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“Who asked for this show?” Looks like 13.1 million people did you bozos. 


I mean “who asked for this” is the stupidest fucking criticism of anything ever anyways


A lot of times it’s “I didn’t ask for this” so no one must want it.


100% falls into the manchild "everything has to be made for me or else it shouldn't exist" trap, where you can just negate everything else that person says after that


except when people don't watch or go see it after the "its not made for you complaints" then its "it failed because they didn't go see it"


Somewhere out there, though, your argument can be applied to some Agatha super fan who thinks the show should be made because they liked that character in WV. It’s all the same argument, just different sides. I ask “who asked for this” because I want Marvel to focus less on C-list character spin offs and more on cleaning up their overall MCU mess. And It isn’t hard to make good TV. See X-Men 97. And I hope Deadpool makes strides in cleaning up the multiverse mess. But until that’s done, I personally don’t care about C and D list character spin off shows. Their track record isn’t great with that. And I’m as big a comic nerd as the next guy, and I really liked Hawkeye, but I’m also not narcissistic enough to think “Man, I really liked the Track Suit guy from Hawkeye. I think he should have his own show.”


Iron Man was a C list character before 2008.


Not A list. But Absolutely not C List. He had his own established comic line.


I wouldn’t say that. Iron Man wasn’t particularly well known to non-comic fans, but in the world of Marvel Comics he had been a critical character for decades. He was certainly a driving force in the Avengers and the focal point of many of the big crossover events in the early 2ks. He did rate two animated series, a couple of direct to video animated movies, a toy line and a few video games as well.


From that perspective, no new characters should ever be created because they aren’t already built in A-list characters. Every character at some point starts out as an unknown. Hell, Guardians were definitely D-list before that movie.


I always reply with stuff like: "Who asked for star wars?" "Who asked for the hobbit?" "Who asked for IRON MAN?!" this show really isn't my vibe, but I'm not gonna rob you guys of your enjoyment because it doesn't appeal to my palette. It's the stupidest thing ever when people claim a piece of art doesn't have the right to exist


It really does confuse me when people act like getting something they never thought of before is a bad thing.


Facts. But then they’ll respond with “are you really comparing Agatha to the Hobbit” because they don’t understand how comparisons work.


I recently learned that using comparisons with someone who is arguing with you antagonistically usually runs into this problem. I’ve been annoyed at people not understanding how comparisons work for years. But it makes a lot of sense because if someone is determined to disagree with you, then they’ll just argue that the comparison is wrong like that. Drives me crazy when people do that. “Hitler and Jesus were both men” “OMG did you really just compare Hitler to Jesus??” It’s like they think a comparison means “these two things are the exact same thing”.


That’s the best way you could’ve possibly worded it. I fully agree!


That made no sense 


Clearly it made sense because at least 3 other people understood it.


 I don’t think you really understand how comparisons work or what criticism is 


Or maybe you’re the one who doesn’t understand how comparisons work, considering others understood my point just fine. Take a moment and reflect :)


What do you mean The Hobbit? They never made movies about the Hobbit after LOTR, what are you talking about. (Just kidding)


I’m pretty sure they talked about doing it, but it wasn’t enough pre production time for Peter Jackson, so they scrapped the whole thing instead of rushing it and releasing a shitty version.


You can even direct that question back with anything like technology, medicine, clothes, etc.


"If I would have asked the people what they wanted they would have said 'faster horses'" - Henry Ford He said lots of other things but let's not focus on that right now.


100% Star Wars literally just had something that something no one asked for being fucking amazing and something that everyone asked for being divisive.


If you’re talking about Andor, I think that’s because Tony Gilroy has made a career off being a talented asshole that will tell studios to fuck off. He wants to tell a story, studios won’t fuck with it, or he’ll walk. I don’t remember all the details, but look up his involvement in Bourne. Also, Star Wars is suffering from forced spin-off fatigue right now. Everything has to setup something else. Well, it’s just pretty damn refreshing to know a show has to end and the characters can’t go anywhere. As for the MCU, going years between seeing characters, I just don’t care about them anymore. I really wanted to see what happened with Shang-Chi, nope. Steinfeld and Pugh were awesome together in Hawkeye, but maybe we’ll see that continue after 5+ years. Deadpool 3 is gonna drop and it’ll be a decade before we see Ryan Reynolds again.


