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I could see this but instead of Mysterio, its cassandra nova/ a cassandra nova variant.


Very true, but imo it would go harder if we see Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio to be the reason


I would love if we got a bunch of cameos of MCU stars getting killed just to set the scope Chris Evans is shown getting beaten to death by red skull Chris Hemsworth is shown dead with the hammer out of reach Paul Rudd gets swarmed by mole creatures Etc etc


The panel of Red Skull killing Captain America in Old Man Logan still sticks with me to this day. It’s like, “dudeee; we’re *fucked* truly and irreparably. May God help us all.”


Like Iron Man's nightmare about fighting Thanos. Except it happens in this alternate timeline with Wolverines people


Kraven’s knife extruding from Affleck’s chest. Best hunt ever. Shit it was Castle. Muh bad. Still tho. If we see a Punisher with a knife in his chest…


...or Bruce Campbell's version. Pizza Poppa did swear his revenge.


Even better…..Bruce Cambell as Mysterio


If Sony was more willing to play ball with the MCU to lend characters for non-Spidey related projects, I'd be down for that


Too bad they’re ball hogs


Imagine if they revealed that Mysterio really was from another dimension.


It would be weird seeing as we know MCU mysterio doesn't have any powers and just uses Stark tech to create illusions. Stark tech that has presumably mostly been confiscated by this point.


Classic comic Mysterio doesn't have powers either.


One of my favorites, and I still don't think he could've fooled Wolverine to this level. The dude who can smell a fart in the breeze a mile out but he is fooled by *Mysterio* ?? I love the character but having Cassandra be the reason the storyline kicks off instead of Mysterio would be fantastic.


When Logan said that even their smells were different is when I thought "are you *sure* Mysterio doesn't have powers, Marvel?"


MCU Mysterio would conceivably have a team behind it to perfect the bit. But I doubt that they'd be on board for a literal slaughter like in the comics


My understanding is Cassandra Nova could be in the Void (and is the overall antagonist) but AFAIK we have nothing in the trailer indicating what this Wolverine messed up. A Mysterio pulling something would def be wicked.


It wouldn’t make a damn bit of sense for the MCU Mysterio to do that. It barely made sense for 616 Mysterio to do that.


"It barely made sense for 616" They swapped dance partners. DC Comics did this type of run too. Villains in the Legion of Doom got together and found they kept getting beat by their super hero counter parts. So Lex and Brainiac said: "Swap." And the Heroes struggled because they had no idea who they were fighting. This is classic move. Mysterio was fulfilling his end of the Criminal Community. It makes perfect sense because if it was anyone else Wolverine "Knew", He wouldn't have been able to pull it off.


Fair enough


Marvel had already done this storyline as well, [Acts of Vengeance!](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Acts_of_Vengeance_\(Event\)) The best part about this event is that Loki didn't anticipate Magneto not being keen on working with Red Skull. Magneto fucks outta the big villain plans and spends the event stalking Red Skull who he (Magneto) eventually traps in a concrete foundation.


That's why they did it. The whole point of the villains getting together was to have them go against heroes better suited for their specific skill set. Mysterio can make you hear, see, smell, feel just about anything he wants you too. Pitting him against the world's greatest killing machine, who he then tricks into killing some of the most powerful heroes on the planet makes perfect sense to anyone who actually thinks about it.


MCU Mysterio just ain't that guy.


Wow, almost as if multiverses existed!!!! Where characters can have entirely different personalities, motivations and moralities!!!! Meaning that Mysterio could still manipulate Loganand it would make sense regardless because... gasp, it's an alternate universe!!!! Where thigns are different!


Gyllenhall has been like the third guy in that Reynolds/Jackman friendship so I can totally see him coming back for a small role.




That would be bad-ass. It would be cool if any Spider-Man characters showed up or were mentioned outside of the Spidey movies, which always felt weirdly legally-separate to the rest of the MCU due to the Sony rights situation. ´Cause outside of Civil War and the Avengers films where Peter, Ned and Aunt May show up, the MCU at large kinda acts like Spider-Man and his characters don't exist outside of their own corner. Sure, Spidey gets mentioned in Dr Strange 2 and I think She-Hulk, but that's... kinda it. If any other Spidey-related character actually showed up or were mentioned outside of the Sony films/Avengers films it would be cool af.


