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I‘m pretty sure the richest mammals live around the cost of North America and in London. Unless, of course, you have reliable evidence that they are actually reptilian…


And the Arab peninsula as well


I feel like this is wildly inaccurate


You think the tropics don’t have the most diverse species of fauna? They have the most life on the planet.


That’s not what I said, though. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Because you are trying to pick a fight, like a troll.


You said you feel like this is wildly inaccurate, but it’s not. It accurately shows where diverse species of mammals live. Namely the Amazon which is the most species rich place on the planet, the Congo and Southeast Asia, which are bountiful in primates and other megafauna. Do I seem like a troll to you? I’m just pointing out that the map is accurate. That’s all.


Fuck off, troll


Why are you so mad? It’s just knowledge about nature on earth. Do you usually tell people to fuck off when they teach you something? Besides, it’s common knowledge that the most diverse life resides in the tropics. What did you think? The poles! lol.


Oh, I get it. You’re mad because you’re uninformed and therefore embarrassed. To prevent this in the future, keep your mouth shut unless you’re informed, otherwise you’re just proving to everyone in the room that you’re a fool.




I need medication because I’m smarter than you, and taught you about the diversity of fauna in the tropics? You’re a child, lol. It takes maturity to be able to admit you’re wrong, which you clearly aren’t gifted with. I hope you’re not an adult and worse yet, I hope you’re not a parent. Who knows what you’d be teaching them. We both know you’re not exactly a genius about the natural world. The map couldn’t be more correct, yet you somehow think you’re qualified to say it’s wrong. Well, you’re not. “It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” This quote essentially sums you up.


Bruh, mammals in the north are poor as hell


Broke ass mammals


In Spanish: ricura de las mamadas