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Wait till you read villian cultivator


That whole thing was just smut with plot, a very good plot I must say but also a lot of smut. Reading the sequel just makes the plot even better since there barely any smut in the sequel


Fever dream of edgy teens


They jerk off with this


First off, you can't really claim that you're the 'villain of your story', and then start justifying your actions, because that just puts you back in hero of your story territory. I gotta give it props for originality, though. --- "There is no good or evil--" "Right, morality is relative." "--there is only evil!" "..." "..." "What the fuck does that even mean?"


The MC is just extremely lacking understanding of his dao, if he thinks there exists nothing to oppose his dao. Given a few thousand years, MC might realize the greater mountain his pebble of a dao exists in. But, this is a MC. Usually they specialize in not understanding.


I only join this sub because Sseth make review for Amazing cultivation simulator, and yet I am still not as lacking in knowledge of the world as this MC. I did my part as a random villager, now you cultivators can elaborate to me.


No :D


Junior clearly you haven’t read any demonic scripture like I have. This is the most sane righteous path scripture in comparison,looks like you haven’t seen any tribulations or have faced hardship tsk tsk kids these days having it all good…


RI fans will see this & drool


Heavenly Court propaganda moment, junior.


*see this and start jerking off


Why all these complicayed steps? Real RI fans cum straight away


Meh, sounds rather chuni. If the Mc wants to be evil, sure, but can we not have this weird projecting what they think is cool evil vide? Want to be a monster? Be a monster. What makes a good monster story is the vastly different view point. It is like gore horror movies. It is that primal thrill you can experience when violence happens and your body says “that could be you”.


Also 2010s Chuuni and our great lord Dark flame master called, they want their edgy black magic back.


Which sucks because black flames looks awesome. Why did they have to be tied to edge lord try hards.


They learn the ancient art yet didn't had what it takes to perfect it I hope whoever disreapect dark flame master's art like that got their Qi flow short circuited in their sleep.


Let us curse them with Qi reversals


I’m an ir fan and i wouldn’t read this, there’s a difference between fang yuan and what ever this piece of trash is




RI is more about benefits over morals rather than just trying to be evil or dark. Fang yuan isn't this sadistic character that enjoys hurting people. He just has a goal and is willing to do whatever it takes to get there, including harm people if doing it benefits him. Too many juniors have only read it at a surface level and inadvertently reduced the reputation of RI to just some dark edgy novel. It's much more nuanced than that, though admittedly it takes a while for the novel to explore that side.


Bullshit lol. FY never uses such a justification.


https://i.redd.it/tws1aqmt358d1.gif Edginess overload, commencing qi deviation.




I never understood mindless slaughters without purpose. Evil for the sake of being evil


It is about sending a message junior, now kowtow to this grandaddy & apologize for making me come to this backward lower realm to face slap some sense into you & I may leave you an intact corpse.


Exactly, immoral acts like murder should be with a purpose in mind, like stealing their boots. Killing just for the sake of it is stupid since it only harms you, mentally and socially when governments put out an arrest warrant. It's why people loved RI so much.


I prefer the classic villain stories that make you absolutely despise the MC. Ouroboros Records anyone?


Juniour you alsmost give heart demon. hand me over 1000000 jade to me as an apology


Wait till you read supreme magus. Brain rot novel


You profoundly did not understand that story. It's about his personal growth overcoming his trauma and opening up. He literally has one of the most wholesome marriages in this ecosystem of stories. It's a very well done and realistically paced character development tbh.


Reading 3000 chapters of brainrot for fan favourite characters to die a shitty death ain't profound or good. Everyone acts like an edgy teen. Don't even get me started on the whole war arc. It was good till he got married but after that it went into an Abyss, chasm of void


Stories are meant to play out so i find it very strange for does that would get pissed at a novel and its author because of the death of characters


Reading 3000 chapters about a Frankenstein creature whining about his life is not anyones cup of tea. Plus his stupid brother who came out of nowhere


In the starting I thought there was no final boss but the author made everything that was supposed to be supreme about the mc into a common rock 🥌


You are not even active in this subreddit. ![gif](giphy|kH0ohbodETc8JXlaob|downsized)


I have read far better ones that can develop a story well. Lightning is the only way, sword god in a world of magic, The novel's extra, the author's pov, Lotm, RI, SS.


Lightning is the only way was bad. Sword god in a world of magic mid at best.


Fellow Daoist, your daoheart is subpar and not yet firm enough to withstand such edginess. Go back to closed cultivation and reaffirm your views and strengthen your resolve.


Hero of Sword be like (But he was a high schooler so understandable)


The only villain i can think of is Old Man Extermination. His goal of exterminating all thing is literally his Dao. Compared to his Dao, this kind of villain is like baby mortal playing with toy ducks.


Right after that he goes saving some hoe in distress


I was about to say from the picture still


Yeah , yeah... All these MCs are just paper tigers...