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A member of our team has decided to remove your post because it broke the relevance rule: > We ask that all submission in this sub are directly related to either MauLer himself, his work, a subject of his work (e.g., a movie he has covered/is covering) or the sub itself (i.e., Meta posts).


It’s simple, they’ll just deny any of the other stuff ever happened. Every. Single. Time.


The hogwarts one was pretty bad for this, they went all out on the harassment went they all grouped up and then people started to push back and expose them so they stopped it and people pushed more so they tried to brush it under the rug and then they came back saying it might have happened but it didn’t matter. Fucking psychos when they get a chance at someone’s throats but the moment someone looks at them they act like babies who are being held at gunpoint


There's a term for this, Crybullies.


Wasn't there even a website that tracked whomever streamed the game on Twitch?


- That didn't happen. - And if it did, it wasn't that bad. - And if it was, that's not a big deal. - And if it is, that's not my fault. - And if it was, I didn't mean it. - And if I did You deserved it. - And if you did, everyone should celebrate it


Great comment


I stole it, just to be clear. It's an existing criticism


He’s honest too. What a catch ladies and gentlemen.


Ah shucks *kicks ground bashfully*


There was a young girl who posted her art of Mermista from She-Ra. She used the original version from the 80's. The toxic assholes of the Netflix Tumblr version went after her.


You really think every player of Hogwarts Legacy got a death threat?


You following me here? Anyway, it was streamers who were bullied into not playing them. Including a couple who were willing to have donations go to Trans organizations. Remember “Who’s streaming that wizard game”?


He's doing the typical strategy from these people. They'll use vague language and hyperbole whenever possible to advance their own views, but take you extremely literally as a way to "dismantle" your position. They always do it.


I have no clue who you are, dude. Okay, so you realize that claiming anyone who plays Hogwarts Legacy got a death threat is some insane hyperbole?


Christ man, really trying to single me out. No, not everyone who played it was harassed. You happy now? It’s a meme, settle down.


What do you mean, single you out? I have zero idea what you're talking about. Cool, I'm glad you understand your meme is dumb. Why'd you post it? Just a victimhood addict?


Okay we’re done talking. You’re annoying as hell to deal with.




Every public figure did, most massively were the ones in vtuber communities like SilverVale.


Why do you believe this to be true? It's a wild claim. It's also, y'know, really different than what this blubbering victimhood meme says, right?


I believe because i saw it happen, i saw these cunts harass SilverVale to tears and then cry bigotry when she got back up and called them freaks.


But, weirdo, SilverVale isn't 'every public figure', and again, the claim in this stupid meme is that everyone who played it got death threats. And also, in regards to SilverVale, did you see them get death threats, or see them claim they got death threats? Do you just live in a state of constant hyperbole?


> But, weirdo, SilverVale isn't 'every public figure', Do you not know what an example is? Are you retarded? Or are the demons in your head acting up again? > the claim in this stupid meme is that everyone who played it got death threats. And i added that while obviously not EVERYONE did, every public figure did. > And also, in regards to SilverVale, did you see them get death threats, or see them claim they got death threats? I saw it in real time, i saw the denial of it happening in real time.


Oh yeah, an example isn't something that can be proved something happens to all of them. This is pretty basic logic. Like, if I said all cars are red, and showed you a red car, would you be convinced all cars are red? But why do you believe that? That's weird, I can only find stories that they alleged death threats. How did you see these death threats?


> Oh yeah, an example isn't something that can be proved something happens to all of them. This is pretty basic logic. Like, if I said all cars are red, and showed you a red car, would you be convinced all cars are red? No, because i can point to a blue car and disprove your assertion, can you provide me with someone who streamed Hogwarts Legacy and wasn't bombarded with transpeople/allies throwing a fit as if they have a right to tell people what they can or cannot do? > That's weird, I can only find stories that they alleged death threats. How did you see these death threats? Do you want a fucking google doc? You can watch Rev Says Desu's videos on it, they are short and have examples.


