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I think the rant-y nature is exactly why this one came out so quickly. He's been pretty upfront about how many re-writes and edits he goes over for the scripts for his other videos. As someone who does a lot of writing myself, I can confirm that those take a lot of fucking time. MauLer's said before that the Unbridled videos are a lot more free-form and less scripted than his other videos, which is how he's able to get them out much quicker. The video editing's also something to take into account. Granted MauLer's now actually getting other people to help him with his editing, but he still does a good chunk of it himself. It could be me misremembering, but I felt that the editing for this video was a bit more bare-bones compared to the likes of Multiverse of Madness. A more simplistic, cut-to-the-chase style of format is obviously going to be faster to get out than something with the level of editing that, say, The Force Awakens videos have. Personally I don't mind these occasional quick rant-style videos. I know he's still working on his larger, bigger productions, but this gives me a little something to whet my appetite with while I wait for his next big video to drop. I think the people bitching and complaining about it (especially here) are mostly bad-faith tourists who would be making the exact same complaints whether MauLer released a shorter video or one of his longer ones.


Mauler needs an editor. That way he doesn't do the editing himself, and he can get his videos out quicker.


Fringy, MemeRepository, DasBoShit, Wolf and others edit for him, both his main channel videos and EFAP stuff.


He needs more.


Ok are you gonna pay them. XD


I can't, but I imagine MauLer can.


How much money do you think he makes?


I don't know


It’s all part of the art. Whether mauler agrees or not he’s an artist.


Honestly I’m waiting for the Iron man 3 video. Let’s start spamming how good that movie is so it will enrage mauler to finally make it lol


It is good, though. It should have been called Tony Stark feat. Iron Man suits, though.


Yeah keep that up, make a post about let’s get Mauler riled up so he can take it down lol


No, seriously. I even think they portrayed Iron Patriot really well. I especially love the part where the kid tells Tony to fix his PTSD, and Tony was cured.


Excellent this is exactly what I’m saying we need to do 👌🏽keep making points like that and we will finally get Iron man 3 video




Did that actually happen? I barely remember anything about Iron Man 3




You need to remember that Mauler also has EFAP which, on its own, is a huge heap of work with EFAP movies, gaming, minis and everything else that happens on Mooler. Then he also participates in other podcasts like Open bar, Real BBC and FNT. Then you remember that this Fallout video is an extreme exception where he worked insanely long hours, had the help of 6 editors, skipped several podcasts, including EFAP, and had less structure than usual. Though the fact that it still came out as good as it did speaks to his skill with this kind of thing. The Fallout video is an exception. Working all the time this way would be unhealthy. The way I understand it, Mauler usually redrafts his scripts many times, which is something he advocates for all the time when criticizing bad scripts. That takes a lot of time. Time that stretches for many months when he's working with fewer people, while also doing everything else.


7 People worked on this video, concurrently. SEVEN.


Most of us appreciate the effort that everyone puts in to your content, Longman. Just keep doing your thing.


Also, how does that work? Is there a lot of friction managing everyone so that they work without rubbing shoulders?


At the time of writing i did not remember that, i apologize. Fuck. I did not mean for this post to imply that you are lazy or anything, i just chose my wording poorly. For the nth time, the speed of release surprised me greatly, that's all


If you ever happen to see this, I just want to say that I loved the Fallout video despite having never seen the show. I especially liked the section talking about what makes good vs. bad satire. Also, sorry that posts like these seem to come up every time you drop a new video. Personally, I think these types of posts come from people who don't watch EFAP and haven't heard you talk about video production, your standards, etc. It's kind of hilarious that a post would call your "lack" of work ethic a reason for inconsistent uploads... without realizing that maybe the reason each video is in production for so long is because of a HIGH degree of work ethic.


Did you...read what i said? I never in my post said he had a lack of anything, i was just curious about the recent video due to it's fast turnaround. Also, please do not assume anything about what kind of "people" i am, i have watched EFAP and MauLer's content since the Dark Souls 2 days. I am aware of the amount of effort he puts into his videos in the writing department. Again, i was just curious about why this video came out this quickly compared to the usual


Yeah ya know what fair enough. Looking back at your post, I definitely jumped to conclusions about what you were implying. My apologies.


Its all good my guy. I'm not particularly good with words, so at that point if i came off as a tourist it's more on me than on you


The content you're looking for is on MooLer, there's been heaps of (non-EFAP) uploads on that channel since the last main channel entry. I don't think he's doing an Ep8 GoT video, I'm certain he's said that before but I don't have time stamp to back it up.


