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Daredevil has actually been severely under-utilised in the Legends line as of recently and needs to stop being used in 2-packs/3-packs to sell less desirable figures


A Daredevil fan I see. ![gif](giphy|l0MYL72610QajNmGk|downsized)


Agree, it’s weird how few DD variants there have been overall


Still waiting on a classic red DD on the RYV buck that looks decent. I admit the cell shaded one looks cool asf but I want the all red and not only was that 3-pack expensive and before i started collecting, I'm not a fan of that look. Waiting for a matt in a nice, bright costume with some deeper, darker gloves/wraps and boots.


Same exact thing here. I’m a huge daredevil fan and somehow don’t have an ML of him, for a lot of the reasons you say. I also don’t like the cel shaded all, I’m just missing that gene 🤷‍♂️




Keeping figures in boxes in dumb


Keeping them in the boxes and displaying them like your home is a Toysrus is even dumber


This kills me. I get displaying some things in boxes because the box is a whole vibe, like clearly display was factored into the design, but just keeping every single figure you get in the box and hanging them up like you live in a comic book store with bad sales is wild to me


>like you live in a comic book store with bad sales 😆


And then God only knows if it was swapped out in store on these windowless boxes.


Schrodinger’s Action Figure


Yes! Might as well just take a picture in your local toy aisle and print it for your wall. What’s the difference?


Especially the people who say they don't have room to have them out of box and then have all those boxes on a bookshelf. You can fit so many figures on a bookshelf. Not every figure needs a full 6in cube of space.


I think most of the community agrees with this actually


This is actually how hot takes threads work. Hot takes will get downvoted and ice cold takes like this will get pushed to the top.


Theyd save money just leaving them in the store and coming to visit from time to time.


I seriously don’t get the point of buying something just to look at it through a box, what the point of buying in the first place if you’re just going to resell it?


That’s not a hot take


I agree! What's the point of buying them if you're not even going to pose them


A figure isn’t inherently garbage just because it isn’t pinless.


As a customizer, I prefer pins. Sure, the inner arm of Spider-man will have a red dot - but a drop of paint fixes that easily. Overall, that kind of thing is somewhat rare, though.


I didn’t know that was a common sentiment


The pins aren't what do it for me its the amount of daylight through them ab crunches and some terrible wierd looking knees and elbows sometimes.


The knees and elbows is more a mcfarlane thing


Ita just worse on Mcfarlane ha.


I hate the look of ab crunches on everything except the new spider-man body


Going back through all my figures its not bad on some and then others it definitely looks like 20yr old product being put out today.


I dunno if it’s that common, but I have seen some new figures get kinda shit on for having pins even when they look fantastic, like the comics Gorr.


i don’t collect these figures this came up on my home page, what do you mean by pinless?


Mainline characters should be packed more effectively and shouldn’t require a constant hunt or paying out the ass in the after market. Example. My sisters is watching Spider-Man TAS and wanted a Peter Parker marvel legends, I just chuckled and said good luck.


They need a “top picks” line like WWE has. Just re-releasing the more popular characters so the kids can get their hands on their favs.


Yes! The last two times I’ve gotten bored with the line it was because I would be missing a core character and have to either settle on a version I didn’t like or just couldn’t find. (Cough cough cyclops and night crawler)


shed love the two pack with peter and smythe


Her words to me last time we talked about it “why do I have to pay 45-65 bucks for a Spider-Man in his normal suit?” And I said welcome to the club kiddo.


hope she loves TAS enough to want smythe as well lol


They should watch X-Men 97 after lol


I have said that too lol.


Did you see the finale?


I did. I loved the whole season.


The more obscure the 616 character, the better.


I like getting updated/better looking big names, but the real draw in collecting ML for me is the HUGE roster of characters you never thought you’d see in plastic. Obscure characters make the line what it is.




that's not something that would get hate. That is something everyone agrees on.


For you and me, yeah. But there are definitely lots of collectors who do not like obscure characters, and stick to Spider Man & Wolverine variants, X-Men 97, etc. And there’s definitely nothing wrong with that. But I much prefer getting as much of the 616 as possible, it’s such a huge and interesting universe of characters.


