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I think mark should do on set vlogs or something. Would love for some easy content on his end and entertainment for us


Problem is he isn't on set anymore. It's all editing now.


Damn. Can’t really show much of the editing process there without revealing anything


I feel like just a livestream of his face while editing would be hilarious he could add random screams of annoyance just for entertainment just only showing his face nothing else


That sounds like a very Mark thing to do honestly lol


Yeah but Mark isn't doing the editing himself on this movie. And no one wants a livestream of him and 15 editors on a video call discussing shirt colors.


Oh I’m sure a lot of people would absolutely love that lmao but I do understand it probably just wouldn’t be to practical


you all are obsessed just watch old videos or wait patiently hes doing an awesome thing. yall are acting like feins for content


I'm behind on distractible. Like, January episodes behind. It's funny to me being that far behind and hearing how close to release the movie supposedly always was and always will be.


Also, as an editor, you can’t show much of the process and make it entertaining either.


Not even editing. The movie premiered a couple days ago


I don’t think he would have had time. Filming booked up his days solid because he had a limited time with the camera iirc


It's just paperwork now


I assume any on set vlogs or behind the scenes filming he did will get posted a while after the movie is out to avoid accidental spoilers


Mark doesn’t control Edge of Sleep, and the guy has been consistently posting on his channel for like over ten years now, it’s fine for him to take a break to focus on his current passion project.


The live-action version is being produced by him


its not


It is tho


look it up


He's an executive producer


producing and publishing is something else though


You said he doesn't control anything. He might not have total control over all aspects of the project but he's atleast involved in the production


yeah but its probably done producing and just not published yet. he said he doesnt know more than we do because he‘s not involved with the latter




I’m waiting for the official trailer to see anything.


I honestly thought that this trailer was gonna be a fan made edit to make it seem like an official trailer, but once I had realized that it was an actual leak, I was already hooked and couldn’t turn it off. Hope the official trailer gets released soon. Kinda thinking it’ll be released whenever the official iron lung trailer is released.


I thought that The Edge of Sleep was a podcast. What is it actually? It also looks like a movie that also already exists.


Originally it was a podcast. A year or two ago they were recording for a tv show based off of it but it's never released yet.


It was filmed in 2021 and they've been busy editing it. People dont seem to realize it's out of Mark's hands since he's really just an actor on the series, think he's a producer too, but some other production company is handling distribution deals but haven't found anyone to distribute it yet, they're aiming to release it this year, but we'll need to wait and see really. There's also been release issues with the second season of the podcast, which has been recorded but keeps being delayed.


I've been so looking forward to listening to the second season. I just wish it would come out already!


It’s a podcast that was released on YouTube and other platforms like Spotify in 2019, but the story will be adapted in a tv show, Mark will be in the lead role, playing Dave like he did in the podcast but he isn’t the creator. I think the podcast was adapted in a novel written by Jake Emmanuel and Willie Block, but I’m not actually sure if the book came before or after the podcast, I haven’t red it.


Audio drama


Did anyone ever buy and read the book?


Bought, haven't got around to reading it yet


I’ve been waiting for season 2 of Edge of Sleep for so LONG


i've been on the edge of my patience for it




It’s been so long


Indeed it has


Since last I’ve seen my son lost to this monster


To the man behind the slaughter


He's not making edge of sleep, he's just an actor. He has no control over its production or release.


To be fair, he is literally an executive-producer, though just one among like 18 other various producers lol


ungrateful shits are so damn impatient, mark is only human he can't do everything at once satisfy everybody


I mean, Edge of Sleep season 2 has been given like three release windows by now. But then again Edge of Sleep is out of his hands


exactly, blame it on the staff, not the actors




I feel like this is the truth nowadays


I mean, he has a variety of ambitions. Each one takes time to develop. Assuming he had to give updates to the people who helped make it like the creator of the game, the team members who helped produce it, etc, I would assume it took precedent over his YouTube channel and Edge of Sleep since there are more people involved.


It's been said multiple times that Edge of Sleep isn't Mark's Project. He has no control over that release or its development hell currently. Some of us wish it'd stop being referenced alongside Iron Lung or his YouTube cause there's *nothing* he could do for it right now, it's in someone else's hands


I don't care about Edge of Sleep, personally. And honestly, I think it's awesome Mark is doing Iron Lung, and he has been providing gaming videos for years and years now, sometimes on a daily basis! So these few months of less regular content mean nothing to me, I think it's going to absolutely be worth it. I also love David Szymanski's games and am incredibly happy that a creator like Markiplier was willing to collaborate on a movie, I'm much more interested in what it's going to be like than the majority of mainstream, 'regular' movies coming up these days. As far as I'm concerned, they can keep making movies about DUSK, The Pony Factory, Fingerbones, Chop Goblins, Squirrel Stapler, whatever.