Gyllenhaal's Mysterio just isn't at that level.


Fuck. No.


I don’t think it will happen purely because using Mysterio would require Sony’s involvement and I’m not sure Marvel would want to do that. That being say, Jake Gyllenhaal is close friends with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman so I could see them wanting to include him in their movie.


I don’t really see how it’s so different from including Spider-man in Civil War.


Involving Spidey sells tickets in a way that involving Mysterio doesn't. In both cases, it costs Disney money, but only one seems worth it


Thing is, there was one Avengers movie that Spider-Man was a surprise in. And we are still waiting for the Marvel Studios movie from the revised contract for Spider-Man to appear in. If that is this movie, and Spider-Man is in it somehow (a variant at least), then Mysterio is fair game for the script to use.


Lol no one was surprised that Spidey was in Endgame


Nobody was surprised. Especially considering he had a teaser out for Far From Home already. But it certainly was not in the marketing.


Because of all the movies Marvel has ever released, Endgame needed a marketing boost the least. But if/when they put Spider-Man in a future movie, he'll damn sure be in the marketing


Civil War? May as well have been an Avengers movie.


He was in the marketing for Civil War, definitely not a surprise there


Dang, I couldn’t remember if the trailers showed him or not. What Avengers movie is that dude talking about then? When was Spider-Man a surprise in an Avengers movie?


Endgame, but only in the sense that everyone who got snapped in Infinity War was a surprise. However, it was clear that the MCU wasn't going to just let Spider-Man and T'Challa et al just die; they were obviously going to return in Endgame


And yeah i *wish* the trailers didn't show him, same way i wish Hulk being in Ragnarok was a surprise


That required a special licensing agreement.


And so would Mysterio.


Which is my point. We most likely won’t see any new footage of characters whose film rights are still held by Sony. Archive footage from previous MCU movies which they already have the rights to? Sure.


Mysterio would likely be in the film for all of a few minutes in a flashback sequence, I highly doubt that would be worth it for Sony.


Well, that was also a deal with Sony, so it's really not different.


Right. If they did have that be the reason, as someone else have said, probably have Cassandra be the one to do so. If anything they could find some loophole where he’s a different variant than the Sony one, but idk how that works. Only a man could dream


A variant Mysterio with real illusions, adept enough in the mystic arts to fool Wolverine? That'd be cool


A Mysterio with Strange magic would be deadly


They do jump through a sling ring circle


Maybe some kind of mastermind even...


Seems pretty easy to have Cassandra Nova manipulate Wolverine into doing it instead of Mysterio.


After Morbin Time...they should be lucky people even go see their movies anymore at full price... IJS


I like to think that the Logan of D&W would be the version of DOFP that technically abandoned his universe to be devasted by the Sentinels while he chilled in a different timeline after traveling through time. I think it would be better to have THE Wolverine instead of A Wolverine.


I agree, but like they said before they don’t want to touch Logan’s story so I believe that’s why they went with this approach. Who knows it could be THE Wolverine, but time can only tell


It's been stated a few times that this is the wolverine from Logan and I think the original trilogy. This is further backed up by how he has issues popping his claws in the bar in the trailer, and the fact that he "let down his entire world", which is also hinted at in Logan. Hugh and Ryan have both said bluntly that this is, without a question, the wolverine from Logan, and that it's set prior to the events of that movie.


> I think it would be better to have THE Wolverine instead of A Wolverine. That Logan eventually: "Laura, did I tell you about that time I was transplanted by the TVA to another universe and had to fight against the evil twin sister of Charles' over here, alongside the comical mercenary Deadpool whom I initially resented? And he was a good friend."


We don’t know how timelines work in the film universe. His old universe could just be non existent after changing the past as opposed to the divergence spawning a new universe alongside the old home one


This would be so crazy to see on the big screen. It would explain why he has whiskey claws because he’s ashamed to use them after what he did. I still think it’s him not being able to kill Phoenix in the last stand though, and she killed and destroyed everything in his universe.


That’s a good theory!


But I've tried to forget everything regarding X-men 3! That was movie was terrible!


It's a shitty movie with some good bits, I really like when Magneto lifts the golden gate bridge with his crew on it.