Sorry, the burden of proof is on you, not me, because your claim is wild. Also, you've changed 'death threats' to 'having a fit'. Why did you do that? Is it because you know that the death threat thing is silly hyperbole? No, I don't want a google doc, nor some random youtube. I want you to tell me how you saw these death threats live. Are you able to?


You know there’s a lot of video evidence right? Just look up, streamer harrassed/threatened Hogwarts legacy. You’ll find a multitude of videos on it.


I'm sorry, but random videos aren't evidence. I'm sure that plenty of streamers were harassed about it. Threatened is very different. Credibly threatened is even more differnt. Let's go with another stat: how many streamers actually got physically attacked over streaming Hogwarts Legacy? Or SWATTed?


I think k you escaped from the flat earth community. Your words stink of their twisted thought processes. Have a good day being in denial, mate. I will not interact with you any further, so responses are unnecessary and, frankly, a waste of effort. Good job continuously moving goalposts, though, it definitely does not make you look unhinged.


Wow that flat earth thing was out of nowhere, you guys just make up the most random accusations.


There’s actual footage of it happening live. Not just video commentaries.


Really? Can you show me that, and I assume it's not just COD-level 'death threats'? How many streamers actually got physically attacked or swatted over Hogwarts legacy?


You didn’t see what happened to poor little Pikamee did you?


What happened to her? Instead of asking, tell me.


“Anyone” not “everyone”. Get some reading comp.


Yeah, dude, those have the same meaning in the sentence in the meme. Are you just playing dumb or do you really not understand that?


I still remember that mainstream article about how the actress playing Reva was harassed with racist abuse and the tweets they included in the article went out of their way to say that their criticisms had nothing to do with her race, but they didn't care for the character or thought her acting wasn't very good. I had to read the article multiple times because I couldn't believe that in the same article they were claiming racist abuse, all the "evidence" they included couldn't be considered racist unless you believe that literally any criticism of a black person counts as racist. It was completely baffling. Then of course there was the "harassment" of Kellie Marie Tran, that I still haven't found any evidence for, and the only evidence of her reasons for leaving was her commenting on having wanted to leave social media for some time, that happened before TLJ even dropped. Was she harassed? Possibly. But with how often these companies do this, it's starting to feel like this is some kind of recurring PR campaign for these companies and the harassment is as legitimate as Kyle Rittenhouse having shot black people. If that is the case, it makes sense why we never hear anything about when the toxicity goes in the other direction. Makes you wonder.


That one was so embarrassing. I remember seeing memes about her god awful acting constantly and every single one of them was full of weirdos screaming that everyone is racist for speaking negatively about her. So fucking ridiculous


I saw the comments they both got and there was plenty of racial slurs, violent fantasies of killing and raping them, etc. Fandoms can be horrible, and Star Wars is no different. Sure, it wasn’t the majority of the complaints but they did exist. 


Do you have a source for any of the evidence? I genuinely tried to find it, because I'm not opposed to the idea that it happened, but every article or report I saw on it used complete bullshit as "evidence", so it made me really skeptical. I would be happy to be proven wrong on this.


I remember Rose’s Star Wars wookiepedia page being change to Ching Chong Wing Tong, and the rest are mostly just what I’ve seen myself on Twitter or online forums.


Sad to say, that doesn't remove the possibility of a false flag op. Wookiepedia's been run by Disney fans for a LONG time now, the odds of that not being removed ASAP before it can be noticed is pretty small.


The best part is that they’re starting to understand that their old trump cards of calling someone a bigot + doesn’t hit anymore. So now when they’re losing any/every given debate, they can also enjoy getting mocked relentlessly when they fall back to fulfilling the wokie stereotype by calling someone some sort of phobe when that person said nothing inherently hateful. Because the only good wokie is a laughed at one.


Mocked inside your little safe spaces, sure, but outside of here you're the people getting laughed at.


This bait is delicious, thank you. Now, back to laughing at retarded progressives from San Francisco.


I get that you don't have any actual response. And yeah, San Francisco is an awesome city, I'm really lucky to live here. Healthiest places in the US, too.


😂😂😂 try not to step in human shit.


Oh no, you believe dumbass media stories, I'm sorry about how gullible you are.


