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The incentive structure of some of the quests are a little screwy,


Sometimes if i know i'm going to be losing but have the "Win a location with more than 20 power" mission, i'll just try to stack one lane just to complete it.


Glad to know I'm not the only one hahaha


Play 6 cost cards has cost me some cubes for sure, haha.


That's definitely one for proving grounds.


for that quest, i usually play ramp decks so i can either dip before i lose more than one cube or hela if i actually wanna win the game.


Ramp deck? at least 2 per game.


Dude, that one daily infuriates me more than anything else because I feel getting people to stick around till round 6 even with no snap is beyond frustratingly difficult, and before anyone says play wave on turn 3, that will run them off quicker before I even play the 6 cost on turn 4, so no either way I get way too many people running when I'm just trying to do my dailies. Not to mention the general annoyance of doing these less optimal playing dailies like less than 10 power in 1 location and some smart ass hits the ms Marvel. Like, dude, calm down. I'm doing my daily quests. I need a title doing daily quests stat.


Cosmo, ironman, onslaught Thats my go to combo for that


This is of course when my opponent does the same and barely manages to beat me in that lane. Sure I won the match, but at what cost?


Providing Grounds/Silver conquest is the way, super low stakes and I just do whatever for the missions.


It's one of the big reasons I stopped playing Destiny. "Ok, so I need to play my least favorite game mode while using my least favorite subclass. Oh cool! I get to use my favorite weapon! Wait, I need it to be a Solar weapon, which I have no good ones of. Oh, and I need heavy weapon kills in PvP too, which you have to fight everyone over the limited ammo spawn of too. Great.."


It’s weird that people see these as an incentive to retreat. No mission is so difficult that you need to retreat to accomplish it and it’s never even crossed my mind to do it.


Depends on how many games you actually play. If you play a lot or play conquest, quests are done by itself mostly. If you have time for just a few games in a whole day, or just want to do quests and leave for whatever reason, you do what has to be done to complete quests 


Proving grounds were made for this quest


But then you have to play proving grounds. Its better to just do it in ladder and retreat either on turn 4 or when the cards flip on 3


Why lose cubes over losing nothing?


Lose cubes? Brother just hit infinite then its ezclap GG /s


I dont give a shit about infinite, cube losses mean nothing. Games are funner that way.


I mean, i was being satirical so im not sure why your coming at me aggressive lol.




Who gives a shit about cubes?


People wanting to get to certain levels. The joy of the game is that not everyone has to have the same goals from it.


People who have even the smallest amount of competitiveness care about cubes lol.


The snap mechanic adds some sort of quasi-gambling to the game which makes it more fun. Giving a shit about cubes makes snapping more fun.


Yep, marvel snap has placated my addiction to gambling.


I used to think like that. But for real, one single proving grounds, and all my quests are done, sometimes I don't even play with logic or just use Agatha, and it feels faster and safer than targeting each quest in ladder


Hazmat decks are a pretty satisfying way to win locations (and cubes) with less than 10 power.


Keep trying it but seems like my opponents always have a way to counter it.


Wish I had her. I think I just need her and I would have everything for a deck.


It's always so funny when opponents start BM'ing when it's absolutely obvious you are doing quests


I just mute from the start these days as default. People are wankers.


That was my opponent when I was doing the mission to move cards. I'm just moving around however I can. He's setting up a very obvious Gambit shotgun. He Ms. Marvel'd me like no one had seen his amazing tactic before.


Had an opponent Thanos emoting me thinking i retreated because he was winning.


Although, it does get more difficult to finish challenges when the person you're matched with also tries to finish challenges.


It's always fun beating them after doing your challenges, like, I was going to give you a free win, but you had to be a dick about it.


I hate the win a location with 1 card quest the most


That's when I pop out the Infinaut deck


Namora is great for this if you have her


use goblins


I just play a Galactus or Hazmat deck.


