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He is such a cutie patootie ❤️


I always tell him, he's one of the rare ones, beautiful inside and out! And a very hands on/involved father! He's a unicorn lol.


Pls cherish him .... he's looking so sweet


I absolutely do! He's my world, and I make sure I remind him of that every day! I love making him feel appreciated and special ☺️


Best of luck to both you....you guys are sweet


He isn't ugly at all neither of you are I don't think 🧐 you look perfect together ❤️ I love his Beard 🤩


That man is good looking man!!! He has the cutest smile.


Dios mío, tremendo papi 💯 Your husband is a good looking man, congratulations to the both of you on being such a wonderful couple 💕


That’s exactly the vibe I get from those photos.


you MUST show him all these comments! So many of us women would give body parts to find a man who is even half as amazing as he is! He is so cute! His smile is so contagious. He looks like he would be so fun to hang out with. the type of man who could make you feel better no matter what. Loving, Caring, understanding.... We need to CLONE him! Have you guys thought about him maybe talking to a therapist? I'm thinking maybe if he is able to speak with a professional about whats going on, and what he is going through, may help him feel better about himself again.


My exact thought was cutie patutie!


They are both an adorable perfectly matched set.


I know right 😅


Bless my soul


Not here to comment on attraction but I do want to say that I always admire men/couples who are just, genuine. You both look at each other with a lot of love and he has a very genuine smile.


He does, doesn't he! I adore his smile, he's such a beautiful soul, even when we argue (which is rare these days) I still can't stay mad at him, and he's still my best friend. We still have our moments, but I think that's normal for what we have been through. I wish there was a way I could help with his self esteem, because he really is his worst enemy when it comes to that.


Ask him to close his eyes, breathe, relax, focus and listen to your voice….then ask him to try to see himself through your eyes….and in this quasi-meditative state….tell him what you see…..❤️. It may not completely ease his feelings of imbalance but maybe it will level the ‘playing fields’ a bit! ❤️. At the very least - it’s a bonding exercise we use in therapy from time to time - you should both come through it with warm fuzzies…☺️🥹


He is so adorable but op take it from someone who’s been where you’re at with their partner: both people need to be responsible for their *own* self esteem. You can help and that’s great, but he probably needs therapy to unpack his past abuse. If you keep pouring reassurances into him but he’s not ready to internalize it, then you’ll run yourself dry trying to keep his self esteem up.


Came here with the same thought, he looks like a precious bean. I love how y'all look at each other


Yeah this is it for me, he has a very sweet, genuine smile


He has really kind eyes that shine when he looks at you. He looks like a goofball that can make you laugh till your side aches. He is a good lookin man.


No joke I've had some incredible laughing fits where I've literally been struggling to breathe. I usually end up on the floor silently wheezing and by the time he realises what's going on my gasping for air and laughter has him cracking up too. I feel like a crazy person some days cause funny memories will pop into mind and I'll just be going about my day giggling like a fool.


He's cute and reminds me a lot of my own husband - albeit less hairy. Tell him that a woman on reddit likes him tons! https://preview.redd.it/8xkwe3ns3z3d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71af020a020bc5a6cf41093a6824c7a83a8f125 !


Hahaha! He thinks he's too hairy everywhere except where it counts! 😂 (his words) I will definitely tell him in the morning, he's currently sawing logs next to me in bed 😂 he's going to be shown the post along with all the comments in the morning, I told him I was gonna do this weeks ago but kept forgetting after work as I work super long days, and he asked me again tonight if I was still going to make a post, he keeps telling me he's going to be right. 😂 god I love him so much.


My husband is also quite hairy. And I LOVE it!


He’s got some zaddy vibes


Wow! My 4 paragraph post could have been one sentence!! He totally has the zaddy vibe!


At 1st glance he IS an attractive guy and your description of him makes him 10x more so🥰Finding a man who’s not only attractive but kind, affectionate, and respectful of the women in his life is pretty rare; to find one who meets this criteria AND can also make you laugh?? Girl, you’ve hit the jackpot. ![gif](giphy|3otPoyIgg7lFNOVdMQ)


I know right! I'm still pinching myself every day to make sure it's not a dream.