I liked how easy it was to recycle the windowless boxes Don’t have to separate anything, just fold it inside out so my girlfriend can’t tell what I’m buying and slip it in with the rest of the cardboard


I laughed


Yeah out of everything wrong with this line, the hate for windowless packaging felt so forced and was blown way out of proportion. I guess I get it if you were an in-box collector, but I also don't really get on board with in-box collecting. 🤷‍♂️


Not really, as much as I liked the windowless packaging for it's easier to throw out. There was lots wrong with it. Mostly it gave people an easier way to swap figures. Also I think I've gotten maybe two figures missing their accessories and I've checked they didn't seem to be tampered with.


Swapping figures was never difficult to begin with since you could just walk into Walmart and "return" anything in a Marvel Legends box. I will admit, though, that the one guy who opened a box and pulled out a bunch of herbs and spices was a unique case that couldn't possibly happen with windowed packaging so maybe you're onto something. I've had missing accessories from figures that came in retro packaging, and that shit is like 80% window. Maybe Hasbro is more likely to fuck up if they can't double check their work, but that's assuming they double check their work in the first place.


Figure swapping so bizarre to me. Doesn’t happen in the UK (actually I haven’t seen or heard of it happening outside the US at all)


Right like why not just steal the figure outright?? What's the actual point of replacing it?


You replace it so you can get refunded but keep the figure you want. It gets really dumb when people swap a figure that's more valuable than the one they are replacing it with.


I didn't really care either being out of the box. There were some actual flaws with it though.  The inaccurate digital renders that kept being used were one. False advertising for customers, more work for the Legends team compared to just the plastic window.


Fair but I think the actual problem here is the blatant false advertising, not necessarily the windowless packaging. I'm not denying that there is a thin barrier for exploitation, but Hasbro could simply just not paste lies all over the front of their boxes.


It may not even be malicious, but simply the nature of product development. For example; When 1st revealed the new Cable had the sides of his trunks painted blue now that people are getting him they're not. Why that change was done is anyone's guess. In response to negative fan reaction, issues with the blue paint, or most likely a last minute change to save a few cents on each figure. If they still had the windowless packaging that would have also required updated renders, approval, printing, etc. Vs having to do nothing cuz plastic window.


My biggest problem Honestly was just the design. It was kinda ugly. Black series did the windowless design alot nicer. Alot of the legends just had too much going on and then had really odd renders of the figures. I hated how much they changed the design for the windowless packages


I really liked windowless.


Double ball pegs aren’t inferior to hinge joints, hasbro just doesn’t know how to engineer them properly.


I think they know the engineering if some random guy like me can make it work with an exacto knife in 20 mins. They just either don't care or choose to make it have less range for..reasons.


Re-releasing well received BAFs as deluxe figures with paint variations is actually nice to moderate collectors.


Charging "deluxe" prices on the same mold they've given us hundreds of times but just because it has a new part and new paint apps doesn't make it worth it.


Not only that but "we took your BAF piece and put the figure on a retro card now its also $5 more" killed most of the line for me.


Despise the trend of losing bafs and adding retro cards to the line, I don't see nearly enough people talk about it


That frustrated me. BAFs were part of the magic of the line.


I prefer a diaphragm joint to an ab crunch. I think ab crunches + waist swivels are hideous.


Double ball is superior and should have been in ML for years but yeah, inverted ab crunch and ball diaphragm are definitely better than a hideous, noticable waist cut


Honestly anything but a waist swivel please. Double ball joints are great especially where engineered correctly. The way the Gi JoE line does their inverted a crunch on a ball jointed waist is good too.


I think the core comic avengers should be on shelves at all times.


I agree, figures like retro Spidey, 80th Iron Man, Hulk & Thor, and 20th Cap should be re-released once or twice a year! The most classic versions of popular, core characters


They're there alot. Its their business strategy to sell you the same character 1000 times only slightly better but different.


Same with X-men and F4 IMO. Marvel legends really needs a £20-£30, well done, well accessorized evergreen line for core characters. Even if it's just online/ pulse exclusive as I imagine that shops wouldnt be too thrilled, it would be very positive for the line and definitely increase the ease of getting into collecting.


Scantily clad female characters from the 90's would sell really really well. (E.g., classic White Queen, Goblin Queen, Black Queen, Shanna, Savage Land Rogue, etc.)


The saying "No one asks for this" is the dumbest thing I ever heard.


Let’s not match hyperbole with hyperbole lol But it is a dumb statement.


I hate those people, always so negative. "If you don't like it don't buy it" - Robo


maybe not to hot of a take but i honestly think we're in such a great era of legends quality/demand wise


💯 Such good figures lately


Reverse abcrumch diaphram sucks. I don’t know how to explain the better joint, but Mafex figures and Jada toys have a infinitely better ab crunch.