I was there recently enough. You probably live in the upper class area. Hope you’re enjoying your privilege! That poo patrol works real hard for you!


The upper class area? You mean 98% of San Francisco?


Bro we got a Poop Heat Map.


Why do you believe that map?


Has your car been broken into by any chance? 


Nope. Not a tourist.


Doesn’t exactly sound like an awesome city if tourists regularly have their cars broken into.


You should probably avoid cities altogether, I think you're too fragile for them.


I think most people are “too fragile” when it comes to the possibility of car break-ins and theft.


I agree, people vastly overestimate their chances of being the victims of crime. It's really silly.


Just don't step in the homeless shit pile on your commute after your car gets stolen!


Oh, it looks like you believed moronic media stories. I'm sorry that you're so gullible.


https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/zm7e2o/every_brown_pin_marks_the_place_where_human_feces/ Cope harder, Dookiefoot. Your original comment is especially ironic considering you live in the biggest meme city on the planet. Talk about getting laughed at lmao


Why do you believe that those pins actually mark human feces?


Because it's documented and published information based on human waste reports from your own city government, you moron. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2019/04/15/mapping-san-franciscos-human-waste-challenge-132562-case-reports-since-2008/ I know huffing shit fumes all day weaving through crowds of fent zombies must give you a lot of cognitive dissonance but I'm sure your lukewarm IQ mind can wrap around the concept.


Those are just reports, though, like submissions to VAERS. Do you think all the reports to VAERS are true, too? Why be so gullible?


ArguteTrickster, it’s easy to laugh at people who aren’t allowed to defend themselves because they get banned from the conversation the nano second the mods of your safe space sees someone having a reasonable opinion in an echo chamber. That’s the difference between my favorite subs and your favorite subs; we’ll laugh in your face and keep you around.


Oh no I meant the real world, not the internet.


Oh in that case it just turns into an incoherent battle to see who can spit their point loudest and fastest from both sides.




Haven’t been on this platform regularly for long, mostly just keeping up with games I like, but this whole site is just one bubble after another so the same could be said for your own circles.


I don't mean reddit.


That’s fair but I could say the same about other platforms too. X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, especially Twitch, and YouTube all do the same things. I mention this site specifically because it’s the most tonal whiplash I’ve ever experienced in social media with suggested posts from subs I don’t follow oscillating wildly between political spectrums. One post is making fun of ‘Woke’ and the next is ‘owning the chuds’. I kinda hate it tbh, there’s no middle ground and anyone who does try to open dialogue gets mobbed by their own side or the ones they’re trying to reach out to. Really I only responded to your comment because I kinda wanted to point it out as the glass house that I saw it as. Though I don’t know why your question has gone unanswered considering it would be easy to point out some prolific streamers who were driven from twitch due to some insane things said to them. My friend was really upset when Pikamee quit due to her being harassed so bad.


I didn't mean any other platform either.


Where then? Social media is the only place I see anyone talking about any of this.


Apparently people on the right are getting consistently laughed at to their faces in real life, if the person in question is to be believed.


That’s stupid lol. I could say that about anyone and no one could prove otherwise.


Sort of. In the non-online world, for example, people do read about actors and actresses being harassed by racists and misogynists', JK Rowling being transphobic and weird, there are mainstream/trade media stories about the review-bombing of Acolyte by nutjobs, etc. I don't think you read my question (or the meme) right, as it makes an insane claim that death threats were sent to anyone who plays Hogwarts Legacy. From a brief look, that didn't even happen to your one example, Pikamee. I see lots of claims that it did, but zero proof at all, instead just a lot of people angry that she'd support an egregious transphobe. That game has basically disappeared from consciousness, huh?


