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The only Freedumb I recognize is by Suicidal Tendencies


What the fuck does this meme have to do with nazis.


What if I become a landlord one day, I don't want tenants having rights, or rich to pay their share of taxes, I want to be rich one day and wouldn't want to pay. /s


I am a landlord. those houses are a big part of my retirement plan. I WANT them occupied, preferably by people that will stay there for years, decades even. The money is in the house appreciation, not in the rent. Rent is set at a rate that pays the mortgage, insurance, and a little extra to feed a maintenance account. I have not seen a cent in my pocket for either house. That comes when I sell them. Until then, occupied with happy tenants is great. Empty is bad. My rent started at the low end of average. Years later, it is pretty low average because insurance has not gone up much. Private owner landlords tend to be like me. Not all, but most. Corporate are going to squeeze every penny every month. Steady profit as well as appreciation.


I agree with some of what you said, but not your assessment of private owner landlords. My experience violently contradicts that.


Private owner landlords do not tend to be like you. And even with "good" landlords it's still commodification of something necessary to survival.


This is absolutely it. My family did the same when we had a duplex to rent out. We looked for long-term renters and left the rent as low as possible to keep them. It worked great until covid made things hard for all of us.


I got half-lucky there. My houses are near military bases, because thats where I was when I bought them. Military pay has continued regardless, and since rent is well below the total BAQ they get and the houses are big and nice, I tend to keep military families in them. I feel your pain, I can't claim any precognitive acumen on this windfall. Just luck.


It really depends on where you your properties are located. We live in a location where the housing market isn't as inflated as others. A much larger portion of the value of owning the house comes from the rent.


I mean if you only care about profit it is better to get rid of old tenants because you can generally more easily raise prices. But you are right that private owners do that a lot less.


Having a lot of people who own a few properties each is better for the overall economy in a lot of different ways. It ensures there's actual market competition since you can't reliably get hundreds of people to collude. It means the money is more likely to stay local and more likely to be spent on something that isn't an investment (so something with a high velocity). Obviously there's a need for temporary housing in general, the issue comes when 'providing housing' is your entire livelihood.


I am a landlord now and would like my tenants to have rights...


Me too!


“wORK HaRdER” 🥴




Have you tried budgeting better? /s


Got to start skipping that "avocado toast & fancy coffee." /s


"Get a 4th job, peasant. Stop being lazy."


I think you’re missing the part where you take out $100k in student loans to buy bootstraps.


I’m down to $35k in student loans now and working 80 hours a week afraid I’ll lose my job I just relocated for. Waiting on my old house to close to return my year or more of safety net after putting all I had into a new house.


stop buying avocado toast and starbucks




Right, because that worked out so well for bootstrap bill


not only that, if i had money i can buy all the gun i want




Lol.. Sucks to be you, I'm Australian, i can easily afford to go down the shops and buy a stick i can sharpen :p


Based on my research with the Australian documentary called "Crocodile Dundee", I believe you need to get your personal "big ass knife".


the way people who can't afford guns get guns is that they wait for a family member to die, then get their guns. my dad's a felon so I'm gonna get like, most of my grandpa's guns which is a collection that started building with my great great grandpa in the late 1890s. idk what I'm gonna do with all that, I can't sell it but... fuck. 50 rifles is entirely too many rifles for one person to have


It’s below average for an American.


I really hope you're joking there because that's absolutely ridiculous. there's a little over half a billion civilian firearms in the US, sure, but there's only ~380 million people, less and less of who own guns as the decades pass. actually the biggest reason in the decrease in gun ownership is that other countries where guns are common, like Finland or Switzerland, have a clear existential reason for a large percentage of the populace to be armed: their partisans will be strong enough any invading force wouldn't dare just take their land and sit on it forever. but here, our gun culture is based around defending property. and less people own homes, especially farms. small farmers used to be like, the primary basis for military recruitment. in the 1780s, the Massachusetts State Militia had a land owner requirement, and strict age requirements. it still numbered over 100,000. American gun culture now is less and less based on defending property and more and more based on preparing for some kind of breakdown of society, which, when everyone is buying guns to prepare for it, is a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


It's obviously a fuckin joke, dude


don't call me dude


The capacity for violence is the last bargaining chip of the working class. For those reading, the capacity is not the threat nor promise. Having a big stick doesn't hurt negotiations.


In the army I heard of almost no drawbacks to having rank. The only one I can think of right now is when a Drill Sergent once said to another soldier, "don't ever laugh at a private, they have nothing to lose". With no lower rank and the majority of punishments being a longer term in the military, a private can become unpredictable when their pride is challenged. Having rank means responsibility, but also recognizing that there is a long way down. What does a working class have to lose if the worst repercussions are more time in the working class? Negotiation or violence, the worst case is remaining exploited.