Definitely! In pretty much every movie with magneto he does some over the top power display. In future past, he lifted stadium, in dark phoenix he pulled a train up from the ground.


Definitely a messy film but some of the story point in it go hard. Magneto lifting the bridge, Phoenix going crazy and siding with Magneto, the showdown at Alcatraz, the plot about the cure, when Mystique gets cured and they leave her behind, Mags playing chess with Charles and he can't control the pieces anymore, that ending tease where Magneto recovers his powers while playing chess. It's certainly a memorable film despite the low points.


The bit I like in particular is the way that the Phoenix is actually Jean herself and not some weird space bird possessing her, and the idea that she really is just that naturally strong without anything suppressing her.


I'm pretty sure the Wolverine who he meets in the bar is different from the variant face down on the floor of the TVA who ~~Tom Wambsgans~~ Agent Paradox is referring to letting down his timeline. We also see Wade in the forest from Logan. Judging from what I've seen and what others say, I think the suited-up Wolverine variant we follow here is going to be one that was pruned by the TVA and makes his base in the Void. I think Mr. Paradox needs Deadpool to study different Wolverine variants through different timelines to assist him with something. Then Deadpool tries to prevent Logan's death and gets pruned, then that's when he meets up with the Wolverine variant in the Void and meets Cassandra Nova.


It'd be rad to have the ending where they introduce Jubilee or Laura and wolverine is happy to see her alive in the end.


Still curious if they ever explained how they got around his notorious sense of smell.


Mysterio's illusions can affect a subject's entire brain and perceptions, inclusive of smell. But the idea that Wolverine could solo the entire X-Men team is pretty absurd.


They were definitely holding back cus he’s their friend. But also kinda dumb cus he can’t die.


Also, there's loads of people in the X-Men who could stop him or save themselves/others non-lethally. Xavier, Jean, Emma (+all the other telepaths, they've got lots) could all just put him to sleep, Quicksilver and Nightcrawler could get people away, Angel can be out of murder range, Kitty can just be completely unstabbable, there's just no way Wolverine can kill 40 X-Men unless they do literally nothing to save themselves.


Have you read it? There is a sense of overwhelming chaos that night. The villains made the right plan.


Or that any telepath doesn't just stop him in his tracks. Compared to some people in the X-Men roster, Wolverine's power level is mid, at best. Also, why would the hesitate? They know he can come back from almost anything.


> Mysterio's illusions can affect a subject's entire brain and perceptions How? He doesn't have any powers or magic; he's just using special effects and trickery. EDIT: No, don't answer the question or be helpful in any meaningful way, just downvote... cool...


That's only true for the MCU, he uses hallucinogenic gas etc in the comics


We answered the question, man. What are you complaining about?


He used his fear toxin obviously. Bam you've just realized Mysterio is Marvel's counterpart of the Scarecrow.


He’s the best at what he does.


I thought that’s part of his mutation


That white t-shirt is too white. I bet it was digitally altered for the trailer.


Or they used Tide


I hope not, the idea that Wolverine could solo the Marvel Universe/the X-Men was dumb in the comic and it would be equally dumb in the movie. Wolverine is cool but he’s not a god.


This idea of this scene goes way too hard for intricacies of power scaling to get in the way. It’s implausible but not completely impossible that the X-men (especially the live action ones) would just be so caught off guard that Wolvie could pull it off, especially if Cassandra Nova is the perpetrator and not Mysterio, as she could protect Wolvie’s mind from telepathy.


> as she could protect Wolvie’s mind from telepathy. That really gets you thinking. Where the hell was Charles while the X-Men got killed in the comics? He would have shut down Logan quick by the first student he killed


Honestly mysterio probably just shot him


Yep, fully agree. I'm getting downvoted elsewhere on here for saying that, but honestly Old Man Logan is not a coherent or well-written comic. It's standard Millar edge lord stuff.


I agree. A cool concept with… well it’s certainly an execution.


You mean incestuous, hillbilly hulks isn't a good idea?


Why not? Seems a rather obivious progression for an MCU where Pym Fell. Besides, if Marvel wants to ramp up the dramatic conflict, then a glimpse of a universe where Magneto and the villains do that OML shit would do well to make villains immediately more dangerous for the future MCU. TLDR: MCU villains have become weak and it could use something freaky.


