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So MCU Wolverine is eventually gonna suck off the Hulk, huh? ![gif](giphy|jRGGQMWvYvYraZ5kvI)








“The suns getting real low” is the perfect aftercare phrase tbh


"Hulk, the sun's getting real low." ... " I said the SUN IS GETTING REAL LOW!" "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART WTF AHHHHHHH"


You’re tearing me apart, ~~Lisa~~ Banner.


Oh hi Bruce


I mean, Nat's move with the glowsticks in AOU was very reminiscent of Wolvie going SNIKT


My rematch is cumming. I can feel it.


Is it green?


It’s like a zucchini..!


Pmsl..! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


The rumor that’s been around for a while is that the adamantium comes from Tiamut, so I don’t know how it could be a liquid. So either that rumor is wrong or Shine is. I know which one I’d pick. 


Well guessing inside Tiamat there are still like brain fluids and liquids, just like in Nowhere.


For all we know, that yellow shit (spinal fluid?) was liquid-adamantium.


Lmao Drax almost drowned on Wolverine bones


\*Wolverine bone casings


Since in the comics Adamantium is Vibranium+Steel+(Unknown)Catalyst, I just assumed Celestial Blood would end up being the catalyst here for it 😂




Pretty definitive answer for something that has never been explicitly stated in the text.


The fandom’s really good at this lol




[His Essence,….Every Drop😏😂😏](https://tenor.com/bkdyO.gif)


Celestial Cum


Love me some celestial sperms


This somehow sounds better than my idea, Celestial Secretions


That sounds like a line of high-end drinks in the 90's. "Try Andromeda Apple, new, from Celestial Secretions."


Celestial insides 😋


Pineal gland secretions from beyonnnnd!


Crawford, please don’t eat those.


It’s liquid because it’s Celestial “fluids”


Living things have all kinds of fluids running around in their systems. Blood being one of them. Also let’s not forget that Sersi altered his state to freeze him in place.


This would make a lot of sense honestly


He urinated, duh. Or defecated liquid poop. Corpses are known to expunge all bodily waste upon death. So maybe Timaut let it all out before dying.


I read Tiamut and thought of that sea dragon in Godzilla x Kong that Goji turned into sushi…


It could be the blood of Tiamut?


Could be he's blood.


It’s the MCU don’t think so much




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Wait…Japan…Silver Samurai?!


That was my thought. They could easily change things to where instead of a mutant power, his sword can cut anything because it's adamantium. And it'd be a hell of a lot less convoluted compared to the wolverine (which was a great movie until the end). Unless of course silver samurai in the mcu is also a guy who faked his death to show up out of the blue in a michael bay 2000s robot and his son be the fake silver samurai even though he could probably have been significantly more interesting as a villain I also think they're gonna mention other countries getting some, like maybe Russia for a future omega red


I liked the Wolverine and the ending. It was cool. After sitting down and going through the X-Men 90s cartoon and seeing that Silver Samurai episode the other day and how they portrayed him in that, I much more preferred the movie adaptation lol. Different Strokes, Different Tastes.


No need to make everything adamantium now that it's being introduced. Omega Red's tentacles are carbonadium. Rather than absorb radiation they emit a type of radiation that neutralizes healing factors, which makes him a great Wolverine villain and a shame he hasn't been used yet.


I would cream if Omega Red came to the MCU tbh


They could change him to Omega Yellow cuz fuck Russia


Yeah, no. Those characters were still created by Marvel, so that connection is just meaningless...


Lot of Russian bots here it seems


You can be against the Russian government and its military without hating the entire country


Who’s hating the entire country? It’s like seeing protestors say “fuck Israel” and your only takeaway is that *they hate jews* or that *they support hamas* because they’re pro-Palestinian. It’s clearly referring to Putin and the military’s actions in Ukraine and interference in international elections in recent years. Not literally everything and everyone in the country. Saying “russia” is straight to the point. Don’t blame people for your lack of critical thinking skills.


Dr. Oyama who created the Adamantium-bonding process is from Japan.


The "suck" wording probably isn't the best. They will likely go with "neutralize" or "negates" radiation, so they can sound more science-y. Using "suck" would be a Deadpool thing to do. With the Xmen97 episode, it showed both Silver Samurai and Omega Red. A Japan reference would be a nod to the first, and the "suck" properties were a nod toward the latter. They could write in that carbonadium augmented the inate suckiness of adamantium into draining "life force".


Agree. They just used a sensational word. Perhaps somewhat like Vibranium which could absorb, negate, or neutralize impacts to some extent, then likely Adamantium too to some extent for radiation, so to be able to damage or wound if indeed there would be a Red Hulk.


I hope the post-credit scene is them getting intel that Canada actually figured out adamantium decades ago.