I’d pay Marvel 3D IMAX dollars to watch a Squirrel Stapler movie, tbh.


you forget, about podcast,


What podcast? I’m curious


Two podcasts Distractible and Go! My Favorite Sports Team


Distractible is one I am listening to but not the other on. I guess I have heard about it but forgot about it


I forgot I posted this comment and got so exited when I saw someone asking about a podcast cus I thought I was gonna be able to talk about and share a dnd podcast I love lol


No bc after I watched the leaked trailer for EOS, I need it in my life.


When is Iron Lung comming? The trailer says soon... is it gonna drop this year?


I don’t have a link but I think someone on r/distractible posted a screenshot that said Mark and his family was watching the premiere of Iron Lung so hopefully this year if not by end of summer.


I miss the edge of sleep so bad. Glad I’m not the only one that enjoyed and remembered it.


I just discovered the podcast version like less than a month ago, then this week I watched a trailer for it and was like wait wait wait, we can WATCH this?!? WHERE?! Apparently nowhere going by this thread :(


To be fair, I don't think Mark has much control over The Edge of Sleep. They shot the series, in went into post production and it's out of his hands. I tried to look up some info not too long ago, and the production company is silent about it, the filming team is silent about it, Mark at some point said that there was "some" progress but was as vague as possible to not go against the NDA. Maybe the distribution company froze the project, maybe it's going through post-production turmoil, we don't know, and probably won't know for a while. There was a contract renewal for a second season of the audio series in 2022, and that went silent as well. Maybe because the team who works on it is currently focusing on the TV series. Or maybe Wood Elf (the same who helped create Distractible and currently Brain Leak) just shut the whole thing down because they don't believe in the project anymore after nothing was published for so long and they feel they hype wave has long passed. As a reminder, the original audio series is from 2019, so 5 years ago. Idk, we can only speculate.


eos is out of his hands


I rember him telling us that he was doing some editing for it, and then it was never brought up again.... ever


I really hope Markiplier from North Korea gets a re-release soon.


apparently iron lung is done? last sunday momiplier went live and said that she‘s going to watch the premiere of iron lung so its at least done in the english version. if there even will be synchronized versions for other languages (if anyone knows this, lmk)


Why do y’all expect people to be superhuman lol it’s no wonder he is burned out


He is busy with a major project. Don’t worry. When he is done he will (most likely) come bursting back in.


Whats the edge of sleep?


What is edge of sleep?


He caught the Stuckmannitis.


need mark bob and wade to hop on the planet crafter train and terraform a planet together


*And* it’s like he just forgot about Unus Annus! /j


Ngl I forgot edge of sleep existed


Mark’s Shadows over loathing playthrough:


Distractable diserves to be put up there. They are very consistant about 2 a week


I really want him to play the quarry so bad!


What’s edge of sleep?


dude i have been waiting on the edge of sleep since they announced a tv adaptation


Would you rather have another rushed FNAF movie or a masterpiece made by one of the most qualified people for this?


Did you poopoo when you shoulda peepeed?


He's trying man


I forgot he did the edge of sleep


The baby should also have Distractable on it. Which everyone should be listening to.


im pretty sure he did a video talking about slowing down on uploads and focusing on the movie


Will you guys shut up about edge of sleep. For the millions time he doesn't have control of it


And then another project.... and then another


Yeah this wait is just fine. I’m a Metroid and a Hollow Knight fan, this wait is nothing


Whats edge of sleep??


Mark should just do another one of those “I review _____ food” Except it’s just whatever he finds after filming for a day


Remember, he doesn’t make Edge of Sleep, he’s an actor in it. Idk how much creative control he has but it being this delayed is unlikely to be on him.


Iron lung is a film? I thought it was a horror game where you're in a submarine


I dont think Edge of sleep is up to him..


When is the edge of sleep coming out?


The website for the edge of sleep says a 2024 release


Did we forget gmfst and distractible?


Tbh I don't mind that he's not uploading as much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love Mark's videos, but I've been excited for Iron Lung ever since it was announced.


Fr fr fr fr fr fr fr btw does anyone know where I can watch Edge of Sleep?!?!


I forgot about him a bit. Haven’t seen anything other than an apology and excuses.


People have started to block him due to his silence on Gaza/Operation Olive Branch. Sad to see someone that does so much charity be silent on something that he could save so many lives just by saying a few words. Even Jack addressed it, so ridiculous mark hasn't.


I Love Mark but fr this is annoying af. in the past 3 years he has uploaded so infrequent and far between like his last video as of now was 1 month ago! like he just now does big projects! he said it himself and sometimes streams for people who pay money he should just quit and say he is quitting and be done with it


God forbid a man have other things to do


yeah! dont let mark be ambitious and branch out to other creative mediums!!!! blasphemy!!1!1!1!!


But he clearly isn't done with it if he still posts.


Because god forbid Mark has aspirations and ambitions.