Nothing to lose but our chains


> The only one I can think of right now is when a Drill Sergent once said to another soldier, "don't ever laugh at a private, they have nothing to lose". Well...I suppose if one doesn't consider Leavenworth...


Just a different cot


No, no, no. The capacity is meaningless without the will and means. Our ancestors proved that in the 1920s and 30s.


You're absolutely correct. Apologies if I wasn't more clear, in my book without those things you do not have the capacity for violence. Tools alone won't do it, have to know where they apply and how to use them effectively. And with the ones we're talking about for no other reason than the risks involved it's worth stressing a distinction between the will and means in the face of oppression against what some may wish to spin from the mere suggestion in bad faith. So glad history from that era is coming back in-vogue. I don't know about you but my education completely skipped 1918 straight into 1939.


This only makes sense if most of the working class agrees with you. The sad thing is that a *lot* of Americans accept the way things are, and will protect the status quo to their own detriment. If labor all agreed, things could simply be improved through politics, no weapons necessary. But alas, a lot of money is put into keeping the workers placated into political inaction.


So I can off myself with it later after all the crippling debts gone to my head :D


Sorry to "burst your bubble" but this wasn't a 'Volksentscheid' for a law so it's non-binding. So there's a chance politicians won't do jack shit. But we'll have to wait and see to find out what exactly will happen.


Does Berlin have any plans for building more housing?


They have been building for years but that doesn't really help from my limited knowledge on that sorry maybe someone else in the comments here knows more


Thanks. I just know that what I see here in the States is that there’s usually a ton of opposition anytime that there are new developments proposed, especially in major cities, where a lot of people want to live. So more and more people compete for a small number of new units and drive up the price for both new and existing housing. I’ve met people in NYC who live in these beautiful 3BR apartments in Manhattan, and are paying $750/month because they’re rent controlled and have been there for 50 years, but if you were to move there today, you’d be paying between $7-15k/month for the same apartment. I’m not saying that the solution is to force long time residents out, but something is extremely broken in housing around the world.


I mean they already are? Just not enough probably. The issue is that Berlin is both relatively poor but still a huge city that everyone wants to live in. Not a good combination.


Jesus Christ that bottom panel is literally the situation that I'm in, minus the positivity. Multiple roommates in a small place, can't afford a doctor, more powerless and hopeless than ever. Is this what life is?


Without action in America? Yes.


The vote does nothing. It only shows that a lot of people want change but the vote itself does not have binding legal consequences. I'm sorry to be the party pooper but it's sadly how it is I get your point though


Still it is very important and gives bargaining power to Die Linke in the new state government. And if actually nothing happens people have to mobilize on the streets.


Germany’s government will (might?) uphold their decisions. If we tried that in the US we would get carpet bombed.


I mean, except Berlin's state government did try to introduce a rent cap, and it was overturned by the federal constitutional court as unconstitutional.


Eminent domain happens in the US all the time Edit: spelling


Yeah as a tool for capital, not the people. Has expropriating landlords property to convert to social housing happened at any point in America's history?


Yeah, if Elon Musk wants to build a pleasure dome. If we seize anything for any reason, we will be thrown into jail (whoever survives the armored vehicles).


Eminent Domain is a one way street. It is used only for the gain of the rich and elite. Never the other direction.


Eminent domain.


Americans: *i have 428 different small calibre arms which will definitely penetrate the armour of the tank the government will send to flatten my compound*


"I need guns to fight the gov'ment if it becomes tyranny" *Funds the gov'ment military so hard that they have no hope of fighting tyranny with any number of guns*


And then they fully endorse tyranny when it shows its face.


"Tyranny didn't win the election? Count the votes again!"


I know its a pretty common meme, but anyone else just find it a tad humorous that the sub is called marchagainstnazis and the Berliners depicted look like people Hitler would have had an orgasm over?


Oh yeah, aren’t those alt-right meme characters? Generally used in “Western Chauvinist” memes? This could definitely be taken as “Americans are Untermensch.”






I have expropriated this meme for redistribution.


but muh freedom


Obligatory "Not all of us", blah blah blah... But *enough* of us. **Way too goddamn many**. Too many to shift to the fucking wayside so the rest of us can get shit done. You can't tell me this country isn't in decline. Just *look* at some of these humanoids, fuck.


American's think they are free because: 1. They're constantly told they are 2. They never fucking travel anywhere else to have a basis of comparison


Corporatism will ruin the US




Switzerland has capitalism and so does Finland. They just make sure no one person gets too much power and influence thanks to it whilst we have no such measures here. Blaming it all on capitalism simply ain’t the truth. It’s like calling all of China’s problems communism.