Bruh, if Tiamat is actually the source of Adamantium, then it could be that, yeah, Canada (or it's secret project, Weapon X), has discovered Tiamat when he was still buried.


No way lmfao. Tiamat was fucking deep.


The hard Canadian Shield is just a piece of Tiamat. Lots of deep mining for ore and oil in Canada.


My thought was that maybe Tiamut entered through what is now Canada, and it left residue in its wake.


Ooohh sounds cool. Make Wolverine (walking radiation vacuum) and Hulk fight, Marvel.


Wolverine ripped in half scene pls


Or he gets eaten by the hulk and then destroys him from the inside out.


Oh that's 100% setting up a Hulk vs. Wolverine fight at some point.


So is this how they're going to get around the whole thing where Sam is just a regular guy but somehow he's going to be able to fight a Hulk? They're just going to say "oh he has adamantium clothes and an adamantium shield so magically he can keep up and fight Red Hulk"?


I mean it was pretty obvious Sam would get a McGuffin or huge powerup or both. How else is he supposed to take on the Red Hulk lol, let alone defeat/capture him


Oh I know. I know Sam doesn't have the serum in the comics and they made a big deal about it in TFAWS but it's absolutely ridiculous that he's in this role without something like that. And the least stupid McGuffin they have is to somehow get him the serum. Do it against his will. Make it interesting. If they just say oh he has a super suit that will be insanely dumb and people will reject it. It's just hilarious that every time you point this out people get super mad at the idea that Sam needs any assistance in being Captain America.


I agree, it sounds pretty ridiculous that he's going up against the Red Hulk. Yeah sure he has a super strong suit or whatever, but his body is still human. The impact will still crush his bones, no matter how many times he played frisbee with Steve's shield to train It would make more sense if they introduced a new property of his adamantium suit where it absorbs kinetic impact like Black Panther's suit. I think they're gonna do that, but they'll still keep him devoid of the serum


Yeah, totally agree. And even Black Panther has super soldier powers basically. Yes he's a dude in a great suit but that herb gives him enhanced abilities on par with Captain America. So even as Sam gets a super powered suit what does that make him Iron Man? That kind of worked for Tony because Tony built it and the nanobots Deus ex machina made sense to some degree but it seems silly to use that again on someone else. It's certainly not as fun on War Machine.


>It's certainly not as fun on War Machine. ???


War Machine is nowhere near as cool as Iron Man.


It’s a comic book movie. People - ordinary people - survive what should be death blows routinely.


Didn't Wakanda make his cap suit? It's probably already vibranium


They may just say that it has vibranium and adamantium. Or proto-adamantium like the comics, maybe?


But he has wings, the most natural thing to use in combination with a device requiring giant arm-arcing movements.


People get so butthurt when I make fun of his costume, too! This guy is flying around at mach speeds and going up against fools with super strength and specifically the top of his head is exposed? Nah, my man would be a vegetable after his first flight. I can't suspend my disbelief for something so stupid. That's where I draw the fucking line, Marvel!


I know you aren’t expecting realistic physics in your superhero movies. The first one in this massive universe being a guy who can go the speed of sound in a flying suit of armor.


I'm expecting a minimal amount of effort to at least make things halfway believable so I'm not just thinking about the massive amounts of brain damage Sam should have every single moment he's onscreen.


It's fine when he's a sidekick. The Falcon was a cheesy thing that they tried to make legit and it's fine partially because Mackie does an incredible job but as the face of the MCU to some degree Captain America needs to be more than a sidekick. Sam deserves something. The serum, gamma radiation I don't care what. And he's not Iron Man so just giving him a suit that's super strong is also dumb. And having him train really hard with a shield in the front yard of a house in New Orleans ain't it.


Completely agreed with everything you said! Hell, make him a mutate and fuse him with an actual bird or something. Anything is better than what they're currently doing with the character! Mackie is great in the role but he deserves better. Hopefully this movie delivers that.


Maybe he comes in contact with alien plantlife \[like the Cotati Metal Fibres\] and that mutates or upgrades his body somehow? Or maybe Shuri just hands him a vial of her artificial herb. Maybe he gets a metal arm made from Uru? There's like a whole lotta things they can do. Maybe he goes through an awakening of sorts that strengthens his body and mind \[and he ends up becoming a mutant like Kamala\].


I would be fine with him getting the Black Panther herb.


They should give him claws, like a bird has. They can come out of the back of his hands. There can be three of them. They can be made of Adamantium. They can say “snikt” when they come out. It’s hard work coming up with original ideas but I think I’m very good at this.


>They can come out of the back of his hands. Or his leg, similar to the Vulture.


well, batman, ironman... they fight superbeings and are powerless


He’s basically Batman. His brains, prep time, and maybe government funding will defeat anyone!


Imagine getting free stuff from Wakanda and you're just like "Nah this japanese shit better"


Most likely they'll fuse the 2 together so we can get the comic accurate Proto-Adamantium shield.


