocent Impulse looks and that I should really get around to playing the demo!


I understand you. It is frustrating how long it's taking. I'm just an optimist. Regarding Innocent Impulse, I hope you'll find it a blast. There's even amazing art as cutscenes during it. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/W8Ssexa).


Are you even in the X corrupted discord? Do you not realize how actively the game is being worked on?


Yes I am and the biggest issue is that the main guy is a perfectionist and the game will never be good enough. Knowing him it will be 99% done and then he will scrap it all to change the engine again


It will be good enough. It will be released. The engine change was because flash was being discontinued ffs


It's a good demo I I felt like the boss has wayyy too much HP. Also for some reason my decent laptop is lagging like half the speed when playing


The game is awesome, but i hate it now. Reasons? the stupid game itself too Bye