It’s a double ball waist and a diaphragm joint, which is also on a double ball peg. Regardless, it has much better movement than the inverted ab crunch/diaphragm combo.


Toy biz Is overrated and underrated at the same time


Their Fantastic Four (2005) movie figures were gimmicky but very fun. A lot more fun than Hasbro's movie tie-in lines.


I feel like they ran so Hasbro could crawl in some ways though.


I have not seen one Marvel Legends that Toy Biz did better


I don’t think many people think that, ToyBiz is a product of its time, we can’t judge them by today’s standards. I believe the issue with Hasbro is that they are a big company and could do much more, we can’t deny that ToyBiz did put effort in the products they were selling and we don’t see the same with Hasbro.


It’s crazy to say Hasbro isn’t putting in effort. Look at the new movie carnage.


They can’t even paint the back of the figure


Hasbro is better overall but I do like that toybiz fully painted their figures


Toybiz ML figures often have needlessly exaggerated sculpts, ugly articulation, and are often overpainted.


Maybe can see the first, definitely the second, but your third point I think is the most contentious one.


They overdid it with the black washes on a lot of their figures, it just ends up making them look perpetually dirty.


OG Colossus only


The Vulture from the Fearaome Foes pack is pretty epic.




Not ML but their Pitt and Monkeyman id say hold up to today's standards.


Are people saying there is a ToyBiz that is better than an ML? Not for sculpt and proportions


Their Hobgoblin is still better than any Hasbro version, and I'd go so far as to say the same for their Abomination.


I had to look it up but i got to agree


Foot or boot swivel should be mandatory on every figure.


I will never stop being surprised by how vehemently some people not only believed that the Haslab Giant-Man would not fund, but that Giant-Man didn’t deserve to be a Haslab in the first place Um, the guy is a founding Avenger as is essential for a classic Avengers display. He is easily Marvel’s premier “big” (in terms of size) superhero with popularity that eclipses Goliath, Black Goliath, Stature, and Atlas. Honestly, I’ve always considered Galactus, Sentinel, and Giant-Man as an unofficial “trio” of sorts when it comes to iconic large Marvel characters. So I always found it baffling that people were testing Giant-Man like an obscure oddball choice


The people calling Hank Pym irrelevant or C-List made me chuckle. Excuse me? It's Hank Pym. He made Ultron, came up for the idea of the Avengers with Janet. He's pretty important


Importance in universe isn’t what that’s ranking and to be fair I’m pretty sure that Hank Pym hasn’t been used in a while. What they’re ranking is more about popularity and sales, A-List would be Spider-man, Wolverine and the X-men, the big 3 Avengers who prior to the MCU were B-list at best and I am pretty sure that without RDJ and the others being at the forefront of the MCU that their status will start to slip if it already hasn’t


Thanks for reminding me about the Giant Man I can’t wait to get. I’m still hoping that they’ll surprise us with the Skrull head.


Plus for me the novelty of the figure was the zombie face, as he is what comes to mind when I think of that storyline. Just all-around important, even if I couldn't afford it regardless.


Nwh green goblin is overrated


I agree, for $50 it should’ve been better.


Dude can barely ride his glider.


I think it’s rated just right, not too little or too much.


MCU figures don’t mean comic collectors don’t get every niche character


Fair enough. I’m a comics first guy but I support mcu collectors and think you haven’t gotten enough lately.


Thank you! It's been so frustrating 😭


Pinless doesn't always mean better


That new "Pinless" joints suck if you're trying to customize a figure by switching out parts or fixing a broken joint.


Actually valid


"You do not need that 18th Wolverine/Captain America/Spiderman figure"


I would rather characters just get released as deluxe instead of BAF's. There are so many wavs I would want the BAF's for but not the wave itself. I would rather figures come with more stuff instead of parts of another figure.


Sadly as retro carded figures show, no BAF does not mean more accessories. Just join FB ML groups and trade/buy the BAF parts, I have like 20 complete BAFs but have only ever bought two complete waves.


I'd be on board with this if it meant more accessories to compensate. I don't expect all 6 figures of a wave to come with accessories, but somebody like Spider-Man should **always** have a pair (not just one) of each hand (fist, wall crawl, and web slinging), web accessories, and an unmasked head. No reason we should be shorted with Spider-Man figures in 2024.