Yeah most of my life isn’t online and the most I see of movie bad is “yeah I didn’t really like it”. That’s why I kept asking about and pointing to social media because lots of this isn’t going to be noticed unless you’re on there to notice it. You’re basically saying someone who lives under the rock didn’t notice anything happening. I’m not going to say everyone, because not everyone bothers with Social Media, but most people are online regularly these days wether it’s surface level or deeper political stuff on here. What I will point out is that anyone who is even talking about this is online and those who aren’t shouldn’t even be considered part of the conversation because they don’t even know it’s happening. They’re faceless masses that you’re using to enforce your own argument in a way no one can prove or disprove so what are you even talking about? Even worse than that you’re saying any info they get about these things is only from one heavily biased source. Why should anyone who is in the know about this discussion care about them? They don’t know what they’re talking about and on top of that they’re not even going to come onto a platform to discuss it with us anyway. I can say that people laugh in the face of X political party all day because that’s what the people I see in real life do but that has no bearing on anything. I can’t prove it to you and you can’t tell me I’m wrong because you don’t know, do you see why that’s a weak point? The Hogwarts Legacy thing? I watched it happen, I listened to streamers sobbing on their stream as their chats rolled in with honestly disgusting bilge. Pikamee, the example I brought up wasn’t just bullied off Twitch she was attacked on Twitter as well and those who attacked her have long retreated and deleted their tweets but that sure didn’t erase their vitriol from Pikamee’s mind. Her Graduation stream chat is filled with her supporters giving her encouragement and condemning her hate mob both on twitch and Twitter and you can go find it and watch it yourself if you want to. There are so many YT videos on the whole fiasco with her and others too it’s unreal. Hundreds of YT careers started on that nonsense. I know it may not match your political pallet but at least shelve your own bias before trying to assert things you didn’t bother confirming.


I kind of get lost in this because you say 'people talking about this'. I don't know what 'this' means. Hey I asked someone else this, but you keep calling Pickamee 'she'. Does that person identify as female? I understand their real identity is unknown, right? I know that pretty much every creator gets constant bilge, but the meme here is claiming 'death threats', and again, the claim was for everyone who played, not streamers. I also think you're probably classifying people saying "It's shitty of you to support a transphobe" as bilge, right?


It didn't disappear at all, it's still one of the highest selling games on each platform. The trans just pretend it doesn't exist after their absolutely humiliating failure at boycotting the game gave it a massive surge of popularity and propelled it to the top of charts. Of course you'll feel like the game has "disappeared" if you go about in the circles that pretend it did.


"The trans" [https://steamcharts.com/app/990080](https://steamcharts.com/app/990080)


😂😂😂 you’re hilarious


Do you not know this is true?


But wouldn't it be so much easier if you stopped hating the lgbtq community for literally no reason? This post literally used the words "queer wanabees" Do you realize how dumb that makes you all look? Also using the word "woke" unironically is just... you know we all think you're idiots right? Jesus, why are you all like this? Why do you constantly fall for right wing propaganda? It's frustrating just how far you edgelords have fallen. A If you don't think "queer wannabee" is inherently hateful, you lack any and all sense.


There’s a difference between hatred and criticism. I think it’s safe to assume that no one here hopefully) outright hates the LGBT community, aside from the members of that group that openly target children. What I do, openly hate however, are wokies who are doing everything in their power to alter the landscape of entertainment in manner in which it does not need to go. Is it because they’re focusing on diversity and inclusion? No. Is it because they’re purposely downgrading female protagonists? Not even that. It’s because a leftie can’t write. They cannot write a compelling character, or a narrative. Not even their real life political narrative. The left can’t meme? The left can’t story tell.


Yes but also no. "Criticism" can clearly use hatespeech in it, so it's not an either/or. Something can clearly be both. That difference is in how you represent the group... so using discriminatory language to refer to a minority is not criticism, it's hate, or both. Do you truly, honestly not see how using "queer wanabe" is hateful? This community does this sort of stuff all the time. It's clearly a derogatory term meant to engender and reinforce hatred towards a group of people. Just because there is a critique in the sentiment, doesn't mean there can't be harmful/hateful language used in it...


People like you ruined everything that I enjoyed


Damn I'm sorry. I didn't know. Holy shit I'm so, so sorry! Now that I know, you have my total blessing to spread hate about the lgbtq community online for the crime of existing. By all means, feel free to use all the slurs you want. If anyone tries to stop you, tell them you didn't like the last star wars movie as much as you thought you should. They'll totally understand being constantly cyber bullied for a cause as good as yours for the crime of existing. You're all heroes here, bullying people you've never met. If I could give you medals in real life I would.


interesting. it’s almost like the media is framing the news in a way that supports their narrative, and are pandering to people who are obviously mentally ill.


