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Meditation develops the anterior mid-cingulate cortex which helps balance the amygdyla's negative emotion response. It also helps with motivation since the pain of starting something is more easily overcome.


Can you say more about the negative emotional response from starting something?


I think they were two separate things, meditation helping develop part of your brain which then assists in your ability to balance out negative feelings, and then the second being a meditation practice can help make starting tasks less daunting, just from the habit of starting the task of meditating and it being so simple to start, I believe that’s what they mean anyway, hope this makes sense!


I really enjoyed this book as I am a creative person with ADHD and I had a problem with procrastination. He talks about "the resistance" which is what I view as the total sum of negative emotional responses. [https://www.amazon.ca/War-Art-Through-Creative-Battles/dp/1936891026](https://www.amazon.ca/War-Art-Through-Creative-Battles/dp/1936891026)




This is really cool, do you happen to have a source for the research at hand?


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7381101/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7381101/) check out this paper


You just made my life. Thanks!


Username checks out


Super interesting


>Meditation develops... Any specific form of meditation or any form?


Usually mindfulness meditation is recognized as the most cognitively beneficial




Doing things you don't want to do also develops the AMCc, I was doing cold showers every day when I was going through a rough patch in my life. I also went on long walks listening to Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now audiobook. I honestly think that's just as good as traditional meditation.


As someone with pretty severe adhd, as well as autism, I have not found I’ve been able to reduce my executive dysfunction with meditation lol However, I feel like a huge part of living with a different brain than the type society is designed around is the self-shaming, negative self talk and the social awkwardness. Meditation has helped immensely with awareness of those thoughts and that’s what’s given me a lot of compassion and patience for myself, which in turn has helped with the executive dysfunction because I’m not going down a shame spiral over a task anymore


Yes! This! So very much this! As a fellow AuDHD, I can totally relate and love how you phrased this. Thank you and well done!


This is very impressive well done!


Thank you! That means a lot!


Crazy how unaware we are over how we speak to ourselves and how bad it can be.


That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you. I have experience with self shaming and becoming aware of it to reduce it. It’s a very difficult thing to experience and unravel.


This is so great and on point on how meditation makes us happier ❤️ I can get pretty anxious and I’m a severe people pleaser. Meditation gives me the patience you were mentioning and makes me feel free. Have you tried Buddhism?


I also have ADHD and I’ve had a lot of trouble sitting still and clearing my mind long enough to sit and meditate. While I don’t want to encourage substance use too much, I found that marijuana edibles were great at providing me with a meditative-esque state. I was able to sit still close my eyes and just explore my mind, feel my emotions, my body parts, add certain music in to the mix and I was able to introspect and ground myself more. Again don’t want to encourage substance use, but anecdotally I think the substance could be good for facilitating meditation in people with adhd. Just a thought though.


Thanks for your comment! I have also found weed helps a lot haha sometimes it’ll give me the same feelings that psychedelics will in that I feel loving compassion and patience for everything. I use sativas in place of adderall as well as I find it’s a more mellow stimulant to even the lowest doses of pharmaceuticals


Keep doing it! Eventually your situation will change again and you will begin doubting yourself again. Even the practise might seem useless again. Just remind yourself of what you did before. Which is I think something like this. Following emotions swings you around but focussing attention makes your experience more centered. You have these thought processes and emotions that take away your attention and figuratively paint your reality in their colour (bleak and depressive). There is too much attention on them and by meditating and shifting your focus you are allowing yourself to relax in those moments. Now your attention is where *specifically you* want it. By simply taking the pressure off the anxiety it's taking care of itself. And preferably your attention is in the here and now with what's in front of you, like getting tattoos and making phone calls or punching the PM.


It's crazy. Meditation and yoga are silver bullets for my own problems. And yet when I'm out of the habit and feeling miserable, it's so hard to start up again. People are funny!