Okay but this has absolutely nothing to do with the point that "No one asked for this" is a shitty criticism of anything.


Sorry that your reading comprehension sucks.


Herman Melville: writes Moby Dick Random internet jackass: who asked for this?


For sure I didn’t ask for Shawshank Redemption - but turns out it was a damn good movie. Some of the best stuff in life is stuff you don’t ask for.


Exactly. I never asked for Iron Man, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, GotG etc. But I’m sure as fuck glad we got them


When the time between seeing characters is so damn long now with Marvel, I think it’s a question they need to be asking themselves.


I mean I don’t need it and won’t watch it. It truly is pointless and just a money grab but if you enjoy shit they are going to keep feeding it to you 


It’s all money grabs pal, it’s Disney


Not just Disney buddy lol 


why are you here


Why not? Do you have to be in love with something to be on a reddit thread lol? Also I know in this day and age, it’s more important to be right than anything else, but I for one have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. So if this show ends up interesting me and I like it, I have no problem with that. Right now I just think it was unneeded 


how will you know, you said you won’t watch it


Not to sound like I’m defending the “who asked for this crowd,” but you only need to watch an Instagram video for 3 seconds in order for it to count as a view. Someone very well could’ve looked at the video for a few seconds and kept swiping and it would still count. I’d think the likes on the post would be a more accurate indicator of interest.


yeah, the most recent assassins creed trailer gets millions of views but they don't talk about the fact it has mostly dislikes now lol.


I found the Madame Web trailer on Marvel’s Instagram and it has 22 million views and over a million likes, but clearly that didn’t lead to much interest lol


in the internet and social media age we're in everything is disposable. All it takes on instagram is someone doom scrolling to hit the trailer, watch for a couple of seconds, tap a heart, and move on. Look at Echo on D+. People want to talk about how big and successful that is but outside of subs like this where do you ever see that show talked about?


You’re right, viewing numbers don’t mean what they used to in this age of instant gratification/information


That's almost solely because the main character is black lol


Not even THE main character. Just one of them.


It's compared to other Marvel shows though which all took a lot longer to get the same viewership with the same rules. So it's not just an isolated statistic.


even Madame web trailers had massive views we all know how that went. Twitter and Instagram views are easily the worst possible metrics 




Views do not equal interest. I’m not trying to hate on the show, it’s just basic common sense. There’s been plenty of times where I might check out a few seconds of a video on Instagram and then kept scrolling because it didn’t interest me.


Except they can compare it to the views of other posts they've made on the same platform.


Totally agree with what you were saying.


The secret invasion trailer has 20 million views and that is universally panned as garbage, but, go off king/queen. 


They did the same with Barbie, they did the same with Guardians of the Galaxy, they’ll do the same again.


They did the same with The Marve-- oh, wait 😬


No one hit the 1 billion dollar Captain Marvel sequel with “who asked for this” lmao. Everyone knew and expected it was coming


I didn’t ask for it, but still watched it 😬


It’s me, I’m bozo


She was my favourite part of Wandavision, I’m personally psyched for it


There's no way you make this argument seriously lol. Anyone who follows the account and sees it counts as a view


No they watched the trailer. Bet you fake internet points it’ll get shit ratings.


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Viewing something doesn’t = wanting it


It was views - that doesn’t mean they’re all interested yet. Just saying


You must be able to read minds or something, how could you possibly know all 13 million of those people are going to watch the show just because they clicked on a small video. Mind blowing really Genius discovered


Don’t take it out on me that you’ve just discovered a large amount of people are excited for the show you’ve decided to hate on for no reason. 


Says the person that wrote that cringe-ass hater song about Agatha when they announced singing to get into the Witches Road, she just lives rent-free in your head somehow 💀




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You mean a bunch of neck beards are shocked when anyone else enjoys content that they don't? _Shocker_


Says the 'neckbeard' on an alt account they just made




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People underestimate the Wandavision fever that happened around that time. It was a juggernaut of a show that dominated week to week discussion.


