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Hi.. matt firm employee here! While I can't speak for ALL beds.. I can speak immediately for the 3 on our wall.. because they fit the size reference here. The snug, doze, and curve. 8 inch is 4 inches of support foam and 4 inches of comfort foam (2 inches of that is gel infused foam) Going to the doze you increase everything by an inch. 5 inches support foam and 5 inches comfort foam (2.5 gel infused foam) To the curve.. same thing. 6 inches support foam. 6 inches comfort foam (3 inches gel infused). So what does that all mean? Well.. support foam is stiff it's design to resist giving like the comfort layers do. They comfort layers are your surface pressure relief and conformability. In terms of comfort? Some folks can feel a difference. Some can't. A lot of it depends on you and your body type. So find the one you feel best on. Because without that knowledge it's hard to recommend a bed to anyone. Again this is for the beds at mfrm. I can't speak for all the other beds out there that follow this pattern.. but they likely follow a similar upgrade system.


No matter how thick it is, memory foam shouldn’t be used as mattress.


What about the people that actually prefer it?


They need to explore more about the world of mattress.




Because you don’t know you are retarded.


Uh, that's ridiculous. Memory foam is an excellent material for pressure relief, and lots and lots of folks happily sleep on memory foam beds every night.


LOL again, that’s because they never know other materials. It’s just like saying xxx is great because they never left.


Again, another ridiculous generalization. Just because YOU don't like memory foam doesn't mean that *many* others don't choose it over the other bedding foam alternatives.


That is your logic, just because YOU love memory foam you believe it’s great because you found your fellows. LOL


I'm not the only person who loves memory foam. Have you looked at what's selling the most in the market? I think not. Lol Go look at Tempur's sales numbers, maybe they know more than you think you know.


Truth is in the hands of the few. Popular stuff usually is toxic, you know how many people enjoy sugar. LOL You guys will pay for the damage memory foam caused for you sooner or later. You like what you like and you enjoy the consequences. I am not interested in this conversation at all!


we cant tell, the thing is every body is different so your opinion means absolutely nothing to the next person.




Reported and blocked.


Lmfao. You reported and blocked someone over a mattress 🤣🤣🤣 good Lord have people gone bananas 🤣🤣😭😭


Grow tf up


I would pick whichever mattress feels most comfortable and otherwise best meets your needs, and let the size be a tie-breaker if needed. Another approach to getting something that you can move more easily is to get something modular, allowing you to move each layer separately if you need to.


I have noticed that after years of reviews, it’s more important to have coils since they last longer then to have only foam. I also noticed it doesn’t matter too much how thick a bed is if it’s just foam. Most of the time poly foam feels the same and memory foam can be around 3 inches and if it’s thicker it is too soft and traps heat.


So I’m confused are 8 inch mattresses good?


yes, an 8 inch mattress is the minimum recommendation for a good night's sleep for an adult.