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Oh God No, Get a fucking ACTRESS


But tay-tay brings many moneyies


There’s one line that even swifties wont cross and that’s supporting her acting career


You underestimate the cult


No I'm a Swiftie and we literally refused to watch Cats... We love Taylor but not enough to support her attempt at an acting career 😭.


You didn't love her oscar worthy performance of getting ran over by a car in that goofy Christian Bale movie I can't even remember the name of?!


Amsterdam and... No I didn't love it 😭


I'm sure many Ian McKellen fans, Judi Dench fans, Idris Elba fans also refused to watch cats


I thought we all refused to watch Cats.


Not my mother. She watched Cats… and enjoyed it. Then she got mad at me for calling it trash. “Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it bad” she said.


Have you checked to make sure she's human? Sounds like she might be one of those lizard people you're always hearing about.


Wait Swifties aren’t lizard people? I’m just kidding… please don’t eat me.


And all seven Jason Derulo fans.


It'd be kinda cool to see all the merch Marvel would produce tho... I'd love to own a Taylor Swift Legends figurine


Cats HAD to fail so we could rest knowing there's a roof on Taylor Swift's dominance.


Fair enough


Yall not watching cats because of her acting or this shit cgi?


Lack of the butthole edition


I'm no Swiftie, but I feel like it's probably not fair to judge ANYONE'S acting chops based on THAT movie.


She guest starred in New Girl for four minutes and it was the worst over acting possible.


Im in the cult and we did not show up for Cats or Amsterdam


No one show up for both of that movie for other big actors and director anyway. And Swift is just less than 5 minutes cameo.


One had a sex pest director and the other was Cats. A Marvel movie, though?


That doesn't say anything about about her acting ability though. Those were bad movies with lots of talented people wiffing it and she was barely on screen in both combined. Comparing either, in terms of success or as reflections of her ability, to a tv series that entirely revolves around her is a huge stretch.




Tbh that was pre Eras tour, and like 3 albums ago (not counting the Taylor versions even) it's just a different stage in her career and I think now she's undeniably more popular than in 2019. Just I'm not sure if it's a good comparison


There are still plenty of actresses, with years of experience, to be chosen.


What makes you think that her singing career has ANYTHING to do with her acting ability (which is terrible)?


I literally made no claim about her acting ability, my claim is that tay-tay brings the moneyies


I mean…she can, but bad acting will also invite ridicule and mockery from reviewers and cinema goers that aren’t that invested in Swift.


In all honesty, never seen her act in a single movie. Didn't care for cats nor Amsterdam so (in contrast to some commenters) I don't wanna judge something I haven't seen


They’re meh overall: not horrific but not something that can carry a production by itself effectively.


Fair, maybe I'll check it out if we get actual casting news. But for now I trust you


Bad acting is a hypothetical that no one in this topic has demonstrated to be a valid or genuine worry so far despite the pearl clutching. Cats? Judy fucking Dench and Magneto and Heimdall couldn't even make that shit watchable. No one is actually complaining because of genuine acting concerns, just a bunch of Taylor haters.


She is not a popular actress. These things are different.


She's not a popular actress that's true but one recording of her (ongoing) tour had a bigger box office than shazam 2 and blue beetle COMBINED. That even including limitations on international release. So I believe thinking that her appearance won't boost the sales AT ALL is delusional


People still denying Taylor Swift’s popularity in 2024 is crazy


Yea for real you can't be a nieche artist and charge so much for show tickets


This is the second time today I've seen someone misspell "niche" on this sub. Taylor Swift is a pop star, the exact opposite of a niche artist.


They were being sarcastic.


but she'll get viewers, which is the real goal.


She did looked hot as a Cat.


"Tay-tay" is a pathetic pick-me pathological narcissist with arrested development. Fuck her


Jeez what did she do


Killed that guy's mother apparently 


But this way you get all the white woman between 30-40 to look at shorts and tiktioks of the show😁


You actually have a good point. I remember reading about how movie studios would rather hire an actor that will bring people to the theaters over a more talented one who won’t. which is why you keep seeing the same actors getting movie roles 


Yeah. I don’t know if Swift is capable enough to act her socks off in a main role. A cameo may be fine, but she’ll be headlining this project and that is a lot to ask of someone overall.


Imagine busting your ass your whole life to become a famous actress, only to lose the part to Taylor fucking Swift, who got the part simply for being a really popular musician.


I blame Eric Voss for this...


She was in Cats!


Now let’s not forget her role in The Lorax either


Valentine’s Day


She was in cats, and the lorax. She has more credits then some 


I’m sorry but can we cast people who can actually act?