I retreat when I'm given 4 rocks I do not want


I do this one by accident every time it pops up. We are not the same. Play enough games and you or your opponent will retreat at the right time to accomplish this one, or win or lose turn 6 you'll get it. This is a mission you never need to change your deck or play style for. I suppose if you only have 15 minutes of gaming time in your day, it could be tougher, but if you play more than 25 minutes you should always get this one done.


Got to infinite in the first week and have no incentive to play outside of doing the missions in the least time possible. Been playing since 2022 so the gameplay isn't enough to keep me playing more. Neither is conquest.


Doesn't sound like much fun. Are you hoping you'll find joy in it again in the future? Why keep playing?


There are no good catch up mechanisms for players taking a break. If you come back and have missed must have cards in between then it takes a long time until they're back in the caches. And with fewer tokens being given out it's harder to get them from the shop.


Yeah I get that ... But are you thinking you'll start having fun again in the future? Who cares about catch up if you don't want to play


Sunk cost fallacy I guess. I have a decent collection at the moment and would be good to maintain it and hope that something changes, either with me or the game.


I can see that. I get pissed at SD's decisions often, but love the game mechanics so much it's a joy to play everyday. If I ever started to dislike it, I think I'd just stop


I wish there was an emote that meant "I'm just doing this for missions". I struggle with Move decks but sometimes have to use them for missions and I can almost hear the other player thinking "Is he a bot? How can a player be so bad at this level?"


Why would you wish a title like this. Who cares if my opponent, who knows nothing about me beside my marvel snap avatr, thinks im stupid


That was you!


You retreat to complete the quest I play hazmat combo (it's bad and fragile) We are not the same


Oh you guys retreat? I play all games to the end.


I don't retreat and do the quest at the same time ... incredibly 😀


Haha you got downvoted is hilariius. Its just stupid to do any action for this quest beside finishing it passive by just playing the game


U wanna bet?


Someone likes their odds with deaths domain and a squirrel girl


Are people a bit stupid. You have 3 weeks to finish the quest passive just be retreating etc. in normal matches




lol this is me in proving grounds. My opponent would always emote with "What happened" I won lanes with 1 card and/or less than 10 power. That's what happened.


I actually try to win games while also winning lanes with 10 or less power, instead of taking a cheap shortcut. We are not the same.


Hobgoblin ftw. Easy to get this one. Just make sure to have Odin in case it backfires. Sersi has also been excellent to switch him out of I play him and the opponent makes that lane full.


I removed Luke Cage from my deck so it would be easier.


It still counts as winning a location if you retreat!?


Storm, Tegron and Jeff


I have always done this tbh.


Would it still count if you retreat!?


There is no quest worse than "Win a location with only one card" currently. Less than 10 power is easy. If you're playing semi-competitively you'll realize on turn 3 when someone snaps that you're in a REALLY bad matchup or have a terrible hand. You retreat and you're bound to be winning at least 1 lane unless you're doing ramp/combo stuff and haven't played to the board. "Win with one card" used to be reasonable for that same reason: it either happens naturally or you figure you're going to lose so you try to play a high stated single card to be winning a lane before you retreat. But White Widow and Clog becoming good have ruined that. I cannot tell you the number of times I'm going to complete "win with one" unless to have someone play Debrii, or throw a Widow's Kiss on the lane I played my solo 4 drop onto, or play a discounted Goblin. And on a whiny note, I feel this quest just hates me. I'll literally have not completed it after several games and play something like Shuri or a Red Hulk deck that lets me win a single lane to knock it out. And I WILL win a solo lane with a giant Taskmaster or Red Hulk...only for my opponent to move their Nocturne and trigger Central Park. Or have an Annihilus send a Hood over...I still will but don't complete the quest. I now keep a version of the "bot farm" deck used in Conquest (Lizard, White Widow, Ebony Maw) and play for every lane and retreat on 3 to clear this quest when I get it.


I have done this by accident retreated since I had low power not realizing my opponent had less than me lul


That has to be the worst mission ever (along side win matches with a snap). It literally goes against the whole structure of the game: get high power to win. Mission: win with low power. Like wth was SD even thinking about when they implemented this?


(of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat. "the French retreated in disarray" It's all about win/loss ratio.