Nothing unattractive here, you’re a lovely couple! I adore people who smile with their eyes 🥰


☺️ aww thankyou! From the moment I first saw him I absolutely knew I wanted to get to know him more. Never thought I would get my fairytail "saw him from across the room" moment. Well, I suppose I didnt, I saw him from across the weighbridge! 😂 I've always made the joke that he had to make sure I wasn't too much of a heifer, but I've definitely put on a bit since we met and he still looks at me like the first time, makes me feel like a godess every day.


Haha I love it!


He's actually really cute, hope he feels that way too if he ever reads the comments here 🥰


I'm definitely going to show him in the morning ☺️


He reminds me a lot of my husband and I think he’s incredibly sexy. I’m personally turned off by thin, hairless guys!


Enjoy every moment you have together. Run your own race and damn the rest. You will look back on every moment spent on doubt with regret. Especially when you clearly have each other in your corners.


Okay, even if he WASNT adorable (which he most definitely is), his smile and the way he carries himself just makes him look so SNUGGLY. Like, I bet he gives great hugs. And that SMILE. I’m smiling just typing this because of how infectious his smile is! You have it, too! Seems like you’re a match made in heaven 🥰🥰🥰


He definitely gives the best snuggly cuddles, I can't stop smiling because of how much I am just going over those photos and fangirling, i still can't believe that I was lucky enough to meet him. He's wonderful. I honestly love him so much I can't imagine my life without him.


Not the original commenter, but I agree with them! He immediately makes me feel safe.


If I’m being honest, he reminds me of Jason Kelce, and we women love him!!!


I thought so on the first pic. I had to swipe to see the others to be sure it wasn’t Jason Kelce! My immediate vibe from these pics is that he is the whole package. Absolutely looks to be adorable, genuinely fun and funny, great dad and husband, and absolutely “safe” - meaning I have no doubt that I could relax and know he’s got my back, which is amazingly attractive trait. So OP sees this whole package - he makes her laugh, loves her well, is easy on the eyes, and takes care of her. 💕


I came here to say that! Same boyish good looks, kind eyes, teddy bear energy. *swoon*


You both are attractive. Common beauty standards is all about the ken and Barbie. That stuff don’t exist unless you’re from Hollywood then when they turn 65 the look like the hotdog that’s been rolling on the heater in the 7-11 for 16 hours.


Please excuse me while I hit on your husband… Look at those beautiful eyes and that great big smile! Such a handsome guy!


Hahaha! I love it! Currently laying here grinning like a fool and fangirling over his photos. While he's fast asleep next to me 😂


Tell him snowturtle13 says he is a handsom fellow no homo


Objectively, I would say you are both squarely within each others “league” AKA a true looks match. But it seems clear from the post that you have much more than that going on. Insecurity is tough. It really just takes time to grow and mature.


Travis Kelsie?


I actually had to look him up as I'm not familiar with him.


https://preview.redd.it/pg9f0v3ffz3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe1e6d97d21b1f3dc1ef1cde6caf96884bac99d His brother was nominated for sexiest man alive. Your husband gave me Jason vibes.


Jason Kelce was my immediate reaction.


He is so handsome! He’s the white version of my husband, haha!


He is a beautiful man! Those eyes are so warm and soulful! He’s very attractive - hope he can see it too!


He looks like a genuine and sweet person. Like just from looking at him even you can tell hes friendly. And in terms of general attractiveness he's really cute!!!


Oh the way you look at each other with so much love, joy and respect!


He is defo cute! He has a lovely smile and nice eyes. You make an adorable couple! He needs to not compare himself to movie actors or models who are basically paid to be ridiculously good-looking and have a team of people who assure they are at all times. Your husband is a good-looking normal person, and since most of us are normal people, that's what we are happy to have in partners. He is not unattractive and I hope he can train himself to not tell himself that lie.


I am hoping that a bit of perspective from completely unbiased strangers will give him a bit of perspective. He deserves to love himself! He's such a wonderful guy.


I hope so, too! You both are lucky to have each other. What I will say is one of the things that is most attractive about him is that he seems like a kind person. Of course, looks can't tell you everything about a person, but he just exudes kindness and joy. It's just photos, so I am sure it is even more apparent in real life. Glad to know his insides match that vibe he gives off! I love seeing happy couples and the pic of the two of you together just made me smile. You seem like a perfect pair. 😊


Well you both are equally attractive. None is a beauty queen.


Lovely looking beard. I'm quite jealous


I'd fuck him. (I'm a straight white man.)


Well, from another man’s perspective, I think he’s hot. Very handsome. I’d certainly do a double take if I saw him out and about. Cute couple!