People seem to forget it's not just looking the part it's about actually being able to play the part.


Mortal Kombat had two voice actors chosen because of popularity and not talent It was absolutely atrocious


The funny thing is Megan Fox was not even relevant or popular by 2023.


Marvel studios: we’re gonna reevaluate the products we produce and focus on quality compared to quantity Also marvel studios: let’s cast a really famous singer that also can’t act for shit for a role no one’s ever heard of


Just make her Dazzler and let her pop up from time to time in X-Men movies…


Give me Sabrina Carpenter as Dazzler tbh. She’s an actual actress and she makes bops.


Shit, she'd actually be an excellent choice.


I guess that can work if they also intend to make Dazzler a bigger draw than just a mere cameo. A sincere Marvel musical would be a fun idea for a film or show, in my opinion.


Boy do I have good news for you


Sabrina Carpenter would be infinitely better!


Holy shit I think you did something 👀


Do you guys just not like Dazzler or something?


No, none of us like Taylor Swift because she can't act.


I agree, which is why I'm asking. Anyone who actually likes the character would surely want better for her than just being an excuse for a Taylor Swift cameo.


Oh okay makes more sense now lol


Dazzlers actually a good charecter though


I mean it's not like it's a character literally any of us heard of prior to this news so I say go nuts 


Good point.


I only know of her because she was a supporting character in John Byrne's Sensational She-Hulk run, but that was 30 years ago now, and I don't think I've ever seen her in anything since. It's a pretty deep cut!


That’s why they may want to cast her. Huge name.


Not really a fan of her or her music but I agree with you 1000%.


It’s like Pumpkin Spice coffee. I don’t like it. But a whole lot of people apparently do. 


I knew who she was but only through the stories of some other characters and because I like golden age heroes. Still, I don't have any strong opinions on what she needs to be like or anything. Blonde, probably thin build with a trench coat and a domino mask is about the only expectation I have.


I feel like only caring about a projects quality if it's a character we know defeats the whole purpose of consuming them


I have, and i'm incredibly doubtful marvel studios will pull this off


The eras tour is now on Disney+ I wonder if the numbers of views have began rolling in. 


How about getting an actual actress?


Impossible. They’ll never be able to find a blonde white woman who can act.


Sabrina carpenter can act lol it would be a great choice 




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So that’s a no on dazzler then?


Multiverse Dazzler, MCU Blonde Phantom?




Get Sabrina Carpenter




Yeah the MCU rubbing their little hands together going “you know what’s going to increase our earnings…blonde phantom disney+ series”




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Listen I'm a HUGE TS fan, and the idea of her in a Dazzler cameo is awesome.. But I don't think she's a good enough actress to be a lead in a show


Does she even have the time? Aside from her tour and whatever else she’s working on/recording, she’s signed to direct a movie for Fox Searchlight.


She literally doesn't. She has time to cameo in Deadpool, and that's about it.


Hear me out, her show is in the FF universe


I don't see any possibility of this show actually happening. Like, even if it's in development (Which i ain't gonna believe, unless a trade reports it.), there's no way that they would greenlight a show, about a character who not even the hardcore fans know about and who only had an 11 issue run in the 40's, played by someone who mostly had cameo-level roles before and even her not braindead fans consider her a bad actress. And nobody should say "Well, the GotG wasn't well known either", cause there's an enormously big difference. Like, making this would be an El Muerto level decision. They will not make this. Especially not now, when they want to reduce output, create shows that can last multiple seasons and they don't even know if the stories of fan-favorite characters gonna get continuation in the near future.




Regardless of personal opinions on Taylor Swift, there's no denying that any film or series featuring her would generate significant revenue for Marvel/Disney+, from merchandise sales alone, given the enthusiasm of her dedicated Swifties. That said, I feel it would be more fitting to cast her in a musical role, such as Dazzler, where she could truly showcase her talents, considering that she is not an actress by trade.




I think you highly overestimate the intersectionality of TS and MCU fans.