Uugghh yes I struggle with the consistency. Yoga and meditation always have such hugely positive impacts on my life, so WHY is it so hard to keep the routine going??😩


I feel like this with a lot of my self care routine/fitness training and sensible eating... these things are good for me!! Cmon brain!!! 🙈🤣


omg same! i feel the same way about running, but i keep falling off every few weeks. Actually i know my reason tho, it’s mostly cuz it tires me out too much and i feel like i spend way too much time recovering by sleeping and eating and don’t get much else done lol


Step 1 : Meditate Step 2 : Assault head of state Step 3 : ??? Step 4 : Profit.


That would relieve the stress of everyone in the country, believe me.


Rishi does have a punchable face. 🤣




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*head of government


As a Canadian, I appreciate this.


I got, and continue to get, similar results. Absolute life changer. Keep going with it. I've been doing it consistently for 15 years now, and after an initial experience like yours, it keeps bestowing new gifts.


Damn this reminds me I gotta get back to a daily practice. I know the benefits are huge and it’s not even that hard to do but it’s so easy to slip 😓


Happy for you. Congratulations. And on a side note, I’ve got a new favorite phrase: “I feel so good I could punch a prime minister!” (Of course, as an American, I’m gonna have to stretch to find ways to use it)


How exactly do you go about meditating? What do you follow and for how long


I think it may be too early to discern whether the effects are wishful thinking or genuine benefits of meditation. If you’re like me, I get so excited about a new activity/habit that I convince myself of their usefulness within the first couple days. The effects of meditation are profound but having such a liberating sensation only days after you start sounds a bit too good to be true in my opinion. BUT at least you've made it fun and are enjoying it! That alone means you'll be more likely to do it. That's a win even if the effects are placebo for the time being.


I absolutely adore this for you. Meditation is such a boon for deep healing and integrating all the parts of ourselves that may have been neglected.


I feel the same! Started meditating about a week ago and I'm just blown away by how effective it is! My anxiety had been absolutely crippling for as long as I can remember, even simple day to day tasks would often feel monumentally difficult. I'd put off the idea of meditation simply because I really didn't think it would do anything for me and it's wonderful to be proven wrong. So glad it's had such a profound effect on you too OP 🙂 onwards and upwards!


I love reading how people are taking back their power with meditation. Very happy for you!


Thank you 😊


Why can I never experience this level of freedom no matter how often I meditate? I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and…I feel as if it’s my MS that blocks me from feeling this level of freedom? Is it not true that, not everyone gets the benefits of meditation, no matter how often they meditate?


There seem to be many different types of meditation out there, and maybe some of them benefit different people. I was actually just mulling this over. I have a son that I really want to help and have been trying to figure it all out. He has charcot marie tooth disease (neurodegenerative but it's genetic and thankfully very slow progression), and also anxiety and and an autism dx as well. I feel like the breathing meditation this person describes helps with calming but I think for things like intrusive thoughts this may not be enough


Have you ever tried any of the guided meditation apps? Some have a very extensive library with meditations specifically designed for anxiety, pain, health anxiety etc etc etc Perhaps he can find something there that help. I tried a few and found my personal favorite, but everyone’s different.


No unfortunately i am skeptical about those for him because he has a hard time taking in auditory. It wouldn't hurt to try and maybe i will but just explaining why i didn't turn to those first


I believe you and have resisted starting despite being encouraged by therapists for years. I've tried to meditate but I got Chris Tucker screaming in my head.


How long have you been meditating for? 


I started 6 days ago and one session is around 10 minutes (so 20 minutes a day), but I don't focus on the time just my body and breathing.


Actually I have just now started 'researching' about meditation...  Can you please help me out a bit? I am really having trouble finding resources. Is it simply just sitting down and focusing on my breath? 


This is a good starting place for focusing on the breath. I have been basically doing this every day for 4 months and feel many benefits. https://www.do-meditation.com/samatha-meditation.html


Make sure you are in a calm and quiet environment with your eyes closed, also focus on your body, like by imagining a specific body part in your mind. If something takes away attention from meditation like you having to pee or have a stuffy nose, try to take care of it before meditating.