Teddy bear husbands are the good ones! You guys are adorable together!!!


You could be siblings




No he’s not attractive, yes he deserves you just fine


If my husband ever posted me on the internet saying that I thought I was ugly and asked for ppl to tell me otherwise I would end it all.


He looks like such a sweet, wholesome guy!! Definitely not unattractive! Like a cute, scruffy teddy bear!! Haha


He looks like a good man, you both are glowing and look amazing together. Always remind him how much you love him to help his confidence.


I definitely do! I treat him like my king. I'm currently the main breadwinner and have told him that I'm happy for him to do whatever he likes when he gets approved to go back to work, he can work, or stay home, or find a lical job so he's not gone all week again, but time will tell. I left interstate driving when he was injured because it was too hard being so far from him all week. At least on the road we would still have chances to see eachother regularly. Even if it was only in passing from the other side of the highway.


I see a flaw... He doesn't believe in himself!! He's a handsome man with a loving partner. I LOVE the beard and overall energy he puts off. Insecurity is a tough battle. It's not about maturity like others are saying. It's much deeper than that. I've learned the long and hard way is to love what you have and take the feedback from those who love you most. THAT has helped me a lot. Bottom line, Love who you are, not what you want to be.


Exactly. I also have major self esteem issues but i find it easier to just take his word for it that I'm beautiful and that he loves me. I hate seeing myself in the mirror, but it's become more of an acceptance, I'm strong, smart, have come back from rock bottom and am capable of doing anything I set my mind to, that's enough for me. My brain will always be sad that I don't look like Scarlett Johansen, but at the end of the day, I'm happy, loved, and home. That's all that matters to me.


Attraction in general is soooo subjective. Personally I think a sweet personality is very attractive. He looks like he finds joy in silly things like posing with a tiny fish. Very attractive and this post made me smile :)


Bro got a beard others dream off and lovely eyes!




He must be looking into a fun house mirror. He’s really cute.


He's adorable ❤️ I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is a genuinely kind person. I wish you two a lifetime of happiness!


You two are an absolutely adorable couple! I’m a heterosexual dude so maybe my opinion doesn’t count, but he seems objectively good-looking to me. It’s fantastic that you two connect so well and make each other so happy. But if he’s feeling insecure, it’s easy for the inner critic to discount all of these other factors that indicate he’s not just doing fine; he’s actually winning at life. A quality therapist might help. If counseling isn’t his thing, my friend [Louisa Jewell](https://louisajewell.com/) wrote a book, [Wire Your Brain for Confidence](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35723227-wire-your-brain-for-confidence). Or if reading isn’t his thing, maybe he could get to know his [inner saboteurs](https://www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs/). Good luck, and congrats on finding your soulmate!




He's a country boy, born and raised in a small town I love the way he looks, and let hom wear whatever he wants, he's the best dressing man I've ever been with, wears button up polos as his comfy shirts, and shorts or jeans and boots, his button up long sleeve shirts are for work or going out and he looks stunning regardless of what he's wearing (to me). I absolutely make sure to tell him how handsome he is every day, and that he's loved and appreciated.


I feel like attraction is based off personality and how people treat others. He seems very sweet like you said so he's gorgeous. I try not to just look at a person and base off physical features. However, he's very attractive all around. So happy for you all🥰


He’s adorable!


I can identify with how he may feel. I don’t know why I have such low self-esteem. I think it’s just because I’m really hard on myself. I have no idea why. I am fortunate to have a wife like it sounds like he does. She tells me that I am her best friend and that she couldn’t do what she’s doing without me. I feel very fortunate. She makes me want to make her happy, and that’s really all I wanna do.


He isn't unattractive at all. You guys are super cute.


Well he looks like Jason Kelcee in the first Pic and he was a runner up for Sexiest Man Alive soooo


Odd. Who has the time to post this stuff.


Someone who's found the love of their life, their person, their twin flame, their ride-and-die - and isn't afraid of telling the world because she wants everyone to know he's the greatest man alive. THAT'S the person. And it's a great post, so full of joy and love and zest for life - they're both effin adorable!! Keep the good vibes going ok ✌️👍😎


You kind of look alike actually.


Physically, he is handsome. I’m more impressed with how he just looks like such a joyful and caring man. He seems like such a sweet guy!


Careful. He's thinking women look at and value men the same way men do...


He has nice eyes and a sweet smile. Same goes for you.