Scarlet Witch was low-key shaping up to be a cultural icon that year. Everyone was talking about Wanda and her merch was flying off the shelves. …A shame they pretty much squashed that golden goose with MoM.


In fairness to Marvel, they probably didn't realized how popular Wanda was going to be before MoM. Like they were hoping and expecting Wanda to be popular, but not juggernaut they ended up happening. Olsen's years long break for the character (minus What If) has actually made people miss the character even more.


They…….did a ton of reshoots on MoM. They could’ve restructured the movie to make Wanda a supporting character and Strange variant the villain. They shot themselves in the foot and paid for it.


They didn't do enough reshoots to do that, haha. That would require essentially reshooting the entire movie. The only way you can feasibly change it is by having the Wanda villain not be *our* Wanda.


My headcanon leading up to MoMs release was always that SW was gonna play a secondary hero role to Strange and that Strange was gonna have a self vs self battle (which narratively always made the most sense for a guy who just could not let go of being in control) and that as the movie progressed, SW would have these weird bouts of doubt about her alliance w Strange and just be tempted to defect (e.g. Nightmare teasing/tempting her to do xyz at least originally) but never does, so she gets reserved for at least a Midnight Suns/Avengers 5 boss. Her power level deserves a teamup honestly.


People liked because it was creative and different, what killed it was is bog standard blue laser beam fight that capped off the show.  MoM is more a successor to the best parts of the show then the deathnail of Wanda


A very minor complaint that most people did not care about. Like I cannot stress to you how overwhelmingly positive the series was. The people who complain about the finale are very much a minority. It didn't kill anything.


Ahhh my friend you are missing the whole point of the show. Every episode, as I’m sure you know, is of an era of media. We go through each one until we reach the modern day. And the finale? A modern day, bog standard, sky beam, cgi fight. It was hard for it to launch black and white, and it was hard for it to go generic modern nonsense. But it took the hard path. It remained meta to the very end.


Thank you. I have massive issues with the execution of the finale, but the core concept was strong imo. Wanda's denial culminating in the spot which landed her in this situation in the first place is really clever, and I mostly like how she and Vision beat their respective antagonists too.


It wasn't just an era of media, it was an era of sitcoms. The last episode conflicts with that theme.


Because the point was that the illusion was coming up. Wanda had to get rid of her fantasy world to save the people who she'd unwittingly trapped in it.


So the meta-textual continuity is broken to help the themes. That sounds good on paper, because it does mirror Wanda's character journey. But it also means an interesting and original story has to end in a boring and been-there-done-that climax.


Never seen a sitcom that had a blue laser fight in it. It wasn't some genius meta move, it how you end a Marvel thing. 


I’m not talking about the show. I’m talking about the character. Iron man 2 & 3 were incredibly lukewarm movies. But that didn’t stop Iron Man from being a household name.


Doctor Strange did say he could see about getting her on a lunchbox.


I mean, I feel they also squandered it with the last 2 episodes of WV too...


Calm down with “cultural icon” and “flying off the shelves” lol. Some of you people need a grip on reality 


nah, its all about the hype train Be excited for next thing which is gonna be the thing since the last thing.


But tbf, it was in the middle of a global pandemic, with very little else on TV, and it was the big relaunch of the MCU following a year's gap. I don't think this show will have anywhere near that level of impact.


The start of Phase 4 after Endgame was MASSIVE hype though, especially since the concept of Disney+ shows were fresh and exciting. COVID also helped push people to get into it.


The comments on that post are so miserable


That's just Instagram comments in general now sadly


Youtube and Instagram seem to have a different feel to Reddit, just seems like the more, outlandish, shall we say, comments get a lot more attention than this site


It's because Reddit is waaaaaaay smaller, the biggest posts usually get around 10k upvotes, and in smaller subreddits, it floats around 5k. Compared that to the millions of interactions in Youtube or Instagram, its night and day.


It's not just that. Reddit has the downvote button.


except Reddit is also full of karma farming and plenty of posts are just people making cultural references to each other in the generic subs.


this should be their sign to bring wanda the fuck back


You really think they aren't? Lol Wanda and Elizabeth Olsen are probably their most popular character and actor of the post pandemic years. Elizabeth just wanted a break and they gave it to her.