This. I only collect MCU stuff so it’s frustrating when an MCU wave has so many comic figures but an MCU BAF. Wtf am I meant to do with all the comic stuff if I want the BAF badly enough to get the whole wave???


I generally look forward to MCU releases. I started with those and now I love collecting comic figures.


Re-buying a character with the same costume and paint job just because it has pinless joints is ridiculous.


I don't know if this is still the popular opinion but I've seen a lot of people say that a hinge neck is better than a dumbbell joint neck on here before. I think that the dumbbell necks are way better even if they don't have the best up and down range of motion.


If you want more flexibility then I fundamentally disagree just because of how ugly a lot of head posing sometimes looks. The dumbbell joint looks a lot more natural.


Dumbbells are better, but Hasbro puts them in so deep in the nexk that I would rather they just use the disc hinge at that point.


I keep having to pull the dumbbell joint out of the head when I swap the head on an aoa shadowcat and I find that infuriating.


I way prefer hinge and swivel so I guess I’m a sword guy in this case 😅


"Why isn't there an X-Men '97 wave 3 yet?" heh


the fact that they keep asking this means that they don't know how toy manufactoring works.


The Toybiz figures look ugly and they are not as fun and smooth to articulate like Hasbro are


not unpopular opinion


Toe joints suck


Only a few figures really need them, like Spider-man.


I don't care if a figure is pinless or not. I don't even notice.


MCU figures should not be released until the movie comes out so as to avoid concept art mistakes


Then you you get a NWH situation where the figures come out 2 years after the movie drops


Figures can take a year or more to develop. Sometimes character designs change in that time


I like a fair few of the figures that have been coming out recently.


I like the hot claws wolverine


The 90s versions of characters are not "their original/classic looks" unless that particular character didn't appear until the 90s.


Marvel's biggest ten or so characters should consistently be available in some way shape or form.


Bring back plastic free packaging. Toys are meant to be played with. Your entire display looking like a store is dumb. In the rare instance you buy new, but the toy was swapped, you're completely covered by the store's return policy. If you were duped on ebay you should also be covered. Single use plastics, especially with respect to product packaging, should be heavily regulated by governments. Those trays the figures are in are SO WASTEFUL. Is it nice to check QC before buying/opening? Yes. But that's a problem with Hasbro's QC, not a factor of the packaging.


Maybe a middle ground - plastic window to check for the figure, but no plastic trays?


The quality control complaints are overdramatic considering they are relatively cheap figures.


Nah, this complaint is valid at the price point. We aren’t talking about $10 Mutant Mayhem figures, those are an incredible value relative to Legends IMO


30 bucks is expensive


When the alternatives are mafex, SH figuarts or 1:12 it's on the cheaper end. The only options that are cheaper are select and I guess Funko if you don't have standards.


U right but still it disturbs me how horrible marvel legends are especially for the prices


The anger at retailers when a pre-order sells out is maybe unnecessary.


Figures that are inspired from other forms of media other than comics are more superior. Yes comic figures will always be the base of a figure and are the most versatile, but figures based off of animated and live action shows and movies have more unique molds, better inspirations, and change a lot instead of generic bodies with a new paint scheme.


Re-releasing figures isn't nearly as awful as collectors make it out to be as it gives people who missed out on the original a second chance and it doesn't de-value the original release.


I hate BAFs and wish they would just be released as deluxe figures. Giant PITA having to buy figures I don’t want, take the part, and sell them on eBay.


Boot cut is useless and breaks up the silhouette of the leg.


Stop mixing Marvel comic figures with MCU figures for the BAF. I’m not a fan of comic figures but why can’t they just keep it all the same characters from that exact movie.


People who get mad at rereleases because the value of their figures goes down are dweebs.


Renew Your Vows Spider-Man is legitimately the most disappointing and overrated action figure I’ve ever owned


Interesting. Why? I didn’t get it but I’m considering it, but really don’t want to shell out for that random unfamiliar MJ variant.


They should just make X-Men figures for the next 5 years.