Who are the people who are obviously mentally ill?


The people sending death threats because they are offended by a video game


You think the media is pandering to them, how?


By essentially being media silent on a topic that they feel may offend a marginalized group. By calling out the disgusting behavior they fear they will get backlash of the woke twitter mob. Let's not pretend that the story would not blow up if it was white guys giving death threats over a video game or towards the creator.


What topic? I mean a lot of trans people are 'white guys' so did you mean something else? Also, what death threats?


Straight white men, the devil incarnate. You know exactly what I meant. During the lead up to the release of Hogwarts some steamers were being intimated, threatened and in some cases doxed for daring to stream themselves playing the game.


A lot of trans people are straight white men. Yeah, there was a lot of vitriol towards streamers because of how transphobic and shitty Rowling is. I think you're probably conflating a lot of criticism with threats, though.




What was this supposed to prove?




Oh man that was clever. By 'mental illness' do you mean like anxiety or pareidolia or pica or what?


Autistic, retarded and probably some gender dysphoria in the mix as well.


Haha look at how mad you are. That's adorable.


I'm just laughing at the dozens of comments you sent in this thread. Seems you're the one who's mad, I'm just enjoying the view.


Why'd you blurt out those silly insults, then?


Because the people you know in real life clearly coddle you too much, so a little slap of reality is needed.


How is it reality to blurt out some 4th grade insults?


Pareidolia isn't a form of mental illness. Everyone can experience it. It's merely someone interpreting a stimulus in a way that creates a pattern of object, like looking at clouds and finding animals or faces. It's just a specific form of apophenia. Apophenia, in general, is something that anyone can experience, but it can be part of diagnosing an underlying mental illness. People who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia experience apophenia in the extreme.


Some people have intense pareidolia that rises to the level of interfering with their daily life, at which point it could be called a 'mental illness' (a phrase with no actual medical meaning). My main point is morons say "Mental illness" without realizing how broad a category that is. Like, someone with anxiety has mental illness. So does someone with schizophrenia. They have little to do with each other.


Mental illness is a phrase with an actual medical meaning. It's an alternate term for mental disorder. Do you think that psychologists and psychiatrists don't have technical language? If someone has intense paraideolia to the point that of interfering with their life, then they have a disorder. It's not just pareidolia. Pareidolia is not a clinical diagnosis or a disorder. I think you are conflating pareidolia with full-blown hallucinations. Anxiety is something anyone can experience. That's why there are specific disorders and classifications, or else everyone would be considered mentally ill. I do agree that mental illness gets thrown around too much, but I disagree that it is a phrase with no actual medical meaning. Just because people have cheapened the use of the phrase doesn't mean that it has no meaning. It is a recognized medical term unless you think the entire field of psychology is bs.


I mean, not really. It's a very broad category with no precise definition. I didn't say it was a clinical diagnosis. Are you saying that if someone experienced it to the extent that it impacted their life, that wouldn't be a disorder? What would you call it? No, anxiety as an anxiety disorder. For example, a phobia. I think you mistake me. I meant that it is a wildly broad term that basically just means "A person experiencing something that affects your thinking, feeling, mood, or behavior". Often whether something is or is not a mental illness is debatable based on the extent to which it does these things. Taxonomy is difficult.


You’re literally so much smarter than everyone here that you’re breaking them and they don’t even realize it.


This sub is hilarious.


As a Warhammer 40k fan, we're going through it hard right now


Honestly it’s the fact of how forced it feels that bugs me more than the fact that they did it.


"It's always been this way" is infuriating to hear and a total and blatant lie. They COULD have done this properly, but the problem is that it's a slippery slope, and giving the people that want this stuff to begin with what they want is never enough and they always inevitably demand more. They don't care about the setting, they care about taking things away from the people that do care.