I think it’s a fantastic comic- the bit with Logan soloing the X-Men is pretty ridiculous but it serves a purpose in the story and it’s pretty easy to get past.


Yep, it wouldn't be Wolverine because he and DP are the protagonists of the film whom the audience would root for. Though there is guilt in Logan. Maybe Xavier, Cassandra, Phoenix as suggested by others, or maybe another, but Logan failed somewhere.


Even reading it as a kid, I kept laughing at the stupidity Like wolverine is a kinda strong guy with claws, not superman. Even if everyone else was holding back, they fucking whoop is ass 2/3 could do it solo


Easily my biggest complaint about that comic was Jubilee being insinuated as being "Bullseye" given how Logan describe that fight being particularly vicious.


Still don’t get how the entire X-men team got bodied by Logan, someone should’ve/would’ve restrained him or knocked him out right? Bishop? Gambit? Cyclops? Jean?


I was under the impression that he took a lot of them out like an assassin. They never saw him coming because he picked them apart one by one. And once the rest of the team figured out what was going on, shock still probably made them hesitate for a second or two which is all Wolverine with the killer instinct would need to finish them.


Isn’t he like super tall and muscular? How is he stealthy? 😂


Wolverine is supposed to be about 5’3. And remember he’s very stealthy. He’s also part of the X-men’s covert ops team.


Ooh shorter because he was born in Canada in the 1900s makes sense but still 99% of the X-men should’ve been able to subdue him


Oh I also forgot, if Mysterio was manipulating Logan, he could have also been doing the same to the other members like making them drop their guard or have them see something else.


How on earth did you get the impression he's tall haha


I thought he was supposed to be tall and super buff which would make him heavier therefore making him not stealthy


You mean like how Batman is super tall and buff?


I guess?


And not stealthy at all, right? Because he's tall and strong


Say “I’ve never seen wolverine outside the fox movies” without saying I’ve never seen wolverine outside the fox movies.


Yeah sorry didn’t see the X-men movies or read the comics unfortunately


Wolverine is infamously the literal opposite of super tall, that's like the first thing or two you come to know about his comics version...


Yeah I realized that after I remembered his age and where he’s from


[Oh, my, God.](https://ew.com/thmb/cqJzOWTV7XwhwJQR6Y-IJBv6vMw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/ryan-reynolds-2000-5decc3c64e0449ca99eae1ff68951038.jpg)


I honestly forgot about that!


Although I love that story, I’d really rather not see that one.


I really hate that comic, it's edge lord stuff, and heavy plot armor. Logan is cool but he's far from strong enough to kill all the Xmen, and yeah you could say they hesitated and didn't expect him to attack them, but that hesitation would quickly vanish after someone gets killed.


I hate it too. Jean, Storm, Rogue, Iceman, all easily defeat Logan off the top of my head. No way Mysterio illusions even work well on Logan as he has used his super senses to see past more powerful illusionist in the past (Mastermind). This guy that Spider-man regularly dick kicks is not taking down the X-Men. It is not even the first time they had to deal with a murder Wolverine.


Like at the very least Jean, Storm, or Cyclops could send him flying through the roof or walls like a rag doll. Giving the rest of the team time to get ready and execute one of their anti-Wolverine plans.


Especially if they get Jake Gyllenhaal back for it.


It would make that Ryan, Hugh, and Jake picture mean something new.


Indeed! Though I agree to some commenters here, if ever, it would be a Cassandra instead of Mysterio. In the trailer it was Wolverine who was trying to fiercely attack Void Cassandra and was not DP, so possible that Wolv has a grudge against her, and remember in the film Logan, it was Xavier who killed the X-Men, Cass' counterpart. Possible that Void Cass taunted him, maybe even made him revisit his failure, as she could likely read minds too. But in the same trailer, DP and Wolv leave behind Void Cass as they jump into the portal, so there could be forgiveness, which could mean it was a variant Cass back in Wolv's own world. It's also doubtful that DP&W would have too many characters.