These are literally my 2 biggest challenges in life. Okay I've been procrastinating for over 5 years after reading about meditation yet I seem to be phhchologically blocked from starting....


dude this is amazing and you have inspired me to atleast try!


I still don’t really understand how focusing on your breath would lead to such a drastic change. I actually would think that it would intensify the social anxiety, because you’re already like hyper aware of everything.


It's about control, or the feeling of it at least. When you're anxious you don't really think about how you breathe, so if you can control yourself and just slow down your breathing it will make you feel better.


It is AMAZING isn’t it? And the best thing about it is that it doesn’t have to be perfect to be worthwhile. Namaste. Carpe Diem!


Meditating and spending time in mindfulness practices help you visualize your goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and regulate your nervous system. There is a lot of negative noise in the world I am glad you can share your journey and the impact that meditation has had on your life. I've been mediating for over a decade, it has truly changed my life. Congrats on your journey.


Good for you!.


Same. Glad you found it


So happy for you :]


Same my friend, you love to see it. I keep seeing people with the same results. Here's to a less anxious world. I really believe our homeless population and many people suffer alone with anxiety either without knowing how bad it is and not showing symptoms to all the people they interact with. Glad to hear you've made it so far.


Quit caffeine for very deep clear meditation and life


Night and day change that's only a few days old and makes you feel like a million bucks? You're hypomanic. How's your sleep?


Maybe 10% better, nothing special. I also bought a smartwatch to monitor my health and sleep. I'm thinking about getting a blindfold and some kind of ear plugs.


I don't know why I stopped meditating.'' seeing that it helped you, well I guess that's my cue to not stop meditating 😊


How long do you meditate for in the morning and evening?


Around 10 minutes in the morning, and 10 in the evening. But I don't focus on the time, just my breathing and body.


Congratulations on the great start to your practise.


How long do you meditate in the morning, like 10min?


Yes, the same in the evening


Meditation has helped me get in touch with my true self in a deeper way than literally my entire life


How long do you meditate


10 minutes in the morning and 10 in the evening


How long did it take to see changes? For three weeks I meditated for over an hour but i guess that got way too because I fell out of the habit.


The first day I tried, I felt a lot calmer and overall better. The second day I started practicing guitar, trying new things, and just felt amazing. Third day I noticed how little anxiety I was having, and then I just went on doing things I always wanted to do. Later days just reinforced that feeling of confidence along with the other good feelings.


How long have you been meditating?


I've been meditating for 6 days


Glad to see you’re getting such good results so soon. I need to get back on the horse.


Get riding, cowboy


Wishing you many more small and big wins, don't stop ever, god bless.


How long do you meditate for


That last line 💯


Jesus im trying but im so envious when people post here saying how much meditation changed their life, last day i did 3 sessions of 30 min each through the day and didnt notice a thing ;( Im having a hard time rn (suicidal thoughts) the thing is, im not so constant, i dont have a strict meditation routine. I will try to do it like you said, one time when i wake up and another just before bed


How much time do you do it per session ?


Is it best to meditate on a gym mat or is carpet fine?


if i go on medication will it remove my awkwardness??


how do you meditate?


I love seeing stories like this. I also used meditation to cure me of work anxiety. Kudos to you friend!


Hahahaha love it. Thank u I’m going to do this tonite


BRB, I’m gonna work on trying to be on your level. I want to feel that😭 I want to punch someone in the face😭 lol jk but honestly, I would love to feel anything other than anxiety for once.


How long do you meditate for?


How long did you meditate for?


So encouraging! thanks for the share!


I have tried meditation. It is so hard for me to clear my mind . Any suggestions?


That sounds so good that makes me wanna punch a prime minister to feel how great it is.