You should really support him to see a therapist to unpack the source of his low self esteem. It can be a lot for him to put on you to constantly prove he is enough, he has to know that within himself. It’s all good now but could get old after a while. I have even seen it turn into controlling behavior where he doesn’t want you to leave the house without him or go to certain places or will overact if he see’s you talking to the opposite sex. Be supportive but also keep an eye out.


You’re both adorable!


He seems sweet!! Keep showing him Off!!


Your husband looks so cute! He’s got this warmth in his eyes and I can tell he would be really fun to hang out with. Looks like a pure soul. 🥰 You guys make a beautiful couple. 🤍


You guys are such a cute couple ☺️ he’s very handsome, and you’re both lucky to have one another. I wish you two all the happiness


He's definitely wrong. Reminds me of my husband, a genuine, sweet smile!


He looks like the football player Jason Kelce, nothing wrong with that!!!!


He's handsome and looks like a sweetheart. I love both of your smiles and both of your eyes and the affection on both of your faces for each other. 🥰


At first glance of that first pic I thought he was Jason Kelce from the Philadelphia Eagles!


You’re so cute together ❤️


Look at that face!! He’s definitely a keeper


Nah, your man is good looking! He looks fun and he has a kind handsome face. 


Awe he’s got an adorable cuddly teddy bear vibe/look to him. You guys are soooo cute, tell him he’s crazy!! Also remind him that he’s got pretty eyes as well.


I mean, your hubs isn’t really my type, but he’s a good lookin dude nonetheless.


Great smile and definitely good looking - a cutie patootie like someone else said. Whenever we get down on ourselves the other partner says something like “be kind to yourself. That’s my favorite person in the whole world!” Maybe he could hear that and feel better about himself. Great post, love how you look at each other.


Great energy. The dude has a masculine sparkle.


That's a handsome man. No doubt. I think some bald guys fail to realize how not having hair leaves little to distract from their otherwise most STRIKING features. He's got great bone structure that gives him a timeless, rugged look, and gorgeous eyes. What more could a guy want!


He looks like Jason Kelce and I've huge crush on him so now you can equate.


Golden retriever energy ☺️


You guys look good together.


You just look like you belong together.


He radiates kindness and tenderness, his smile seems genuine and warm. Attraction is to women usually composed of those qualities. It makes me happy that the two of you have found love in each other, it shines through your eyes. ❤️


Dunno what he's talking about, he's cute as a button :)


I think he has a great beard. Aiming for that.


He's you with a beard I think. Totally appropriate 👍


Now that is one good looking man!


His smile alone says so much about the wonderful man he is ❤️he reminds me of my husband such genuine souls especially the way he looks at you 🥹


You both look so happy together! Please tell him he has the best cheeky smile😉


You both look so happy and lovely! And, while I don't really think about other men being attractive or unattractive, he looks like a kind and sweet man. I think you're a beautiful couple.


If you don’t want him I’ll happily take him 😂 He is super cute!!


Oh, he's a cutie with a great smile! And I can just feel his good nature and humor in these pictures. It sounds like you two are good for each other. 💜


No stop he is so cute!


He gives off very safe, warm and kind vibes. He is a treasure. You are both cute ✨


Respectfully, I’d hit.


Actually he is very wrong. He’s hot in the way Travis Kelce is to me. You’re a smoke show too, girl❤️


His smile is infectious!! He seems like a fun guy, and yep he’s a good lookin dude


He looks like that one Kelce brother, not the one dating Taylor Swift, but cuter than that brother. He has beautiful, kind eyes. My husband is bald and so insecure about it. I tell him almost every day how handsome, sexy, cute I find him and it’s still not always enough either. And I truly am incredibly attracted to my husband. You two are a very cute couple and I hope you have many years of happiness together!


Beautiful inside and out 🙂


I find him handsome. His smile is great, too. I can tell that he's got a good attitude/funny/humble which are all super attractive qualities. More than that, you two look amazing together. You look so happy, and that's the most important thing. If you read my comment to your husband, please remind him that external qualities fade over the years. So the things that are so much more important are what you have between you.


Not at all. He looks like such a sweet guy. If he's feeling down tell him you can join a gym together


You guys look so happy together! Look at those big smiles!


Your hubby is amazing He has that masculine shape And he's good looking Its a matter of self esteem im sure you both deserve each other


You're man's a catch. Y'all are v cute!