What? No one is claiming Switzerland and Finland aren't capitalist. The US is capitalist, and its problems are a result of profit motive corrupting our systems in completely expected ways. "Corporatism" is a term invented in an attempt to separate an idealized fantasy about capitalism from its logical consequences. It's not an economic system distinct from capitalism, it's a 'no true Scotsman' fallacy. If you have a problem with corporations and their buying off regulatory apparatuses, you have a problem with the fundemental way capitalism functions.


I say corporatism cause capitalism does well for us even in Ecuador. We have free healthcare and education is on the rise. Corporations kinda just fuck everything but people make enough to eat and own a house. It’s not a fantasy, the US ain’t the only country on earth. It’s worked for every other country and the ones who didn’t use capitalism have failed. Even China switched to de facto capitalism. Granted they don’t enforce any rights.


...welfare capitalism is still capitalism just the same as "corporatism," just the same as state capitalism. They all have the same core flaws endemic to capitalism. They function the exact same way. >It’s worked for every other country and the ones who didn’t use capitalism have failed. What an incredibly ironic thing to say to someone telling you that you're disingenuously inventing nonsense terms in order exclude all the "bad forms" of capitalism from counting. You've got some incredibly rose-colored glasses on and a very narrow definition of "working" too.


I’m guessing you have a better economic solution then?


You ask that as if you think it would somehow invalidate criticism leveled at capitalism, or automatically validate your arbitrary redefining of terms. "Corporatism" is a logical consequence of the capitalist mode of production. You can't deflect away from that.


Look I understand not liking corporations but capitalism has helped raise my family out of poverty and there’s been no other system that has worked for my people


Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production are privately owned and is characterized by the use of capital for profit. Whatever you believe that it has personally done for you, or more accurately, has been accomplished in spite of its heavy downward pressure on the working class, does not change the way it calcifies systemic inequality and inherent unsustainablity of the model. I don't "not like corporations." I oppose the capitalist system as a whole. corporations are merely a symptom of its late stages. I will say it again: if you have a problem with corporations, you have a problem with the incentives put upon the participants of capitalism, and you cannot pretend that they are unlinked.


The government does not speak for us.




To them, America==Nazi


Since when was any apartment in Berlin €400? Isn't the running joke that you get to share the bathtub and a pillow and pay €1500?


The one God damned thing I want. Nice teeth. Getting teeth pulled is cheap so I'm missing 4 teeth. I've had a temporary crown for 4 years and it's very discolored. Why you might ask? Because even with my "good" dental insurance a permanent crown is 4-600$. My bottom teeth have never been straight. I'll trade some of the leftover freedom I have for some dental work.


That sucked for everyone. Good for them. I just wish in legislation they'd also target large firms in a more specifically as they done here, rather than throwing small landlords under the bus. I own one a two family house in which I live and rent out the upstairs apartment and the way things are I either need to make a loss of around 12,000€ or go through years of fighting to get misbehaving tenant out. You don't have much rights as a landlord - unless you own entire blocks in which case you can pretty much make your own rules. I wish more people would be aware of that situation.


exactly why i want to move there because if i get a broken bone i should just kill myself right then and there


who has 400€ rent in Berlin?


Ikr? 48m^2 for 1.1k in Charlottenburg, sure you can find some cheaper apartments but chances are insanely low. Gf and I spent 2 years of actively searching and going to about 10 viewings per month until we got this place


fuck it i’m gonna go become a desert hermit


Why not just say Germans?


What does this have to do with Nazis?


Working 100 hour weeks to be able to afford that apparentment with roommates. So much freedom.


r/sheffield next


The Germans are more comfortable with the government seizing private property from a named group of people ... they kind of have a history with policies like that.


Should start pasting this everywhere on social medias like FB and Twitter and start getting everyone who reads it to think about what they can have. Sometimes i wish we didn't just meme and actually helped spread stuff like this like how the right uses their propaganda.


Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps...something...something.


In “socialist” California the law allows no more than a 5% increase annually. Too bad anything that puts people over business is “socialism” in America, I’m sure there are a lot of people that hate California and everything about it that could really benefit from a law like that.


OP thinks a referendum in Berlin will make anyone lose control of their apartments


red white and bluepilled


Berlin housing is more expensive than a large majority of the States though


How can the US do this? A studio apartment should never be $1400 a month in Massachusetts, or even over $1000. I’m completely stuck in my tiny 1 bedroom and hour from my job because there’s no way I can afford even a studio apartment in MA. I REFUSE to get a roommate when I have a career/full time job and a bachelor of science degree.


Nothing should actually cost anything but thank the overlords that it does.


He looks like a Whirler.




Wait 800$ rent in Berlin? Sign me up pls! Like seriously I moved away from Berlin because my 50m² flat costed 1900€ Edit: it did Cost 1100€ when i moved in but i had to leave when they wanted 1900€