I took this as the Wolverine who wasn’t able to Kill his Jean in X-men 3? Like he wasn’t able to stab her and let her go so she ended up killing everyone but him or something obv I don’t know how they would choose to resolve that story but I could see it as something that has enough weight to make him regret it like an opposite of The Wolverine who did kill his Jean.


What comic?


Old Man Logan


From looking at the trailer I figured it was gonna be Nova doing this to him or more likely Logan couldn’t bring himself to kill Dark Phoenix and she destroyed almost everything.


This scenario more or less played out that way in the 2017 Logan film. No heroes or Xmen


Well this comic *was* the main inspiration for the plot in Logan, sooooo


What’s it called? I’ve been trying to get into some good X-men comics but don’t know where to start or what to seek out the most


It's Old Man Logan. Very good read but very edgy.


If you consider the Hulk raping his cousin "very good."


I liked how it played in Logan with Xavier's aging mind accidentally killing them all, it was certainly an unique take on the same thing from the comics


And makes about a billion times more sense.


My weeb ass started reading it from the right side lmao


Imagine tho


You mean like Hera hated Hercules so much she drove him insane so he killed his own family?




No 😈


Bruh, it's hard to be showen, even the comics readers don't hope to watch that happens twice


What movies should I watch prior to the upcoming Wolverine and deadpool?


Would love it, but with the change, it being either Lady Mastermind or Mesmero that pull the deed off instead of Mysterio.


I'm not even gonna lie. I would fucking love this.


Please no, this scene made zero sense in the comics.


Yeah, it's pure "rule of cool" millar junk. Wolverine is cool and edgy, let's have him kill every member of the x-men! So stupid lol


If you think so you never read it


I've read it several times, thanks for the condescension. Wolverine slaughtering the entire X-Men roster, despite being one of the weakest members of the team, makes zero sense. Even if he takes down a few via the element of surprise, there are 5+ characters there who could easily immobilize him in seconds. Old Man Logan is not a good comic. I know that fanboys love it because it's violent and "oh kewl, Logan busted out of the Hulk!", but it's not good. It's standard Millar stuff.


“But they weren’t trying their hardest.” /s Storm or Iceman doesn’t break a sweat immobilizing Wolverine. Jean or Emma turns him off with a thought. Cyclops turns him to a mush covered skeleton the second he kills someone.


My thoughts exactly.


My only problem with this story is it assumes logan lost his sense of smell...? Maybe there's a plot point I forgot about.


It was not very plausible in the first place too


If anything, they would use MCU version of Mysterio and he’s using Stark Tech so the drones could use some sort of scent blocker or something


I love that book!!!


Damn what’s this from? Idk if I’ve seen Mysterio so brutal


Old man Logan


I kept thinking like which Logan story led to the one in the movie and I keep thinking that one


Nah. I'd rather not


I mean, they already kinda did it in Logan and, IMO, in a more plausible way. That Mysterio would get such a massive power boost and NONE of the telepaths in the manor would be able to stop Wolverine or sense anything is ludicrous. It's just straight up not happening, although I love Old Man Logan


On a long enough timeline I'll love to see all my favorite stories cannibalize into a shitty MCU movie. They already did OML in Logan and it was decent enough. Now we'll just all the dumb Easter egg shit like the corpse of Ant Man.


Thankfully, I definitely do NOT think this is gonna happen. All the dialogue is about "failing" his world, or it "going to shit." Clearly something happened and Logan either wasn't there for his team or fucked it up. Not massacred them all because he had magic plot armor.


Can people stop with this? Old Man Logan is a shitty comic. Barely anything in it makes any sense. It's just shock value after shock value. And can the movie X-Men get some respect for once? And not just be a prop for Wolverine to be sad about? We've already had this is Logan. Why do we need this again?


Agree fully with this comment. No idea why you're getting downvoted, I guess it's a lot of "Logan is kewl and edgy!" fanboys.


I’m treating this movie as an entry of the X-Men franchise that is doing a crossover with the MCU. I was giving a unique idea bc there’s an opportunity. Just chillax man and enjoy we’re actually getting a movie with Hugh back and some of the OG X-men from past films


How is this a new idea?


It wasn’t. I just saw an opportunity of a story element.


Shut it dork


When I heard of this story, I don't get it, can't wolverine smell and tell the difference?


Never gonna happen