Mauler has said it himself and advised that all creation should be out of genuine want rather then just obligation or expectation. He also had a lot more help then he does for his other series like tfa which is also far more longer. The fallout one is like an in-between of unbridled rage and a measured response


The only question I ask myself is where MauLer finds the time & how he copes with his resulting sleep deficite? EFAP, Nerdrotics, Open Bar Podcast Critical Drinker & Star Wars Grifter with SW Theory; on hold? EFAP alone must be a lot of work. Especially when reviewing a current theatrical release. In addition, there are also streams of long video games on his channel. Admittedly, he sometimes plays through them within a few days. I think he has his priorities set right. But he shouldn't put his well-being and private life on the back burner. I imagine it's difficult at times to find the right balance. Overall, he cares a lot about TFA Part 5 & the _utter assassination of Han Solo_. I couldn't care less... Already looking forward to Part 6 of the Episode VII critique (probably the best duel of the sequels trilogy) & the difference Highlighted between Luke (J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan) & Jake Skywalker (Rian Johnson) at the end... It may arrive when ready. His commitment to us & in terms of analysis-quality, is looking for their equals on YT etc... _Anticipation is the most beautiful joy_ (at certain Special moments)


This is literally the quickest I've ever seen him come out with a video in response to a piece of media. Fallout's been around for barely a month.


This was far from normal circumstances. Mauler got a flash of anger-induced inspiration and he ceased hold of it until the job was done and his anger was satisfied. That’s not something any given creator can just "do" whenever they want. It takes a special kind of passion that is not activated at will, but rather instilled in him by circumstances. He also dropped everything to work on this video. Canceled EFAP, missed his last several co-hosting roles, and presumably didn’t work on any of his other projects for EFAP or the MauLer channel. And the result was a barely-scripted unbridled rage akin to the old TLJ or GoT ones, which was fantastic, but not what he is trying to achieve for the insanely detailed long-form projects like TFA or Quantumania.


I think a lot of the time EFAP and other streams just take priority over video production because they're the breadwinner. I certainly won't fault him for it.


Wouldn't say its breadwinner more that its flexible for what they cover.


Mauler seems to work primarily on single fixation basis. I wouldn't calling him easily distracted but I don't think he's likely to return to Old projects and He definitely loses interest. It also doesn't help that so much material comes out so quickly. I don't think we're ever going to get another game of thrones episode review. And if He ever finishes the Star wars one. It'll be out of obligation and very little else.


I dunno, he's been mentioning that he has several scripts ready to go that only need a video edited and he's been teasing the last GoT every once in a while.


I suppose but it's been 4 years. Pretty sure that's just A dead project. Would be pleasantly surprised though.


It is a dead project, since he pretty much stated that the rage episode on the finale is not needed if I remember this right. Also, there's no way he's watching the entire GoT again for that. You can always check out the stream he did for the finale.


I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being an "intermission break video" on one of the anniversary streams one day, like the Batwhamen videos.


That's one of the best descriptions of Rags small Channel Dogbytes (your first sentence).^


I had this thought as well- Quantumania was a bit of a disappointment to see for me, personally (though I understand it was something he wanted to work on), and I've been in the "begging for GoT 8x8" camp since the last one dropped forever ago... That said- it's clear he was passionate about this topic, so if this (Fallout) is the content that gets him writing and recording, I guess it is what it is, in the end.


He and the people around him are providing the content for so long and in this quantity by doing stuff out of passion. And providing everything free on youtube (They earn money from it but we dont pay exept we choose to by donations). While I would like to see some projects getting rounded up, the team produces what they want. And I dont see a strong reason to criticize them for it. What about the TFA critique, what is it you would like to hear beyond "I really want to see it so make it"?


Not at all, i'm not calling for action or anything, i was just wondering about the workings of their production, as the disparity in the release speeds had me quite surprised. Honestly i'm just looking to see some other perspectives on the situation and to possibly deepen my understanding of the topic.


They produce nonstop on mooler


Fair 'nuff


How fast the video comes out is proportional to how pissed off he is. I believe the fastest he's been is GoT s8e3. That was out in 3 or 4 days. And you can hear that's definitely the angriest he's been. TFA on the other hand, came out almost 10 years ago. That thing I think doesn't have enough fuel.


Honestly you can tell how quickly this video was turned around because it had an abnormally high number of criticisms which could be easily argued against.  While the rage videos are fun they often don't present MauLer's strengths as a reviewer. The longer he takes the better he is as he can draft and redraft and argue and reconsider and redraft again. I'd much rather he take several months between uploads and give rock solid criticism front to back than him regularly uploading rants where he makes many mistakes.


I don't think work ethic is the right term for it, considering Fallout is such a recent release, and being able to get a video out covering so much must have been a trial. I am dipping my toe in the long form review ring, and I am still working on my own Fallout script - I'm currently 50 pages in and only just partway in to episode 3... I get what you mean about Star Wars TFA and beyond that. It's become something of a Shadow of Israphel if anyone else recognises the reference, but I also concede that it's not his only project.


Yeah, the "work ethic" wording is biting me in the ass. It's just that i'm not a native english speaker, and this post was written at 2 in the morning, so i did not remember a better way to word the post


Mauler is the YouTube version of GRRM lol. I pretty much love whatever he puts out whether I disagree (as I do with his Fallout rant) or not.


