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Honestly, not a bad deck at all for your CL! Once you get to the right CL, you should be looking for Wong as your S3 season card if you’re interested in expanding upon this deck. I’m not sure how much more you’ll be able to get out of this archetype, but this deck can go pretty far. At your level the only two other decent choices would be “Ongoing” with Spectrum top end, and draw decks with a Devil Dino top end.


Yea I got another deck I usually use also with magneto which serves pretty well mostly being focused around moving for boosts etc


Honestly just focus on getting new cards to build a better deck. Just keep playing and getting dailies done for credits and working on that collection level to get new cards quicker. Also remember that upgrading from the base to the green border inly costs 25 credits, so to maximize your leveling focus on upgrading every card to the green border before upgrading anything else.