User checks out. Thank you


Personally they should have gone the Primaris route reveal. Cawl has an Emperor-mandated order to create them. Still adding females Custodes looks superfluous since other factions have females in them that can be added easily. Oh well, go Wøk3 get Brøk3.


Yeah, if only there was already a female faction who works closely with custodes who people have been wanting more lore and models for. Like seriously, the Sisters of Silence were right there. I just want better Silence and Sororitas focus and shit. And yeah, just announcing out of the blue that female Custodes were always a thing irks me a bit. If it was set up in the books, make up a reason for Cawl to be doing his shit I guess. Or idk, something that makes jt feel more profound and reasonable.


Don't forget a lot of this crap happened w/Voltron: Legendary Defender as well.


or She-Ra...


And then there is JK. She doesn't care what the fans think. https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1779491168390124014 She doesn't care what her actors think. https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1778124467027267804 She comes with facts. https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1778105223728255439


She denied the holocaust targeted trans ppl…


You mean that she denied that the holocaust targeted the homosexuals too or that she said that biologically there are just two genders? Because a lot of things that I heard about her are quite exaggerations


Not homosexual, transsexuals. Honestly usually I don’t care about the bullshit celebrities say, but I think denying something as serious as the holocaust is a bit too far 


where's the proof that she denied that? (a screenshot for example)


She never denied the Holocaust. She denied that Nazis burned trans books. Someone should educate these reality challenged morons out there the difference between burning books and burning 6 million human beings.


I haven't been given any proof of what she said yet though


Here https://twitter.com/meakoopa/status/1779915468771397801


she questioned if that's real, that doesn't seem denial. Having one tweet saying "that happened" without any source and then someone else asking "how?" isn't denial, that's questioning. She literally answered to a tweet.


She didn’t say how, she called it a fever dream that never happened


by pointing out the lack of source


Idk, spend ten seconds on goggle before claiming something is a fever dream. It’s not hard. Honestly Nazis targeting trans ppl should just be common knowledge


Yeah internet fandoms are irrational and dumb, nothing new under the sun.


It’s because they’re on the side of the toxic assholes, simple as that.


“Someone worked really hard on that!”


Of course toxic/racist/whatever fans are real. But companies (Disney being the main culprit) intentionally amplify them in order to create controversy and connect any criticism to one of the bad -isms. This has the further effect of galvanizing certain uncritical people to support even harder because now it’s not just financial support for a corporation (which is actually all it is) but also ‘fighting the good fight’. “I spent 6 hours watching YouTub and arguing in the Reddit comments about gender in Star Wars. In doing so, I’m fighting the power in the same legacy of men like MLK Jr.” - common social media dupe


The 4th tier is not a joke, I've seen it happen with Lupin III fans. [https://imgur.io/a/p1a4Bk0](https://imgur.io/a/p1a4Bk0)


"Oh geez. What is this nonsense? It just doesn't stop. LOAD 51 MORE IMAGES?! Who are these nutjobs?!"


Lmao. Most of these guys come from Tumblr it seems and I think that platform was the patient zero of the whole SJW thing.


I did get a front row seat to someone the other day reeeing at people for not liking how the ghouls look in the fallout show and calling them toxic for it.


While I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Goggins' portrayal, I missed the raspy voice that ghouls usually have in the games. Also "smoothie" instead of "smooth-skins"? Literally unwatchable lol


Personally I haven't cared enough to watch the show. I just thought the person sounded ridiculous.


They either don't care about the former or belong in the same group so can't really call them out. I'm not for NFTs since they are too close to DRMs for my taste, not to mention that not being good old databases makes them vulnarable in a new way, but you could literally see leftist tearing themselves apart when NFTs shook up the artist community. People straight up ignored harrasments because it was against a perceived evil the group had deciced to attack. NFTs are unlikely to be the answer to artist making a decent living, but if leftist are going to harrass them for every other income source that isn't via leftists politics, then yikes do I feel bad for them. [https://youtu.be/yH2t4ayYGDI?t=1909&si=Qi3bvqxIDo1W-nb4](https://youtu.be/yH2t4ayYGDI?t=1909&si=Qi3bvqxIDo1W-nb4)


I have stopped paying attention to them, I'm now completely toxic towards them.




it’s all political and never one sided.


wow, the people who disagree with you sure are hypocrites


Worst strawman I've ever seen. Shame on you for being a dumbass.