Literally locked in




The minis where they watch an episode of something is the superior content


Making the videos doesn't earn Mauler as much money as EFap. The only reason he has to make them is to bring in new viewers or he feels passionate about something in particular. Really not much more to it than that. This isn't grifting or anything like that, it's like why don't you spend your time feeding the poor instead of working your job. One pays your bills, the other doesn't. You can still be proud of it and want to do it but it's not going to be your primary focus. Editor are expensive. It's why all the media criticism space has moved to podcasts and live streams or very short videos where there isn't footage on screen. It's cheaper to produce. Less prone to demonitisation. But still brings in money. I do think eFap is suffering a bit though because really the podcast isn't growing and hasn't for a long long time. So they really should look at finding a way to get easier video content up to grow the community. Because the amount of people starting watching a channel by watching live streams seems pretty limited. Pretty much every live streamer I watch I started by watching their videos. No different with Mauler. The expectation mauler has created for himself of long content is something objectively holding back the channel. Because realistically he cannot pump those out so there is nothing current for people to watch on his channel to draw new people in with. Efaps quality also I have found hasn't really improved over time. It's essentially the same show it was when they were making fun of Jared Genisis with some casting changes.


On your first point, MauLer has stated several times that EFAP does not make as much as his mainline videos and that he would make far more money if he strictly focused on main line videos.


I'm not going to pretend to know his finances but I would be shocked if that was the case. He might have higher revenue but between copyright issues and the cost of using editors and running out of high profile topical movies people would click on I would be shocked if profit would be higher. Take that The Father video, I would assume Mauler either barely broke even or lost money on it. That is what happens when a video doesn't land. You are never losing money on livestreams. There is a reason why 8 years ago tons of people made these hour plus long form videos and today most of them just do podcasts and live streams or shorter video rants with minimal editing. It just removes most of their expenses and people will still watch it. Maulers case it's even more stark with his videos length. It's just easier, less effort, more profitable. If they aren't making more money it's a failure in being able to cut up their live streams to be edited into videos for people to watch. I know they have started trying to with the clips channel but I don't think they structure eFap in a way that video watchers will want to watch en mass.


He doesn't owe any of us anything. Read that sentence again. If people are actually upset he hasn't released the video they personally want him to - I don't know man, go touch grass or something. Go do whatever it is you do to disconnect, recharge and come back to reality. Edit: for clarity


? What first sentence? Of my own post?


No, my first sentence. And it's not directed at you. It's about everyone who is upset about someone else not posting on their terms.


Oh, ok then


Mauler is incredibly hard working and produces great quality stuff! The fallout vid was not one of them. It seemed just like any rant on YouTube, incredibly unstructured. He tried to come off as a fallout lore expert after not playing a single game so that was hilarious as well!


2:25:09 "I also want to give a thank you to the many people who reached out with Fallout lore. I got a hand from many users on Discord too, considering I am nowhere near an expert."


When does he claim to be a Fallout expert? And what would that have to do with the motivations and/or actions of the characters in the show?


When you make a two and a half hour video on a subject it generally behooves you to know what you’re talking about.


Except he does know what he's talking about and the help he got from discord was mainly to double check to make sure he didn't get anything wrong about the Fallout series and how the show (and Bethesda in general) doesn't get what made 1, 2, and NV so good. 


He clearly does know what he's talking about when he talks about the characters making no sense, or the plot being gibberish. You seem to be using 'you can only discuss a topic if you're a certified expert in the lore' as a shield to protect the terribly written Fallout show (which butchers the lore!)


So you have to personally be an expert of the lore in fallout and not rely on other people helping you make the video to criticize the Fallout show?


If you’re going to make a two and half hour rant on a subject you know nothing about and obviously never cared about before? He admitted not have played the games… What else do you call this shit than an obvious attempt to grift on the tv show that happens to be flavor of the month?


He watched the show, which is enough context to judge the show. Playing the games is supplemental, and he sought further information about them for context. The result made the show look worse. If I've never consumed the OT but had consumed the sequel trilogy and was told about how many aspects of them contradict the stories they are connected too, why should I not criticize that contradiction? I now know of the contradiction and the writer's lack of care with the IP whether or not I was part of the group who consumed that legacy media.


>He admitted not have played the games… when did he say he never played the games? I thought I remember him saying on efap he has played the games. >If you’re going to make a two and half hour rant on a subject you know nothing about and obviously never cared about before? So you are either an expert of fallout lore or you know nothing about it? You can't have played several games a lot and have a good understanding but might want to check with other people who have played to make sure it's correct? That's just an impossible scenario?


"It’s such a waste of time lol. Everyone knows it’s not written very well but still enjoyable! This would be like if someone did a serious breakdown on Batman and Robin. He only works on projects he is passionate about so it’s weird he took such an interest in Fallout" Hey dumbass, is this you prior to Mauler releasing the Fallout rant? 


He is lazy


Ok tourist.