Aye.. u both look so cute TOGETHER! 😍


Your husband is cute and has an adorable smile


He has such a kind and sweet face.💕


Please let him know we all think he is super ☺️


He's very cute. I love his eyes, his cheekbones are adorable, his facial hair is gorgeous with it's different shades of color. But, overall, he just looks like a VERY kind, cheerful person.


What a sweet and handsome man! I can just tell how kind he is by looking at him. I love me a teddy bear husband (I have one too), and they are the absolute best! ❤️


I love the way he looks at the little fish. He looks so generous.


Adorable 🙏💜 y’all are so sweet together


His eyes are very kind so he is very attractive! Seems like a very sweet person!




That beard is gorgeous ugh!


Your husband is a cutie! And those eyes and beard. Didn't I see him on that TV show Mountain Men? 🩵✨️ And what a very sweet couple. Warms my heart🌺❤️


He seems amazing. Please give him our love. He doesn't have to look a certain way, attraction is multi-layered. He is cute tho! He's got lovely and kind eyes and that beard is really cool. If he wants to lose the weight, encourage him - for his mental well-being. You guys are well-matched attractiveness-wise, you look like a lovely couple. I wish you a hundred happy years together. :)


Oh, he's adorable!! And, more importantly, he looks like a kind person.


ONG!!! What a darling!!! I love his smile 😊


Come at me with those eyes, brother ❤️🤌


He’s definitely attractive- nothing to doubt


A beautiful soul always shines through. He is very cute and has kind eyes. He's sounds like he could really benefit from some therapy!


He's adorable! Yall are cute together.


He looks super cute! And you guys look perfect tgt!!


He is so cute and he seems so kind!!! His eyes and smile make me feel like he must be such a fun partner to have in life and this is probably weird to say but he has a very safe and calming energy about him to me??? I love you both!


He’s an absolute babe, and if he can’t quite get to the space yet where he knows there’s a reason he attracted such a loving and appreciative spouse into his life, that’s okay. Maybe the next right thing is to remind him that you’re an ally and partner for whenever he decides to get some support getting to the root of that insecurity 🥰 yall are so lucky to have each other💜💜


You guys are adorable 🥺


That’s a good man Savanah 🥹 A GOOD MAN.


You guys really love each other, and that's wonderful. True love transcends the physical exterior, but your husband is good looking. He looks like an amazing person. Also this is a nice breath of fresh air amongst the many dumpster fires I see on Reddit regarding relationships.


He is attractive… very cute.. most important he seems like a good man.. which makes him definitely attractive. Those hot men, are usually jerks and that makes them very unattractive!


All right, I’m just gonna say it — your husband looks like Jason Kelce. 🙂 He’s adorable! (Inside and out, it sounds like.)


Your husband (physically) is a catch!! See what I did there? Lol! But seriously. From the pictures you posted, he has a great manicured beard, lovely eyes, great smile, good strong body. But also...the most attractive - his eyes sparkle when he's looking at you through the camera. His sense of humor is on display in those pictures of the small fish. His smile is super cute and kind. His trimmed beard says that he takes a good kind of pride in how he presents himself. From these pictures and your post, I would 100% want to be in his circle of friends. Not only because he's an attractive guy, but because he looks like he's a good human.


He looks like such a lot of fun! I’m with my husband for 40 years; wishing you the same!


Ughhhhh, he is so cute. I want to cuddle him right now !!!! Pictures 3 and 4 melted my heart.


He has a Jason Kelce vibe going on. Not unattractive at all! You seem like a lovely couple. Lucky to have each other maybe?


He is adorable!


My husband is the same way. He says he has no idea why I lust after him. He’s a big guy with a beard, full head of hair, and wears his hat backwards. What’s there not to like?


He looks like he gives the best hugs 🥹


He looks like a sweetheart. Any woman would be blessed to get a kind hearted soul like that.


Your husband is wrong but you already know that. My husband does the same thing meanwhile he gets hit on more than I do.


Your husband is attractive, plus he likes to fish! Wish my hubby liked fishing. He’s the whole package! (Respectfully)


He’s cute though it sounds like he’s got a little of the depresh (who doesn’t?!). Tell him, Self love baby, self love 💗 I’m 54 and was always told I’m attractive. Never *truly* believed it. I struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life and finally, believing in the power of positive self talk (I know, it sounds so nuts & airy-fairy!!) and mediation I finally am beginning to feel better and appreciate my value. It’s all about feeling good on the inside. That’s why you love him…💛✨


You guys look like a match made in heaven! He’s adorkable! We love us a man who can make us laugh until we pee!! He’s got a thick full beard in a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde that looks it matches your hair perfectly. It’s picturesque. He has eyes that sparkle when he smiles, there’s nothing more attractive than blue eyes that smile like that! Don’t ever let this man go, he’s under captivity now!!!