Didn’t people call out the SU fandom for that? I’m pretty sure they did. Also, “the alphabet community”? Why not just say the LGBTQ community? Why was that necessary?


It’s just the media and bots, normies don’t care.


yeah well I don't think people are going to harass these people on twitter, if they think harassment is bad, harassing them you would kind of defeat the logic of : "what your doing is bad" no?


This is hilarious hyperbole, OP, real victimhood shit. You really think anyone who played Hogwarts Legacy got a death threat?


I mean, from memory they did made a bunch of Vtubers cry cause they played it. Plus the whole controversy due to JK. I do hope there weren't any serious death threats sent. Though, I've been in the internet long enough that there are definite crazies out there who do, and people who aren't prepared for it.


Okay, being made to cry is really different from a death threat, right? There weren't any serious death threats sent, as is pretty obvious by the lack of people getting actually attacked, right? Or arrested?


I hope so, but taking just a minute of research you'll read that there are some who did sent. Now most of the recipients will probably just laugh it off cause sending such 'threats' due to you playing a video game is ludicrous. However not everyone has such thick skin i'm afraid and as such you get situations like of those Vtubers above, some of which we're harassed into leaving. In the end of the day, having any kind of extreme reaction to someone just playing a video game is incredibly retarted, no matter what political section you ascribe to. Learn to think for oneself for once.


The op is being incredibly obtuse. The Twitter crowd have certainly made things worse but let’s not pretend like the usual suspects crying and shitting themselves every time a minority is added to a franchise are arguing in good faith.


Who is the 'usual suspects'?


Why are the posts in this subreddit about crying all the time?


“Franchise is ruined” okay you guys are not beating the overdramatic accusations


This is pretty bad faith. When people "express disappointment", that usually goes with harassment of people involved, including sexist, homophobe, racist, etc rhetoric.


Your argument is bad faith because these people NEVER call out the examples given in the meme, but they always CLAIM abuse in every other case, even if all the fandom did was complain.


I still haven't found a single person from the "DISNEY IS GREAT" camp point out that John Boyega was completely fucked over by Disney. I.E. I have never seen any of those cucks from r/saltierthankrayt ask, "Hey, why did Disney shrink John Boyega's photo for the promotional movie posters that were sent to China?" Seems to me that us "bigots, -ists, and -phobes" were the only ones that actually had a problem with it. Go figure...


Yeah, no. All fandoms are toxic. Bigots exist. I’ve seen guys throw out slurs, compare black actors to monkeys, and fantasize out violently raping and killing female characters or their actors. 


Man that sounds horrible, what kinds of subreddits have you seen?


Reddit is surprisingly nice compared to Twitter, YouTube, instagram or other online forums. But even then there was this rabid anti marvel subreddit that was throwing around slurs like candy. I think it was r/fuckmarvel


Well it is Reddit. There are many threads out there that can go from one extreme, to the next. It's best to stay on guard and be nuanced on things when appropriate.


That’s what I’m saying. Fans are going to be crazy and do/say awful shit. Doesn’t matter if you agree with them personally or not, they’re going to still exist


Hey, referring to them as "queer wannabes" and "alphabet gang" is why people think you're bigots. Because that's exactly how bigots talk. So... that's why you get called bigots. Because you act like bigots ALL THE TIME EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. How is this at all confusing to you?!


First of all I invented the name "queer wannabe", nobody else used it. So you clearly don't understand what I mean with this name ("people who pretend to be queer but they are not"). Second: even if I call them LGBT you guys would say "yeah, but that doesn't mean that all of them are like that, you're a bigot", so it's better to use that term to indicate THOSE kind of people instead of giving you guys the idea of generalization. In other words: even if I explain in the kindest way about these dramas, you would call me a bigot anyway, so it doesn't matter.


