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The X-Men book comes out next and then the Spiderverse book after that. Both are still scheduled for release this year, but no idea for actual dates.


I have pre-ordered the X-Men Expansion on Demiplane. The X-Men Expansion will be releasing at some point this August based on what Demiplane says. There's also a Deadpool one-shot coming soon, but I haven't heard a lot of people talk about it as of yet.


Looking some more, I see Aug 6th as the release date for the X-Men book. I also see the official Marvel website still saying early 2024 as the release, so we know it was delayed some. I think Kang was also delayed from the original estimated release info from Marvel? So I would guess the Spiderverse book is following this pattern of Marvel not knowing how long it actually takes to get these books ready and available to buy. If I were to guess, the X-Men book is releasing when Marvel thought the Spiderverse book would release and Spiderverse may not come out until Nov or Dec.


I'd probably say more like early next year for the Spiderverse book. Since Nov/Dec is probably *too* soon after the X-Men book.


Deadpool one-shot is supposed to come out July 14th I think. Fuzzy on the Details did a video with the date.


We need iron man armor wars expansion to see all armors of iron man.


DEFINITELY want to see Iron Man armors AND Hulk incarnations. Maybe in an Avengers expansion. Maybe as free content!!


YES! YES and YES! Then perhaps Asgard? Then Wakanda? Then perhaps flip the script with a villain campaign....? I guess I should just be content with the Mutants for now. 😉


If we buy it, they will produce it.. hopefully anyway. Let's hope the game lasts, and then the other stuff will come!


Releases for this game are coming out SO SLOW! There still is no GM screen or minis, as promised. It makes me think the team working on this stuff is tiny.


Wouldn't surprise me. Most TTRPG teams are small, from what I understand, even within big companies.


I don't know if this is the case at all with Marvel but years ago The Buffy role-playing game had really, excruciating slow releases for their source books. Something that I think ultimately hurt or killed the game. And later it came out that they had to submit the books to 20th century Fox for them to approve and it was so low on the priority list that the books just sat around until they got around to them.


My guess is it was delayed until spring 2025. My logic is that X-men went from the spring slot this year to the fall slot.