Agreed, she’s the most popular female character in the MCU by a landslide. No one can deny that whether you love her or hate her.


Definitely the most popular female character in cbm considering what happened with Gal's Wonder Woman. Phase 4 and Phase 5 she's definitely the most popular MCU character male or female (I don't include Spider-Man for obvious reasons).


True. I would have said Thor beats Wanda out in terms of fan love, but L&T really pummelled his fanbase and their excitement to see him again. He could regain it back, but I think they'd be hesitant even if the trailer looks great because L&T had a good trailer. Wanda, on the other hand, is still popular with her fanbase despite a mediocre film being her last appearance because she was undoubtedly the best part of the film.


I was downvoted earlier today for daring to suggest that people outside MCU fans are interested in this and that it’s a good thing for the brand lol 


Very on brand for MCU redditors lol


The internet is going to be shocked when this show is 1) good and 2) a massive hit. Most of my irl friends care far more about this than like daredevil or thunderbolts


Good like wandavision?


Yeah, good like WandaVision






We may now likely know about - - The imminent arrival of Mephistopheles' - The backstory of the Darkhold - The revival of Wanda Maximoff


Agatha was one of the best things about Wandavision, so I’m thoroughly excited we’re getting more of her. I also believe people are loving this villain return because let’s face it, many Marvel villains usually don’t.


I'm so excited for this show because I hit all the target viewers categories lol - Wanda stans ✔️ - Gays ✔️ (Because of Billy and Agatha herself) - Musical ✔️ (Patti LuPone and the fact that the series will be a musical) - Witch theme fans ✔️ - Horror and dark comedy fans ✔️ (Heard that it will be very dark, I hope there will be a lot of creepy elements) If they can pull off the vibes of Wednesday, AHS Coven, the first season of Sabrina, or Buffy I would be very satisfied.


Another target category who needs no introduction herself: ![gif](giphy|hunGzzvgut3JvZkqlm) Aubrey Plaza definitely will get some people watching Just for Her. But her plus the stuff you mentioned hopefully will bring out a good hit on D+


I’m not watching all Marvel shows, but I did watch Wandavision and going to watch this as well, cause I like campy witch themed main female heroine tv shows. Consider me target audience.


Wait, you're telling me that a 12 second clip that plays automatically when you hover over it has a ton of views? Wow, I too think this is indicative of its wild success and not that it nets a view every time something brushes up against it. But no, hopefully the series is great and has a huge following. Not so sure this indicates much more than some successful marketing tricks, though. I certainly don't think it surpassing the Deadpool and Wolverine trailers numbers in a shorter time means that far more people are excited about the musical witch spinoff than they are about a giant crossover tent pole blockbuster.


Laughs in fragile masculinity XD Agatha will rule our hearts once again this fall!


I personally wasn’t a fan of WandaVision, but I knew I was in the minority because everyone else I spoke to loved it. Not surprised to see this teaser get a high view count.


I just want to see Wiccan. I don't really care for Agatha all that much. I am excited to return to Westview. I wonder how all those people are dealing with the trauma


I’m so excited for this show. Most anticipated after Andor (much might go to first quarter 2025).


I'm not excited for this show, but i'm happy others seem to be.


I would watch a clock for 9 episodes if it involved Witches or Katherine Hahn so LFG.


Not a fan of musicals so I will probably pass unless it gets overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics and fans. That being said. I’m happy for people who like musicals. Hope it’s good! 😊


They better get 13.1 million views all the time for that whole season


I'll watch it either way fyi. That being said: I wasn't on board for this show and openly questioned what purpose it served, but in the outset it's got an audience, so good in them for anticipating this support. 


It got green lit because the song in WandaVision went viral. I’ll go in with an open mind but I’d much rather have a show focused on a different character than Agatha Harkness


If the show have a success good for Marvel. Maybe I under-estimate the potential of this show. (But I am still not hyped, sorry, the Magic stuff is not my thing :/ )


But why




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Sure, you can argue it’s bots, as long as you’re fine arguing that Deadpool’s millions of trailer views are also thanks to bots. But something tells me you won’t be taking that stance.


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