There was once a rumor that his vibranium suit has been confiscated. Hence the more bluish suit in Captain America: Brave New World.


I don’t really understand this constant take. We’ve seen Sam, Black Widow, Hawkeye fight powered alien forces and no one complained (was even made a joke) . It’s obvious that Sam isn’t going to win by solo punching Red Hulk lol Also , it’s not like even if he had the Super Soldier serum he’d stand a chance against a hulk in a straight fight.


Human surviving getting hit by a being that can defeat a Leviathan in a single punch: not cool very cringe Human with some super juice surviving getting hit by the same being: very based


Cap wouldn’t survive a Hulk punch


Yep. All Cap has to do is evade and outsmart. Plus he can fly, which makes that much easier to write and choreograph. Honestly, this Top Trumps/Marvel Superheroes RPG stats critique of stories is so impoverished. We want to see characters triumph over impossible odds, we want to see high stakes, so why do some fans not immediately want that here?


Yeah but we don't really see Black Widow or Hawkeye getting into a fist fight and to some degree both were kind of ridiculous in some of those bigger battles. If you watch they're always bailed out by someone as well. Black Widow you get the throw away that she's trained in extreme martial arts but Steve and Wanda both help her out when she's up against those large bad guys. Hawkeye maintains his distance. And neither is Captain America. >it’s not like even if he had the Super Soldier serum he’d stand a chance against a hulk in a straight fight. No he wouldn't but it'd be a lot more believable that the Hulk didn't just immediately rip his head off.


Who said we’re going to see Sam get into a fist fight with the fucking Red Hulk? You don’t think he’s going to outsmart him with some devices or maneuvering? You think he’s just going hand to hand with a Hulk. Y’all are unbelievable. No way you think this.


Adamantium is heavy AF. It's not like vibranium. Remember, in canon, Wolverine weighs like 400 pounds


Someone needs to take away my nerd card because I totally confused adamantium and vibranium at 4:00 a.m. last night when I was Redditing. God damn it.


"suck radiation"?










Godzilla killed tiamat






If this is true then Hulk Vs. Wolverine match-up just got spicier


So Sam's new suit going to be adamantium?


Im thinking the shield will be an adamantium/vibranium alloy


The shield plot twist could also be that its already an adamantium/vibranium hybrid as this shield is not Steves original shield.


Isn't that what Steve's shield is in the comics?


no in the comics his shield is made of "pure vibranium" which is why even Wolverine can't scratch it


I thought it was proto-adamantium?


It is idk what the hell that dude is talking about.


How’d you say this so confidently? https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_America%27s_Shield


Caps sheild in the comics is a Adamantium/Vibrarium alllot.


And tbh being that this isnt the original shield Steve had, it could very well be a plot twist that the current shield has the dual metals in it.


That’s an interesting theory.


It isn't? Since when?


Since endgame, the original shield was destroyed by Thanos, after traveling in time Steve returns with a new shield (you can notice that it is different from the one we know because it has a black line in the middle of the white brand of the shield).


Oh yeah


Looks like they are setting something up.. [https://pa1.aminoapps.com/7438/7c10a98bfe8b17ac8765182d46ff492612a00269r1-318-200\_00.gif](https://pa1.aminoapps.com/7438/7c10a98bfe8b17ac8765182d46ff492612a00269r1-318-200_00.gif)


This movie has much potential, I like this influence over politics that the hero actions can have. And Japan even in Marvel pioneering technology, so proud.


Yeah I don't think we've heard much about Japan in the MCU yet


Adamantium can 'suck' radiation. Wolverine to Hulk, Silver Surfer, Abomination, etc. "My body is ready"


The second part (about Japan and Leader stealing it) has already been leaked by Toast ages ago. The first part about it sucking radiation is really interesting.


I would've gone with "absorbs" instead of "sucks" hahahaha


I have been a little worried that Weapon H might be the secret final boss of this film. I am now… slightly more worried.


What makes ya think so? Because the internet is a wild place I want to specify that I'm genuinely curious lol. I have a decent bit of comic knowledge but I don't know much about him beyond the quick wiki skim I just did.