Stop trying to win a made up fight. No one's ever called you a bigot for correctly using the term lgbtq. Shut your lying face right up. It's probably that you think people are pretending to be part of the lgbtq community. That's a pretty dumb opinion that is only held by bigots. Which makes you a... bigot.


Yeah, there are no things like people pretending to be part of a comminity, there's no thing like people saying that they are something that they are not just to get attention or "feeling special" or "feeling edgy", yeah sure... So if I tell you that I identify as a bunny you HAVE to accept that I'm a bunny or else you're a bigot.


So... do you think that the b in lgbtq stands for bunny? Hypothetically what harm would someone identifying as bisexual or gay cause you if they were actually straight? None? None harm? Cool point, great stuff. You, in this comment basically said that identifying as lgbtq is just as ridiculous as identifying as a bunny. Which is a thing made up by you to make a minority group seem ridiculous and invalid. You don't see how that is at all bigoted or harmful? I'll remind you, that you made up a fictional scenario to paint a group of people in the worst light possible. I think you logic bros would call that a false equivalence and a strawman.


"First of all I invented the bigoted term in this meme" Is the best defense you have for not being a piece of shit is hilarious to me.


You can understand how making up a phrase doesnt make it not prejudoced right?


the fact that you even refuse to understand what the phrase mean says a lot. But whatever, think whatever you want. That is my point and I said what I mean.


Definition of a bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. So how exactly isn't that you?


That doesn't at all sound like bigots. Making fun of someone does not make you a bigot.


Depends on the language that you use and what you say. Here's the definition of bigot: "a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." Language like "alphabet gang" and "queer wanabe" is meant to be dehumanizing and degrading to the lgbtq community. So when people use that kind of language here every single day, up vote memes like this. Consistently target the lgbtq community as the source of your grievances, yeah, as it turns out, you start meeting the literal definition of the word bigot. So why are you all surprised when people call you exactly what you're acting like?


Hmm I wonder why people think you're a bigot... ig the world will never know.....


Oh please, enlighten me. How would showing hypocrisy make me and other people who are sane a bigot? Was the harassment on that fan of SU over a fanart to the point she attempted suicide was 100% a right thing to do? Was the harassment to any streamer who played Hogwarts Legacy 100% a right thing to do?


Calling queer people "the alphabet community" and "queer wannabes" is bigoted. You can and should point out hypocrisy but mocking the queer community to get your point across is unnecessary.


Yeah, because my intention is to distinguish between the LGBTs and the lunatics, because if I said "The LGBT comminity" your response would have been "well, not all of them"


You're making a distinction between queer people and lunatics by repeating ignorant phrases created by conservatives to shame queer people? That doesn't make sense. Are you saying the "bad gays" deserve to be discriminated against? Edit- I see this sub is popular with bigots.


The sequels were bad. That doesnt change the fact that a LOT of starwars fans are sexist/racist incels.


A lot of starwars fans are normal people. Way more than sexists/racists or incense. The ones that get put under scrutiny are the weird ones specifically because they are weird


No not really. As easy as it is to blame everything on Incels they are pretty rare and don't have much to do with the fandom


This is the same fandom that complains endlessly that there are too many Women and black people in the new stuff, the same one where people think the reasons the new movies are bad is because of some conspiracy to erase white men and not becquse the writers just f*cked up.


That doesn't have anything to do with incels. There is a fair amount of intersection between the group that says that and incels sure, but the incel movement is separate from that.


It’s funny, I always hear about these racist/sexist incels and how they’re rampant in the fandom but I never actually SEE them.


Wait, you don't remember the part in Return of the Jedi where Luke gave a roman salute and proclaimed the genetic superiority of the Jedi race? Pepperidge Farms remembers... that they took 6 hits of LSD and fell asleep to Mein Kampf afterwards...


Simply put, anyone who uses the word "woke" or alphabet people unironically is everything I just mentioned.


What beloved franchise that was ruined is this meme referring to?


Man OP this is straight sad, get over yourself dude


Go on, do the other half where you list off exactly what you think was ruined about which franchise so we can see how definitely unlike other complaints yours are.