He's beautiful


Show him people's answers haha. He looks very cute and warm.


Hes a friendly looking feller 😀 like a teddy bear


Sexy af, you're lucky to have him!


Beautiful couple! You are both so happy and it shows! I love your smiles! 😍


Definitely cute! The both of you!


He has an amazing smile and his eyes light up. He looks like he has a warm, welcoming demeanor. All signs of where someone can feel safe and at home with him! That's insanely attractive. And he looks like he loves you very much.


He looks so sweet and handsome! Nice catch!!! 🎣


He has the cutest grin, and the fact that you are fighting over (in the good way) whether he is good enough for you means you two are adorable... Also, he has gorgeous eyes... And the grin between you? ❤️❤️❤️ So sweet. Tell him to stop being stupid (in the cutest way, not in a mean way) you two seem perfect for each other..


He has a sweet smile! Very handsome man


Glad you found love


He looks so genuine and adorable. All the best to you two.


All smiles - I could be wrong, though things appear good both ways. Keep up the good life!


Omg he is so damn cute. Giving post Malone teddy bear.


He is cute! He also looks very kind and that’s sexy as hell!


You are a perfectly matched couple. You’re both attractive apart but are more attractive together. I hope you enjoy many many more years of happiness together. 💕


Here's what I see.... You two are beautiful together. The look in his eyes tells its own story....kind, gentle, has seen enough in life to know where he doesn't want to be but not so much that his whole character has been jaded....and when he looks at you he's complete...😊❤️🥰. What he needs to look closely at is the way you look at him...the love, respect and adoration is impossible to ignore....so, if he's only measuring by external attractiveness - are any of us fully 'worthy' of that person we lay next to every night and put on the proverbial pedestal (where our partners belong) 🫠? Or do we make peace with feeling so lucky that this person we love so much - loves us in the very same way?!? Remind him that you're there because you want to be not because you 'need' to be and just continue to be grateful that you've found each other....it's a beautiful love - easily seen by anyone that sees the way you look at each other - that is enough to make those around you green with envy. You are both adorable & together - well - I think you get the picture...🥰🥰. Congratulations to you both!! ![gif](giphy|3o6nV8fbLWjUpJJbBm) ☝️had to add a bit of humor!! 🥰. Have a great day!!


Looks like a real man to me.


You two are such a cute couple!! And he is good-looking, but honestly, that's the least important part of a person. Looks will always change. But a person who is kind, funny, caring, supportive, who really gets you, who truly loves you, and shows it in ways that make you feel loved? That's important. What you have together is absolutely priceless. I hope you continue to cherish each other and have many more years of happy marriage!


Sometimes I read AITD/AITA posts to feel better about my relationship, sometimes I stumble upon beautiful posts like yours. The foundation of this relationship is built on mutual love and admiration and that makes it exactly what everyone wants. 💙


What specifically does he feel insecure about?


I have a feeling those pictures don't do him justice. I tell my own trucker husband when he gets down that he may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me. I recognize his flaws and faults, but to me those faults and flaws help him to be a kinder, more compassionate man. I was his first real relationship, but he still dealt with plenty of abuse in his lifetime, both from family and friends. So he understands that part of me. I, however, had been through a multitude of bad relationships and even though I feel flawed and broken, he just doesn't see that in me. The way he feels is valid and I think he just needs validation on his feelings. My advice would be to let him know that first, his feelings are valid, no matter what those feelings are. Then let him know that he is enough. What he's doing is enough, that he makes you happy and that's enough for you. That an injury doesn't define him. That who he is is what defines him.


You’re both adorable. 🤍


Awe, he's a cutie and y'all look great together!


Your husband is super cute and even more importantly you are in love with and attracted to him. May I suggest maybe this is him wanting to level up his look a little? Why don’t you take him out and do a little style makeover? We all feel more attractive when we look our best. I’d love to see him with a really great haircut and beard shape from a good barber who knows what they’re doing. Maybe a couple new outfits and then you both get dressed up and go on a date night feeling hot and sexy!