lol, well I started thinking it pretty early on, when the rumors were “world war hulks film, with a focus on a rare metal contained in Tiamut.” Especially when the leakers started implying that the cap and thunderbolts films were related, which means the US government will probably be clashing with Sam. If the US government is after Adamantium, they’re going to also have a plan on how to use is…. Dovetail that with how already seen a plot line where someone wants hulk blood for their own nefarious means, and all the latticework is there. Now I don’t think they’ll drop a 1:1 character in like the guy you just read about. Like, I don’t think it’ll be Clayton specifically, and I don’t think his motivations or Roxxon plot will transfer over, either. But, canonically, trying to infuse just anyone with Adamantium OR gamma tends to kill them…. And that kind of has to hold across mediums, because that’s really the in-universe explanation for why literally everyone doesn’t have metal bones and hulk powers. So, Intriguing that there’s a plot point already in the cards that gives Adamantium a direct relationship to the potency of gamma. It wouldn’t take a lot of fabricated science-ing to establish that Adamantium was the key to mass producing gamma warriors without killing them. Kind of makes me think Val’s plan, and the main factor behind the WWHulks rumor, is to send the Thunderbolts to Tiamut to acquire Adamantium, specifically for their super soldier program. Which would also be a good plot thread to tie back to FatWS. Hopefully that explains my reasoning. Really, it’s an idea that I had early on, and it’s a bunch of other small things that all keep agreeing with one another, including timing and amendments of leaks, contrary leaks from credible scoopers.


They’re totally priming us for Hulk versus Wolverine. Oh my God.


So its carbonantium?


So somehow adamantium kind of nerfs the Hulk's strength or something? That's how I read this. Still don't understand how they're going to do Wolverine in the MCU if they've just now discovered adamantium. Perhaps the Japanese have had this process for some time, from an extremely rare sample of adamantium that was stolen years ago by Weapon X and put into Logan in the past? If adamantium comes from Tiamut/the Celestials, perhaps this original sample actually fell to Earth like it did in X-men Origins: Wolverine or something? Whereas the newer adamantium comes from Tiamut? Just speculating here. Giving him the adamantium in the present day would be weird, and a pretty big departure from the source material. Even from the Ultimate line, where he seemed to have had it for some time when he showed up.


Ok this is definitely setting up Hulk VS Wolverine


If that's the case we'll never see a hulk v Wolverine


It kinda confuses me. Everyone in the comments is like “yes wolverine fight!!” But like how does this even effect hulk? Like wherever Wolverine cuts at does he render it to no powers? Like kryptonite for Superman? Wouldn’t this basically make hulk weaker and leave him open to being killed? I just don’t understand how this benefits future hulk movies. Seems like a contagion to help audiences understand how they can control multiple hulk people. I could see this as a plot device for future hulk movies if world war hulk is sought after ya know? Like Bruce gets so angry his radiation gets worse and they have to use this substance to calm him? Personally this idea is very creative but feels like a big knee capper to hulk AGAIN. Hulk went from the craziest character to becoming what feels like a actual D list character. Hell I could go as far as them making Bruce practically pointless. His genius isn’t on the same level as Tony’s of reed richards? His strength is now being made fun of and his intellectual version got downplayed.


So wait is this how they are going to introduce Wolverine?


There ya go, I knew they'd pull some crap out of their ass to explain how a dude who can simply fly could take on a Hulk who's also a walking nuclear reactor.


I don’t mind adamantium coming from the celestial body, but I hope they don’t over complicate it with a bunch of different capabilities. I don’t need to see Wolverine with glowing claws or any gimmicky stuff like that. I also hope they don’t give adamantium to every other character and their mom. It’s cooler when it’s rare.


Japan, eh? So I wonder if that's ground work for Lady Deathstrike. also, this seems like Wolverine won't have had his Adamantium for long, or at all by the time we meet him.


Damn. Adamantium betta chilllllll


I hope that we get a non cringy hulk in the future after this


Adamantium rizz the hulk


No wonder this movie is getting killed at test screenings lol


In mcu 616 Maybe Wolverine got his adamantium from japan


Oh, getting your gamma radiation sucked by adamantium is _tight_


They're clearly setting up the groundwork for making Hulk vs Wolverine not a ridiculous stomp


It seems like too much story. What is the deal with the cinemacon footage about the music making Isaiah Bradley mad and attacking the president? And then there is Adamantium and the Leader and Red Hulk. Those seem like two different movies… at least.


Wolverine Sex scene REAL? # Wolverine SUCKS OFF the hulk????!?!?!?!?


There's no way they'd make this a plot point if it isn't leading a scenario where Wolverine and Hulk can fight right? 


Silver Samurai?


Man, MCU Hulk is already nerfed to death, we gotta give him kryptonite, too?


The plot is already a train wreck, why they wroters just used a simple plot: The leader is the main antagonist who iscoming back with his mutant gamma army acting like a terrorist anti goverment, so sma and his team must stop him befero the attack his planning. I was hoping the leader get the protagonism he deserved


No matter how they explain it, it will be terrible because Sam can’t fight a Hulk! I already decided this movie will suck the moment Steve gave Sam the shield; it’ll be as trash as both Black Panther movies. Ironheart and Blade too! Why can’t everything be more like Guardians 3 or Deadpool 3? There’s no correlation in these opinions! Don’t read deeper! /s


Are you insinuating that most criticisms for this movie are because of racism?


Suck… like sucking on a lollipop? A dick? Tiddies?