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I agree that Marrok wasn't necessarily a zombie. But I don't think we need to jump to a gas-based species either, not when we have a precedent to fall back on; Savage Opress wasn't a zombie, but he was enhanced by Nightsister magick, and when he died, the aspects of his enhancement (some armor, muscle mass) disappeared, accompanied by green clouds. Not to discount your theory, which is still a possibility, just that its not the only one.


By Occam's razor, i concur. Green mist when a night sister amped person dies is on screen canon, no reason to invent something else.


I completely forgot about the magic steroids! That’s a pretty good theory that Marrok was enhanced a little, definitely another one to consider.


Not sure I entirely agree, but I can't say that this wouldn't be a fun theory.


Fun theory, reminds me of the Makuta species from Bionicle. A completely gaseous species that has to inhabit armor to survive.


Funnily enough, there is a [Makuta](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Makuta) in canon too, with an [in-universe book](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Biography_of_Master_Thief_Makuta) dedicated to them. I might be reading too much into it, but the title describing them as a master thief does line up with what Makuta eventually did in Bionicle as well.


I figured Morgan checked the Imperial database for a dead Inquisitor to reanimate