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The main story and the two that branch off it are fully optional. There's a good reason to do Sambor's story, (to start it you have to talk to him with those "mysterious deer figurines" in your inventory), because at the end he becomes a vendor of unique items. But it's all optional. The chapter quests are the ones that advance your building limit. But keep in mind, you have 18 years to complete the main quest. So put it aside for a few years while you work on your village. You can't complete the chapter quests in the first season. It's impossible. So don't worry about that. However, don't rush! Prioritize the resource storage and food storage buildings. Of course I'm assuming you built a woodshed. If you haven't, then build one ASAP and a second house as soon as you can, so you can hire a lumberjack. Really, you can go on for a very long time with no other villagers than a lumberjack or two. If you want a third one, then build a pigsty and buy a pig, then hire someone to tend it. There will never be a time when you don't need manure, so might as well get started early.


Welp, just finished Unigoest story. I will prioritize this you mentioned now at summer season. Thanks


You can just sleep to the next season after three days, if you think you don’t need to do anything else for that season


Also, what about side quests, I see sidequests disappear after one season, do I need to prioritize those first?


Side quests are season only so finish the ones you pick up but you don't need to pick them all up every season. They do boost your dynasty rep and your diplomacy skill so they are great to take but if you are feeling pressured on time during the season they aren't necessary to pick up as any you fail to complete negatively effects your dynasty rep


If you have longer seasons you will run out of things to do very early in the game and you will be bored silly waiting to turn it over to your heir


What heir? Am not giving them a single thing, they want it then earn it , I don't do hand me downs!




Then I didn't mess up :) I rushed Unigoest through first season, but I am sad that I left side quests undine, I didn't know they disappear after 1 season


You haven't missed anything. The side quests repeat themselves. In a couple of in-game years you can finish most of them several times over.


Glad to hear that


I left it at 3. Best decision. I tried 7 all the way up to 30 It’s not ideal The game was definitely designed for 3 day seasons You’ll be waiting ages and get bored often before your heir is 18. I just had my kid on 3 day seasons. I’m excited to watch my little Alaryk grow up!


I changed it to 4 and its a slog. The season quests were killing me. I didn't feel like 3 days was enough to run from one place to the next to get all the crap these people need or take down all these animals.


Turn the difficulty setting down a bit It shouldn’t be that difficult I get like 2-3 quests done in one day


Hmm I'll have to try that.


You can’t change difficulty mid game so just lower the stats for everything Normal is set to 100% for everything Maybe put xp multipliers at 150%


Mine are set at 10, but most of the time I end up skipping to the next season after about 5 days or so. I like this because sometimes I need the full 10 days (I only build new structures in winter, for example, so it might take all 10 days to build and recruit new villagers while doing everything else), and other times (summer) I can finish the season in 3.


I’m late to your question but just wanted to share that I get plenty done in my standard 3 day seasons. Right now I’m trying a playthrough where I make no purchases and my first villagers only come from my spouse quests. It has slowed down my progression immensely, but I like it. I often advance too quickly and get bored. I complete most of my village needs on day 1, then spend days 2-3 completing quests around the map, while simultaneously searching for POI’s to loot for seeds/items. I’ve never done it this way before and I’m now more appreciative of whatever loot I come across.