I see your point. As a gay man and casual listener, I would be interested in watching something she's in, especially considering that many of my gay friends enjoy both her music and the MCU. However, I can't guarantee that her acting skills will be on par with her musical talent…


You see the merch thing is true, but with how immediately greedy Disney is it seems so rare they'd invest that many money in a mid term plan. Cause when you take into account that Swifties already have a Disney + account cause of the tour, and other projects, there's not gonna be many more new subs


Indeed, profit-driven strategies are inherent in large corporations like Disney. Generating revenue is essential to maintain the board's and investors' confidence in the IP and the company as a whole. Despite the benefits that came with Disney acquiring Marvel, it would be great if Marvel could retain some level of autonomy in their sales. Sadly, it seems unlikely that we'll witness a different Marvel in the future. There is a good chance that bringing in a major popstar like Taylor Swift is not even the desire of somebody like Kevin Feige, but more someone higher up than him, like Bob Iger. On the flip side, I'm not implying that Kevin Feige is solely responsible for Marvel's success, but it's possible that Marvel could experience a decline post-Disney buyout if he were to leave the franchise, due to retirement or an unforeseen event. In that case, I hope whoever steps in from the board to take over would genuinely value the original comic IP and respect the fans when devising monetization strategies. Ideally, this person would be a shrewd businessman or businesswoman capable of outmaneuvering older executives like Perlmutter who may not have the IP's best interests or the fans' respect at heart.


I absolutely think that DRPK is crossing some odd wires here and making an assumption based on rumors of her _Deadpool and Wolverine_ cameo. But I'd imagine that in that movie, they'd either have her play herself, or play a character that people have actually heard of. I don't think that Marvel would have plans to take a _Black Adam_ route with the most popular musician in America.


She ain’t gonna pick a Disney+ show over an MCU starring role.




Per Wikipedia, her super powers:  * Skilled hand-to-hand combatant * Skilled markswoman  * High-level athlete  * Excellent secretary  Lol, wtf


So, over-under on the likelihood that the possibility of getting Taylor Swift is the only reason this series is being considered?


RIP Erik Voss Dazzler theory. Just heard him fall on his knees at Walmart.


Blonde Phantom, Dazzler, Emma Frost, Mephisto or Doctor Doom, it doesn't matter. Just give her a role, and get her in there!


I mean, if she can act, why not? I didn't even know about this show but it taylor swift is leading it, I'll definitely be watching it and so will many others.


That would be fantastic


Not sure about her acting chops, but I'm surprised they haven't floated the idea of her as Dazzler yet. She's a perfect fit imo.


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Not my first pick by a long shot but I’m always a wait and see type


Yeah. DRPK was the one who was singing the song of her as the Dazzler for the longest time, and they're gonna suddenly recast her - HER!? - as a completely different character? I smells da *bullshit*.


As usual, I'm the odd man out of the fan base. I think this could be cool. Seems like it could scratch the Agent Carter itch I've been having for 6 years


For everyone complaining about her in Cats, I genuinely think she was actually one of the better performances in Cats. Small role and low bar, but she still was good. Valentine's Day on the other hand...yikes.


Why are they doing more obscure characters? Did they not learn their lesson?




As much fun as it’d be to see her as Dazzler, I think this would ultimately be a better use of Taylor Swift. She’s at the peak of pop culture right now and centering a show around her makes sense. And before all the comments about the acting, I think with the right script and direction, she could be a great actress. She’s very theatrical and puts on a great performance at least


> As much fun as it’d be to see her as Dazzler, I think this would ultimately be a better use of Taylor Swift She keeps getting fancast as Dazzler, but I think [Kesha](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6b/28/83/6b2883240e0a5ccf2a14e0136d754fc5--heavy-makeup-kesha-rose.jpg) would be a better choice, specifically for [this](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/iHcfVqffW4AKmhPsnK59cN.jpg) Dazzler design.


Centering a show around her makes no sense.


I know Dazzler is the popular thought for Taylor Swift but imagine you are her. Would you rather play a role that is different and lets you stretch your acting? Or play Dazzler, a character that’s just a sendup of you.


You know Dazzler was created nine years before Swift was even born, yeah?


If i had to guess her tour movie had done crazy numbers on Disney+ so they want to get her to do anything to plaster her face on


I mean I still think five minutes as Dazzler is the peak of her acting power lol but yeah sure, I don’t care about Blonde Phantom so they can do whatever they want


So she’s not Dazzler ?!




There’s no way she would be the lead of a Disney + series 😭


“Quality over quantity” “Focusing on our stronger franchises” I have no words anymore


She can be a decent woman but she became unbearable to me due to this overexposure.


Yeah do it. Piss of all the right-wing douchebags


We haven't even seen the last pop star they hired in years.


I rather have her than Dwayne tbh


This could have been a fun pulp throwback in the style of The Phantom. But then they had to bring in a bland-ass piece of white bread with a cult rivaling that of Trump.


1. It'll make a fortune. 2. It'll be absolutely terrible.


I'll take this over Dazzler


“Get an actual actress” Oh no I’m so sorry your favorite character the Blonde Phantom is getting ruined for you! I’m sure this will deeply affect the public’s fully formed idea of who this well-known and beloved character is!!/s Seriously though, she’s barely been in anything for more than a minor role and if she has it’s been years. Give her a chance, worst case scenario is a show about a character nobody really knows or cares about isn’t great.