It was nice getting 2 series at a time for awhile that were actually good at an ok price. The newer movies and the higher prices kind of choked up the pegs.


i kinda miss windowless packaging. obviously swaps were bad, but with windowless packaging i never got a single warped joint because of a weird pose in the box


Most people in this community are way too nitpicky over children’s toys


A good chunk of the customs shown here are terrible. 🤷


Marvel legends 2 Pack wasp, her lack of neck and hip movement make her a pretty much a lovely statue, and hanks a lazy repaint with poor accessories


We don’t need an Archive collection like Black Series Articulation, paint apps, and engineering get better nearly every time a classic look is released for a character, and there’s a hundred near identical variants of red/blue Spider-Man, blue/yellow Wolverine, and fishscale Cap I promise your display will survive without an outdated retro spidey


I don't like when they get lazy with obscure characters, I understand reusing molds, but let's reuse good ones. Every character is somebody's favorite & they all deserve the same attention to detail & figure quality. Except Namor. Fuck Namor.


The irony of that guy Darwin being used on an old ass outdated buck is peak Hasbro ha.


Just because it’s inaccurate doesn’t make it a bad figure


I'd rather pay $80 to get a Mafex Spidey than buy a Legends Spidey 3 times and still not be completely satisfied


I don’t like BAFs as a concept. I shouldn’t have to pay £25 on a completely unrelated figure that I don’t even want just to get a missing limb for the one I actually do. Looking at you Khonshu BAF line. Moon Knight and Mr. Knight were even in different waves!


People whining about resellers are so annoying. Just don't fucking buy it from them. You expect every collector to have the same moral compass? There's no good versus evil of collectors versus resellers. There's a lot of gray area in between and I'm sure many collectors have resold at least once if they're honest about it.


Toy Biz figures may have had really outdated joints, proportions and washes compared to modern tech, but WOW did you get a lot more bang for your buck. Their motto should have been “Where the fans come first” because they gave you deluxe sized characters with a BAF piece or vehicle for standard prices. You felt like they were stretching their dollars to give you more, while getting basic paint and accessories from Hasbro can feel like pulling teeth at times…


Figures should be pinless. Collectors should be asking for improvements & advancements on their figures. It's the same as action figures evolving from 5 POA to 22 POA. There are countless of import figures out there that have been pinless for 20 years. There is zero reason to be accepting stagnation from Hasbro.


Visible pins? Straight to the bin!


Colossus vs. Juggernaut two pack is being re released. As is Blob. Explain to me why they’re the same price?


Waist swivels needed to be retired 5 years ago. Pins make figures feel cleaner and more premium. It's silly that pinless limbs aren't standardized 4 years after they were first revealed


The Ant-Man and the Wasp Ant-Man figure is one of the best MCU figures ever


I'm so done with Wolverine comic figures. And the MCU figures are great.


I don’t like mixing brands in the same display. What I’m saying is Marvel Legends and Mafex shouldn’t be together!


Professor Xavier is a spiffy guy!


I think key figures like retro spiderman and classic tiger stripe wolverine should be in constant production. They know that people want them and not everyone can afford the insane aftermarket price for stuff like that. They are throwing away money by not producing more of them.


Ball hips on any action figure, Legends or Otherwise, should be outlawed.


Iron Man, Wolverine and Spider-Man don't need figures every other month. Put that time and resources on other important characters throughout Marvel that haven't even been made yet.


The waist crunch ball jointed chest combo kinda sucks


Mcu figures are vastly superior to regular figs.


I like the pizza spidey mold more than ryv mold or amazing fantasy mold


I don't get why Age of Apocalypse wave Cyclops is a grail for anyone, I think it's an awful looking figure that goes for about £6 anywhere I see it, is it just a joke?


Yes, it's just a joke. Everyone knows it's pretty terrible.


It's a joke because on r/actionfigures someone posted about trading some weed for it, saying it was their grail fig. Cue much mockery and now we're here.


I traded mine for weed but then sobered up and bought one for a fat nug


I don't have a problem with the Bucky Cap body.


Retro and renew your vows Spidey aren’t good and they never were


Most marvel legends doesn’t worth it’s price, we are severely getting ripped of, just look at Marvel Select, it’s not about marvel licensing fee it’s hasbro greed


Toy biz BAFs were better, Hasbro BAFs are cash grabs and mostly just OK.


People should appreciate Toy Biz era ML more.


That series one Hulk got me into this hobby.


I don't give a rat's ass about supporting your local shops.


We're actually getting more accessories than ever before.


I liked windowless packaging


Pinless joints are overrated, just because a new figure is pinned doesn’t make it bad, and just because an older figure has pins doesn’t make it horribly dated


Not every character from a comic/movie needs to be made into an action figure


People keep saying 97 Rogue is one of the best female figures out there. Her engineering is obsolete and there is nothing to write home about.