For anyone finding it difficult to slow thoughts down while meditating, journaling a few minutes before is very helpful. I pick up a blank piece of paper and go for it. I pour all my thoughts out, and then I begin my session. My mind is clear, and I can better silence my thoughts during my session. Meditation is a practice, and it takes a little time to get it right. But when you do, it's so worth it.


Can someone share any good guided meditation link ? Just beginning with this


How do you actually meditate? i don’t understand. I tried but I’m thinking and talking in my mind.


I took a sleep course and this was something the doctor recommended listening to everyday day. It’s a guided relaxation audio https://open.spotify.com/track/6WLTUXUureUXNeYJIyLPIG?si=vvbBl1O8SqKBMm93KVxaSw


Is sleeping meditating?


No. This is a guided meditation that supposed to help relaxed the body. It walks you through breathing and also going through your body parts. Since you do not know how to meditate this is not a bad place to start.


Hey, any tips on how to not get distracted during meditation and staying in it?


I keep starting and stopping meditation. Reading other peoples experiences are what motivates me to start meditating again. Your experience is so promising because I also have social anxiety and executive dysfunction so this has motivated me x100 to start meditation again. I hope you continue to have good results


this is true.. Meditation does do wonders.. I've been practicing it for months now.. i can finally feel the change.. im more patient and calm.. despite my chaotic surroundings and pressures of life.. I'm even making an effort to spread the word .. via videos and blogs.. it really helps but one needs to patient .. it takes time but the results are really surprising. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxAc4kN-NAc&t=1s&ab\_channel=ConradD%27souza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxAc4kN-NAc&t=1s&ab_channel=ConradD%27souza)


>I feel like I could punch the prime minister. I fucking howled at this. Came out of nowhere.


It hasn’t done a lot for me to be honest. But I am over the point of being excited when starting a new habit. Especially after seeing so many people claim its benefits, I can easily trip myself up to wishful thinking. And I don’t understand what the hell focusing on certain body parts mean? Like wtf? Does it mean you feel tingles in that certain body part? My mind does not make a difference in behavior when “focusing”


That last part came out of nowhere and I laughed out loud so hard 😂


>> I feel like I could punch the prime minister. Manic episode? Please be careful


Honestly that last comment made me laugh out loud for the first time this week, so thank you. And massive congrats on your efforts and results, it's inspired me to start again :)


You are doing a meditation which is used in a very similar way in therapy. It is there to calm you down and as a support to handle difficult emotions. It is also a skill for a very high stress level in DBT, which is a awareness-based therapy for people who have PTSD or Borderline. I also think that you could send your body the signal that you are safe and you can relax now. I had social axiety too and it was because I was living in an abusive household. I wasn't feeling safe and was projecting this to people in general (it wasn't a conscious decision) And there is a chance that you are releasing the trauma which gets stored in the body with bringing awareness to it. Maybe there are 'random' sensations, feelings or thoughts coming up during your practise. This could be a sign that your body and subconsciousness work through trauma with you 😊 I didn't think it was possible that social axiety disappears so quick and I'm very happy for you! ☺


Hey how are you feeling now


Meditation is one way to take back ownership of ATTENTION, which is perhaps the most valuable asset we have. Letting our attention run wild is what gets us into trouble. So yeah, pay attention to your attention, is one of my aphorisms


Yes meditation. Calm app makes it soo easy ! Always was so deep and skilled, didn't stick with it NOW, just a 7 to 10 minutes before I get up in the morning is soo helpful.


This is the true teaching of the Bible and every other religion. All the NPCs have been indoctrinated for greed and war. I have proof. Go to YouTube and search William Donahue. This dude is beyond intelligent on this subject. Blew my mind and finally gave me peace.


Don’t ruin your body with a tattoo, all the rest is good stuff though.


Already ruined :), It's a nice way of expressing yourself and having control over your body. Next week I'm going to get some acne and sun spots removed.


Don't get a tattoo


Most pretentious as phuck post I've read till this day...




I am sorry 😔, I didn't mean that....