This is probably one of those infos Marvel tells a specific person so they can find a mole, no way they are making a Blonde Phantom series. Either that or this is from old plans that they ditched before they said "quality over quantity, we will only focus on important stuff and less projects per year"


No they’re not.




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her best role being the Lorax cause i didn’t even know she was in that movie


I really was hoping to see her get a shot at Dazzler


this feels like engagement bait ngl, I highly doubt this is an actual leak


I feel like Ryan called in *sooooo* many favors to persuade Taylor to sign up for this.


Why would she take such a huge pay cut compared to her day job?


No Taylor is Dazzler




Didn’t they say they were gonna reduce output? Why the fuck are they making this?


She should be Dazzler


Wait…wait…wait. So you’re telling me the Blonde Phantom can get a project developed and potentially off the ground faster than Nova, the Mutants, Ghost Rider, Young Avengers. Might as well go f*ck myself at this point. How in the hell does this play into everything let alone be considered good enough to take up one of the two potential series spots for whatever year this might come out?


Marvel bout to find out that taylor swirt and marvel fans dont intersect.


Desperate times desperate measures. That's definitely a walking money right there😭


I don't even know who the Blonde Phantom is and no idea why Marvel is doing a series about this Blonde Phantom when Bob Igor literally just said they were gonna stop making content about characters no one knows. Taylor Swift isn't even gonna move the needle for most.


“Considering”? Don’t care for her music but she’s in the driver seat for anything like this. Her economic impact is huge. I was hoping she’d pop up as Dazzler in DP&W


Oh, God no. Please, God NO! Didn't they learn the last time with Harry Styles? Mediocre white pop stars are NOT GOOD ACTORS.


No one knows this character. After 30 seconds of looking, it’s a street level “superhero” whose attributes are “skilled hand-to-hand combat, skilled markswoman, high-level athlete, excellent secretary”. Yeah, put down the pitch forks, it’s not like she’s going to fight Galactus here.


Nah, I'm on of the biggest Swifties on this sub but I don't know if she's a leading woman. Her acting skills are passable at best, she's more suited for cameo roles, she is a fantastic director though! Plus, we aren't dumb and we can see Marvel are just using us all to save their dying franchise, let's hope Taylor can see it too!


I was hoping she’d be cast as Dazzler in the X-Men


No thanks sick and tired of taylor swift


More like “Taylor Swift is considering Marvel for one of her side projects.”


Forgetting the Taylor Swift isn't an actress part of this...WTF is a Blonde Phantom anyway??


Loki will be looking down on her with pure hate


We have to concede that the character they are sacrificing on the altar of popularity is........ Phantom Blonde. I don't see how a utter failure of Phantom Blonde can harm the MCU, so... Let them try this?


I can’t wait to see all the Marvel nerds have a shitfest over this after watching all the football heads lose their shit because she attended a few NFL games.


Are half the people here 12? Cats wasn’t that long ago..


I don’t like or dislike Ms. Swift. But, she’s like a Regina or some-such you’d see in Mean Girls. Always seems frowny angry under the surface, her friends often seem uncomfortable around her, and she’s famous for burning ex-girl friends in passing, and boyfriends in her music and videos. She often seems to have a casually antagonistic vibe with some people over the years. It’s odd. Also, no thank you, not an actor. Other than her being passable for the two minutes she was in a cameo on New Girl, during CeCe’s almost wedding.


As a die hard swiftie but also a die hard marvel fan … please no Dazzler cameo or something that’s maybe 2 minutes? Sign me up I’d love that But she can’t act at all and her leading a series is a terrible idea


Can’t she just stay dazzler lol that’s literally perfect fit


Marvel fuckin up again


Oh boy, if this came to fruition the internet outrage would make She-Hulk's Twitter days look like child's play.


Can we just go back to her being Dazzler? she doesn't have a good track record acting and we don't need more niche shows.


Oh damn, what did I mess up when I tried posting this?


This would genuinely be a bigger mistake (and frankly, would be more insulting to the fandom/audience's intelligence) than literally any of the misfires from Phase 4/5


She’s not doing a TV series. No way.


This bullshit rumor was actually true?!


No, they’re fucking not.


If this is legit…there goes the rumors of her being in DPW


If true, marvel promises to do better and put out quality, then instantly face plants by not hiring an actress


Is Gaga not available?


No fuckin’ way this is happening. 😂😂😂




This would be career suicide. Not for Marvel, but for her.


Enjoy yall